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Silangkan salah satu huruf A, B, C, D dan E pada jawaban yang kamu

anggap benar pada lembar jawaban yang telah tersedia.
Tanggal :


A. MULTIPLE CHOICE a. Do exercise

b. Eat raw food
Text for number 1-5! c. Don’t eat a food
Dear Amy, d. Drink mineral water
First of all, thank you for writing me this letter. I am sorry after e. Make a friend
hearing about your problems. Maybe I can give you some
advice and things will get better soon. Text for number 6-10!
Your first problem is about your weight. Besides heaving a
healthy diet, I suggest that you could try to do some healthy Dear Ivan
exercises, such as playing ball games and swimming. It is a How are you? Hope everything is okay with you. I’m all right
good way to keep fit and healthy. If you keep on doing these, I here.
am sure you will become slimmer and healthier. Besides you We are going to have the national examination, aren’t we? Are
should not mind your own appearance a lot. Everyone has you well prepared for it? Well, to be honest, I just have some
different appearances and you should tell your friends about difficulties in preparing for it, especially in science. There are
this. I am sure they will be friendly to you again. extra lessons in my school and I take them all. But I fell that
Your next problem is about your English school work. I think they don’t help. I’m still confused in solving mathematics
you are afraid of learning English so you get low marks in problems.
English tests. I suggest that you could give yourself more I’m just worried that I fail the national examination. Do you
chances to listen to and learn English, such as watching TV have any suggestion for me? I really appreciate your help.
programmers in English. It is not a problem if you don’t know I look forward to hearing from you.
the meaning of the words. If you keep on watching them, you
will have great improvement in English. Your buddy
Your last problem is about your relationship with your parents.
I suggest that you could enjoy your holiday with your parents, Fahri
such as having lunch with them on Sunday. This kind of
activities can fix your relationship with your parents. I also 6. What does the letter tell us about?
suggest that you should share your feelings and worries to your a. Asking for a friend to each mathematics
parents, maybe they can give you some good ideas. Hope my b. Giving a solution to a friend
advices works. Write to me again if you have further problems. c. Preparing for the national examination
d. Having extra lesson at school
Yours truly, e. Asking for a friend’s suggestion to solve a
John Chan 7. Why Fahri worried that he may fail the national
1. What kind of expression mostly used in the text a. There are extra lessons at Fahri’s school
above? b. He appreciated Ivan’s help
a. Advice c. He will have the national examination soon
b. Asking help d. His friends are all well prepared
c. Invitation e. He is confused in solving mathematics problem
d. Compliment 8. “I’m still confusedin solving mathematic problems.”
e. Congratulation The underlined word means….
2. How many problems posed by John Chan? a. unable to think clearly
a. 1 d. 4 b. unable to perform well
b. 2 e. 5 c. unable to behave politely
c. 3
3. What is John Chan’s suggestion in relation with
Amy’s relationship with her parents? d. unable to speak fluently
a. Take a vacation e. unable to read quickly
b. Take a counseling 9. “I’m just worried that I failthe national examination.”
c. Watch TV The antonym of the underlined word is ….
d. Let it go a. Escape d. Reach
e. Make it problem b. Predict e. Underestimate
c. Success
10. What is the topic of the letter above?
4. What is the reason of Amy’s low score in English? a. Asking solution for mathematical problem
a. She is afraid of learning English b. Went to hospital
b. She is stupid c. The doctor recipe
c. She doesn’t know English d. In hospital
d. She hates English e. Sickness
e. She prefers Math 11. I will follow you …. You go.
5. What is John’s advice in relation with Amy’s weight? a. because d. wherever
b. but e. case B. As E. Since
c. although C. Neither
12. …. I was walking on the street, the accident happened. 25. I prefer driving ..... I am afraid of flying.
a. While d. unless A. Before D. After
b. When e. otherwise B. In order to E. So that
13. I can’t go further …. the street congestion. C. Because
a. because d. otherwise
b. because of e. whereas For questions No. 26 – 28!
c. although
14. Rita still got the bad mark…. she learns hard. A natural disaster is a terrible accident, e.g. a great flood, a big
a. although d. and fire or an earthquake. It usually causes great suffering and loss
b. because e. whenever of a large sum of money. The casualties are injured or died.
c. but Some people are homeless and need medical care.
15. The electricity will be cut down …. Jaka pays his bill. Floods occur when the water of rivers, lakes, or streams
a. whereas d. unless overflow their banks and pour onto the surrounding land.
b. because e. and Floods are caused by many different things. Often heavy
c. although rainstorms that last for a brief can cause a flood. But not all
16. She has decided to move to Portland …. there are heavy storms are followed by flooding. If the surrounding land
more opportunities for employment in that city. is flat and can absorb the water, no flooding will occur. If,
a. because d. as long as however, the land is hard and rocky, heavy rain cannot be
b. wherever e. whenever absorbed. Where the banks are low, a river may overflow and
c. if flood adjacent lowland.
17. You can borrow my car …. you agree to be very In many part of the world flood are caused by tropical storms
careful with it. called hurricanes or typhoons. They bring destructive winds of
a. because d. if high speed, torrents of rain, and flooding. When a flood occurs,
b. wherever e. as long as the destruction to surrounding land can be severe. Whole
c. whenever villages and towns are sometimes swept away by water pouring
18. They’ll have a good com harvest this year …. It rains a swiftly over the land. Railroad track blocked and uprooted from
lot and prevents them from harvesting their crops. their beds. Highways are washed away.
a. unless d. if When a building caught fire, the firemen pitched in to help
b. whereas e. so battle the blaze. Before the pumps were invented, people
c. but formed bucket brigades to fight fires. Standing side by side,
19. Our neighbor is going to buy a gun …. she can protect they formed a human chain from the fire to nearby well or
herself from intruders who break into her apartment. river. They passed buckets of water from to hand to be poured
a. so that d. go on the flames.
b. due to e. over The damage of the fire did depend a great deal on where it
c. because happened. In the country or a small village, only a single house
20. …. he can save a lot of money by taking the bus, Russ might burn down. But in crowded cities, fire often destroyed
still drivers his car into the city every day. whole blocks and neighborhoods before being controlled.

a. Although d. Mark 26. What can possibly prevent rivers and lakes from
b. So e. And overflowing?
c. So that A. An absorbent bed.
21. The heat causes deeper water to boil much more B. A rocky surrounding
violently. C. A low land.
The heat creates jets of steam and fountains of hot D. A high road
water. E. A high road
----------------- 27. We know from the text that .....
The appropriate conjunction to combine the sentences A. River can sweep heavy flood
is ..... B. People can make money from flood
A. but D. either C. The destruction by flood is always less severe
B. and E. unless D. Water flood is absorbed by land
C. so that E. Typhoons caused heavy flood
22. Read the following sentences. 28. We know from the text that .....
Many species of wildlife are becoming extinct, A. The pump is the only tool used by fire fighters now
__________ the rain forests are being destroyed B. The pump helps people to fight fires more
A. therefore D. consequently efficiently
B. since E. as a result C. Fires in big cities are always very big
C. so D. People no longer use buckets to control fire
23. I love living in Australia ..... the weather. E. Only firemen can control fires in crowded cities
A. Because D. Since
B. As E. Because of For questions No. 29 – 31!
C. Due
24. “He got to work really, really late “Cos he missed his
train”. Which cause and effect word is ‘Cos short for?
A. Due to D. Because
There’s a place in your heart E. Because of Anna’s book
And I know that it is love 34. I love living in Australia .... the weather.
And this place could be much A. Because D. Since
Brighter than tomorrow B. As E. Because of
C. Due
And if you really try 35. I prefer driving .... I am afraid of flying.
You’ll find there’s no need to cry
A. Before D. After
In this place you’ll feel
There’s no hurt or sorrow B. In order to E. So that
C. Because
There are ways to get there
If you care enough for the living B. ESSAY
Make a little space Complete the dialogue with the right answer in the box
Make a better place Desi: “Hi, Udin, I…. (1) Shoes yesterday. What do you
think about them?”
Heal the world, make a better place Udin: “I…. (2) they are beautiful red shoes.”
For you and for me, and the entire human race Desi: “Are you sure, Udin?”
There are people dying Udin: “Yes, of course. Do you …. (3) red color?”
If you care enough for the living Desi: “Yes, I like it.”
Make it a better place, for you and for me Udin: “I think that color matches for you.”
..... Desi: “Thank you, Udin.”
Udin: “Okay, you …. (4) Welcome.”
29. The main idea of the song lyric above is .....
Desi: “See you tomorrow, Udin.”
A. love and hurt D. love and peace
B. pain and peace E. love and sorrow
Udin: “…. (5).”
C. peace and harm
30. Language features of the song lyric “Heal the World” a. Are.
can classied into ..... b. Bought.
A. noun, verb, present tense, future tense, c. See you.
imperative, adjective d. Like.
B. verb, present tense, future tense, imperative, e. Think.
C. present tense, imperative, adjective
D. verb, present tense, imperative, adjective
E. future tense, imperative, adjective
31. The singer of this song is ....
A. Alan Walker
B. Charlie Puth
C. Jason Mraz
D. Michael Jackson
E. Taylor Swift
Read the dialog below. And answer the following
Anna : Hey, can I get my book back, please? The one that you
borrowed from me last week? I need it.
Bryan : Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot to bring it because of my little
brother. He made such a fuss this morning. Thanks to the new
nanny who could finally handle him.
Anna : It's ok. Can you bring it back tomorrow? I need to read
that book due to my assignments.
Bryan : Sure. I’ll bring it tomorrow.
32. From the dialogue, we know that ....
A. Bryan need Anna’s book for his assignments
B. Anna made such a fuss this morning
C. Bryan little brother need to read Anna’s book
D. Bryan borrow the book for tomorrow
E. Bryan borrowed Anna’s book but he forgot to
bring it
33. Why did Bryan forget to bring Anna’s book?
A. Because of his little brother made such a fuss
B. Because the new Nanny read that book
C. Because of the new Nanny
D. Because his little brother made such a fuss

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