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In mathematics, particularly in the context of differential equations, operators are classified based on

whether they are local or non-local. Here's the difference:

1. **Local Operators**: These operators only depend on the function and its derivatives at a single point
or within a small neighborhood of that point. Examples include the traditional differential operators like
the ordinary derivatives in calculus, such as d/dx, ∇² (Laplacian), and partial derivatives in partial
differential equations. Local operators capture the local behavior of a function and its derivatives.

2. **Non-local Operators**: These operators depend on the function and its derivatives at multiple
points or over a region of the domain, not just at a single point or within a small neighborhood.
Fractional derivatives are a classic example of non-local operators. They involve an integral over an
interval rather than evaluating a function at a single point. Integral transforms like the Fourier transform
and fractional Laplacian are also non-local operators because they involve integrating over the entire
domain or a significant portion of it.

The distinction between local and non-local operators is important because it affects the behavior of the
equations they are involved in. Non-local operators often introduce memory effects, long-range
interactions, and other complex behaviors that cannot be captured by local operators alone. As a result,
equations involving non-local operators may exhibit different qualitative properties and require different
solution techniques compared to equations with only local operators.

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