PM-ANALYZE Archiving - en

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SIMATIC Benefits for WW - Part 2: Archiving with PM-ANALYZE

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SIMATIC Benefits for WW - Part 2: Archiving with PM-ANALYZE

Hans-Jürgen Burath

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© Siemens 2022

Subject to changes and errors. The information given in this document

only contains general descriptions and/or performance features which
may not always specifically reflect those described, or which may
undergo modification in the course of further development of the
products. The requested performance features are binding only when
they are expressly agreed upon in the concluded contract.

All product designations may be trademarks or other rights of

Siemens AG, its affiliated companies or other companies whose use by
third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the
respective owner.

• Part 1:
• PM-ANALYZE archiving architecture
• Introduction of PM-ANALYZE archive types
• Alarms, Process values, contexts, aggregations, datasets with live demos

• Short break (5min)

• Part 2:
• Hands-on

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• Archiving and analysis of process data from

• WinCC V7, PCS 7, WinCC Professional / Advanced / Comfort,
• Event log of the operating system,
PM-CONTROL • Third party via OPC DA/UA and file import

PM-QUALITY PM-ANALYZE • Archiving, display and analysis of alarms

• Even from multiple different systems in the correct time sequence
• Process value archives with flexible
calculation and aggregation functions
• Comfortable trend and alarm viewer
• As stand-alone application in the office
• Integrated in HMI screens

• Report generation with Microsoft Excel

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Installation scenarios

For released SIMATIC WinCC and operating systems please refer to the latest release notes.

Client Client
(Without WinCC) (With WinCC Client)

Single station

WinCC Server

Single station Multiuser system

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Installation scenarios

*Installation on a separate server without WinCC requires a Microsoft SQL Server 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019 (32/64) installation.

Client Server
(With/Without (Without WinCC) *
WinCC Client)

PM-AGENT Unified

Third Party

WinCC Comfort/Unified

Distributed System

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System architecture

Reporting and analysis

PM-SERVER (Connectivity, Calculations, Archives etc.)

File Import Station(s) (.csv/.rdb) OPC DA Station(s) OPC UA Station(s) PM-AGENT Unified Station(s) MQTT Station(s)

Online Tags
Online Tags Tag Archive
Alarm Archive
Online Tags

Alarm Archive
Tag Archive

HMI: SCADA: Single Station up to redundant systems DCS:

with multiple clients Third Party
(WinCC Compact, Advanced) (WinCC 7, WinCC Professional, WinCC Unified) PCS 7

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PM-ANALYZE archiving architecture in detail

Tags (Agent) Write back

Calculation Engine
Tags (OPC) Runtime tag
Tags (MQTT)
Dead band
Tags (file import) Scaling Last (latest) value

Input Forms

Tag archives Aggregation

Tag archive Engine
Tag archives
(file import) Compression

{Rest} API
Alarm archive
Alarms (Agent)
Management Database API
(file import) Filtering Storage Management
Column mapping

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Basic archive settings

• The archive holds alarms and tags together for the

configured history
• The archive can be organized as a cyclic buffer or
• The size and number of configured periods
(aka segments) defines the length/depth of the
available historical data
• The archive consist of a master database holding
the configuration and several period databases
(segments) depending on the configuration

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Archive types in PM-SERVER

• Alarm archives
• Process value archives
• Context archives
• Dataset archives

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Alarm archives

• Alarm archives consolidate messages from multiple stations into consistent views for
• Viewing, filtering and reporting
• Analysis (frequency, volume, duration, flickering analysis)
• Alarm archives can hold messages from
• WinCC (V7, Prof, Unified PC, PCS 7) alarm logging via PM-AGENT Unified
• Imported files from WinCC Advanced RT, Comfort/Unified Panels
• BRAUMAT / SISTAR Message and Changelog files
• Third party sources e.g., Windows Event log

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Alarm archives

• Multiple alarm archives can be defined inside the PM-

SERVER archive e.g.
• Operator input messages
• Process alarms
• …

• Each alarm archives has its own filter that defines which
alarms from which stations shall be entered into the

• A mapping mechanism is used to map the column values

of the message to the format of the archive.
• This allows messages coming from different stations to
be displayed together in the correct chronological order

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Alarm archives

• Alarm archives are created via a wizard in 4

simple steps:
• The alarm archive needs a unique name
• The alarm archive has a filter which stations
shall contribute alarms (can be adjusted later)
• The relevant columns can be taken from the
most relevant contributing station
(can be adjusted later)
• The archive is immediately active and can be
used for analysis etc.

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Alarm analysis

• Frequency analysis – Number of alarms by number of occurrences

(location clustering)

• Volume analysis – Number of alarms with a specific time period, split into multiple sub intervals
(period clustering)

• Flickering analysis – Identification of alarms that are occurring in bursts

• Duration analysis – Total duration how long a specific device was failing within a given analysis period

• Display either as a separate client application or integrated in WinCC

• Direct transfer of analysis results to Microsoft Excel

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Frequency analysis: Identify location-based clusters

• Calculation of the most frequent alarms in the selected time frame

• Grouping functionality
• Ordering of analysis result by arbitrary alarm columns e.g.
• Alarm source
• (technological Top x analysis)
• Alarm number
• (classical top x analysis)
• ...
• Also over multiple columns
• Ranking according to relevance

• Ideal basis for Pivot-Diagrams

in Microsoft Excel

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Volume analysis: Identify time-based clusters

• Analysis of all alarms in a time frame that is split into several sub intervals
• Available interval settings are hour, day, week, month, year
(e.g., a complete month split into individual days)

• Grouping functions
• Ordering of analysis results by
column content (e.g., source)

• Optional filling of empty intervals for

optimized pivot chart display
in Microsoft Excel

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Flickering analysis: Identify bursts

• Identification of possible flicker alarms (bursts), that

occur with a high frequency sporadically in short

• Configurable threshold

• Analysis of alarm archive in

configurable time range

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Alarm archives in PM-SERVER

• Alarm archives consolidate messages from multiple

sources (stations) into consistent views for
analysis, reports, the Microsoft Excel Plugin and
custom applications
• E.g., the alarms from a WinCC system combined
with the windows event log
• E.g., the operator input messages combined with
the windows security log
• …

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Alarm archives in PM-SERVER

• Alarm archives are accessible

externally via documented database
views and REST APIs
• More information on this in the
webinar “SIMATIC Benefits for
W&WW - Part 3: Analysis and
Reporting with PM-ANALYZE” on

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Process value archives

• Process value archives hold analog, text, datetime or status values (states) that are collected
• From online tags upon change detected from a station
• Via the PM-AGENT Unified from WinCC (V7, Prof, Unified PC)
• Via OPC UA, MQTT or via file import
• From calculation results that are producing new online tags
• Tag logging values from a WinCC (V7, Prof, Unified PC) project
• Imported files from Advanced RT, Comfort Panels, SieNaut tag archive, SISTAR trends or third party
• Inputs from manual input forms
• Aggregation results (e.g., daily min/max/average values etc.)
• Recorded datasets

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Process values archive trends

Archived can be displayed with a standalone client application

or as a Control within the HMI of WinCC V7, Prof. RT,
Advanced RT, PCS 7 (WinCC Unified in preparation)
• Various trend displays
• Area
• Bars, Columns
• Doughnut, Pie
• Line, Step line, Points
• Spline, Spline area
• Aggregation of process values in the display
(Min, Max, Avg, Sum, First, Last, Count)
• Various aggregation intervals within the display

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Process values archive trends

• To compare value series the display types

Doughnut, Pie, Radar, Pyramid und Funnel
are available

Within these diagrams the aggregated values

(Sum, average etc.) of the time series are
available for comparison

• Which data series are to be compared in one

diagram is defined by the assignment to one
of the five aggregation containers

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Process values archive trends

• The PM-ANALYZE display can be

customized in many ways to match
the design of the surrounding
WinCC project and thus fits
seamlessly into the user interface.

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• Several charts can be

combined into recallable
• Switching between
workspaces is simply done
by setting the property of the
control when embedded into
a screen

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Manual input forms engineering

• Central definition of manual input forms

• Definition of the input cycle (e.g., daily)
• Definition of the values that are to be entered
• Individual values can be defined as mandatory fields
• Optional definition of input limits
• Optional presetting of the fields with default values

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Manual input forms operator UI

• Graphical user interface for entering

manual / laboratory data

• Clear display of all defined forms and access

to pending and completed forms

• Completion of the respective form only

possible if all mandatory fields have been
filled in and all limit values have been met

• Archiving of the entered values in process

value archives

• Easy integration into the user interface of

HMI / SCADA systems

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Data aggregation

• Aggregations describe the compression of a set of values by a calculation formula

• Example: A series of raw tag readings is aggregated to an hourly average.

• Aggregations are hierarchical, possibly over multiple levels

• Example:
A set of raw readings is used to generate hourly averages,
The hourly averages are used to calculate daily averages,
The daily averages are used to calculate monthly averages,
The monthly averages are used to calculate yearly averages

• Modifications in a lower level trigger a recalculation of the levels above

• Historical readings can be imported and aggregated retrospectively
• Example: Replacement of legacy systems while preserving historical values

• Aggregations prepare data for transfer to higher level systems (e.g. a central PM-ANALYZE system)
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Data aggregation (e.g. Min/Max/Avg)






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Data aggregation engineering

• Aggregations are defined by Aggregation Schemas

• The schema defines the aggregation intervals
• E.g., Hour, Day, Month, Year
• Each level creates a new process value archive for the
generated target values
• The source values are always preserved
• Each level defines its own aggregation algorithm
• Outputs from the source level are inputs for the target
• Any level below (back to the raw source data) may
be used as a source
• Source data to be aggregated is added via Drag&Drop
Historical source data can be re-aggregated back to a
configurable point in time

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Context archives

• A context consists of
• Start timestamp
• End timestamp
• Value for the period described by Start to End
• End timestamp always empty for current context
• A context begins with the first occurrence of a new
text value in the context tag
• A context ends if the text value in the context tag
• becomes empty
• or changes to a different text value
• (starting a new context timeframe)
• Any text tag can be archived in order to define context
time frames
• Simplifies the time range selection by context

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Dataset archives

• Event datasets are defined by

a set of tags of any type that
should be archived together
based on a trigger event

• Available trigger types:

• Rule (e.g., TriggerValue <> 0)
• State model transition (e.g., the status of a basin changes to “overflow”)
• Begin and/or end of context (e.g., every time a user logs on or off)
• Schedule (any defined schedule like daily, weekly, shift, etc.)

• Multiple triggers can by combined (“or” linkage) as needed (e.g., TriggerValue <> 0 OR State = Overflow)
• Event datasets can also be automatically imported from text files for third party integration

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Fast data recording for S7 1500 (down to 1ms)


Telegram Receiver File ANALYZE



data block

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Fast data recording for S7 1500 (down to 1ms)

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Ordering information

• Scalable from simple up to complex plant topologies :

• Basic installation (One server with integrated client and local PM-AGENT Unified)

• Server: 9AE7 112-1SS01-1AA0

• Additional client workplace

• Client: 9AE7 112-4SC01-1AA0

• Connection to additional systems (WinCC, PCS 7, WinCC RT Prof.)

• PM-AGENT Unified 9AE7 117-2SS01-1AA0

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Hands-on #1 (5Min)

• Start your VM from the received invitation link and follow the
steps in the video “StartVM.mp4” to start the PLC simulation
and activate the WinCC Project.

• You can log in to WinCC with

• User: Administrator
• Password: siemens

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Hands-on #2 (5min)

• Create an alarm archive in PM-ANALYZE called “Audit Trail”

• The archive shall only hold messages
• from the station named “WinCC75” and
• with the number 12508141
(the number for the operator input message)

• Make sure you are logged in in WinCC as

• User: Administrator
• Password: siemens

• Change one of the limits of the analog readings

• Open the PM-ANALYZE Client, switch to the “Audit Trail”
archive, set the time range to “Last Month” and save the
workspace under the name “Audit Trail”

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Hands-on #2 (5min)

• Open the PM-ANALYZE Client, switch to the “Audit Trail” archive, set the time range to “Last Month” and save
the workspace under the name “Audit Trail”
• Inspect the settings of the alarm archive called “Security Log” that combines the windows event with the
operator input messages from WinCC

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Hands-on #3 (10min)

• Create two manual input tags

• “Demo_Temperature” type Floating point 64 Bit,
• “Demo_Weather” type State Model, Weather

• Add these two new tags to the process value

archive called “Manual”

• Create a new Manual Input Form named “Demo”

and use a simplified cycle of 1 day and allow
acyclic form input

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Hands-on #3 (10min)

• Add the new archive tags to the form

• Configure the “mandatory”, “limit value” and

“default” according to your own preferences

• Check your form in the WinCC runtime

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Hands-on #4 (20min)

• Create a new Event Dataset called

“WasteWaterSamples”, use a “Rule” type trigger
and use the tag “take_wastewater_sample” as the
• Set the Condition to <> 0 and name your trigger
“Manual Sample”

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Hands-on #4 (20min)

• Add the following tags to the dataset:

(Using the tag filter as shown help to locate them)

• Set all tags to “Active” (use the context menu to

activate all at once) and save your settings

• Trigger a view samples from the “Final clarifier”

screen in the “WasteWaterPlant” area in the
WinCC runtime by clicking the “Sample” button.

• Check the results in the tab “Recorded Entries” of

the event dataset archive in PM-SERVER. You
can also use the individual readings from the
“Datasets” archive.
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Congratulations: You made it!

Any questions?
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Issuer: Siemens AG
WinCC Competence Center Mannheim

Phone: +49 621 1723 1010


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