Sacrament Reviewers

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1.Holy Eucharist Liturgical Year The Liturgical Year

• The Liturgical year is a cycle of seasons

repeating itself at the end of each cycle.
The Liturgical year
• The Church year or cycle begins with
• The notion of time helps us celebrate life
Advent and ends with ordinary time.
by marking and recalling the important
dates and events in our lives.

Ex: Birthdays, anniversaries, graduations,


• Time has an important place in our

spiritual life:

• It helps us reconnect with God.

• There are two types of time:

• Chronos and Kairos

• Chronos is the time we measure. Ex:

hours, days, weeks, minutes
• The Church calendar or Church year
• Kairos is the Lord's time. It is God's special begins with the Holy season of Advent.
time. Kairos reveals his will for our lives.
• The Church year begins in late November
• The Liturgical year or Church calendar or Early December.
helps us celebrate the life, death and
• Four weeks prior to December 25.
resurrection of Jesus.

• This is called the paschal mystery.

• The word liturgical comes from the Greek
word liturgia.
The Liturgical Cycle
• Liturgy meant "Public Works"
• The Paschal mystery is celebrated through
• In Church language liturgy is the public
specific seasons.
worship given to God.
• There are five specific seasons in the
• I.E. Mass and sacraments.
Church's calendar: Advent, Christmas,
Ordinary Time, Lent and Easter.

• Each season in the Liturgical calendar has

a particular theme.
• Each season has a particular liturgical
from Monday after the Sunday following
January 6 until Tuesday before Ash
• Each season concentrates on different Wednesday; cf. GNLYC 43-44.
parts of the Bible.

• Each season has different religious

practices, and symbols.
from Ash Wednesday until the Mass of the
Lord's Supper exclusive; the importance of
Holy Week; cf. GNLYC 27-31.


the fifty days from Easter

Sunday to Pentecost which are

"celebrated in exultation as one feast day,

or better as one great Sunday"; the octave
of Easter; cf. GNLYC 22-26.

To sum it all, the Liturgical Year is divided


ADVENT A - dvent

from evening prayer 1 of the first Sunday of C - hristmas

Advent until before the evening prayer 1 of
O - rdinary Time I
Christmas; cf. aNLYC 39-42.
L - ent
P - aschal Triduum
from evening prayer 1 of Christmas until
Sunday after Epiphany or after January 6 E - aster Time
inclusive; the octave of Christmas; cf. GNLYC O - rdinary Time II
solemn festival of Easter. Within the cycle of
a year, moreover, the Church unfolds the
whole mystery of Christ, from his
incarnation and birth until his ascension,
the day of Pentecost, and the expectation
of blessed hope and of the Lord's return"
SC, 102


the memorial celebration of Christ's saving The daily cycle refers to the liturgy of the
work during the course of a particular hours whereby Christ and his paschal
calendar year mystery are encountered in the course of
day and night through the chanting of
In the course of the liturgical year the
psalms, readings, and intercessions. Lauds
whole mystery of Christ is, as it were,
and vespers are the axis around which the
unfolded. But since every aspect of elists to
day of the Christian revolves.
stereath and resurrection, what
predominates the liturgical year is his The yearly cycle of feasts. Though the yearly
paschal mystery. cycle centers on Easter, it also
commemorates the other events in Christ's
The term liturgical year entered the active
life and mission in the course of the year.
vocabulary of the Church only in 1841 when
the Benedictine Abbot Prosper Guéranger These are the yearly celebration of the
of Solesmes popularized it. The early solemnities and feasts of the Lord.
medieval term for it was ordo anni circuli,
Foremost among them are Christmas and
the order of the yearly cycle.
the sending of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost.
"The liturgical year is Christ himself who
The yearly cycle includes also the seasons
lives on in the Church"
of Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter as
Pope Pius XII Mediator Dei, 39 well as the Ordinary Time which, especially
on Sundays, unfolds in the gospel readings
The paschal mystery of Christ is present in
the mystery of Christ in all its aspects.
its entirety and is experienced by the
Church in every passing year. Odo Casel The Easter and the Other Feasts. In the course
Mystery of Christian Worship of the liturgical year the whole mystery of
Christ is unfolded. But since every aspect of
"Every week, on the day which the Church
Christ's mystery relates to his death and
has called the Lord's Day, it keeps the
resurrection, what predominates the
memory of the Lord's resurrection, which it
liturgical year is his paschal mystery. In this
also celebrates once in the year, together
sense, when the Church celebrates
with his blessed passion, in the most
Christmas, it points to the ultimate aim and
completion of the mystery of Christ's birth, celebrating their passage from earth to
namely his death and resurrection. heaven the Church proclaims the paschal
mystery achieved in the saints". SC, 103
Mary and the Saints in the
"By recalling the mysteries of redemption,
the Church opens to the faithful the riches
of the Lord's powers and merits, so that
these are in some way made present in
every age in order that the faithful may lay
hold on them and be filled with saving
grace" SC, 102

liturgical year

"In celebrating the annual cycle of

Christ's mysteries, the Church honors with

special love Mary, the mother of God, who "Each day is made holy through the
is joined by an inseparable bond to the liturgical celebrations of the people of God,
saving work of her Son.” MARY points to her especially through the Eucharistic sacrifice
son. and the divine office" GNLY, 3

When the Church celebrates Mary: "The liturgical day runs from midnight to
midnight, but the observance of Sunday
1. Proclaims Mary's role in Christ's saving
and solemnities begins with the evening of
the preceding day."
2. Contemplates and proclaims the full
aspect of her Son's work of redemption.
3. Mirrors what the Church hopes for.
Marian feasts are all rooted in Mary's being
the mother of God. It is her principal title Obligatory,
from which all her special privileges, like
Immaculate Conception and Assumption
into heaven, are derived. When the Church Feast of Saints
celebrates Mary, it celebrates in reality the
"By celebrating their passage from earth to
mystery of Christ to which she was
heaven the Church proclaims the paschal
inseparably bound.
mystery achieved in the saints".
"The Church has also included in the annual
When the Church celebrates the saints, it
cycle days devoted to the memory of the
proclaims that the death and resurrection
martyrs and the other saints... By
of Christ have taken full effect in their lives. octave of Christmas Weekdays of Lent

Weekdays 10. Obligatory memorials in the general

According to degree of importance: Ash
Wednesday and from Holy Monday to Holy 11. Proper obligatory memorials
Thursday inclusive; weekdays in Advent
12. Optional memorials, as described in the
from December 17 to 24, and all weekdays
instructions indicated for the Mass and
of Lent; cf. GNLYC 16.
office, may be observed even on the days in
TRIDUUM from the evening Mass of the no. 9. In the same manner obligatory
Lord's Supper to the evening prayer on memorials may be celebrated as optional
Easter Sunday, with the Easter Vigil as its memorials if they happen to fall on the
high point; of. GNLYC 18-21). Lenten weekdays.


1. Easter triduum of the Lord's passion and 13. Weekdays of Advent up to December 16
resurrection inclusive Weekdays of the Christmas season
from January 2 until the Saturday after
2. Christmas, Epiphany, Ascension, and
Epiphany Weekdays of the Easter season
Pentecost, Sundays of Advent, Lent, and the
from Monday after the octave of Easter
season of Easter Ash Wednesday Weekdays
until the Saturday before Pentecost
of the Holy Week, Monday to Thursday
inclusive Weekdays in ordinary time
inclusive Days within the octave of Easter
How the liturgical year is celebrated.
3. Solemnities of the Lord, the Blessed
Virgin Mary, saints listed in the general Recalling the mysteries of redemption, the
calendar and All Souls' Day Church opens to the faithful the riches of
the Lord's powers and merits, so that these
4. Proper solemnities
are in some way made present in every age
5. Feasts of the Lord in the general calendar in order that the faithful hold on them and
be filled with saving grace".
6. Sundays of the Christmas season and
Sundays in ordinary time

7. Feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary and of

the saints in the general calendar

8. Proper feasts

9.Weekdays of Advent from December 17

to December 24 inclusive Days within the
rubrics' - what the priest does around the
altar in the ceremonial worship.

3. Scripture


bk of Leviticus - the worship of Yahweh


Lk 1.23 ritual and priestly duty (Zechariah)

Acts 13.32 Worship of the Lord

Briefly, then, what is the liturgical year?
Rom 13.16 Work or material service

Rom 15.16 Preaching the Good News

It is none other than Christ himself who
walks among us in the course of the year as 2 Cor 9.12 Service to others
we journey in exodus toward the kingdom.
Heb 8.2 Christ's sacrificial or priestly
It is a retelling of our story as Church, a offering whereby he became the liturgist of
community journeying toward God, that the sanctuary
empowers us to continually live that story
Rom 15.16 The spiritual sacrifice of
and obtain the benefits of that gracious
God who chose to dwell among us and to
walk with us in our exodus toward the king Acts 13.12 The cultic celebration of the
do Christians who "made liturgy to the

Lord" at Antioch.

2.Introduction to Liturgy
Evolution of the word LITURGY
# 25: "The public worship which our
1. ETYMOLOGY Redeemer as head of the Church renders to
the Father, as well as the worship which the
GREEK Laos (people) Ergon (work/activity)
community of the faithful renders to the
Therefore: Liturgy means ACTIVITY OF THE
Founder, and through him to the heavenly.
2. Early Church
It is the worship rendered by the Mystical
Everything that Christians did to take part of
Body of Christ in the entirety of its head
God's work, the "divine plan" :
and members.
proclamation of the Gospel and service to
one's neighbor.
5. VATICAN I: Sacrosanctum •Therefore: the LITURGY being an action of
Christ, "is a sacred action surpassing all
Consilium #7: An exercise of the priestly
others; no other action of the Church can
office of Jesus Christ as Full public worship
equal its effectiveness by the same title to
is performed by the Mystical Body of Jesus
the same degree."
Christ, that is, by the Head and his
members", and as An action of Christ Priest Essential Components of Liturgy:
and his Body which is the Church
•Sacred Scriptures
the readings are given and explained in the
homily psalms are sung the prayers,
•Celebration of the Mass collects, and liturgical songs are scriptural in
their inspiration it is from the Scriptures
•The Sacraments
that actions and signs derive their meaning.
•Word of God
In consequence the celebration of the
•Divine Office liturgy, whether of the MASS,
•Therefore in the Holy Mass
LITURGY OF THE HOURS always includes the
Christ offers himself through the hands of proclamation of God's Word.
the priest, who formerly offered himself on
the cross.
•"Perfect glorification of God and the
What are the active role played by Christ in
sanctification of those who celebrate it.
the exercise of his priestly ministry?
•These are signified and brought about

"by means of signs perceptible to the


Preached the Good News healed the sick

•SIGNS AND SYMBOLS give the liturgy a
freed those in bondage culminated his
sacramental dimension, that is, they.
death on the cross, resurrected from the
contain and reveal the presence of Christ
dead and bestowed the Holy Spirit upon his
and the mystery which Christ celebrates.
•The Church Ministerial Role in the Liturgy
•words: sacramental formularies
•"through the hands of the priest"
•gestures: hand laying
•"when a person baptize"
•materials: water, bread, wine, oil the
•"when the holy scriptures are read"
difference that exists among signs gives rise
•"when the Church prays and sings" to the different forms of liturgical
celebrations mystery represented by the cross (death
and Easter candle (resurrection). The signs
alpha and omega mean Christ is the
1. SC # 10 - "culmen te fons" The liturgy is beginning (alpha and the end (omega) of
the summit toward which the activity of the everything.
Church is directed; at the same time the
* The lines in the circle mark the Sundays
source or fount which all the Church's
directed towards the symbols of the paschal
power flows.
mystery because Christians celebrate the
2. SC #14: considers "the full, conscious and Lord's death and resurrection every Sunday.
active participation in the liturgy aim of the Each Sunday is therefore a little Easter
conciliar reform and the promotion of Feast, the original day, the foundation, and
liturgy. Active participation is the right and kernel of the whole liturgical year (SC 106).
duty of the faithful "by reason of their
* Every Sunday and important liturgical
events derive their themes from biblical
3. SC 26: declares that "Liturgical services readings particularly from the Gospels
are not private functions but are which are read in more or less a continuous
celebrations belonging to the Church." manner throughout the Sundays of a year.
There is a three-year cycle: Year A, B, & C.
4. SC 38: speaks of "substantial unity" of the
liturgy in opposition to "rigid uniformity." Year A - main source is the gospel of
The liturgy is celebrated in the concrete Matthew.
situation of the worshipping community
Year B - main source is the gospel of Mark
and hence takes into consideration their
Year C - main source is the gospel of Luke.
culture and traditions.
* Gospel of JOHN is used to supplement
that of Mark during the Lenten season as
For FILIPINO CATHOLICS, liturgy means well as in the Easter season of every year
being caught up in the yearly cycle of and to some special occasions.

seasons like Advent, Lent, Holy Week,

Easter Time, Ordinary Time and in
celebrating feast days like Pentecost, Christ
the King, Immaculate Conception and
* By virtue of our baptism, all Christians
have the right and duty to full, active and
* The chart shows the 52 weeks of the year conscious worshipping and celebrating
situated around and centers in the paschal people, a priestly people. This priesthood is
expressed in our full and active • Confirmation is known as Christmation by
participation in liturgical and sacramental the Eastern Catholic churches in
celebrations, in prayer and thanksgiving, in communion with Rome.
active charity, in offering spiritual exercises.
Misconceptions about Confirmation
* We are all called to carry out and express
* Confirmation is not something one does
the priestly nature of our baptism through
in order to graduate.
1. regular mass
* Confirmation is not something one does
2. celebration of the sacrament’s bible just to get married in the Catholic Church
sharing (home and community)
* Confirmation cannot be reduced to a rite
3. celebration of the liturgy of the word in of passage.
the chapel (if there's no mass or if our
* Confirmation is not a cultural celebration
community is far from the parish church)
or party.
4. patronal fiesta
5. popular devotions such as rosary,
*Confirmation is a Sacrament (Holy
novena, etc. prayers for the dead rituals for
* As a sacrament it communicates and
* From the definition of the liturgy, we were
reveals communion with God and his grace.
able to identify our rights and duties in the
liturgy by virtue of our baptism. All of you * Confirmation confers a sacramental
here are hoping to be commissioned to character that cannot be erased and that
serve Christ in the liturgy. I hope and pray predisposes the Christian person to receive
that Jesus the true liturgist will keep that the very life of God, and his divine
desire to serve him burning in your heart. protection.
And we all say: THAT IN ALL THINGS GOD
* Confirmation completes the baptismal

3.The Sacrament of * The Christian participates now fully in the

body of Christ with rights an obligations of a
Confirmation spiritual and temporal character.

*The Confirmed person is compelled to

witness the Christian faith with conviction
by word and deeds.

What is confirmation?

•Confirmation is one of the three * Confirmation perpetuates (keeps alive)

sacraments of initiation. the grace of Pentecost.
* In other words, the action and presence
of the Holy Spirit manifested in our lives'
The wordChrismation like the word
character, words and actions.
Christian comes fromChrist (the anointed
* Confirmation has a Messianic (salvific)
* Like Christ,
* Christ (messiah) promised to send his
Spirit. * We are anointed to proclaim the good
news of the Kingdom of God
* This promise was fulfilled at Easter
Sunday and at Pentecost. How to be a witness?

* At confirmation we receive the Holy Spirit, * Become involved in your community of

The paraclete, the advocate. faith (parish), through its different
* To help us continue the mission of our
Lord. * Be a role model of faith to your family,
friends, and your community.
* To strengthen our baptismal faith
* Share your faith with your co-workers and
* To guide us toward the truth.
The Mission of Christ our Mission
* Support social justice (listen to the Pope
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because and the bishop's call for social change in
he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to society on areas such: racism, prejudice,
the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty wages, right to life, abortion, euthanasia
to captives and recovery of sight to the among others).
blind, to let the oppressed go free, and to
* Get to know your Catholic faith, the
proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord."
Luke 4: 18-19
What does Confirmation involve?
* Confirmation involves a mature faith ( a
Prertima quo a plate too
desire to grow in the knowledge of God).
* Like Christ,
* Confirmation involves a commitment to
* We are anointed (chosen) one's faith (Church)

* Eastern Catholics use the word * Confirmation involves a commitment to

Chrismation instead of confirmation to know more about our faith's teachings,
highlight this important aspect. practices and traditions.

What is the faith of the Church?

* The celebration of Confirmation

celebrates the faith of the Church in the
power of the Holy Spirit given to us at D. Through the gift of faith

* The Power of the Holy Spirit is life

E. In our actions (our good deeds toward
God and neighbor)
* Acts 2: 1-13
F. In the Truth (When we practice honesty
How does the Spirit of God act in us? and justice)

The Spirit of God is given to us through the Before Pentecost

sacraments of initiation. We believe in the
A. The disciples of Jesus were afraid.
Holy Spirit.
B. The disciples of Jesus were discouraged.
A. Lives in us
C. The disciples of Jesus were disappointed.
B. Act through us
D. The disciples of Jesus were confused.
C. Assist us
John 20:19
D. Strengthen us
After Pentecost
E. Guide us
A. The disciples were no longer afraid of
How Is the Spirit present in the life of persecution.
B. The disciples recovered the faith.
A. Through his birth (Jesus was conceived
C. The disciples were ready to continue
by the power of Holy Spirit)
what Jesus started.
B. At his baptism, Jesus was anointed and
D. The disciples were clear about God and
revealed as God's son.
his will.
C. In his preaching, Jesus revealed that the
The effects of Confirmation
Spirit was upon him (Matthew 3: 13-17)
A. Courage: mental strength
D. In his actions: forgiveness, miracles,
healings, exorcism. B. Hope: Positive outlook on life

How is the Spirit present in our lives? C. Strength: Power to conquer temptation.

A. In our baptism (we are marked forever) D. Purpose: Direction and meaning in life.

B. In our confirmation (We are anointed and E. Peace: the strength to overcome anxiety
filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit) and fear.

C. In our daily lives (We are strengthened F. Grace: The power to do God's will.
through the sacraments and the Lords'
G. Truth: The power to do and follow what
divine protection.
is right and true. resurrected, and to do what is right and

How is the Sacrament of Confirmation


The sacrament is celebrated through the What is the meaning of the different oils?
anointing with chrism on the forehead.
* Oil of Catechumens = cleansing and
* And the lying on of hands strengthening

* And the words: Be sealed with the gift of * Oil of the sick = healing and comfort
the Holy Spirit
* Chrism = consecration (made holy) and
How is confirmation celebrated in the service
Can Confirmation be repeated?
*Confirmation is celebrated after baptism
NO, like baptism confirmation is only
* In the East confirmation is known as received once.
What happens at Confirmation?
How is Confirmation celebrated in the
* The Christians received a spiritual seal,
West? In the West
our soul is marked with the Holy Spirit and
* Confirmation is delayed to a later date. his strength.

* In the West Confirmation does not follow * 2 Corinthians 1: 21-22

baptism (only in some exceptions)
Who is the minister of Confirmation?
Why are we anointed with Chrism?
* The original minister of confirmation is
* Anointing with oil, has been the practice the Bishop
for confirmation since the early Church.
* Only the bishop can delegate (appoint) a
Chrism is connected to the word Christ,
priest to confirm in his name on special
"anointed one"
occasions or circumstances.
* We are anointed so that we can spread
* In the Eastern Churches priest can confirm
the Kingdom of God on this earth
infants after baptism.
What is oil a symbol of?
What is the role of the sponsor?
* Oil is a symbol of strength and healing
* The role of the sponsor is to help the one
* In the sacrament of confirmation, we being confirmed remain firm and strong in
receive strength to be witnesses of Christ faith.
* Sponsors are role models of faith, their in the divine plan of salvation?
task is to give support and inspiration to
those living the Christian faith.

The Sacrament of In the Old Testament the prophets

announced that the Spirit of the Lord would
Responsibility and Maturity rest on the awaited

It is the sacrament, which completes Messiah and on the entire messianic

baptism by helping the confirmed to people. The whole life and mission of Jesus
become adult witnesses to were carried out in total communion with
the Holy Spirit. The apostles received the
Christ and God's plan and by preparing
Holy Spirit at Pentecost and proclaimed,
them to play a part in spreading God's
"the great works of God" (Acts 2:11) They
kingdom on earth.
gave the gift of the same Spirit to the newly
"marami sa mga katoliko, binyagan at baptized by the laying on of hands. Down
tumatanggap ng mga sakramento subalit through the centuries, the Church has
hindi talaga nauunawaan ang tunay na continued to live by the Spirit and to impart
kahulugan ng sakramento. him to her children.

Sacrament - is a sacred sign, instituted by Introduction

Christ to give grace.
* The Apostles underwent a great change
The Seven Sacraments after the descent of the Holy Spirit. Before
that event, they were afraid; afterwards,
they preached the Word of God fearlessly
2.Confirmation and spoke in foreign languages.

3.Reconciliation * In a similar way, the faithful receive the

Holy Spirit in the sacrament of
* This lesson could help you to understand
6.Holy Order better the nature and the effects of this
7.Anointing of the Sick sacrament. And it can also be useful for
those who are not baptized, as it will serve
Compendium of the Catechism as a preparation to receive the sacrament
•265. What place does Confirmation have with joy as soon as possible.
1. The Apostles received the Holy Spirit on anytime the apostles laid their hands over
the day of Pentecost; we likewise receive the disciple. As Scripture says: "They were
that same Spirit in the sacrament of baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus, and
confirmation the moment Paul had laid hands on them
the Holy Spirit came down on them" (Acts
* Jesus appeared to His apostles in the
upper room the evening of His resurrection.
He breathed on them and said: Receive the * Baptism of Jesus
Holy Spirit (John 20:22). But on the day of
* The annunciation of Mary
Pentecost, they were filled with the Holy
Spirit and His exceptional gifts (Cf. Acts 2:1-
It is the sacrament, which completes
* We also receive the Holy Spirit in the baptism by helping the confirmed to
sacrament of baptism along with become adult witnesses to Christ and God's
supernatural grace. But Our Lord instituted plan and by preparing them to play a part in
the sacrament of confirmation as necessary spreading God's kingdom on earth.
to receive the fullness of baptismal grace.
2. Effects of the sacrament of Confirmation
* Thus, we commit ourselves more fully as
* In a similar way to what happened on
authentic witnesses of Christ, to expand
the day of Pentecost, this sacrament
and defend the Christian faith with our
produces in our souls the following gifts: An
words and deeds, and to show ourselves to
increase in grace, Imprints character,
others as true disciples of Christ.
Strengthens the faith, Makes us witnesses
Confirmation - The Holy Spirit comes upon of Christ.
the confirmed in a special way to enlighten
3. Minister, subject, matter and form of the
their faith and to strengthen them to
sacrament of confirmation
profess it before others.
* The ordinary minister is the bishop; the
The Holy Spirit
extraordinary minister is the priest who has
* Jesus instituted the sacrament of this faculty by common law or by special
Confirmation when he breathed on his delegation from the proper authority.
disciples and said to them: "As the Father
* The subject of this sacrament is any
sent me, so lam sending you. Receive the
baptized person who has not received it. He
Holy Spirit" John 20:21-22).
who receives this sacrament should be in
* The Confirmation in the Spirit took place the state of grace, should know the main
for the first time on Pentecost. The Holy mysteries of faith and should approach this
Spirit, like tongues of fire, came over the sacrament with due reverence and
apostles and Mary gathered in prayer in the devotion.
cenacle (Acts 2:1-4). Thereafter, the
* The matter of this sacrament is the
Confirmation in the Spirit took place
anointing with chrism (a mixture of oil and
balsam, consecrated by the bishop) which is confirmed to the Church and the mandate
done during the imposition of the hands received from Christ to bear witness to him
The anointing signifies one of the effects of before all.
this sacrament: the strengthening of faith.
The Sacrament of Confirmation
* The form is the words pronounced by the
A. Presentation of the Candidates
minister: " Be sealed with the gift of the
Holy Spirit * It happens after the gospel reading

* Who presents? The pastor, another

priest, deacon or catechist

4. Valuing confirmation highly

* How are they presented? According to the
* It is necessary to struggle in order to
custom of the place.
preserve the graces of this sacrament. Only
by doing so, will we be strong enough to * The usual manner of presentation: call by
protest our Christian faith firmly. We can do name, go to the sanctuary
it by frequently receiving the Sacraments of
* For children they are accompanied by one
Penance and the Eucharist.
of their sponsors or parents and stand
* Only in the case of extraordinary before the celebrant
circumstances would Our Lord ask us to be
* Many candidates: call by name, take a
heroes by shedding our blood to confess
suitable place before the bishop
our faith in Christ. But He asks us to make
an effort in the little battles of daily life B. Homily or Instruction

* In our relations with our parents and * He explains the readings for the
brothers, in fulfilling our work and duties, in candidates, their sponsors and parents, and
helping our fellow men generously, in being the faithful to a deeper understanding of
faithful to the doctrine of the faith and in the importance of the sacrament
spreading it with our example, friendship
C. Renewal of Baptismal Promises
and good advice.
* To reject satan and profess their faith to
The Rite of Confirmation
The vestment for the Rite of
D. The Laying on of Hands
Confirmation is red or white or some other
* Bishop and priests did the laying on of
festive color.
hands for all while the bishop alone says
Minister / Celebrant bishop- The reception the prayer
of the Spirit through the ministry of the
E. Anointing with Chrism
bishop shows the close bond that joins the
* Manner of anointing: the bishop dips his 1. Wisdom - the capacity to love spiritual
right thumb in the chrism and makes the things more than material ones.
sign of the cross on the forehead and says:
2. Understanding - the capacity to
“(Y/N) be sealed with the Gift of the Holy
understand the truths of faith in an easy
and deep way.
* Meaning of the anointing with Chrism and
3. Counsel - the capacity to discern
the form: expresses clearly the effect of the
correctly and immediately the will of God in
giving of the Holy Spirit, signifies the
the different circumstances of life.
reception of the indelible character.
4. Fortitude - the capacity to be strong in
* Peace be with you ... slapping on the face
fulfilling the will of God in moments of

* A third laying of hands: the person who

presented the candidate places his right
5. Knowledge - the capacity to appreciate
hand on the latter's shoulders
every creature in relation to its Creator.
The Rite of Confirmation By a MINISTER
6. Piety - the capacity to love God with all
who is NOT a bishop
our hearts and our neighbor as ourselves.
The celebrant of the sacrament who is not a
7. Fear of the Lord - the capacity to respect
bishop but has been given the proper
the majesty of God and to be scared of sin.
authority to confirm follows the rites that
have already been given.
The Rite of Confirmation
The Sacraments of Healing
By a MINISTER who is NOT a bishop
* We have already studied the sacraments
Priests can help in conferring of the
of Christian initiation: Baptism,
Confirmation and the Eucharist, which grant
The Rite of Confirmation in danger of death new life in Christ. But, in spite of so much
grace, man is weak, can sin and draw on
* The sick person in danger of death who
himself the misery of sin.
has reached the age of reason should
therefore be strengthened by confirmation * It was Christ wish that there would be a
before he receives the Eucharist as remedy for these needs, and we find it in
viaticum. the sacraments of Penance and of the
Anointing of the sick, which are called
* The manner of performing the rites
sacraments of healing because they cure
depends on the circumstances
our weakness and pardon our sins.
The 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit
"But if a wicked man turns away from all sure whether God had forgiven their sins.
the sins he has committed and keeps all my Jesus gave us this certitude when He said:
decrees and does what is just and right, he "Your sins are forgiven" (Matthew 9:2).
will surely live; he will not die. None of the
Sacrament of Reconciliation
offenses he has committed will be
remembered against him.” (Ezekiel 18:21- “I am the light of the world. Whoever
22) follows me will not walk in darkness, but
will have the light of life." (John 8:12)
The repentance of sins is necessary for
salvation "Those who are well do not need a
physician, but the sick do. I did not come to
*Salvation is not possible without true
call the righteous but sinners" (Mark 2:17)
repentance for one's sins. Jesus Christ put it
this way: "Unless you repent you will all Sin is Like Leprosy
perish" (Luke 13:3).
It corrupts all that is good and noble in us

Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs

to your earthly nature: sexual immorality,
impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which
is idolatry. (Colossians 3:5)
* Before Christ's coming, men were not
sure whether God had forgiven their sins.
Jesus gave us this certitude when He said: Sin is like a Fracture
"Your sins are forgiven" (Matthew 9:2)
He answered, "I heard you in the garden,
The Sacrament of Reconciliation and I was afraid because I was naked; so I
hid." (Genesis 3:10)
"But if a wicked man turns away from all
the sins he has committed and keeps all my Sin Lead us to Spiritual Death
decrees and does what is just and right, he
Revelation 20: 11-15
will surely live; he will not die. None of the
offenses he has committed will be Then I saw a great white throne and him
remembered against him.” (Ezekiel 18:21- who was seated on it. Earth and sky fled
22) from his presence, and there was no place
for them. 12And I saw the dead, great and
The repentance of sins is necessary for
small, standing before the throne, and
books were opened. Another book was
*Salvation is not possible without true opened, which is the book of life. The dead
repentance for one's sins. Jesus Christ put it were judged according to what they had
this way: "Unless you repent you will all done as recorded in the books. 13The sea
perish" (Luke 13:3). gave up the dead that were in it, and death
and Hades gave up the dead that were in
* Before Christ's coming, men were not
them, and each person was judged
according to what he had done. 14Then forgiven; if you retain anyone's sins, they
death and Hades were thrown into the lake are retained" (John 22,23). Jesus instituted
of fire. The lake of fire is the second death. this sacrament not as a court trial, but as a
15If anyone's name was not found written trial of mercy, where His Apostles and
in the book of life, he was thrown into the disciples would forgive sins.
lake of fire.
* This sacrament is also called the
Sin leads us to spiritual darkness sacrament of conversion, reconciliation or
(John 2:9-11) “Lead us not into
* On the eve of the resurrection, Christ
flesh temptation, but deliver us from the
instituted the sacrament of Penance when
evil one”
He said to His disciples: "Receive the Holy
Sacrament of Reconciliation Spirit. If you forgive anyone's sins, they are
forgiven; if you retain anyone's sins, they
* Only God brings true forgiveness and
are retained" (John 22,23).
* Jesus instituted this sacrament not as a
* John 14:27
court trial, but as a trial of mercy, where His
* Matthew 11. 28 Apostles and disciples would forgive sins.

* This sacrament is also called the

sacrament of conversion, reconciliation or
Sin is A heavy burden

“Let us not become weary in doing good,

for at the proper time we will reap a harvest
if 4. Jesus Christ is the one who, through the
priest, forgives sins
we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9)
* Only priests -duly ordained and with the
Sacrament of Reconciliation
corresponding faculty- can forgive sins,
* Penance is an invitation to Conversion. because Christ gave this power only to
* A call to forgiveness them.

* A spiritual U-turn * If someone tells his sins to a friend or

directly to God, his sins are not forgiven.
The institution of the sacrament of
penance for the forgiveness of sin * It is Christ Himself who, in the moment of
absolution, forgives sins through the priest,
* On the eve of the resurrection, Christ because a sin is an offence against God and
instituted the sacrament of Penance when only God can forgive it. The priest is under
He said to His disciples: "Receive the Holy the most serious obligation to keep
Spirit. If you forgive anyone's sins, they are sacramental secrecy.
5. Effects of this sacrament necessary for those who have committed
mortal sin after baptism.
* The effects of this sacrament are really
wonderful: * The Church teaches that we have the
obligation of confessing all mortal sins at
1. Reconciliation with God.
least once a year, and also in case of
2. Reconciliation with the Church. imminent danger of death, and before
receiving Holy Communion.
3. The remission of eternal punishment
incurred by mortal sins and the remission - Conversion
at least partially- of temporal punishment,
For conversion to happen we must have:
according to the dispositions of the
penitent. Desire (Thirst for God) and Resolution

4. Peace of conscience along with a deep Interior conversion

*expressed in outward concrete signs and
5. Spiritual help in the Christian struggle to actions.
avoid falling into sin again.
Ex: Prayer, Fasting, Almsgiving
5. Effects of this sacrament
* Reaching out to people
* The effects of this sacrament are really
* Defending justice and right
* Reading the scriptures
1. Reconciliation with God.
Names for the Sacrament of Reconciliation
2. Reconciliation with the Church.

3. The remission of eternal punishment

incurred by mortal sins and the remission -
at least partially- of temporal punishment,
A. Sacrament of Confession
according to the dispositions of the
penitent. B. Sacrament of Penance

4. Peace of conscience along with a deep C. Sacrament of Forgiveness

D. Sacrament of healing
5. Spiritual help in the Christian struggle to
Essentials of the Sacrament
avoid falling into sin again.
* Contrition (sorrow)
6. The need for Penance
* Resolution = a firm desire not to offend
* The sacrament of Penance is absolutely
God through sinful behavior.
* Confession = the enumeration of our sins. “SEEK GOOD, NOT EVIL, THAT YOU MAY
* Satisfaction = Penance, making amends.
* A person that goes to confession to (Amos 5:14)
threaten the life of another is not making a
confession. He or she is making a threat.
* The repair of the damage caused by our
* The priest is not bound in this case to
keep the seal of confession.
* It involves penance, making amends.
* Amends= making up for what we do
Real interior sorrow and repentance for
one’s sins.
Two types:
* A blessing of forgiveness.
A. Perfect Contrition- Sorrow out of true
love for God. * The priest acting in the person of Christ
and through his power absolves the
B. Imperfect Contrition- Sorrow out of Fear
penitent from his or her sin.
for eternal punishment.
* Again Jesus said, "Peace be with you! As
the Father has sent me, I am sending you”
* Confession is the disclosure of our sins to And with that he breathed on them and
the minister said "Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive
anyone his sins, they are forgiven; if you do
* Confession is the admission of guilt "Then
not forgive them, they are not forgiven.
I acknowledged my sin to you and did not
(John 20: 21-23)
cover up my iniquity.

I said, "I will confess my transgressions to

the LORD- and you forgave the guilt of my * Only bishops and priests can give
sin" (Psalm 32:5) absolution and hear confessions.

Examination of Conscience * The minister of confession is bound by the

seal of confession, under penalty of ex-
* A close look at our sins.
* An inventory of our lives.
* He cannot reveal any sins confessed.
* An honest inspection of the way we live.
7. The value of frequent confession
*An essential component in the preparation
* The Church strongly recommends the
for the sacrament of reconciliation.
practice of frequent confession, also when punishments resulting from sin
we have committed venial sins.
4. peace and serenity of conscience, and
* By doing so, one grows in self-knowledge spiritual consolation;
and humility, bad habits disappear, and it
5. an increase of spiritual strength for the
becomes easier to fight lukewarmness. In
Christian battle.
addition, the conscience is purified, our
interior life is helped, and the grace of the
sacrament increases. In order to grow in
The Sacrament of Reconciliation
love of God, we ought to venerate this
sacrament highly, going to confession often, Tips:
and well prepared.
1. Receive this sacrament as often as

Reconciliation 2. Make an examination of conscience

before going to confession.
* The acts of penitence, which are divided
into three parts: 3. Make an honest confession (do not
exaggerate your sins, do not talk about
1. repentance
others in your confession, do not mention
2. confession or disclosure of sins to the any names. Do not avoid confessing certain
priest sins out of shame.

3. the intention to make reparation and do 4. Trust in God's mercy.

works of reparation.
5. Fulfill your penance with a contrite, joyful
* The absolution of the Priest: "I absolve heart.
you from your sins, in the name of the
6. Give thanks to Almighty God for his
Father and of the Son and of the Holy
unending mercy and love.
7. Pray for the unrepentant hearts that are
* Priest
harden by sin.

* Reconciliation with God by which the

penitent recovers grace:
8. Ask the Good Lord to give you his grace,
1. reconciliation with the Church;
to live a life worthy of the Gospel.
2. remission of the eternal punishment
incurred by mortal sins
3. remission at least in part of temporal
FOREVER." (JOHN 8:51) a mortal sin is one who knows that their sin
is wrong, but still deliberately commits the
The Distinction between two types of sin
sin anyway. This means that mortal sins are
All sin is an offense against God and a "premeditated" by the sinner and thus are
rejection of his perfect love and justice. Yet, truly a rejection of God's law and love.
Jesus makes a distinction between two
types of sins. We call the most serious and
grave sins, mortal sins. Mortal sins destroy The first condition, that a mortal sin is of
the grace of God in the heart of the sinner. grave matter, means that certain
By their very grave nature, a mortal sin cuts premeditated offenses against God are
our relationship off from God and turns more severe than others. We know that
man away from his creator. St. Paul's letter some sins are graver than others (e.g. it is a
to the Hebrews tell us that "if we sin graver sin to murder someone than to lie to
willfully after having the knowledge of the someone). St. John tells us, "If anyone sees
truth, there is now left no sacrifice for sins" his brother sinning, if the sin is not deadly,
(Hebrews 10:26). The second type of sin, he should pray to God and he will give him
venial sin, that of less grave matter, does life. This is only for those whose sin is not
not cut us off from Christ. However, venial deadly. There is such a thing as deadly sin,
sin does weaken grace in the soul and about which I do not say that you should
damages our relationship with God. A pray. All wrongdoing is sin, but there is sin
person who frequently indulges in venial sin that is not deadly." (1 John 5:16-17). Thus
is very likely to collapse into mortal sin if St. John distinguishes between mortal and
they persist in their evil ways. venial sin. Jesus also warns us that "Anyone
who does not remain in me will be thrown
out like a branch and wither; people will
In order for a sin to be mortal, it must meet gather them and throw them into a fire and
three conditions: they will be burned" (John

* Mortal sin is a sin of grave matter 15:6).

* Mortal sin is committed with full WHAT KINDS OF OFFENSES AGAINST GOD
knowledge of the sinner CONSTITUTE "GRAVE MATTER"?

* Mortal sin is committed with deliberate

consent of the sinner
In the Bible, St. Paul gives us a list of grave
This means that mortal sins cannot be sins. He states that anyone who commits
done "accidentally." A person who commits these sins shall not enter the kingdom of
God. "Now the works of the flesh are the Ten Commandments. Grave sins can be
manifest, which are these; classed as sins against God, neighbor and
self, and can further be divided into carnal
Adultery, fornication, uncleanness,
and spiritual sins (CCC 1853).
lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred,
variance, emulations, wrath, strife, Four other sins are considered grave also.
seditions, heresies, envying, murders,
These sins not only offend God, but men as
drunkenness, reveling, and such like: of the
well. Thus these four sins are called "the
which I tell you before, as I have also told
sins that cry to heaven for vengeance" and
you in time past, that they which do such
are likewise mortal sins. These grave sins
things shall not inherit the kingdom of God"
(Galatians 5:19-20). Paul also tells the
Corinthians, "know you no that the unjust 1. The voluntary murder (Genesis 4:10)
shall not possess the kingdom of God? Do
2. The sin of impurity against nature
not err: neither fornicators, nor idolaters,
Sodomy and homosexual relations
nor adulterers, Nor the effeminate, nor liars
(Genesis 18:20)
with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous,
nor drunkards nor railers, nor extortioners 3. Taking advantage of the poor (Exodus
shall possess the kingdom of God" (1 2:23)
Corinthians 6:9-10). These sins constitute
4. Defrauding the workingman of his
grave matter and if they are committed
wages (James 5:4)
willingly and with full consent, constitute
mortal sin. Finally, the capital sins are also considered
grave matter. These sins are vices and are
The Church also tells us that the sins of
defined as contrary to the Christian virtues
anger, blasphemy, envy, hatred, malice,
of holiness. They are pride, avarice, envy,
murder, neglect of Sunday obligation, sins
wrath, lust, gluttony, and sloth (acedia).
against faith (incredulity against God or
heresy), sins against hope (obstinate Note from the author: For those of you who
despair in the hope for salvation and/or do not understand why these particular sins
presumption that oneself can live without are of grave matter, I would suggest that
God or be saved by one's own power) and you refer to the Summa Theologiae of St.
sins against love (indifference towards Thomas Aquinas. He does an excellent job
charity, ingratitude, and/or hatred of God) of explaining why these sins are of grave
also constitute grave matter. This list of matter, and also explores the counter-
grave sins, is based on Jesus Christ's arguments and objections that some people
interpretation of the gravity of have regarding these grave sins.
1. Blasphemy-This grave sin is the
uttering of hatred, reproach, defiance or
1. Idolatry, Idolatry is the worship, speaking ill of God. Blasphemy against the
veneration or belief in false gods. Because it Church, the saints and sacred things is also
is a direct rejection of God, it is a grave sin a grave sin (CCC 2148). It fails to give love
(1 Corinthians 6:9-10). Idolatry includes and respect to our Creator. St. James speaks
worship of images (This does not mean that against sinners who "blaspheme the good
we cannot venerate religious images. name that is invoked upon you" (James
Veneration of images such as a crucifix is 2:7).
veneration of the person depicted, and not
2. Perjury and False Oaths-Those who take
the actual image in and of itself.)
an oath in the name of the Lord and fail to
2. Divination, magic and sorcery- This is a keep it, or break the oath at a later date,
grave sin which includes attempting to show a grave lack of respect for the Lord of
command the powers of the occult, control all speech (CCC 2152). Pledging oneself to
or speak to demons or spirits (especially commit an evil deed is also sinful. During
Satan), attempting to divine the future, and his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus speaks
the use of magic charms (CCC 2116). against sinners who give false oaths
Deuteronomy 18:10-11 speaks against this (Matthew 5:33-34)
grave sin.
3. Sacrilege, The sin of sacrilege is a grave THE SABBATH DAY, TO KEEP IT HOLY"
sin that consists of profaning or treating
1. Deliberate failure of the Sunday
unworthily the sacraments and liturgical
obligation-The Christian Sunday (the Lord's
actions of the Church as well as things
Day) celebrates the new life of the world
consecrated to God (CCC 2120).
born in Christ's Resurrection. All humans
4. Atheism, Because atheistic humanism have a duty, to praise God and give him
falsely seeks man and human glory and thanks. Thus all Christians are bound to
rejects God, atheism is a grave sin (CCC participate in the Mass, and must partake
2125). It is a sin against the virtue of of the Eucharist at least on holy days of
religion. St. Paul tells us, "For the wrath of obligation. Deliberate failure to do this
God is revealed from heaven against all constitutes a grave sin (CCC 2181).
unholiness and injustice of those men that
detain the truth of God in injustice"

THE SECOND COMMANDMENT, "YOU 1. Serious failure to care for aged

SHALL NOT TAKE THE NAME OF THE LORD parents The commandment is very clear
YOUR GOD IN VAIN' that we are to honor our parents.
That would include taking care of them in
their time of need. Our parents nurtured us
5. Failure to baptize children in a
during our childhood and possibly even up
reasonable time (within a few months)
to our older years as well. It makes sense
after birth. As a Catholic, we are
for us to take care of them, and as long as
responsible for baptizing our children. No
their last will is not immoral, to follow that
ifs, ands or buts about it. We believe that
up for them.
baptism washes away the stain of original
2. Serious disrespect for or disobedience to sin and infuses God's grace into us. It is a
parents, superiors or authorities. We have permanent sign of God's love and mercy. It
to respect our parents. We also are to is understandable that when the new baby
respect superiors (boss, supervisors, arrives you are incredibly busy, but, you are
managers, teacher, etc) as well as now responsible for your child's religious
authorities (judges, police, etc). Again, it upbringing and forming their conscience in
has to be moral. Obviously, we do not have this stage of their life. If your baby dies and
to listen if it breaks the law, and especially if hasn't received baptism, there is the chance
it breaks moral law that they will not make it to Heaven. The
Church teaches that if we die with
3. Wishing death or evil on parents. We
unrepentant mortal sin, as well as have not
are not to wish death or evil on anybody,
been washed with the saving grace of
but most importantly, not our parents.
Baptism, we can go to Hell. Baptize your
4. Abuse or serious neglect of children. children shortly after they are born, the
This is where some people will think it goes sooner the better.
a little different. Yes, we are to honor our
6. Serious neglect of the religious
parents, but we as parents must also take
education or upbringing of children. As
care of our children. What makes it a mortal
mentioned above, parents are now
sin to abuse or seriously neglect our
responsible for formulating the conscience
children is that they are individuals that
of children. Parents need to teach their
God has given to us to take care of. They are
children about the faith, and educate them
not ours, nor are they our property. Some
in it. Get them to practice their faith,
abuses would be beating your children
explain it to them, get them excited about
(especially adult children), starving your
it. Take them to Mass weekly. Pray at meals.
children (for lengthy periods of time).
The family that prays together, stays
Serious neglect would also include
together. When you die and are judged by
abandonment, failure to take care of your
Jesus, you will be held responsible for the
children, and other such parenting failures.
early formation that you have given your
children. It is one thing for Catholics who procure a completed
abortion or participate in

them to abandon the faith when

they go out on their own (you can't
execution of an abortion are automatically
control them, keep this in mind
excommunicated from the Catholic Church
(and pray for them!)) but, if you did
(CCC 2272 and CIC Canon 1314).
not give them any reason to keep
the faith, that is on you. 3. Euthanasia- The direct killing of the
sick, handicapped, or dying, regardless of
motive, is a grave sin. The will and action
taken to cause a person's death is an act of
1. Murder (intentional homicide)-Direct murder (CCC2277). Those who are suffering
and intentional killing is gravely sinful (CCC and are nearing death must be allowed to
2268). It is a sin that cries to heaven for die (or recover, which is sometimes a
vengeance, much like the murder of Abel at possibility) naturally. Administration of
the hands of Cain. Indirect homicide can painkillers is permissible, provided the
also be of grave nature (such as refusing to drugs are not willed as an end or a means
help a person in danger). However, the to precipitate death. "Discontinuing medical
Church teaches that self-defense is procedures that are burdensome,
permissible for the preservation of a one's dangerous, extraordinary, or
life. If the attacker is mortally wounded or disproportionate to the expected outcome
killed, then the death of the attacker is not can be legitimate; it is the refusal of
a sin. Those who use unnecessary 'overzealous treatment" (CCC 2278). In this
aggression in self-defense can sin mortally, case death is not willed, but is merely
if the attacker is killed or gravely injured. accepted as inevitable and cannot be
2. Abortion- Human life begins at
conception in the mother's womb. For God 4. Suicide is murder of the self. It is
tells us, "Before I formed you in the womb I contrary to the love of God, self, family,
knew thee, and before you were born I friends and neighbors (CCC 2281). It is of
consecrated you" (Jeremiah 1:5). Abortion especially grave nature, if it is intended to
is therefore murder. The oldest Christian set an example for others to follow.
book (besides parts of the Bible) is the Voluntary cooperation in a suicide is also
Didache, a book composed by the twelve contrary to the moral law. However, the
apostles or their disciples. The Didache responsibility of and gravity of suicide can
proclaims the ancient teaching of the be diminished in the cases of grave
Catholic Church, "You shall not kill the psychological disturbances, anguish, grave
embryo by abortion and shall not cause the fear of hardship, suffering, or torture. But
newborn to perish" (Didache 2.2). All this does not make it morally permissible,
and it is the judgement of God that will are also contrary to the moral law.
measure the gravity or responsibility of the
10. Extreme Anger- "Anger is a desire for
revenge. If anger reaches the point of a
deliberate desire to kill or seriously wound
a neighbor, it is gravely against charity; it is
a mortal sin (CCC 2302).

5. Scandal- is an attitude or behavior that

Christ speaks against anger saying,
leads another to do evil. If someone is
"Everyone who is angry with his brother
deliberately lead into a grave offense, that
shall be liable to judgement (Matthew
person's tempter commits a grave sin (CCC
5:22)." o Hatred Hatred of a neighbor is to
2284 and 2285). Jesus said, "Whoever
deliberately wish him evil, and is thus a
causes one of these little ones who believes
grave sin (CCC 2303 and Galatians 5:19-20).
in me to sin, it would be better for him to
have a great millstone fastened round his 11. Extortion- Extortion is to obtain
neck and to be drowned in the depth of the something from another by coercion or
sea" (Matthew 18:6). intimidation. It is an act of violence and
theft, and is condemned by (1 Corinthians
6. Drug abuse- does grave damage to
health and life and is a grave offense. Only
legitimate therapeutic use is acceptable THE SIXTH COMMANDMENT, "YOU SHALL

7. Gluttony- Gluttony is an excessive love 1. Adultery-Adultery is marital infidelity.

for food, and is a disordered passion for A married person who has sexual relations
wordly appetites. Because it is contrary to with anyone but their lawful spouse, even
the virtue of temperance, it can constitute a transient sexual relations, commits adultery
grave sin. Gluttony is also a capital sin (CCC (CCC 2380).
1866, 2290)
2. Divorce The grave sin of divorce
8. Alcohol Abuse- can also be excessively condemns those who divorce and remarry
dangerous and harmful to the body, and (Matthew 5:32) and those who divorce in
sometimes to neighbors (CCC 2290).. the civil sense (except by grave
Because it is also contrary to temperance dispensation). Hence divorce between two
and is a disordered passion, it is a grave sin baptized Christians is a mortal sin
(1Corinthians 6:9-10). (CCC2384).

9. Terrorism- that threatens, wounds and 3. Fornication- Fornication is carnal union

kills indiscriminately is of grave matter (CCC between an unmarried man and an
2297). Other forms of bodily violence unmarried woman and is a grave sin (CCC
(kidnapping, hostage taking, non-medical 2353). St. Paul condemns fornication in his
amputations, mutilations and sterilization) epistle 1 Corinthians 6:18. All aspects of
intimate contact associated with the (1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Genesis 19:1-29,
marriage act also constitute fornication for Romans 1:24-27 and CCC 2357). If
Jesus said, "I say to you, everyone who homosexuals are born with the condition,
looks at a woman with lust has already then they are called to live a life of Christian
committed adultery with her in his heart" purity and chastity for the greater love of
(Matthew 9:28). If lustful looks are Christ. Such people can experience a life of
adulterous, how much worse is lustful trial, which all others must treat with
physical contact? compassion and sensitivity.

4. Pornography- Pornography is the 8. Incest-"Incest is intimate relations

display of intimate real or simulated sexual between relatives or in-laws within a
acts to a third party. Because it removes the degree that prohibits marriage between
marriage act from within the sacramental them" (CCC 2388). St. Paul condemns incest
sanctity of marriage, and perverts sex, it is in his letter to the Corinthians (1
gravely contrary to charity (CCC 2354). The Corinthians 5:1,4-5).
display of pornography to children and
9. Masturbation- "Masturbation is the
other parties is especially gravely sinful
deliberate stimulation of the sexual organs
because it is gravely scandalous.
in order to derive sexual pleasure" (CCC
5. Prostitution- Prostitution reduces a 2352). The Church teaches that sex has two
person to an instrument of sexual pleasure main purposes that must be sought in the
and lust. It is gravely contrary to charity and marriage act: sex is for reproduction of
chastity and defiles the body, the temple of children within a valid marriage, and it is a
the Holy Spirit. However, destitution, loving, unifying act between husband and
blackmail or social pressure can reduce the wife. Masturbation violates both aspects of
gravity of the sin. Still, prostitution is always the natural law and is thus a grave sin.
a sin (CCC 2355).
6. Rape A person who commits rape SHALL NOT STEAL"
violates the respect, freedom, physical and
1. Theft- All persons have a right to lawful
moral integrity of the victim. It is a brutal
private property obtained by legitimate
crime of violence that can physically and
work, inheritance or gift. To violate a
psychologically scar a person for life. It is
person's right to property by theft is a grave
thus a grave sin (CCC 2356).
sin, especially if the loss of the property will
7. Homosexual acts Although it remains severely hurt the victim (CCC 2408). The
to be determined if homosexuality is a gravity of theft is determined by the harm it
genetic, social or personal stigma, does to the victim. A poor beggar who
homosexual acts are condemned by God steals a loaf of bread commits a less grave
and can NEVER be approved by the Church sin than a rich man who steals the savings
of a destitute person. St. Paul tells us that exonerate the guilty or increase
thieves shall not inherit the kingdom of God punishment of the accused. They are of
(1 Corinthians 6:9-10). grave matter because they contradict
justice (CCC 2476).
2. Cheating -A cheater defrauds his victim
of their property.It is morally of grave 2. Adulation- Adulation is verbal speech
matter unless the damage to the victim is or an attitude that encourages or confirms
unusually light (CCC 2413). another in malicious acts and perverse
conduct. It is a grave sin if it makes one an
accomplice in another's vices or grave sins
(CCC 2480).

3. Defrauding a worker of his wages- This

is one of the sins that cry to heaven for
3. Lying- Lying is the most direct offense
vengeance. Defrauding a worker of his
against the truth. It is gravely sinful when it
wages withholds and impedes his ability to
significantly degrades the truth. The gravity
sustain basic needs for himself and his
of this sin is measured by the truth it
family. It is a sin that cries to heaven for
perverts, the circumstances, intentions of
vengeance (CCC 1867).
the liar and harm done to the victims (CCC
4. Unfair wagers- Unfair wagers in games 2484). Lying is a sin that originates from the
of chance are of grave matter if they devil, Satan, who is "the father of all lies"
deprive someone of what is necessary to (John 8:44).
provide for his needs and those of others
(CCC 2413).
5. Taking advantage of the poor- The WIFE"
economic or social exploitation of the poor
1. Lust- Lust is disordered desire for or
for profit harms the dignity and natural
inordinate enjoyment of sexual pleasure. It
rights of the victim. It is a sin that cries to
is disordered because sexual pleasure must
heaven for vengeance (CCC 1867).
not be isolated from its true, natural place:
THE EIGHTH COMMANDMENT-_"YOU within the Sacrament of Matrimony that is
SHALL NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS AGAINST ordered to procreation of children and a
YOUR NEIGHBORS" unifying love between husband and wife
(CCC 2351). Lust, a sin and vice of the flesh,
1. False witness and perjury False
is often a difficult vice to overcome. Human
witness is a public statement in court
weakness of will and lack of conformity to
contrary to the truth. Perjury is false
God is a result of the fall of mankind that
witness under oath. Both acts are gravely
causes a disorder between soul and body
sinful when they condemn the innocent,
(called concupiscence) which is often a person's will to avoid evil and thus may
manifested in lust. Yet, lust is a sin that can indirectly lead to mortal sin. Regardless, all
be overcome through prayer and grace sin is an offense against God and should be
through the Christian sacraments. Christ avoided.
wills that we overcome lust and replace it
with Christian love and purity of heart
(Matthew 9:28). "Blessed are the pure of Beginnings of practising the sacrament of
heart, for they shall see God" (Matthew penance in the form of individual
5:8). confession as we know it now, i.e. bringing
confession of sins and reconciliation
together, can be traced back to 11th

1. Avarice- Avarice is greed and the SACRAMENT OF HOLY

desire to amass earthly goods without limit.
It is a passion for riches and luxury.

Those who seek temporal happiness at the

expense of spiritual duties, risk the grave
sin of avarice. Avarice is one of the deadly
vices (CCC 2536).

2. Envy- Envy, another capital sin, is sadness There are two sacraments of service:
at the sight of another's goods and the A. Holy Orders
immoderate desire to acquire them for
oneself. Envy can lead to grave B. Holy Matrimony
consequences and can harm neighbors. If Two Kinds of Priesthood:
envy leads to grave harm to a neighbor, it is
* The Ministerial Priesthood
surely a grave sin.
* The Priesthood of all believers
St. Thomas on the Priesthood
As stated before, venial sin is a sin of lesser
matter than grave sin. It can also be a sin of A. Only Christ is the true High Priest
grave matter in which the sinner did not
B. All others are ministers of Christ
fully consent to the sin or did not have
knowledge that his actions where sinful. The priesthood in the O.T announces Christ.
Venial sins will not destroy grace in the soul.
The priesthood in the N.T acts in the person
and will not directly cause a person who
of Christ.
dies in the state of venial sin to lose the
promise of heaven. Yet, venial sin weakens Priesthood of believers
Like Christ we are anointed priest, prophet, conferred on them the power to forgive or
and Kings retain sins

Through baptism we receive the priesthood Since the apostles knew that the priesthood
of all believers. must continue in the Church after they
would die, when evangelizing a city and
Priest: We have the ability to offer prayers
before setting out for a new one, they
and spiritual sacrifices to God, (holiness)
imposed their hands on others, conferring
King: We share the promise of eternal life in on them the priesthood (Cf. 2 Timothy 1:6;
the kingdom of heaven Acts 14:23).

We are all called: Holy Orders

A. to serve God and neighbor The sacrament of mission through which

Christ continues his presence through the
B. To be witnesses
ministry of the Bishop and priest.
C. To live a holy life acceptable to God
This ministry is exercise until the end of

Jesus- chose apostles (those who are sent)

To continue his ministry on earth and He

gave them the power to act in his name.

Who may receive worthily the sacrament of

Holy Orders?

Is at the service of the common priesthood

of believers •Christian Catholic who are in the state of
It sanctifies the people of God, through the
sacraments, word and deeds •Excellent character

The institution of the sacrament of Holy •Those who have sound doctrine
•Those who have reached the prescribed
Christ chose His apostles and at the Last age and learning, passes all the required
Supper instituted the priesthood of the
Philosophical and Theological studies
New Covenant. He told the apostles and
their successors to renew the sacrifice of • Those who have the intention of devoting
the cross. With the words "Do this in their lives to the sacred ministry and with a
remembrance of me" (Luke 22:19), He sure vocation from God
made them priests of the New Testament.
•Those who are called to holy orders by
On the day of His Resurrection, He
their bishop, approved by the Church
Consecration forever

*This word comes from the Latin. * Through the sacrament of Holy Orders the
priest is Christ's minister, a mediator
*It means:
between God and men, who has the duties
A. To set aside for a holy purpose of worshipping God -adoration,
thanksgiving, satisfaction and petition- and
Through this consecration or ordination the
of communicating grace to men.
minister of God serves the Church by word
and deed. * The powers conferred on priests, powers
that even angels do not have, are not
Jesus the Son of God
temporal but permanent. Those who
Jesus is the perfect mediator; unique priest. receive this sacrament receive an indelible
The perfect High priest character and become priests forever.

Through Jesus a new covenant is * This sacrament can be received not only
established. by baptized men who full-fill due conditions

* A perfect sacrifice is offered Holy Orders

* A new people is formed Ministers: only the Bishops

* A new covenant is created Effects

Biblical Basis & Institution • Becoming

Jesus chooses Apostles: "ordained" clergy, in leadership

* Mark 3:13-19; etc. "orders":

* Strength
* Grace

Laying on of Hands:

* Acts 6:6 * INDELIBLE MARK = to act in the person of

* 1 Tim 4:14; 5:22 Christ

* 2 Tim 1:6 Words & Actions

Institution Words:

* Last Supper * "Prayer of Consecration"

* Resurrection Actions:

* Before the Ascension * Laying hands on ordinand's head.

Anointing hands with holy oil
5. A priest is a man consecrated to God
* Several other symbolic gestures

4. The three degrees of the sacrament of The Priests

Holy Orders
Presbyter = elder
The sacrament of Holy Orders consists of
Priest are incorporated into the priesthood
three degrees related to each other.
of Christ
* The episcopate and priesthood are
A.They represent the bishop (subordinates)
different degrees of the ministerial
participation in the priesthood of Christ. B.They have the power to preach, and
celebrate the sacraments and lead the
* Deacons help bishops and priests
people in worship.
* Thus, the term priest designates both
bishops and priests, but not deacons.
Nevertheless all three degrees are * There are two types
conferred through the sacrament of Holy
* Transitional = those studying for the
priesthood (celibate)
When we say priests, we usually refer to
* Permanent = Married or single Men who
those in the priesthood.
wish to serve the Church as ministers
There are three degrees or orders
* Deacons do not share in the priesthood.
• Episcopate They are ordain to ministry (service).
= Bishop
Some of the Deacon's functions are:
• Presbyterate
= Priest A.Witness marriage union
• Diaconate B.Lead funerals
= Deacon C.Proclaim
D. Preach Proclaim the word of God
E.Serve as Chaplain
The Bishops

• Episcopos = oversee
G. Assist the Bishop or the priest in the
A. has the fullness of the priesthood liturgy

B.has the power to ordain, to teach, to 8.Duties this of the faithful towards priest
* strongly recommended that parents
C.Successors of the Apostles should give their sons complete freedom to
follow this vocation, if God calls them to the
D.With the Pope guide the people of God to
priesthood.All the faithful should pray that
holiness, truth and the experience of God
God may grant His Church good shepherds
and ministers full of zeal. Mark 10:2-12; Matt 19:1-9

* We should show great respect, veneration - Jesus teaches against divorce; "What God
and love for priests, keeping in mind that has joined together, let no one separate"
they are Christ's ministers -fathers and
Eph 5:22-33; 1Cor 7:10-16
shepherds of souls. We must help them too
in their material needs - Paul stresses the unity of husbands and

SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY The parties to a marriage covenant are a
baptized man and woman, free to contract
* A sacrament through which a baptized
marriage, who freely express their consent;
man and woman join themselves in a lawful
"to be free" means:
marriage of love and a partnership
throughout their whole life. - not being under constraint;

* Is there for the mutual help of the - not impeded by any natural or
spouses and the increase of the people of ecclesiastical law.
* The Church holds the exchange of consent
* Signifies the union of Christ and the between the spouses to be the
Church indispensable element that "makes the
marriage." If consent is lacking there is no
"The covenant, by which a man and a
woman establish between themselves a
partnership of the whole of life, is by its * The consent consists in a "human act by
nature ordered toward the good of the which the partners mutually give
spouses and the procreation and education themselves to each other": "I take vou to be
of offspring; this covenant between my wife" - "I take vou to be my husband."
baptized persons has been raised by Christ This consent that binds the spouses to each
the Lord to the dignity of a sacrament.” other finds its fulfillment in the two
"becoming one flesh." [Gen 2:24; cf. Mt
10:8; Eph 5:311]


* Therefore, the efficient cause of
Gen 2:24 Matrimony is the mutual consent of the
partners. Consent affects the partners both
- "a man leaves his parents and clings to his
as minister and also as recipients of the
wife and they become one flesh"
sacrament. The exchange of consent is the tribunal, can declare the nullity of a
essential component of Marriage, without marriage, i.e., that the marriage never
which the sacrament does not take place. existed. In this case the contracting parties
are free to marry, provided the natural
* MATRIMONIAL CONSENT may be defined
obligations of a previous union are
as an act of will by which a man and a
woman, by an irrevocable covenant
mutually give and accept one another for The priest (or deacon) who assists at the
the purpose of establishing marriage.
celebration of a marriage receives the
OUTWARD SIGN - MUTUAL CONSENT consent of the spouses in the name of the
Church and gives the blessing of the
Church. The presence of the Church's
-Sufficient use of reason minister (and also of the witnesses) visibly
expresses the fact that marriage is an
-A sufficient discretionary judgment
ecclesial reality.
concerning the essential rights and
obligation to be mutually given and This is the reason why the Church normally
accepted in the marriage covenant - requires that the faithful contract marriage
Psychological capability. according to the ecclesiastical form. Several
reasons converge to explain this
-The partners must at least not be ignorant
* Sacramental marriage is a liturgical act. It
of the fact that Marriage is a permanent
is therefore appropriate that it should be
partnership between a man and a woman,
celebrated in the public liturgy of the
ordered to the procreation of children.

* Marriage introduces one into an ecclesial

The consent must be an act of the will of order, and creates rights and duties in the
each of the contracting parties, free of Church between the spouses and towards
coercion or grave external fear. No human their children;
power can substitute for this consent. If this
*Since marriage is a state of life in the
freedom is lacking the marriage is invalid.
Church, certainty about it is necessary
(hence the obligation to have witnesses);

* The public character of the consent

protects the "I do" once given and helps the
spouses remain faithful to it.
For this reason (or for other reasons that
render the marriage null and void) the
Church, after an examination of the
situation by the competent ecclesiastical
The participants in a marriage contract * non-age (at least 16 for males, 14 for
must be free to marry, and to marry each females)
other. That is, they must be an unmarried
* abduction
man and woman, with no impediments as
set out by Canon law. In addition to being
free to marry, the participants must intend
marriage. Consent must be a free act of the
will of the consenting parties, free of * The MATTER is the mutual self-giving
coercion or grave external error. If freedom (tradition) of the spouses.
is lacking, the consent is invalid.
* The FORM is the mutual acceptance
IMPEDIMENTS (acceptatio) of this self-giving. This mutual
acceptance must be expressed in words and
A Catholic marriage cannot be formed if
one or more of the following Impediments
are given, though of some of these a The main symbols in the Sacrament of
dispensation can be given Matrimony are the couples themselves.

* antecedent and perpetual Impotence Traditions:

* Consanguinity to the fourth collateral Rings-marriage agreement; eternity

line (1st cousin), including legal adoption to
Candle-God's presence within the union
the second collateral line direct Y
relationship by marriage, e.g. a brother-in- Veil-union of couple clothed as one
law) in the Cord-infinite bond of marriage
* prior bond Coins- good luck; prosperity
* Holy Orders MINISTER
* perpetual vows of chastity in a religious The couples are the ones who administer
institute the wedding, the priest is there to guide
* Disparity of cult (one party not being and witness
baptized) "To become one body”
* Crime (one party previously conspiring to - "To become"- implies a life-long process
marry (upon condition of death of spouse) which begins only during the wedding day.
while still married): also called
"conjugicide" - "One Body" unity of two persons in all
their basic human level- physical,
psychological, or spiritual.

The sacrament of Marriage begins when a Celebrant bless the rings

man and a woman stand before God and
Groom:(place ring on his wife's finger):
the community, and publicly and freely
declare (promise): (BN), take this ring as a sign of my love and
fidelity. In the name of the Father, and of
“To be one heart and one soul from this day
the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for
poorer, in sickness and in health, until death Bride: (place ring on her husband's finger):
do us part.”
(GN), take this ring as a sign of my love and
Rite of Marriage (state of intentions) fidelity. In the name of the Father, and of
the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Celebrant: And so, in the presence of the
Church, I ask you to state your intentions.
1. Have you come here freely and without
reservation to give yourselves to each other
in marriage? 1. first, to sanctify the love of husband and
2. Will you love and honor each other as
man and wife for the rest of your lives? 2. second, to give them grace to bear with
each other's weaknesses;
3. Will you accept children lovingly from
God, and bring them waccordingly to the 3. third, to enable them to bring up
law of Celebrant bless and pray for the their children in the love and fear of
couple (consent). God.

Giving of Consent (joined hands) The union and love existing between a
husband and wife should be like the
Groom: I, (GN), take you (BN), to be my
union and love existing between Our
wife. I promise to be true to you in good
Lord and His Church. The grace of the
times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I
Sacrament helps them to have such a
will love you all the days of my life.
Bride: I, (BN), take you (GN), to be my
"Weaknesses" that is, their faults, bad
husband. I promise to be true to you in
dispositions, etc. "Bring up their
good times and in bad, in sickness and in
children." This is their most important
health. I will love you all the days of my life.
duty, and parents receive grace to
Blessing and Exchange of the Rings perform it, and woe be to them if they
abuse that grace!
Sacraments Matter and Form

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