212) Time & Tense Final White

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Definition: - The form of a verb denotes time and the state of an action or event is known as
a tense.
A tense may be defined as that form of a verb which indicates the time and the state of an
action or event.
Definition:- fØ;k dk og :i tense dgykrk gS tks fdlh dk;Z dk ?kVuk ds le; rFkk mldh voLFkk dks n”kkZrk gSA

 To comprehend tenses in a better way, we will

Study them by classifying all the tense.

Indefinite Tense
(1) Simple Present Tense/ Present Indefinite

(2) Simple Past Tense/ Past Indefinite Tense

(3) Simple Future Tense/ Future Indefinite

Continuous Tense
(1) Present Continuous Tense
(2) Past Continuous Tense
(3) Future Continuous Tense

Perfect Tense
(1) Present Perfect Tense
(2) Past Perfect Tense
(3) Future Perfect Tense

Perfect Continuous Tense

(1) Present Perfect Continuous Tense
(2) Past Perfect Continuous Tense
(3) Future Continuous Tense

 Tenses and their Functions:-

Simple Present Tense/ Present Indefinite Tense

This tense is used to denote

1. Regular action

2. Irregular action

3. Universal Truth

4. Geographical Truth
5. Proverbs

6. Habit

7. Custom

8. Permanent activity

9. Socially accepted belief

10. It is used when we talk about any book, the content of which are still relevant,
although the book was written in the past.

11. It is used to show formal or officially planned action for future.

12. It is used in exclamatory sentences that begin with HERE and THERE to express the
position or appearance of the objects.
Singular Subject- (he/ she) it/ someone/ anyone/everything/ something/ nothing/ anything/
everyone/ singular noun.

Positive Sentence- Subject + V1 + s/es + object

Negative Sentence- Subject + does + not + V1 + object

Interrogative Sentence- Does + subject + V1 + object ?

Negative Interrogative Sentence- Does + subject + not + V1 + object ?

Open ended (Interrogative Sentence)- Wh- word + does + subject + V1 + object ?

Plural Subject: I/ we/ you/ they/ plural noun

Positive Sentence- Subject + V1 + object

Negative Sentence- Subject + do + not + V1 + object

Interrogative Sentence- Do + Subject + V1 + object ?

Negative Interrogative Sentence- Do + Subject + not + V1 + object?

Open ended (Interrogative Sentence)- Wh- word + do + subject + V1 + object?


1. The sun sets in west. (Universal Truth)

2. He smokes. (Habit)

3. I go to school twice a week. (Regular)

4. Slow and steady wins / won the race.


5. Man is/ was mortal. (Universal Truth)

6. The Ganga springs/ sprang from the

Himalayas. (Geographical truth)

Challenge for students

1. The banks are not opening on Sundays. (x)

2. Clouds hold water that evaporates from the land or the sea later, the water in
clouds returned to the land as rain or snow.

3. She is going every day for a morning work with her friends and neighbours.

4. My teacher told me that honesty was the best policy.

5. The price of woolen clothes come down in summer.

6. The old lady is going for a walk in the morning everyday.

7. She is often getting late for lunch.

8. Raju is always coming on time.

9. We are seldom going home.

10. A rolling stone will gather no moss.

11. The teacher told the students that a bat unlike other birds had teeth.

12. They along with some other boys are playing football here every day from
morning till noon.

13. The priest told us that avarice was the root of all evils.

14. Our Constitution guaranteed six fundamental Rights.

15. The president arrives in Dehradun this Sunday.

16. The earth is moving round the sun.

17. Honesty has been the best policy.

18. Sometimes you are behaving in such a way that we cannot trust you.

19. Everybody in the office likes him because he is seldom coming late.

20. He is going out for a walk every morning, therefore he is fit and fine.

21. The best thing about your father is that he is always taking life with a
positive attitude.

22. You are coming so late sometimes that it becomes very difficult for me to
manage such a huge number of studens.

23. Pawan and Amit like to play together, though they are at daggers drawn.

24. You, the monitor of this class is responsible for the misbehavior of the
25. Many wants success but success wants those who labour for it.

26. When someone speaks to us we saw him, but when we read we don’t see the

27. Whenever we have a puncture she just sits in the car and reads a book while I
change the wheel.

28. Where he goes on Sunday?

29. How his father earns money?

30. Why she does not read newspaper?

31. Do you know where does he goes on Sunday?

32. She wants to know why does he come here.

33. The lady cuts vegetables, puts them in a basket and turn on the tap.

34. Water turned into vapour at 100C.

35. The teacher said that river froze at high altitude.

36. How your brother earns money?

37. Asia was the largest continent in the world.

38. The teacher said that the Earth revolved round the sun.

39. Why you go the school? (Wrong)

40. Why does they teaches English? (Wrong)

41. Why do she works hard? (Wrong)

42. How he plays so well? (Wrong)

43. How you manage your work? (Wrong)

44. Where you go to teach English? (Wrong)

45. Where she comes from? (Wrong)

46. Does she know why do you go there? (Wrong)

Note: If a ‘WH’ word is used in the middle of a sentence, it is used as a relative adverb not an
interrogative adverb. Therefore we should use subject after a ‘WH’ word the ‘WH’ word if used
in the middle.

1. Do your Father knows why do your brother

Comes here?

2. Does your brother knows how does your elder

Brother earns money?
Note: There are some adverbs of frequency such as often, seldom, usually, never,
occasionally, sometimes, normally, generally, always, frequently, rarely, daily, every day,
every Sunday, every moth. Once a week, once a year, once a month etc. which are used in
present indefinite tense.

Definition: - This tense is used for an action in progress that is temporary in nature (not for a
permanent activity).

Definition:- ;fn cksyus ds le; dksbZ dksbZ dk;Z tkjh jgs rks og Present Continuous Tense esa fy[kk tk;sxkA

Positive Sentence- Subject + is/am/are + V1 + ing + object

Negative Sentence- Subject + is/am/are + not + V1 + ing + object

Interrogative Sentence- is/am/are + subject + V1 + ing + object

Negative Interrogative Sentence- is/am/are + subject + not + V1 + ing + object

Open ended (Interrogative Sentence)- Wh word + is/am/are + subject + V1 + object

1. nsgjknwu esa yxkrkj ckfj”k gks jgh gSA
It is raining incessantly in Dehradun.

2. Eklwjh esa vksys iM+ jgs gSA

It is hailing in Mussorie.

3. eSa jes”k ds lkFk fons”k tk jgk gw¡A og esjk iDdk lkFkh gSA lq[k&nq[k esa esjs lkFk gh jgrk gS gekjs chp esa dksbZ Hkh ckr fNih ugha gSA
I am going abroad with Ramesh. He is my alter-ego (intimate friend). He always stands by
me. There is nothing hide and seek between us.
4. rqe fØdsV D;ks ugha [ksy jgs gksA rqEgsa ckgj [ksyuk pkfg, D;ksfd rqe
eksVs gksA
Why are you not playing cricket? You should play outdoors because you are
plumpy/ chubby/ corpulent/ obese / hefty.

5. Okks viuh lQyrk dk t”ku euk jgs gSA vkt mudk liuk iwjk gqvk gSA
They are rejoicing at their success because their dream has come true today.

6. D;k ckgj Hkkjh ckfj”k gks jgh gSA

Is it raining cats and dogs outside?

7. fdlku fnYyh ckZMj ij izn”Z ku D;ksa dj jgs gS\

Why are the farmers remonstrating at Delhi Border?

8. Look! He runs behind the bus.

Look! He is running behind the bus.

9. Shhh! The baby sleeps.

Shhh! The baby is sleeping

10. He smokes now.

He is smoking now.

11. I teach physics at Cadets Defence Academy

At present.
I am teaching physics at Cadets Defence Academy at present.
12. She goes to temple this time.
She is going to temple this time.

13. I currently in an MNC

I am currently working in an MNC.

14. Sandhya is learning French these days.

15. Tkaula[;k cgqr rsth ls c<+ jgh gSA

Population is increasing by leaps and bounds/ rapidly.

16. Lkeqnzh bykds ikuh esa foy; gks jgs gSA

Coastal areas are getting submerged.

17. vkt dqN fo|kFkhZ izkFkZuk dj jgsa gSA

Some students are praying today.

18. g’kZo/kZu viuh fdrkc esa esjk uke fy[k jgk gSA
Harshvardhan is writing my name in his book.
19. vkWtu ijr rsth ls ?kV jgh gSA
Ozone layer is depleting at pace.

20. Ykksx bl taxy ls gksdj tk jgs gSaA

People are going through this forest.
NOTE:- Present Continuous showing near future or intention.

Subject + is/am/are + going + to + V1 + object

1. eSa ,d i= fy[kus okyk gw¡A
I am going to write a letter.

2. Okg vkVk xw¡Fkus okyh gSA

She is going to knead the dough.

3. We are going to organise a seminar.

4. Sanjeev Thakur sir is going to publish

Volume-1 of English vocabulary in February.

Challenge for students

1. It is raining/ rains in Dehradun this time.

2. They are washing/ wash the dishes now.

3. At present he is going/ goes to Cadets

Defence Academy.

4. I am reading/ read the newspaper at the


5. Are he going to invite you?

6. Do you know what is she doing now?

7. Does the C.M. know what are the MLAs

NOTE: We use Present Continuous Tense with (currently/ this time/ at present/ now/ right
now/ at the moment etc.)

If an action has completed recently it comes under present perfect tense, but if time is
added, it comes under past indefinite.
This tense always implies a strong connection with the present though action took place in
the past.

 Present Perfect is called the tense of totality.

 If yet, already, upto, lately, just, recently, so far, ever, up to now, till today, to this day, of
late, till now etc words are used then present perfect tense is used.

 Present perfect tense links past to the present. If denotes that action of the present which
has been completed just at the moment of speaking.

Positive – Subject + has/have + V3 + object.

Negative – Subject + has/ have + not + V3 + object.

Interrogative- Has/ have + subject + not + V3 + object?

Wh – ‘Wh’ word + has/ have + subject + not + V3 + object

1. I have already seen the movie.

2. He hasn’t finished the work yet.

3. Have you ever seen any celebrity?

4. He has come to Dehradun recently.

5. She has not done any work so far.

1. eSa uk”rk dj pqdh gw¡A
I have had breakfast

2. ljdkj us vHkh rd dksbZ fu.kZ; ugha fy;k gSA

The Government has not taken any decision yet.

3. You have not taken a bath so far.

(Bath – noun, Bathe – verb)
4. jktw us vkt rd ,d Hkh ysDpj fel ugha fd;k gSA
Raju has not missed any lecture to this day. (to this day- till today)

1. In this movie, we _____________ the most

Extraordinary scene.
(A) Just see
(B) Have just seen
(C) Just saw
(D) Had just seen

2. There are no buses available because the drivers ___________on strike lately.
(A) Had gone
(B) Go
(C) Have gone
(D) Went

3. The news of the death ___________________so far.

(A) Has not declared
(B) Has not been declared
(C) Was not declared
(D) Is not declared

4. To this day, I _______________her.

(A) Have not forgotten
(B) Had not forgotten
(C) Did not forget
(D) Do not forget
5. I dn’t think, we ______________before.
(A) Met
(B) Have met
(C) Had met
(D) meet

6. The train ____________you are late Rohan.

(A) Had already left
(B) Already left
(C) has already left,
(D) already leaves

7. The Government ____________any decision up to now.

(A) Does not take
(B) Did not take
(C) Had not taken
(D) Has not taken

8. I ______________this chapter 5 times since Holi.

(A) Teach
(B) Taught
(C) Have taught
(D) Will teach
Concept of since

1. I ____________ him since he came to Dehradun
(A) Did not visit
(B) Do not visit
(C) Have not visited
(D) Had not visited

2. Rajesh ______________ any leave since he joined Indian Army.

(A) Does not take
(B) Will not take
(C) Did not take
(D) Has not taken

3. It ____________ continuously since you came.

(A) Has been raining
(B) Had been raining
(C) Will be raining
(D) Is raining

Sanjeev Sir Special

NOTE:- There are some phrases that take present perfect Tense instead of any other tense.
This is the first time
This is the worst
This is the easiest

t) +
ct +
+ V3
This is the best

This is the best movie, I have ever watched.

This is the best shake, I have ever drunk.

This is the easiest job, I have ever got.

Imaginary Status

Past Indefinite:- If + sub1 + were + imaginary . sub2 + would + V1 + object

1. If I were the CM of Uttarakhand, I would give job opportunities to the youth.

2. If Nirbhaya were a bird, she would fly high and escape herself.

3. vxj eSa rsjh txg gksrk] rks eSa mudks cqjh rjhds ls ihVrkA
If I were you, I would beat them black and blue.

4. vxj rqe nsgjknwu ds eS;j gksrs rks rqe D;k djrsA

If you were the Mayor of Dehradun, what would you do?
As If / As Though

1. og eq>ls ,sls ckr djrk gS] ekuks fd tSls og esjk ckWl gksA
He talks to me as is/ as though he _____________ my boss.
(a) Is
(b) Was
(c) Were
(d) Are

2. rqe jksM ij ,sls pyrs gks] ekuks fd jksM+ rqEgkjh gksA

You walk on the road as is/ as though the road __________ to you.
(a) Belong
(b) Belonged
(c) Belongs
(d) Belonging

3. Teacher gesa ,sls ekjrk gS] ekuks fd tSls og tYykn gksAa

The teacher beats us as if were a devil/ demon callous.

4. rqe mlls ,sls ckr djrs gks ekuks fd tSls rqe mls tkurs gksA dy rks
rqeus >xM+k fd;kA
You talk to him as if/ though you knew him. You fell out him yesterday.
Fall out – Quarrel (yM+kbZ)


This tense is used to talk about the actions that started sometime in the past and have been
continuing till the time of speaking. While using this tense the duration of the action is
stressed upon.
Positive- sub + has/have + been + V1 ing + object + since/for + time

Negative- sub + has/have + not + been + V1 ing + object + since/for + time

Interrogative- has/have + sub + not + been + V1 ing + object + since + for + time ?
‘Wh’ word + has/have + sub + not + been + V1 ing + object + since + for + time ?

Since / For

For- It is used when time is not known. (period of time)

Examples:- For 2 hours, for 6 months, for 10 years, for many days, for some days, for a
few weeks, for a long time, for long, for a few minutes, for the last + time

Since- It is used with point of time.

(1) Since + name of the day

Ex. Since Monday, since Sunday etc.

(2) Since + name of the month

Ex. Since August, since March etc.

(3) Since + date

Ex. Since 15th August, Since 12th December etc.
(4) Since + part of the day
Ex. Since morning, since evening, since down, since dusk, since noon, since
afternoon etc.

(5) Since + time

Ex. Since 7am, since 2pm etc.

(6) Since + name of the year

Ex. Since 1857, since 1947 etc.

(7) Since + festival

Ex. Since Holi, since Diwali etc.

(8) Since + occasion

Ex. Since marriage, since birthday etc.

(9) Since + arrival/ departure, Inception

Ex. nsgjknwu esa lqcg ls :d&:d dj ckfj”k gks jgh gSA
1. It is/has been raining sporadically in
Dehradun since morning.
2. This organization has been doing well
Since/for its inception.

3. He has been toiling since/for marriage.

4. Why are you not working for 3 days?

Why have you not been working for 3 days?

5. Rajeev has been playing chess since ten

Rajeev has been playing chess for ten minutes.

6. I am trying to convince him for the last 2

days to come and live with me till his father’s anger cools down.

I have been trying to convince him for the last 2 days to come and live with me
till his father’s anger cools down.

Verbs of State

1. Present Continuous Verbs of state changes to present indefinite.

2. Present Perfect Continuous Verbs of state changes to present perfect.

NOTE: There are some verbs which are not used in continuous tense. These verbs are called
verb of state.

Ex. Know, Have (Possess), Love, Hate, Like, Dislike, Own, Belong, Prefer, Resemble,
Understand, Be, Become, Seen, Appear Etc.

1. My mother is loving me.
My mother loves me.

2. She is owning a flat in Dehradun.

She owns a flat in Dehradun.

3. This house is belonging to me

This house belongs to me
4. I have been knowing you since 2001.
I have known you since 2001.

5. She has been honest since childhood.

6. They have been having a car since 2005.

They have/ has a car since 2005.

7. This house has been belonging to me for 3

Years (wrong)
This house has belonged to me for 3 years (right)

8. rqe lqcg ls [kq”k gksA

You have been happy since morning.

9. Mr. Sharma has been owning a flat in

Rishikesh since marriage.
Mr. Sharma has owned a flat in Rishikesh since marriage.

How Long / Since When

NOTE:- How long/ since when + present perfect continuous

1. How long are you been playing Kabaddi?
How long have you been playing Kabaddi?

2. Since when are they playing truat?

Since when have they been playing truat?

3. fdrus yacs le; ls rqe cricket [ksy jgs gks\

How long have you been playing cricket?

4. fdruh nsj ls vksys iM+ jgs gS\

How long has it been hailing?

5. Okg dc ls English i<+k jgh gS\

How long has she been teaching English?
 Past indefinite/ simple past tense
This tense is used to show the given point.
A. Regular action
B. Irregular action
C. Habit
D. Verbs of state

 If time is given in the past, and an action take place in that given time, it comes under
past indefinite but, if the action takes place before the given time it come under past
Note: We use past indefinite with yesterday, Ago, last year, day before yesterday, last time, in
+ time (past), past indefinite is called recent past while past perfect is called long past.


Positive- Sub + V2 + Object

Negative- Sub + did + not + V1 + object

Interrogative- did + sub + not + V1 + object ?

Wh- ‘Wh’ word + did + sub + not + V1 + object ?

1. She asked me where did I go/ I went on Sunday.

2. My mother wanted to know where did I come from.

3. How you helped the poor those days?

4. Manish has come/ came to India in 2016.

5. My brother had gone/ went abroad for higher education 2 years ago.

6. I was knowing/ knew her.

7. She said that she will/ would meet her friends at the restaurant.

8. India has become/ became free in 1947.

9. I had come here on Sundays in 2015.

It is time/ It is high time/ It is about time + sub V2 + object ……………

1. It is time you _____________ home.

(a) Go
(b) Gone
(c) Went
(d) Have gone

2. It is high time we ____________ hard.

(a) Study
(b) Studied
(c) Have studied
(d) Are studying

3. It is time she _________ to her parents.

(a) Talks
(b) Talked
(c) Should talk
(d) Is talking

4. It is high time the people of Dehradun meet/

Met the Chief Minister.

5. It is about time you call/ called on your

NOTE: - As soon as (tSls gh)
Past indefinite Past indefinite
Clause I Clause II (oSls

1. As soon as the thief saw the police, he flad/ had flad.

2. As soon as I saw my father, I stopped smoking.

3. As soon as the result was announced, I rushed to the cape.

4. My tummy got upset as soon as I had butter milk.

NOTE:- When + past continuous + past indefinite

1. When I was studying, my friends barged in.

2. When I was watching cricket, the bell rang.

3. When we were playing, I had thrown/ threw

the ball at him.
If an action remains continuous in the past, it comes under past continuous Tense.

Positive- Sub + was/ were + V1 ing + object

Negative- Sub + was/ were + not + V1 ing + object

Interrogative- was/ were + sub + not + V1 ing + object?

Wh- ‘Wh’ + was/ were + sub + not + V1 ing + object?

1. tc firkth vkWfQl ls ?kj ykSV]s esjk cMk HkkbZ PUB-G [ksy jgk FkkA
When father returned home from the office, my elder/ older brother was playing

2. mlus viuh Vk¡x rqM+ok yh tc og [ksy jgk FkkA

He broke his leg while he was playing.
3. og dgk¡ Fkk tc eS tense i<+k jgk FkkA
Where was he when I was teaching tense.

4. rqe dgk¡ Fks tc eSa [kkuk [kk jgk Fkk\

Where were you when I was eating food?

5. D;k cPpk jks jgk Fkk\

Was the child crying?

6. rqe esjk bartkj D;ks ugha dj jgs Fks\

Why were you not waiting for me?

7. Eksjh ekrk th lfCt;k¡ dkV jgh Fkh tcfd eSa i<+ jgk FkkA
My mother was cutting vegetables while I was studying.

8. Driver xkM+h pyk jgk Fkk tcfd conductor /kqeziku dj jgk

The driver was driving while the conductor was fagging.
9. Rkqe pkj ?kaVs igys v[kckj i<+ jgs FksA
You were reading a newspaper four hour ago.
Past Perfect

If an action takes place before the given time, in the past, it comes under past perfect.


Positive- Sub + had + V3 + object

Negative- Sub + had + not + V3 + object

Interrogative- Had + sub + not + V3 + object?

Wh- ‘Wh’ word + had + sub + not + V3 + object?

1. mlds xkM+h dks jksdus ls igys esa mls ns[k pqdk FkkA
I had seen him before he stopped his car.

2. dqN le> vkus ls igys esjk ukSdj esjk lkjk iSlk pqjk ds Hkkx pqdk FkkA
Before I understood anything my servant had made off with all my money.

3. MkWDVj ds vkus ls igys jksxh ej pqdk FkkA

The patient had died before the doctor came.

4. gekjs flusek gkWy igq¡pus ls igys gekjk cpiu dk ;kj igys ls fVdV ys
pqdk FkkA
By the time we reached the cinema Hall, our childhood friend had already
bought ticket.

5. When Anand reached his village, he found

That the news about him had preceded him.

6. When Sumit got the top of the hill, he was

disappointed because he found that someone else has reached it.

7. Eksjs Institute igq¡pus ls igys class “kq# gks pqdh FkhA

The class had begun before I reached the institute.
Past Perfect Continuous

Positive- Sub + had + been + V1 + ing + obj + for/since + time

Negative- Sub + had + not (hadn’t) + been + V1 + ing + obj + for/ since + time

Interrogative- Had + sub + been + V1 + ing + obj + for/ since + time?

Had + sub + not + been + V1 + ing + obj + for/ since + time?

Hadn’t + sub + not + been + V1 + ing + obj + for/ since + time?

1. os vki dks “kq: ls gh eq[kZ cuk jgs FksA
They had been fooling you since the beginning.

2. eS lqcg ls lks jgk FkkA

I had been sleeping since morning.

3. ge 5 lky ls fnYyh esa jg jgs FksA

We had been living in Delhi for 5 yours.

4. daxuk “kq# ls HkkbZ&Hkrhtkokn dk eqík mBk jgh FkhA

Kangana had been raising the issue of nepotism since the beginning.

5. eSa joining letter dk dbZ lIrkg ls bartkj dj jgk FkkA

I had been waiting for the joining letter for many weeks.

6. When her husband return, she _____________

T.V for 2 hours
(a) was watching
(b) is watching
(c) had been watching
(d) has been watching
7. Ramesh _____________ in this company for ten
years, when he took retirement.
(A) Has been working
(B) Was working
(C) Is working
(D) Had been working

8. The people _____________ for him for an hour

when the pm arrived.
(A) Has been waiting
(B) Was waiting
(C) Is waiting
(D) Had been waiting

If + sub + had + V3 + object ,
Clause (C1) Clause (C2)
Had + sub + V3 + object,Sub + would + have + V3 + Object


1. If she had come late, she would not have got

the permission to enter.

2. If I had gone to Delhi, I would have got

proper treatment.

3. If the government had imposed lockdown in

February 2020, covid-19 would not have spread in India.

4. Had you work hard favorite me, I would have

Become an IAS officer.

5. Had you called me up, I would have surely

Helped you.
Action to take place in future

Positive:- sub + will / shall + + object

Negative:- sub + will / shall + not + + object

Interrogative:- will / shall + sub + + object?

WH word:- wh word + will / shall + sub + + object?

1. I will not use Hindi in class.

2. I will go to market an IAS office.

3. Shall I go to market now.

4. I will serve my motherland.

 If an action remains continuous in future, it is said to be future continuous.

 Structure :-

Positive – sub + will / shall + be + V1ing + object

Negative - sub + will / shall + not + be + V1ing + object

Interrogative - will / shall + sub + not + be + V1ing + object?

WH word – ‘WH’ word + will / shall + sub + not + be + V1ing + object?

 Example :-
1. dy rqe mldk bartkj D;ksa dj gksxs \
Why will you be waiting for him tomorrow?

2. When you get up, the sun will be rising?

3. When the president arrives, the people will be

Waiting for him?

4. When I reach home, my mother will be

Preparing lunch.

5. It will be raining in the evening.

6. When the teacher enters the class, the

Students will be making a noise

7. Reena will be singing a song.

8. He will be writing a letter.


If an action remains continuous in the future some time, it comes under future continuous.


This tense conveys the duration of a particular action in the future.


 Positive – sub + will / shall + have + been + V1 + ing + object + for / form / + time.

 Negative - sub + will / shall + not + have + been + V 1 + ing + object + for / form / +
 Interrogative - Will / shall + sub + not + have + been + V1 + ing + object + for / form / +

 WH – ‘WH’ word + Will / shall + sub + not + have + been + V 1 + ing + object + for / form
/ +time?

Example:- By the end of this year, Sanjeev Thakur sir will have teaching here for 12 years.

1. We shall be/ have been flying kites from morning next Sunday.

2. Ashok will have been pursuing his MBA from 30 June next year.

3. It will have been raining from 6 June next year.

4. I shall have been teaching the students since/from 15 Jan 2022.

5. When I meet you, you will have been waiting for me from 2 hours.

6. The farmers will have been working in the field for five hours by the end of


 If an action gets completed before the given time action in future, we use future perfect

 Positive- sub + will/ shall + have + V3 + object.

 Negative- sub + will/ shall + not + have + V3 +

 Interrogative- will/ shall + sub + not + have + V3
+ object?

 WH word- ‘WH’ word + will/ shall + sub + not +

have + V3 + object?

1. eS lkseokj rd ;g fdrkc i<+ pqdk gksx
a kA
I will have read this book by Monday.

2. Oks 2022 ls igys izpkj dj pqdsa gksx

a sA
They will have advertised before 2022.

3. gekjs LVs”ku igqWpus ls igys Vªsu NwV pqdh gksxhA

The train will have left before we reach the station.

4. They will have reached have by 6’ o clock.

5. She will have returned by evening.

6. By the time the doctor arrives the patient

Will die/will have died.

7. The plants will wither/will have withered

Before it rains.

8. By next year Ramesh will take / have taken

His university degree.

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