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A. Choose the correct answer:

Q1. __________ of the two sisters is Q7. Can I borrow __________ sugar?
A. much
A. Both B. some
B. Every C. a little
C. Each D. a few
D. Any
Q8. With this, you have lost __________
Q2. _________ of you should attend the chance that you had.
A. a little
A. Both B. little
B. Each C. the little
C. Every D. slight
D. Many
Q9. __________ participants left the
Q3. We should inform __________ of meeting in between.
A. Several
A. many B. Much
B. every C. The few
C. few D. Little
D. all
Q10. It seems that they would need
Q4. They have spent __________ for _________ workers for the construction.
their son’s wedding.
A. little
A. many B. either
B. enough C. more
C. all D. some
D the little
Q5. __________ of the candidates pass
Q11. _________ man that we saw turned
this exam.
out to be a thief.
A. Enough
A. A
B. Fewer
B. The
C. Either
C. That
D. Most
D. This
Q6. __________ of the deadlines is met.
Q12. Can ___________ help me?
A. Neither
A. many
B. No
B. nobody
C. None
C. everybody
D. Much
D. somebody
Q13. He should work _________ and take Q19. ____________ one of them has
a break. been invited.
A. less A. Each
B. little B. Every
C. a little C. Many
D. more D. Much
Q14. He told me that __________ blue Q20. ___________ sun is about to set.
was her favorite color.
A. A
A. a B. An
B. the C. The
C. this D. A little
D. None of the above
Q21. ___________ of the people who
Q15. You can pick ___________ of two. came have left.
A. many A. Most
B. more B. Many
C. either C. Every
D. some D. Each
Q16. __________ those students were Q22. We need to do ___________ of work
punished. before the event starts.
A. All A. much
B. Much B. a lot
C. Enough C. more
D. Some D. some
Q17. There isn’t ___________ cash left Q23. There are ___________ messages
with us. for you.
A. some A. none
B. many B. no
C. more C. much
D. much D. little
Q18. Despite looking for her Q24. ___________ people who migrated
___________, I couldn’t find her. here died in the floods.
A. somewhere A. A few
B. anywhere B. Few
C. everywhere C. The few
D. nowhere D. Many
Q25. Not ___________ is known about Q32. ___________ left a letter for you at
these legends. the gate.
A. little A. Somebody
B. all B. None
C. many C. Everybody
D. much D. Anybody
Q26. There is not __________ space for Q33. She is __________ most intelligent
others here. in the class.
A. some A. a
B. enough B. the
C. many C. much
D. little D. None of the above
Q27. Is there __________ at the door? Q34. He does not have ___________
A. nobody
B. somebody A. much
C. someone B. more
D. everybody C. many
D. all
Q28. __________ Shatabdi express will
arrive at eight o’clock. Q35. ___________ of the helpers is
A. A
B. Any A. No
C. Some B. Any
D. The C. Some
D. None
Q29. It is __________ heirloom of the
family. Q36. She has eaten ___________ the
chocolates in the box.
A. a
B. an A. each
C. some B. every
D. none C. all
D. none
Q30. He will be there in __________ hour.
Q37. ___________ of the teachers are
A. the
absent today.
B. an
C. a A. Every
D. two B. Some
C. Both
Q31. He teaches us _________ Biology.
D. Little
A. the
B. a
C. an
D. None of the ab
B. Fill in the blanks using suitable determiners.
(a) …………………………….. (a/an/the) man went for (b) ……………………………..
(a/an/the) holiday to (c) …………………………….. (a/an/the) place near (d)
…………………………….. (a/an/the) sea., (e) …………………………….. (every/all/some)
morning he went for a swim in the sea. On (f) …………………………….. (all/most/every)
days the sea was rough, but on (g) …………………………….. (every/most/some) days it was

C. Read the following paragraphs and fill in the blanks with the appropriate determiner.
There are so (a) …………………………. ways of entertainment in life. (b)
…………………………. circus is one of the most entertaining media. Last Sunday (c)
…………………………. of (d) …………………………. friends went to see the Diamond
Circus. My uncle took us there. (e) …………………………. one paid for (f)
…………………………. ticket.


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