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Name: King Humphrey R. Ala-an Date: ______________

Section: STS – A 5 Instructor’s Signature:___________________

Worksheet No. 3.1 SCORE

Science and The SDGs

Instruction: Identify the SDG/s that matches the technology/innovation or action stated in the
following items. You can choose more than 1 SDG for each item. Write the corresponding
number of the SDG/s on the box provided for each number.
1. New high-yielding rice varieties that 2,12
can withstand drought and flooding.

2. Genetically-modified rice rich in

beta-carotene can prevent blindness.

3. Development of GenAmplify™ 3,12

COVID-19 rRT-PCR detection kit.

4. Discovery of magnesium sulfate

given to mothers immediately after 3,12
birth drastically reduced deaths.

5. Use of renewable energy. 7,13

6. Researches on assessment of
biodiversity of life on land and water 13,14,15
for its conservation.

7. Recycling technology. 12,13

8. WHO Malaria campaigns.

9. Scholarship opportunities provided
by private organizations. 1,14,17

10. Ten percent (10%) of the medicines

or vaccines produced by 1,3,17
pharmaceutical companies be given
free to the poor.

Science, Technology and Society College of Arts & Sciences | Caraga State University | © 2018
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Name: King Humphrey R. Ala-an Date: ____________________


Section: STS – A5 Instructor’s Signature:___________________

Worksheet No. 3.2 SCORE

Science and The SDGs

I. Essay

Instruction: Write an essay with 3-5 sentences that reflects your insight on the questions stated

1. Is development the only answer for countries to prosper?

In order to answer the question above, we must first ask ourselves,

“What is development? How does it help shape the nation?”

It is the improvement in various aspects of the state’s governance, technology, economic

stability, and the well-being of its citizens. Development encompasses the economic,
social, political, and institutional dimensions of the state or a country. There are specific
goals and priorities of a state development and vary widely based on the context,
resources, regional and political dynamics, population demographics, and finally
geographic position. Depending on how resources are controlled in the development of the
state and how it is coordinated in order to develop the well-being of the civil society,
economic and national security, and geopolitics, a nation may prosper because a well-
coordinated state means it is headed by good governance which also means it attracts the
loyalty of its citizens. The opposite result of the previously given scenario means that the
nation is suffering from imbalance and more complicated issues.

It is also important to take note that a state may be well-developed in terms of technology,
literacy, advanced medical capabilities, and economic stability, but still suffers in terms of
social development for the well-being of their citizens. This can involve bad healthcare
programs, food security, expensive access to water, and lack of individual human rights.
This scenario is evident in France, United States, and etc.

In summary, the answer is “Yes”; however, one must take note that development is a
broad word involving the development of the state that it depends on the context and
moral implications involved in it.

Science, Technology and Society College of Arts & Sciences | Caraga State University | © 2018
Lesson 7.4 Chapter Title | Lesson Titleooivvbvhvb hghh

2. What are your insights on the role of Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI)
towards human flourishing and environmental sustainability?

I see STS as a wonderful subject. I am happy that it provides clarity and understanding of the
social and technological development of mankind today and a short review of where we came
from and where we stand now. It reminds me of Christopher Tin’s Sogno Di Volare that clearly
signifies our continuous reach for the stars or development through innovation and ingenious
human fortitude despite the odds.

Science, Technology and Society College of Arts & Sciences | Caraga State University | © 2018

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