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1-25 = Obligations

1) In an obligation to give a determinate thing which is subject to a suspensive

condition, the creditor has a right to the fruits of the thing upon the perfection of
the obligation. FALSE

2) A person criminally liable is also civilly liable. TRUE

3) Obligations arising from contracts have the force of law between the contracting
parties. TRUE

4) A natural obligation cannot be enforced in a court of justice. TRUE

5) A person obliged to give something is also obliged to take care of it with the
diligence of a father of a good family, unless the law or stipulation of the parties
requires a greater degree of care. FALSE

6) If the debtor fails to perform an obligation to do, the creditor may have the same
to be undone at the expense of the debtor. FALSE

7) If an obligation to do has been poorly done, the creditor may have the same be
undone at the expense of the debtor. TRUE

8) As a general rule, the debtor incurs in delay if he does not perform his obligation
on the date it is due. FALSE

9) If the obligation consists in the delivery of a determinate thing, the debtor who
incurs in delay shall not be responsible for loss due to Fortuitous event. FALSE

10) A waiver of an action for future fraud is valid. FALSE


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