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5 Question and Answer - Jose Rizal

Question 1:

Q: Who was José Rizal and why is he considered a national hero of the Philippines?

A: José Rizal was a Filipino nationalist, writer, and revolutionary who played a key role in
advocating for reforms during the Spanish colonial period. He is considered a national hero of
the Philippines because of his significant contributions to the country's independence movement.
Through his writings, particularly the novels "Noli Me Tangere" and "El Filibusterismo," he
exposed the abuses of Spanish colonial rule and inspired Filipinos to fight for their rights and

Question 2:

Q: What are the titles and themes of José Rizal's most famous novels?

A: José Rizal's most famous novels are:

 "Noli Me Tangere" (Touch Me Not): This novel highlights the social injustices and
corruption of the Spanish colonial government and the Catholic Church in the
Philippines. It tells the story of Crisóstomo Ibarra, who returns to the Philippines from
Europe and becomes aware of the oppression faced by his fellow Filipinos.
 "El Filibusterismo" (The Reign of Greed): This sequel to "Noli Me Tangere"
continues the story of Crisóstomo Ibarra, now disguised as Simoun, who seeks revenge
against the Spanish authorities. The novel focuses on themes of revolution and the
potential for violent uprising against colonial oppression.

Question 3:

Q: Where and when was José Rizal born?

A: José Rizal was born on June 19, 1861, in Calamba, Laguna, in the Philippines. He was the
seventh of eleven children in a well-off family.

Question 4:

Q: How did José Rizal's education and travels in Europe influence his reformist ideas?

A: José Rizal's education and travels in Europe significantly influenced his reformist ideas. He
studied in various European cities, including Madrid, Paris, and Berlin, where he was exposed to
liberal and progressive ideas. He earned degrees in medicine and philosophy and engaged with
leading intellectuals and reformists of his time. His experiences in Europe broadened his
perspective on human rights, governance, and social justice, which he incorporated into his
writings and advocacy for Philippine reforms.
Question 5:

Q: What was the significance of José Rizal's execution, and when did it occur?

A: José Rizal was executed on December 30, 1896, by a firing squad in Bagumbayan (now
Luneta Park) in Manila. His execution was significant because it galvanized the Filipino people's
desire for independence. Rizal's martyrdom inspired many Filipinos to join the revolution against
Spanish colonial rule. His death is commemorated annually as Rizal Day, a national holiday in
the Philippines, honoring his contributions to the country's fight for freedom.

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