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The use of finite element analysis in

dentistry and orthodontics: Critical

points for model development and
interpreting results
Dan L Romanyk, Behzad Vafaeian, Owen Addison, and Samer Adeeb

Objective: This paper highlights common procedures for establishing a well-

constructed FEA problem using a representative dental geometry, and dis-
cusses how results can be interpreted to understand the validity of methods
and the scope over which the results are valid.
Materials and Methods: A representative multi-rooted tooth geometry was
generated to study the difference in mesh-density convergence when applying
a 1 N occlusal force to a single node versus being distributed over a region.
Additionally, a representative tooth-periodontal ligament (PDL)-bone complex
was generated with a distributed 500 N occlusal load. PDL Young’s modulus
values were varied to demonstrate how changing properties influenced simu-
lation outcomes.
Results: The mesh density convergence study illustrated the divergent stress
response when exposed to a point load as compared to the convergent
response using a distributed load. Studying the tooth-PDL-bone complex
showed that changing PDL properties had a substantial effect on tooth dis-
placement and maximum stress within the PDL and nearby bone, but had less
influence on stresses within the bone farther away from the PDL.
Conclusions: The research illustrated the importance of proper FEA problem
definition as it pertains to ensuring validity of results and that they truly
reflect the overall goals of the analysis. (Semin Orthod 2020; 26:162–173) ©
2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Introduction the periodontal ligament mechanical response

with subsequent bone remodeling during ortho-
he ability of researchers to study a range of
T problems in solid mechanics through finite
element analysis (FEA), including those relevant to
dontic treatment, or investigating the nonlinear
mechanics of orthodontic archwires, have become
less daunting with such advances. While this is gen-
dentistry and orthodontics, has significantly
erally seen as a great advancement in methods, it is
increased with advances in computational power
also of utmost importance that the reader under-
and software usability. Problems such as correlating
stands the methods utilized in formulating a FEA
problem and solution such that the results and dis-
Department of Mechanical Engineering/Faculty of Engineering cussion may be taken within the proper context.
and School of Dentistry/Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Univer-
This is especially true for the clinician or clinical
sity of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; Department of Civil
Engineering/Faculty of Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmon- researcher attempting to interpret FEA results and
ton, Alberta, Canada; Centre for Oral, Clinical & Translational Sci- integrate them in an applied manner. The overall
ences, King’s College London, London, United Kingdom; goals of this manuscript are to highlight the true
Department of Civil Engineering/Faculty of Engineering, University purpose for utilizing FEA solution methods, give
of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
an overall understanding of how solutions are
Corresponding author. E-mail:
achieved, and describe basic foundational tools a
© 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1073-8746/12/1801-$30.00/0 reader may utilize toward interpreting both the methods and results of a FEA study.

162 Seminars in Orthodontics, Vol 26, No 3, 2020: pp 162173

The use of finite element analysis in dentistry and orthodontics 163

In the study of mechanical response of materi- generated in oral and dental structures following
als to applied external loading, investigators may functional loading have been reported for over
employ experimental, analytical, and/or numeri- 75 years. Experiments have been conducted to
cal methods to ascertain the stress-strain state of better understand how natural tissues respond to
a material, or materials, in question. Experimen- mechanical and thermal loading, or to inform
tal methods utilizing a physical specimen, as the development of a wide range of devices that
opposed to a computational model, are ideal in are used routinely in oral and dental interven-
many senses in that they represent the true phys- tions. The majority of early literature was depen-
ics of the problem and, under the notion they dent on photo-elastic methods that measured
are conducted properly, yield data that are free changes in optical properties of an object under
of assumptions to draw conclusions. Unfortu- deformation. However, photo-elastic studies are
nately, experimental methods may suffer from limited by the complexity of the analysis when
limitations in certain applications when con- applied to irregular three-dimensional struc-
fronted with complex geometries (e.g. complex tures. In 1973, Farah et al., applied a stress analy-
shapes, multi-material systems, etc.), costly mate- sis method that had been originally developed
rials, time-exhaustive preparation and proce- for the aerospace industry to give insight into the
dures (e.g. a fatigue test running for millions of stresses generated in a loaded restored first
cycles), and a general inability to measure the molar tooth.1 The Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
desired phenomena. method, a numerical approach, has since
When limitations of experimental methods become widely used to address many biomechan-
exceed the benefit they can provide, or are unable ical problems and is commonly reported in the
to measure the variable in question, investigators dental literature.
are driven toward alternative mathematical pre- The use of FEA in many areas of research has
dictive approaches through analytical and numer- increased greatly with improved development of
ical techniques. Analytical and numerical software and increased computational capacity,
approaches contrast experiments in that they uti- and the fields of dentistry and orthodontics are
lize an approximated geometry and user-defined no exception. A PubMed literature search from
properties as opposed to directly measuring phe- 2008 to present, using the search terms [“finite
nomena using a physical sample. They generally element analysis” OR “finite element model” OR
rely on assumptions such as geometry, how the sys- “finite-element” OR “FEA”] AND “Dentistry”
tem will deform, and material properties, but they identified over 2000 discrete manuscripts. This
allow for determination of variables in question number represents a »2.5-fold increase in the
where many experimental approaches do not. total of scientific outputs applied to dental prob-
Analytical techniques rely on the closed form solu- lems using FEA methods when compared with
tion to a mathematical problem, which only per- the previous decade. While FEA is undoubtedly a
tains to a number of special cases where problem valuable research method, interpretation of FEA-
geometry and material properties can reasonably based studies is often limited by a lack of experi-
be reduced down to a simplified problem allowing mental detail and justification of the assumptions
for solution. Finally, where experimental and ana- and approximations that the investigators have
lytical techniques are limited, numerical made. Furthermore, for the methodological-
approaches provide an approximated solution to unfamiliar reader, it can be difficult to critically
a specified analytical problem definition. Indeed, appraise FEA studies, limiting their impact on
approximations must be handled appropriately in evidence based clinical decision making.
order to yield valid results from the analysis (e.g. Within the context considered here, FEA is
within reasonable tolerance and conversion) but, utilized as a numerical analysis tool in solid
if performed appropriately and under reasonable mechanics when the solution to problems using
assumptions, they can allow investigators to draw other methods, namely analytical techniques, is
valuable conclusions from their mechanical analy- not possible or realistic as a result of geometry,
sis which would otherwise not be possible. material properties, boundary conditions, or any
Speaking specifically to the field of dentistry combination of these factors. To illustrate this
and orthodontics, analysis of stresses and strains concept in the mathematical sense, first consider
164 Romanyk et al

the equilibrium equation for a static continuous difficult. As such, a ‘weak form’ of Eq. (1) is gen-
body using a spatial description: erated which may result in an approximate but
valid solution. A detailed discussion of strong
! » !
0 ¼ div s þr b ð1Þ and weak forms of solution will not be consid-
ered here but, in general, the ‘strong form’ solu-
where 0 is the zero vector (a vector identically tion to a problem must satisfy Eq. (1) throughout
consisting of zeros in all directions), b is the the entire domain of the problem while the
body force vector (e.g. gravitational or magnetic ‘weak form’ may satisfy Eq. (1) in certain cases
forces), r is the density, and div s is the diver- but not over the entire domain. In the case of
gence of the Cauchy stress tensor, s (in essence, Eq. (1), a ‘weak form’ for solids can be generated
a vector arising through differentiation of the through what is known as the principle of virtual
Cauchy stress tensor with respect to spatial posi- work, and is given as:
tion).2 Eq. (1) may reduce in complexity depend- Z Z Z
!T ! !T ! !T !
ing on assumptions surrounding a physical d e sdV  d u bdV  d u tdG
system making it easier to work with; however, it
is important to understand that it presents the ¼0 ð2Þ
full mathematical representation of static equilib-
rium for a continuous body which is utilized in where d e is the transpose of a vector representa-
FEA solutions. The set of partial differential tion of the virtual strain components, s is a vec-
equations (PDEs) from Eq. (1) govern the bal- !T
tor representation of the stress components, d u
ance of forces within a static body and, if broken
is the transpose of the virtual displacement vec-
down into components, will generate a set of ! !
equations that will equate to the number of tor, b is the body force vector, t is the vector of
dimensions considered in the physical problem tractions acting on the external boundary surface
(e.g. in three dimensions, three PDEs will result of the body, V is the volume of the body, and G is
from Eq. (1)). While certainly integral to prob- the external boundary surface.3 When all possi-
lems in solid mechanics, Eq. (1) only considers ble virtual displacement vector fields are consid-
bodily forces and stresses while giving no men- ered, Eqs. (1) and (2) are, in fact, equivalent.
tion to deformation or strain which may be However, by limiting the possible displacements
achieved by relating the stress tensor, s , to the in Eq. (2) to a class or family of simple displace-
strain tensor, e , through what is known as a con- ment fields (termed trial or shape functions), an
stitutive equation. A constitutive equation repre- approximate solution that satisfies the “weak
sents the physical nature of the material (e.g. form” can be obtained. A full derivation and
anisotropic, linear elastic, etc.) and is defined by background discussion of Eq. (2) will not be con-
the investigator to interpret the problem physics sidered here, but interested readers are encour-
mathematically. The problem physics will dictate aged to source additional reference texts for
which factors are necessary in the constitutive further material.3 It is, however, important that
relationship. For instance, strain-rate (i.e. how the reader understand that FEA in solid mechan-
fast a material is deformed) would be considered ics relies on the solution to the integral equation
for viscoelastic materials but not for linear elastic in Eq. (2) after limiting the displacement func-
ones. While, in practice, Eq. (1) is rarely dealt tions to a simple form (such as piecewise affine
with in the presented form, it is important to functions), which is in fact a ‘weak solution’ to
keep it in mind when understanding the general the static equilibrium PDE in Eq. (1).
necessity for FEA methods. When utilizing a FEA approach, the physical
Should a physical problem generate more problem geometry is discretized into elements
unknowns than available equations, or the solu- which may be 1-, 2-, or 3-dimensional depending
tion to Eq. (1) becomes realistically too complex, on the problem geometry and assumptions. Adja-
then alternative approaches must be utilized. cent elements are connected through common
More specifically, attaining the exact problem points known as nodes, which allow for calcu-
solution that satisfies the PDE generated in Eq. lated forces and displacements to be transferred
(1), which is also known as the ‘strong form’ of a between elements in the solution of the FEA
solution, may be unattainable or realistically too problem. In this way, achievable elemental
The use of finite element analysis in dentistry and orthodontics 165

solutions are obtained throughout the discre- how to formulate or interpret every possible FEA
tized geometry which are then combined to problem in orthodontics, or dentistry in general.
obtain an approximated solution to the global Rather, this manuscript will consider the subjects
problem. By assuming the trial or shape func- of mesh density and results convergence, effect
tions for displacement within an element (i.e. of load application on results, and how material
that the displacement within an element can be properties may influence results depending on
described by a given function), then the strain the region of interest. The presented study will
may be calculated through the displacements. provide the non-expert, clinician or researcher,
Finally, through the constitutive relationship, the with a basic set of tools they may use when inter-
stress can be determined. In using this discre- preting published results from the literature or
tized approach and asserting that the combined considering their own FEA problem.
solution of elements satisfies Eq. (2) or, at least
that Eq. (2) is minimized within a specified
threshold, the FEA method can be used to inves- Materials and methods
tigate problems in solid mechanics.
Effect of mesh density and load application on a
While the first FEA research in dentistry was
representative tooth
conducted without computers, existing computers
and developed software tools have made FEA a For a correctly modeled physical phenomenon,
user-friendly tool with which to solve complex one of the foremost concerns with FEA modeling
problems allowing for expedient problem defini- is generating a quality FEA mesh with the proper
tion and solution. This is certainly a major advan- choice of FEA size to produce accurate results.
tage in many ways; though, the more user-friendly The error associated with the size of the finite
tools also allow for analysis without necessarily elements is referred to as the discretization error.
understanding the background workings and Theoretically, the smaller the finite elements, the
mathematics that occur during problem solution. less discretization error and hence, the more
Considering Eq. (2), it is evident that assumptions accurate results are expected. Determining the
made about the boundary of a problem will error is practically difficult a priori; however, a
impact the integral equation directly through mesh convergence test can be performed upon
both tractions and the integration over the completion of a simulation to demonstrate that
boundary. Material properties and considerations the simulated result asymptotically converges to
(e.g. linear elastic, isotropic, homogeneous, etc.) a finite value. In a mesh convergence test, differ-
will influence the constitutive equations which are ent mesh densities (number of elements per unit
used in direct calculation of stress from strain. volume) for the same model geometry are gener-
Many other examples of how user-defined param- ated by decreasing the element sizes. A finite ele-
eters will influence the inner workings of FEA ment parameter such as element stress or
could further be named; however, the point of dis- element energy for a single element or group of
cussion is that the FEA solution will be made elements is obtained and plotted versus the mesh
based on parameters the user has defined. As densities of the models. For a mesh that has been
such, it is of utmost importance that the true phys- deemed to converge to a finite value, the selected
ics be defined accordingly when posing a FEA parameter, or parameters, will remain
problem, and that any specified parameters align unchanged within a specified threshold level as
sufficiently with the FEA study goals. Over-simplifi- mesh density is altered.
cations, invalid assumptions, and improper repre- A common FEA case where mesh density con-
sentation of problem physics can all lead to FEA vergence poses a problem is when a load has been
results that do not necessarily emulate the true applied in a concentrated manner on a single
solid mechanics problem in question. node. To demonstrate the effect of a concen-
The purpose of this study is to utilize a repre- trated point load on resulting mesh convergence,
sentative tooth-periodontal ligament (PDL)- three-dimensional FE models of a human molar
bone model to elucidate common factors for were generated. A load of 1 N was applied on the
consideration when formulating a FEA problem crown in the forms of a concentrated point load
and interpreting the subsequent results. It is not and a distributed load over a region of interest
the intent to provide a “cook book recipe” on (ROI). Simple boundary conditions (fixed in all
166 Romanyk et al

elements and linearly elastic material for the den-

tin were utilized. Maximum von Mises stress in the
ROI was the FEA parameter chosen to study mesh
density convergence. A von Mises stress is a singu-
lar ‘equivalent’ stress typically calculated for com-
parison against a yield stress for failure analysis.
Due to the convenience of having a singular stress
value, von Mises stresses are commonly used in
the literature; however, it should be understood
that its primary use is for failure analysis and it
does not represent a physical stress state within
the material as principal stresses, for example, do.
All FEA was conducted using Abaqus software
(3DS, MA, USA).

Effect of mesh density on a representative tooth-

PDL-bone complex
To demonstrate a typical mesh sensitivity analysis
in the case of a more complex dental structure, a
FE model consisting of the previously studied
molar geometry, surrounding PDL, and a block
of alveolar bone was generated as shown in
Fig. 2. The PDL was assigned a 0.2 mm thickness
and prescribed to have a perfect (ideal) bond
Fig. 1. (Top) Schematic of applied loading and
with the molar and the bone throughout the
boundary conditions imposed on the tooth for a point analysis. In other words, the PDL shared finite
load and distributed load; (Bottom) Representative element nodes with the molar root and the bone
images showing mesh distributions tested at 6 and at common interfaces which guaranteed continu-
3184 elements/mm3. ous displacement components in the model. A
distributed load representing a bite force of
500 N was assumed to be exerted on the tooth
directions) of displacement were applied to the (Fig. 2). Linearly elastic, isotropic, and homoge-
root region. Seven identical geometric models neous material properties for each component
having increasing uniform mesh densities from 6 were assumed and are reported in Fig 2.
to 3184 elements/mm3 were generated. Boundary To perform the mesh sensitivity analysis, an ini-
conditions, applied loads, and representative tial coarse mesh of 4-node linear tetrahedral ele-
meshes are illustrated in Fig. 1. Linear tetrahedral ments was generated for the model components.

Fig. 2. (Left) Simplified model of a human molar and surrounding PDL in alveolar bone, location of the bound-
ary conditions, and the material properties; (Right) Section of the model showing a typical generated mesh.
The use of finite element analysis in dentistry and orthodontics 167

Tetrahedral elements can properly resolve the PDL interface, in the PDL, and in the surround-
complex and unstructured geometry of the ing bone were obtained from each simulation
model, hence their use here. A section of the case to observe their sensitivity to changing PDL
model showing a typical mesh generated for the properties.
dentoalveolar structure’s components is provided
in Fig. 2. Common FEA results of interest in such
a problem include tooth displacement and Results and discussion
stresses within the different components. As such,
Effect of mesh density and load application on a
the displacement magnitude of the tooth centroid
representative tooth
(i.e. center of mass) and the maximum von Mises
stress were selected as convergence indicators. The objective of the first FEA study presented
Pursuant to initial simulations, the PDL mesh was was to illustrate the effect of load application on
locally refined through the PDL thickness and in potential mesh density convergence measures
the regions of observed stress concentration. The for a representative crown geometry. Fig. 3 illus-
mesh generation automatically generated rela- trates the von Mises stress distribution and maxi-
tively finer mesh in the areas of higher geometric mum value within the specified ROI for cases
curvature. Since the model’s components had where the crown was exposed to a concentrated
shared common interfaces with each other, refin- force on a singular node and a distributed load
ing one’s mesh led to finer meshes in the adjacent over a prescribed area. Immediately, from the
material as can be noted in Fig 2. Mesh refine- results it is apparent that as the mesh density is
ments were continually made until a converged increased, there is a substantial difference in
mesh density was observed. mesh density convergence behavior between the
two cases. While the maximum von Mises stress
in the ROI under a distributed load converged to
Effect of material properties on FEA simulation
a finite value, the concentrated load produced a
maximum stress that continually increased
The selection of material properties in a FEA through the mesh density analysis with no imme-
study is vital when considering the accuracy of diate signs of reaching convergence. Addition-
simulation results. When considering multi-mate- ally, the maximum stress magnitude generated
rial structures, it is particularly important to through a distributed load is orders of magnitude
select individual material properties that clearly less at »0.3 MPa than when a concentrated load
align with the study goals to obtain accurate is applied where results show a continually
results in the region of interest. The tooth, PDL, increasing trend nearing 200 MPa in the last sim-
alveolar bone FEA model developed in the pre- ulation tested.
ceding section was utilized to study how altering Strictly considering convergence tests, this anal-
PDL material properties changed results in the ysis directly points to the importance of under-
different sections of the model. A substantial standing the physics of the problem and how this
range of linear elastic material properties have translates into the numerical FEA solution. Dur-
been reported for the PDL in the literature,4 and ing the process of increasing mesh density, the
these were used as a guide in selecting the four associated surface area and volume of a given ele-
PDL Young’s moduli for investigation as ment will decrease. By definition, if the area over
10,000 MPa, 1750 MPa, 50 MPa, and 6.9 MPa. For which a force is applied decreases, the resulting
the first case, being an extreme one, it was stress will increase. In the case of attaching a con-
assumed that the root directly attached to the centrated force to a singular node, as the associ-
alveolar bone (i.e. the PDL was assumed to have ated elemental surface area and volume
the mechanical properties of bone). The three decreases, the stress will continually rise. Con-
other cases considered reported Young’s moduli versely, by assigning the equivalent load over a
covering the range of values in the literature. given ROI, the forces are distributed evenly
The generated FE models were again analyzed among nodes within the prescribed area. As the
under a locally distributed simulated bite force mesh density is increased, so are the number of
of 500 N, as in Fig. 2. Displacement of the tooth nodes within the ROI, which decreases the magni-
centroid and von Mises stresses in the root at the tude of force assigned to a given node. Thus, as
168 Romanyk et al

Fig. 3. Maximum von Mises stress distributions (Top) and convergence graphs (Bottom) within the ROI for a rep-
resentative molar when exposed to a singular concentrated force and a distributed load.

elemental surface area and volume are decreased, assuming point-wise application of loads that
the applied nodal force also decreases. In this manifest in the results. Should the results of
way, studying mesh density convergence within interest be at or near the region of load applica-
the ROI leads to a divergent solution when apply- tion, then it is paramount that the true physics of
ing a singular concentrated load and convergent how the load is applied be replicated. It is critical
behavior with a distributed load. that mesh density convergence criteria be care-
Considering the physics of most problems in fully selected to not include numerical artifacts
mechanics, rarely would a force truly be applied in the evaluation of mesh quality. In the case pre-
over such a small region that it could be realisti- sented here, if maximum von Mises stress over
cally assumed as being applied at a single node. the entire geometry were to be inspected as the
Classical analytical mechanics commonly criteria, then the point load application would
assumes concentrated forces to be applied at a never show convergence.
point (e.g. beam and plate theories); however, as While it is generally advisable to avoid the
has been illustrated here, when utilizing FEA as a application of point loads, it should be consid-
tool, there are numerical consequences to ered that if the mechanics of interest are
The use of finite element analysis in dentistry and orthodontics 169

“sufficiently far” from the location of load appli- Effect of mesh density on a representative tooth-
cation, then the results will be independent of PDL-bone complex
the manner in which the load is applied. This is
To illustrate a sample mesh density convergence
known as Saint-Venant’s Principle.5 Translating
study for a more complex multi-material model,
this principle to FEA, if the user is not interested
a representative tooth-PDL-bone complex
in results at or near the location of load applica-
exposed to a 500 N bite force, as shown in Fig. 2,
tion, then simplifying assumptions may be valid.
was considered. The mesh densities and their
For instance, if stress distribution within the PDL
corresponding tooth centroid displacements and
were of interest in this problem as opposed to
von Mises stress distributions of the root are
the ROI selected, then use of a point load may
depicted in Fig. 4. The magnitude of the tooth
be appropriate; however, it is prudent that this
centroid displacement, j Uc j , and the maximum
simplification be investigated and justified to
von Mises stress sufficiently reached a converged
ensure accuracy of results. It must also be men-
value when the density denoted by mesh #3 was
tioned that use of concentrated loads can result
chosen. Further refinement of the mesh
in excessive local element distortion leading to
changed the convergence indicators by less than
failure of the FEA simulation to solve.

Fig. 4. (Top) Mesh densities for the tooth-PDL-bone complex components; (Middle) Distal and inferior views of
von Mises stress distribution plots for the root; (Bottom) Convergence graphs showing the change in the values of
tooth centroid displacement and maximum von Mises stress with changing mesh density in the tooth component.
170 Romanyk et al

0.5%. The results also demonstrated that the (tetrahedral) mesh (mesh #1 and mesh #2)
location of the maximum stress may vary by mesh through the PDL thickness could not capture the
refinement. This further illustrates that a coarse variation of stress inside the PDL. Once the layer
mesh, not resolving the geometry sufficiently, of the mesh was increased to two layers, a signifi-
can significantly affect the predicted stress distri- cant difference in the stress distributions was
bution and magnitude. observed when comparing the results of mesh #2
Given that results in both the tooth structure with mesh #3. In particular, a single-layer mesh
and the PDL were of interest, it was also neces- could not differentiate the stress of the medial
sary to study mesh density convergence within from the stress of the lateral PDL. This suggested
the PDL structure. The results of the mesh sensi- that two or more layers of elements in the PDL
tivity analysis focusing on the von Mises stress of thickness were needed toward an accurate simu-
the PDL are demonstrated in Fig. 5. The sensitiv- lation of the PDL stress. Therefore, the PDL
ity analyses demonstrated that a single-layer mesh was refined to 3 layers with higher density

Fig. 5. (Top) Mesh densities for the tooth-PDL-bone complex components; (Middle) Distal and inferior views of
von Mises stress distribution plots for the PDL; (Bottom) Convergence graphs showing the change in maximum
von Mises stress with changing mesh density in the PDL component.
The use of finite element analysis in dentistry and orthodontics 171

as well (mesh #4). Consequently, the maximum stress concentration for the mesh refinement is
von Mises stress changed by 1.5% which was shown by a rectangle in Fig. 5. The latter mesh
deemed acceptable to suggest convergence. In refinement did not show any change in the maxi-
order to assess the sufficiency of the mesh refine- mum stress (less than 0.1%) (Fig. 6).
ment in the area of stress concentration, the The tooth-PDL-bone complex mesh density
mesh was furthur refined locally. The region of convergence study presented here signifies the

Fig. 6. Simulated magnitude of tooth displacement and von-Mises stress of the root (Top), PDL (Middle), and
surrounding bone near the tooth (Bottom).
172 Romanyk et al

importance of investigating the convergence results indicated that choosing different elastic
behavior of all results of interest, and how various mechanical properties for the PDL significantly
components of a multi-material complex may altered the simulated stresses within the PDL
require differing approaches. Studying the con- and displacement of the tooth centroid. The
vergence plots in Figs. 4 and 5, it can be seen results show that more compliant PDL (i.e. PDL
that the tooth and PDL structures exhibited dif- with smaller Young’s modulus) leads to larger
ferent trends of convergence as the mesh density area of stress distribution both at the root-PDL
was increased. Further to this, while the PDL is and PDL-bone interfaces. This is a result of larger
substantially smaller in size/volume than the volume of a softer PDL participating in stress
tooth, the final PDL mesh density was 7007 ele- transmission between the structures as the lower
ments/mm3 as compared to the 1356 elements/ modulus values result in greater PDL deforma-
mm3 used in the tooth structure. Furthermore, tion under the same load. The tooth displace-
the PDL required local mesh refinement in areas ment became larger for the models with softer
of sharp geometry change and heightened stress PDL material such that the displacement magni-
magnitude. These points highlight the need to tude corresponding to the softest PDL was 8 times
investigate both individual regions and compo- larger than that of the stiffest one. In contrast,
nents of multi-material complexes to ensure when studying the bone stresses away from the
mesh density convergence throughout the tooth in Fig 5, the change in PDL modulus had
model. This is particularly true of regions where very little effect on resulting stresses.
the results are of interest. Although the finite ele- The FEA study investigating the effect of PDL
ment method produces a continuous inter-ele- properties on results within a tooth-PDL-bone
ment displacement (deformation) field over the complex have elucidated some key considera-
computational medium, the strain and stress tions around problem definition and interpreta-
fields may not necessarily be continuous due to tion of results. Changing of PDL properties had
the inter-element slope discontinuity of the dis- a significant effect on tooth centroid movement,
placement field. In this case, mesh refinement von Mises stresses in the tooth at the root-PDL
will also lead to mitigate the degree of the discon- interface, within the PDL, and in bone near the
tinuity (i.e. the jump in the values of strain and PDL. In the general sense of using FEA as a tool,
stress of two elements at their common inter- this analysis clearly points to the necessity of
face). Usually finite element post processing understanding the material properties assigned
algorithms average the strain and stress fields within a model and how they may implicate
over the computational domains to produce con- results. Speaking directly to the model utilized
tinuous contours. While this averaging of the here, if results within or near the PDL were of
stress and strain fields may not affect reported interest, then it would be paramount that the
numerical values (e.g. maximum elemental local material properties be truly representative
stress, or stress at a specific element), the reader of problem physics. Conversely, when looking at
should understand that, in the FEA solution, the the stress results within the bone at a significant
stresses and strains are discontinuous and the distance from the PDL, there is limited differ-
resulting fringe plots (for example, Figs. 3-5) are ence as properties change. The analysis per-
generally subjected to a post-processing, making formed here was to illustrate how simplifications
them appear continuous. The model developed may be made depending on study goals. It is vital
here will be used in the proceeding section to to understand that the results here pertain to a
investigate the influence of PDL properties on specific loading scenario and constraints, and
results within the tooth-PDL-bone complex. each study should be considered individually to
fully understand how local constraints and mate-
rial properties influence results of interest.
Effect of material properties
The simulated von Mises stresses of the root at
Other advanced considerations and clinical
the root-PDL interface, PDL at the PDL-bone
interface, and bone are depicted in Fig. 5 along
with the magnitude of displacement of the tooth The analyses performed here have only covered
centroid for varying PDL elastic moduli. The a small portion of many aspects that could be
The use of finite element analysis in dentistry and orthodontics 173

discussed regarding FEA studies and interpreta- closely examine manuscripts for justification sur-
tion of their results. Only linear elastic, isotropic, rounding such criteria when interpreting results.
and homogeneous properties were used in this
analysis. Material models can increase in com-
plexity through varying levels of anisotropy, Clinical implications
introduction of time-dependent (i.e. viscoelastic- While not every scenario and topic of interest
ity) and/or nonlinear (e.g. hyperelasticity) prop- around FEA used in dentistry could be consid-
erties, and other similar factors. Fixed and ideal ered in a single manuscript, the presented work
bonding constraints were used here, but other clearly elucidates several key principles to con-
more intricate contact problems and boundary sider when interpreting FEA results. Topics of
conditions can be employed to replicate varying mesh density convergence within single and
problem physics. The tools available to users of multi-material complexes and the effect of mate-
typical FEA software are vast in nature; however, rial property selection were shown to potentially
as the problem physics replicated in the FEA significantly influence FEA simulation results.
study becomes more complex, so do the consid- The points raised here could be used by clini-
erations around solution convergence and cians and those less experienced with FEA meth-
understanding of the results. Simply because a ods to aid them in understanding the problem
FEA solution is reached, it does not imply mesh definition and the limitations of study results.
convergence or accuracy of findings relative to Additionally, it points to the necessity of truly
the physical problem. The study presented here understanding how physics of the research ques-
has illustrated some of the fundamental consid- tion and FEA study definition must align in order
erations surrounding more simplified analyses, to obtain results that are indeed representative of
and adding to problem complexity serves to exac- the research question.
erbate such points of consideration.
It is of course not suggested here that increas-
ing FEA model fidelity to better represent the References
physical problem should be avoided. For 1. Farah JW, Craig RG, Sikarski DL. Photoelastic and finite
instance, should the transient response of PDL element stress analysis of a restored axisymmetric first
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interest, then utilizing a representative viscoelas- 2. Chadwick P. Continuum Mechanics: Concise Theory and Prob-
lems. 2nd ed. New York: George Allen & Unwin, Ltd; 1976.
tic material model is essential. The purpose of 3. Zienkiewicz OC, Taylor RL, Zhu JZ. The Finite Element
this study is to serve as a baseline consideration Method: Its Basis and Fundamentals. 6th ed. Oxford: Butter-
for those less versed in FEA methods when inter- worth Heinemann; 2005.
preting findings from such studies. As shown 4. Fill TS, Carey JP, Toogood RW, Major PW. Experimentally
here, demonstrating mesh density convergence, determined mechanical properties of, and models for, the
periodontal ligament: critical review of current literature. J
understanding the effect of load application and Dent Biomech. 2011;2011: 312980.
boundary conditions on results of interest, and 5. Popov EP. Engineering Mechanics of Solids. 2nd ed. New Jer-
utilizing appropriate material properties are all sey: Prentice-Hall Inc.; 1998.
critical for a sufficient FEA study. Readers should

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