Ec Question Bank Mod 3 Solutions

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10) stale H ruond Ans uocd

in aer

Ch hiolkel uwbben f una-S ubbe.h

peponed by th

aly sulphide (Na,

Polyeizaion a sodiu

and ethL dclonide CcecHCHc)

n C-CH-CR-CQ + Na2St
CH-CH -S -s-clh CH{ +NaC

TEtn polysulphde Polyn
-Monoheab Buna-S u b e n ane
1,3-butcdiene and stynene n d pepared

P9uoc.e lenouwn ab Co polwai e o o n

CH=CH- CH=CH + nx



Buna S
t popehe> and applieeri ons

9ubbe n.

ubben has lesibilh and

H, a oell o itpun ie vulnerabiLh
Cond:tions. Commpane d to

tue n
9ubbe, natunas Jubben is one

i heistane
os th rost. lex ble ne,and nctat?

F is oso
o oaLen ond ohen clhumita
hepistek o Clting teaoins, wenn,kaltig
nd o a s i n , i t a Loonlei nant

-S8 ED 1 , F .

tenal hlbbe o t d on tt nuKactu.

boo ts, be ls, bunpens, tuoing,ct

s) tohat nalunal quubben " LOnite

dscduntngs o naual guuobe

qubben is high rsleccdon

ARNunod a

coeight hdaeCabon polymer

i oblained gon
oH onmula (CsH8)
lk Cmudsion Colitd lakek apping
Nanal qusbben 12soporene
bonle ss tha Enee.

Natuna bbe doesn perbnm e\ Cxpoed

4 pe-oledm dei AbvED
t c h e ical
le Oudeon aplicoions

nee SunliqhE, o2cne, Ox n,
o i n ac Fouj.
OCplain uoh naenal u b be9 necd&

VulCani2aion and hoLe i t

An ) Netoaquubben has les sne

poen nenistance oven abosidn.

o i l l be solE oven ide 7

(3toe. cant poodce ercugh naunal
uubben eo amet a needs.

) t o evea com H dis ad vakaass t

na a l qto 9ubben keLcenidakan
A Undengoes thouyh o
pmace a9ed

Vulcani 20Son 00
poLocens Loheae
Cxddtion asulphen talecs place nde
10 60 °c tempe 90tune Hene CO>
inlcins 9ubben molecles talces place
CLn hondens th 9wbben ate9ic

H3 C
CH2C C CH2 -CH C C -C e

- Ctt-C. = Ctt -ce - t 2 - C =CH - t -


C-CH -C H2-C H2 -Ct CH2
-c 2 -

- CH CH-
VuOconi 2 ed 9uubbenf


A Luboci con Con be o sold, seni- Solid e

nd iquid ohicd i uod o gnedueeuchn

etoecn betee 6un lace in cContact, whrc

ul tigale O ne.duees t n hat 9unates
have Hun
Lchn h suh lace ove .2t ma alo
unc ion 6 transaitttm Porces, h e a j on Cabln

h Sun lace, e t r

h1s) ohoal h vists sity auubauco0irg Ont

noViscosih i the n tenna
0 Ooune. o
Pqueion C uid. Pt* The viscos
ubgccan ues Lo
C teMpeho t o e

n){Moanett haat teaotacs &a geod
bo cone
ro).hie boi
oink 4 Cots
n foree2ins pi
visuSi inde
The a s labit
Hydo-augie stabt
Conosiom p0 ven ion
Ri 9ncsistance bo oxidoion

8)Dein Mask poi 4 ie poi n

ubouicon by enske Moten's ued.

looh poin Th Hadh point s a volatile

a t e n i a in t h Looest empeatune o

o i c vapouus th aterua iahite

ven an ignition SOuAce

ne Poi The Aaepoint st kusl is

Leuoes ecnpesakuae au o h i c tha apou

thot us oill Conknue to bunn Pon a
least 8 seson d s t e a akten i i i o n
open Plae

Ons) Deine cloud poin and Pou pineds

b can
A ) CLeud poin- T terperatine at dic
inpuntie begin se(maate } ousr fh
Solubion 4 tubou cohao oil oeconws cloud o
ho in appeanance is callcd cloud point

oLL Poin T tempeatune at hic r

o l ecose Lots Cale d poua poink
o ithicle lma thn Viln uboiaSio2

hiceR o no dnaic 1ubqucaon
uhen on pohaeX qniid beaun

1de o n eocl othen, PonAng a

he luid and oung a Lts e
oed hen speed m nue Re 4 Coad

9t Perd ohene thick iln ubia ion

Lals. hn iln ub coion i don. lhn

hl o boundoo ubuiCalion i done Pe

os Counes ba in tue Continuous hla
ubu:caion Coanot pensist ond dnec
htal to mukad Contact po ble

Loed whuA spe ed i Coto + CDad n o ne

ubbe and
Tplor t p9oc em d auaal

ata rubea
Oee h dis Cdua aas

e n i n g Aalunal huubbe3

Cattivg the boanmle os oubben tAee

l lCollo o da ouubben mille i obteinue

T Conotikenooubben lnte
-Lg ubbe r and h neraini) o he
e AP,a w t e i n 4 o t eial
PARF B (Kong Ainy wet Qutstion)

Eplan dieent ypey pumerisahon sHtactiexy Jith estomples

combune Je MOduC potumers d alled aM
dN he ptocen in whuch monomexy
9elymerisati n St u lauyied iynte o typeb

tddtonal pölmeusction Londengauon polumeuisaHOn

odditional pelumerisa Hon. Aodition polmers ae Omeol Juy oddrg moneme
JNE G9hout any Joy b atJ OT gMDup
nCHo= Ch h , -CH n

nHhC C Pou
H - (T
Stytene Poy strene
Conden alion potamerisatBon (P aNt hee nuiud du0 Jike ot Juike menimety|
oin each 6the Jy elminatten ovall Jm@leculea juch as Ho,Hd C

E Nylon-6,6
+4,N-( (HCH-Ct-(H- (H2-UH+HOC ( H CtH-(th Cth -(OH
Adypic Acid
Hexamety tene ddawne

th N-&lr (Hr (H(H-CtCHy
(ylon 6,6)
thernnoseting ens
.Compott theum0plostic HetrA and ThOUmOsttting e t
Dheumoplastic Reuim
Produ teol by CoderJ0lton pôupmeu sation
Poduted by additoral 0Uymettsat on
sholnA ollachel Restnghae 3-9 JstgR tu.cture
a Keumd Ne Jroill o Jong onected bond
uwenk Vordbulag4 jorte 8fadivorton
by 3(anuOt e Memouldeol
3Con Ju Memoulded
SCYOp (onnot be

4 SCvap tan be utd Jecome stI 2

t00ln 5. On heaung Jney
5) On heinq dhey 10]ter 1
houd No changt when Loeleol
they Jetome sty
britle 6 Reuina aHe MULally JoMol, stvorq 1 britl
6 Resins oe sojt,weaN leu
1 SBuble un boanic selvwtu
souble un bvganc Jubltance
Runy 0xu
PUC, ptluyelhylene etc Ny lon,Bakel'te, c te
Ex ,
5Jhal aneant J compounding ) ploalica ? kuplain thi l e t dnaktdients
Used an tompeurding 8 pluticg
(-0 P can Je defined the umiirg B aiyjeent rateuiau like playticizeu,
Ders oetendns, Jubrcant, pigmentu do he thetmoplausic thoneicttire
HEATA dinCreose thtit ueul #rop exi e Jdu drergth, nghne4, ctc.
but need Bther ingrd'eno to be mid
Reginy ave platiiy or birdirg properties,
utth ihem inte
jor yabritati en a wefulthap)
Ingredients Jued ih C0P aRe
Ruins Stabilirrt 5, 3) Pntieidants, zl Rajtiaters
Figmeng, Lubritant fte xetarden Cataluyst d celPuHani , cttE
Aole o drgrdieu
ijRejins Preduct o pBumerisation a caltd eina dha jama the rajor portion
bedy ef platia t i he lwinde which hglds diperent tenuditucnu dogt then
) PJastici2ets wnt the substantes ndded to enhance the plajuuty 6 the malerial
onlto Yedute the cratking on the surfatt They axe odded to playtics te the
lexibiuty toug hned Aluo A the flow property 6 plajticizers
Ex TricteSy lphelphate, Dbutyl ealatt, tastor
Früers extenders: FiUes okE qentially added to theroseting9 plautics
i] or
and tratk resistanie. FiUeis JmptoW heumal s tahiüty,Streng th,
elas tiaity
nen combuatibiüty water reistance, eltuthrCal ingula ton
ptoptrties 1 oxternal
Ex Mica, Cotten, catben blatk, graphi'fe, BosOq , ttt
are 0dded to impart the dejpYed Cotour to the plastica
iv Dyey pigmentt: Jhtae
gie dtcoratue ejjeut
Stabiüzes Stabilzen ate wed to staleuty
imptove aNal
PVC JUYdLeMg©A decompeitton d dtuelordsation
Eq PVC at meulding emp,
Sodurine stabilUats are e
Ext whutt Jeaud, head
and unorganc plgmeny ate wed a
Ul (oLoring materdau. Otganit dyeitah
celpuing maBetcad hey gin brtght tonuparent
"blatk ) antroqwrane- ytle pthaloeyanvine
EAT (arben-blatk
biesy alput theuMB plaitit Qrd nemetring Juky uwthttomele9
4. Eplain
As Same 04 -a
bDescrcbe dhe pepaMation propetties and enginwing applicaion4 phenet
OYmaldthyde euin
(o0 phenolformald ehuyde uestn4
A: Bakelite
Phenol fomaldchydt Mesins ae syrthetic pelumers obtained by the Heaction ej
commerdial name
phenel e Jubstituted phenol u th formaldthyde Bakelite js
4or he 0blained by the polymeraation
pblymer o phenel and 4ormaldehuyde
CH OH Hh.0H Chon ,(thOH

Phenet M0nomeHhylol Cthot CHaDH

Phenel Dimethyl Trimethy
OH Phene phenot


Monomethy lol Monomethylol Novolac

Phenol Phendt
When n0vlac Lun 4 Juwthe hald un ptOenct HHO pducL J.e

hUxomethlenediamune (cuwung 0gud) a c H inkud pelymun, Jwakellte can Je tbtouncd




- Can e quickly meuld
m.eth meuldinq an om thi pelyme
de btained
Voy mee

tand and Scratch- reyistanct

Baheutet mbldinqs Nc heal-Auis
alyo Heaistance o 4tveta destructe f olyent
) dhey aHe
bbuing te Jour eltcrical tsndutéivety , baute eAigtant 19 cuMen

pplitat on JURL Audtches, plug, Awitchboords,ctc

a d or makirg electrcc
dnulator paxG
onticles he teltphene patu Cabinet e Hadie telewisten
for makinq mouldd method in boileu
anitn edchargen an wale pwulicutton by Jon edtthoarge
As Qn
whely cte
adheivt (bind.ea or gHinding
ds an

i n paunls 0ud vaHnish

for makiq beasings uued un propeller ska papen irduy try MOuing mills
6. Deacrtbe the aunthejis, prOpertits and thg app o foDwl
3 Nuton 6,6 i Teyton
Ay ya pey anide aejin containtng HCCumng amide greups ENH t0)
Nylon 6,6 Nyl0n

atructurc produted by upelymerisation e dtatmine uwth allid

Drpending on ne- Catomy in damne d dioxide there are diftrent typ oj
fylets Qke nylon 6,6, nylon6, t0 ttt
nere the Jhst no. indicates no BCatomu in diamine the secord ne-(ndicates
the n9 0 atomy in diatid
Nylon6,6 : pAepOxed by Londeruatuon pblumeuatign ef odipit aud heptameth
ylene diamine in Jhe absence a
nhOOC CCh)-CO0H + nHN-CCth)-M H, >Foc-CtHh)-(0 -NH-Cth)"WH-Ih
Adiplc Acid Hexamethyl ene di amne NyL9n 6,6

tructwu nulens Ne uneak that pekmits sidle y side alignment
Moreow the melecula chais aHt held doqethen y "H bonda
wnuch umpaND Jigk ingh, high melHng peint
hus, nyo4 have hih ouyutalunt
uttentien 6 q60d methani cal properths
elaaticity, toughnes, abrauton eg stantt ancl
upts I25
Jhey oe pelal pelumexd, hey have g $ed hydAgybon Mstance
Bhia major applitation Jun extile induatry
h i g h theumal 1 abraion Auistanct nyo ae Jecl u mecth eng-app
Xe gears, beatiq, JMachine pa wheNe qHeate Jction y nere
Ptenible tubinga jor CBveyin petrel etc are mede LOm nylora
Nytoa aNe wed au electicol inguladors
Nyton-6 ed tor Making dre cord
aHe ued in aulom.obile induytry telecommuicaion dnduy try Jor making Hadiatr
parts i t 46rmers Aelptkiveliy
1 Teton (Poly betta uoro etylene ) Tefton ebtained by pelymeh'ation ef woter-emulyion
etatuore ethylene urder preaue i presence B benzoul perouidt au catalyat

nhCF PolymeriaaiDl>(FC -Ch

Ben toyl Proyld e /HLo
Tetor u aluo knou a Fluon
Due 1e the pregence o ighluy eleltonegatve uorine atomy
There ae streng attractivt orct HupoNible Jor high toughnes 4 high chenical reistere
Jouardls au chemica tucept het alkali netal hot yueuine
t u ued in maki Aeal gaukls, uthich hoae 1o uwthstard. high tmp
P aue Jued Jor inuulalion electrical itemy ane 40r making on stfOky Sujoce
Coating poxticulatty 4or topkig utenuilu
Teton ued a inaulatinq mateial yet msteu, draujormeu, cablts, JuHrta,frtily.che

1 Oescrebe the syntheart, propeuties ard eng app 6) 8ouwng

J Bakette - 5hn
J Tejtor -g6-i An
8 tiotbefolou nq
]Poly tetta Juse ethylene W Poly inyl chloride
A Poly tectta 4luoro thylene - 6ti Ay
) Poy wnsl chlortd Aonem Ld Jot monujactuNL PVC i nul chlSudt "Vingl
chletide u pMepoHed Jy ti tating acetylene wWth tHt at 60-80t d in
puuente a
metal oaide catalyat
CHE GHHH Metal BN0e (r, -
60-80' Vinyt Chtorde
PVC pHSduced y hentinej wnyl chlevidt n pruence 8 beney peronide ort0,

nCH,=CH Benzyl Petoxde

Poluymer attHon
at 30-8o" c
Nnyl chleride
Appli catons
Jacd 1t AwaNagt pipts and othet ipt oplicaticn
PVC Melahvely Jeu Ct, JMblogical and chem cal Meaistan ce wekalaüty haw Haullel
in t beirq eo or Jwde vakuety o appuiatiens
with oddtion e maiieri and stabilizers t hay JneCome a popular material 48r wirdeur
and deen James
By adding plasioners i can weome lewble nsugh ta le uutd un calitingq qplicatiena
a uHTe unulakor
Ducribe plep prop tng Qpp o Bakeutt
with uomple
10 Eaplain iodtgndnble pduumea a4 0 ugadable pêlymex un which dugMadation
ARiodagHadall pelymexs A defmed
uulks om ncion atually eccubung muco etganusms oubactouo,Jungi algat.
Ihe bioduguodable polymes vay hatunaly octuNng may 4yrtheraecl y

7 Natwally occwunq biodegrodabe poy mers A JuNde VaNety oj natunally ocewing pélymcty
0Ne avallable, the Jact that these 4uhatantes uene pelumeawgue vallabt
Knoun n many qMaTe dhur ignoranie pogists The natural biodegradabt puuymeri
clasijled ante four groups

Naturally occurng Poly saccharidu Ex Starch celulee)

Biodegrado.bte Proteing [EX St1K uwoel,gelatin
Polymers POy eyteri k Poluhydroty alkaneis

Synthep2ed biodtgtodode pelymera Thexe

aNe many pelumeu produlted pom
J ae a no 8
h biöleqicaul A6uMles thal one biød.tgadable there
om petrochemical
ard it pêlyme
Alynthetic Hejins that oxe, pôlylatic atid
Potyomde utern
Polynyl uters Pouvinyl altohet otuYal rubber
natunal suulber orc write disod vaxtags 0
1- Kaplaun the pOCEM hydkscarbon pêlymer r(preent (GHD
møleu lan wight
ANatural Kubbet High e bauk ef tree
milk emul4ton. talled Jattx by tapplng
0btar ned by
ntht-C-=CH2 lamettss on H-(= CH-CH2T
CHs ces
Notutal Rubber
Ts oprene
suubbe milk i tbtaineol The
PTOCeying t
Juubbet tree the mulky coUsidal
By cutting the baak ej watea proteln 4
the Hemajniq ae
Hubbeu Jat R 5 - 4 5 8 Aubbeu
o mdde ifto
main ceni tuent
Auboer ate toagulatel by ive 57 atett atid and
The to Jurther proCeu iy
ant cured unden Mld hta 1 then aubjected.
shee The Xubber vulcor/~ed Xubbel
SaubbEA $ uwrëte ad vortagtu o

1aExplain the vulonu2atorn

b or lo0 -[HoC wth sulphu they
Haur N
ubben Htaung e
volcani2ation bf andOWaLA CHH-Linking blur chaina
berda o d uDEL4puny
chemucally al double ancheuing s
vulcau2atien dioA about
a dyfeung ej ullwn by
msunt q s addedl
this eM Jinking duvung intambicular
movmunt ej
ubbet 4ptingi

CBRCaAonty puewring wlcannia suubbtn

o alijnen
the lend much 04 30% sulphun
detctmines aye) May Certaln y
ordiroy ubber (say Jor balicuy
For txmple, C H - C H 2 - ( H a - C H - C H , + s a l l s h u r

-CH2-2= CH-CH
- CH2-C-(H-CH2CHa-C-CH -CH
Sulphur ctoH Unage
CHS Ctty
ldvantags VR
Hay extetlent nailience
Tenyile strength unctease
tas betten teuistante to moisture, xidation
Tt Ab Aeuistante to organit s8twnb ike CUlu, Benaene petrel.tto
Has ight thickneu, lour eauticity
13.1od Ne elagtormeri Eaplan ptep, prop 9Pp 8 Buna-S anol
Elajtomexs An laatomer ig polumet uith wSCOetoutrat (c, wisceIty
eloytiaty) and wth Jueak intermateaular orc
Buna-S-Rubber'. Lopeymer 6 bulodiene (a5t) ard styrenc(24/) n tarly days 8 uh synthetH
Sodiun wou ueo au Catalpt Hente it bulbutadiene) , na(redium) ard s Cstyrene)
sq ntha abe
Called as RS Cqou. rabber styrene) or sBn(skyrene butacliene rabb en) [t is the firstrubber
dtwloped durin world uwar by US in ordtr de bvWAcome the Stattity e nakural ubber
heparatton. Prepatec by copblymeriaation of butadlene styrene
nCH=(H-CH=CH2t n (atolyytf(CH»-CH CH- (H-H-(H J
Bul adien e Bun-S
Proper tes
tt00d tlecttical inuulaior

Strony A Aough polymtr

6ellent abroion
MeJts tance
Joaol bearng (apaaky
t xelTen ce in
Poue high eWn trateA 0roné preutatm
sued an DiA dtackedl by
Reuistane de chcnucou but
ppl caions
n JNanuyatture e[tyres
Major app seles
a J06t wear irduytty for makiny shoe
q0, tonk linungl n chenu cal
uued Jor production ef guor iNulator
HTe able,
e d dn aking
Aynthetic DDEs 1 Explain prtpprop apP ojThoRolxubber
a au tcial elajtomen They ane polymers ayntheshed NoMm
Sunthetlc ubbtn.
petaleum by produc aR-P
Tw ekel pOy sulphide tubbu (or)
suubben tor)
the cordlengauon polymertation
sodium poly ulphlde
Jhioel pupoud y
(Hh-a)° in theue elastomery, 's orma

(No Sy) ard ethylene dichlotide Cl-CHh

Poly meri eHon
part p6lymer choj Nacl
+ -CH2-CH,-l fH -CH-S-S- CH-CHot
Cl-HCH- Cl t NOS Thiokol Rubber
12dichlDroethane Soddum poy sruhhide Cethglene Peuy sulplide pouymer)
Propertfa 19 qau t
Poxeay atrength anel umpermtabiluty ratural
cannot Je ulConl2ed Decaue u structure u not simu lax o
Jhù ubber
ubber 1 it an't 20rm haxd rubben
yger selwnt 0201e
Pomtasttatremely q00d Huistonte to muneal oi, Jutb,
tuekel ale ued jor baoUagt balloo0n4
fabrtca C6ated wth
Mainly wedselud popebUant Jucl01 LOCket

Auo uued DY Jaking gauketa h4Ca, table dinings , tank inings .etc
Uued or ptinting AOtl
Container or trauporting Jelvent
Diaphaagn ard std n contact wth solvenu
ubrtcants Decribe the mechonism 8 Jubrrcotlen
15hat aMe the chatatteristia B
hot applied to deltute
neduce uckon bluw
cant a ubstance uualliy brganic, introduuted Is
Jubri Htdutes the heat genexated whn he
AUMJatesin mutual contact Shich ultëmately
Known au ubriaty
AY atey move Property 8 Meduung ucton
Choract er(sHCAoubricond ;
vJ Thermal stabiGts
High boilurg pont 1Ow paeEEINg9 point
vi] HydraulicC u
il High wstepty vil Demuluib üty
wj Corrouien plevent
fo eLidatiên.
v) tligh teais tante
Mechandsm kubri(aton
C8ntact suxjace thucR toug ) 2 Cent aet 4wmjates axe
film blw
tme, uicttGral Jerce 82Contact
Witeu oU Jüm At thu,
Stptrated cumplttely by WSCOu Hetstante &j
ubritayT Can be very umall vaue
swyate are determunesl
(an be o'00ot)
Ccoeg o trictton
(Fluid Jüm Jubricat on)
Thick ilm lubticaH GT
Extreme preuure ubrication OoLol
Delicate ingtrument ick Jilm VVV
6t hydHedy nanic ubritat on ocUn when
NtR fm
eartrg4 Aujatu Jubrr catto. by -Jilm furcl suide over tachethen
ugid ure
1 Jotmine a Jjthg ptexs
4orwrg OAVegly wcdge o qud
thick laytr oj ubricat
suding surfates oNt peratcd by
othtn p t e

Jntb direct contact wth each Popette

enly due e
hu Hutstoace to movemet u
, he Thuck plm
Jubrtcad J Cloud
tnteunal Heistante 0 the ubrt Cant
tiJ l a s h
. Thich Jilm whtr
i Visce
hich Jilm or hydedynamic lubrtcaton eccu iNJ Orüne
aunja.ces Jubritoted y a
nen- padallel ald leaing

alide OWen each 9then, jelmrg aa tonvetginq|

toneg o00 Thck dayex
the Je
Jjtng pied une
wedgc & Jud ardJ8Tming
wedge a

Sidirg surfates ae septctted by thick Jaye ubrin


Tutknex 8j toyel u 1000, Jow lmd d hioh POu
(ocsi Ciend 8 uiction 0001 -0 03
,iC laue
F xampleRotauenn o shat tFtg: 4) ash
Viscearty e Jubritant playy important ele od Ju
i TeotHigh- ubritont wil eate Jucton te
tül Too leu Lubticant dull net be able Io maintleuh twckJaye

other eaamplty ane quun, stw ng macuny, inteural combuyt ow erqune
wotth, scintúfe angtruMeng n Auhuc Apeed macine i hgh Joad
61 Machine u Jow uhtue bLl aed as lubricaxt
Thun J l m .

u Ofd
shve thick itm ubricaten Jaiu,
thin l m u b r
u dener Jhin Julm
u deme Jerth c tasas Fluidflm
UndaHy JulbHucaton Sclid
RA Drdeed
r h thê tortunu0 Jum 8f Jubticatien
whUch t h e Surfoce Adsorbed
s t avd ourect metal te meto
t pekAi

rantactt poaible
rntac 1 Tn loye
aiing Auate
AacEA ahe
at Aepetated by un Jayex ef JubicaxtAigh J0ad 1louspad
Sudi ng
uCHen O'05-O 15
cinmiplei Role gtaH bez twneu Jad us Wy high Apeed u 1o n

pcune),tra ttors, al, asle ,ttc.

Eteme phtauHe ubritati
dhe Jast mowng AUduro metallir auwjates urder


CE a otae amout ej heg
temnetatNe Detome ey igh At hgh dumptature OilTaul oule Folar
edih ue Heod
the edinaky Joud JubutoNU dEtNmpe4e oi een vapörind
uch a hugh dempeae ard pllto aHh ovel the
metalkic auJALEJ J6 ate Auth COdigns tttme
Before koo.d
pMuhe oddih ves a added to munexau el

foperte 8 bubrican
J 0oud and Pout peint
taah andl fire pent
i isteit
ODne 8Jubricang
Bud Peint: he tonptatute authuh the ampuxittes luirg to upeiate Hem
he eluien ard Jubtitating eil JecSme coudy haky in apeaante
Inlled cloud pout
Po pent the tempetature a uhuoh dhe tl teauy le pow ord peu
aled pwe pold
pTtihe Jash poird t a velatle mateuial u the loveat temperatute
uch Vapets ef the malerial wiu ionite, gjven an ignutHon søuce

peint hhe e peint ef a
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t& thot Juel l H Nue le Jukn jel atlea1 5 see ajtt
y an Bpen Jamt
Visceait 1 the popety a a ud thad dtemines u xeuistante Le
tow t u a ind cator o o u ability o ubricating ol he dou

WSCesi ty gHtate
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ahe ubti cating el dtcttnaes ard ptepute Jnckeo1cs AS(B y o
dubricng eil increaues
Biunea t) ubritan.the dem "oilines deined 0J that popeat

Jubtican by wirtuc o whith ene yuid qles louen Ceppident

pichon than onsthe Jluid of Same vterty
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Cenditiona hgh 4ptd ard hea lod
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he sLl JUm may e
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dixect metal Je dird centact w take place
. A ubr cat which dss n squleke out Jom the aliding autJale urda
the terditioru menttontd above maintaiu a corttnu04 ilnt knsima
e rowirq high dugHeL of eliney Nemally Jotty eilu have high deqHte e
ujne than these ej ubri cotuhg oiu tbtained ompetrøleunn
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