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Worksheets Name

Anansi the Spider till page 239 Final

Total questions: 25
Worksheet time: 13mins
Instructor name: ashraf mousa

1. What is the genre of ( Anansi the spider ) ?

a) Traditional Literature b) Informational text

c) Realistic Fiction d) Historical fictional

2. What is name of the spider ?

a) Sister Tortoise b) Rogers

c) Kathryn d) Anansi

3. What are the rules of hospitality in the village ?

a) It’s rude not to share food with a visitor b) It’s rude to eat food with a visitor

c) It’s rude to share food with a visitor d) It’s rude to help a visitor

4. What was the reputation that Anansi had ?

a) Eating too much b) Sleeping too little

c) Running fast d) Mooching

5. Who was the first one that Anasi visited ?

a) The rabbit b) The horse

c) The cow d) The spider

6. Which kind of food has the tortoise offered ?

a) green leaves b) carrots

c) stewed beans d) meat

7. -( How full I will be ! ) Who said that ?

a) Anansi the spider b) The rabbit

c) The horse d) The monkey

8. Which kind of food the monkey prepared ?

a) Yams with honey and spice b) rice with meat

c) burger d) macaroni with chicken

9. Which leg was the rabbit pulling for Anansi ?

a) The back right leg . b) The front right leg .

c) The back left leg . d) The front left leg .

10. What was the Akeelah’s special talent ?

a) She knew of secret spots where she found b) She knew of secret spots where she found
eggs delicious fruits

c) She knew of secret spots where she found d) She knew of secret spots where she found
animals spiders

11. Akeelah lived in a faraway land where the weather is ........................

a) cool b) warm

c) cold d) hot

12. Where would Akeela place the basket ?

a) on her back b) on her head

c) In her lest hand d) In her right hand

13. -( Please , help me . I’m so hungry and would like to find some fruit .)
Who said that ?

a) Akeelah b) Anansi

14. How many plums did Akeela ask Anansi to take ?

a) ten or twenty b) one or two

c) seven or ten d) four or five

15. What did Anansi do when he saw the plum tree ?

a) He gave them to the wise girl b) He devoured every single plum

c) He sold them d) He left them

16. What was the second tree Akeela took Anansi to ?

a) Apples b) Strawberry

c) Pear d) Mango

17. Which kind of food did Akeela offer Anansi after mango ?

a) Carrot b) Honey

c) Fruit d) Vegetables

18. Where did Akeela lead Anansi to find honey ?

a) A tree with a hole in the trunk b) A tree with a hole in the branches

c) A tree with a hole in the roots d) A tree with a hole in the leaves

19. -“ Please call for help .” who said that ?

a) Akeelah b) The wise girl

c) Anansi d) The rabbit

20. Everyone knows that Anansi the spider is a …………………………

a) a good spider b) trickster

c) very active d) generous

21. Why was Anansi extremely happy ?

a) He was about to have money b) He was about to play

c) He was about to eat cooked yams d) He was about to sleep

22. Why did the turtle apologize ?

a) He came late b) His hands were dirty

c) He had no money d) He had no food

23. What did Anansi do with the yams ?

a) He ate all of them . b) He didn't eat them

c) He ate part of them . d) He threw them away

24. Did Anansi accept the turtle’s offer ?

a) No b) Yes

25. Did Anansi join the turtle’s meal ?

a) Yes b) No

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