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Small town versus a big city. The rural side against the industrial.

These two things are at odds

as people side with one or the other. I personally prefer big cities and there are multiple reasons
why I do it. Although big cites do have some disadvantages over small towns their benefits far
outweigh the drawbacks.
Firstly, work opportunities are more diverse in the big city than in the rural side. It gives more
options for younger people to grow in the economy. For instance,…
Secondly, the big city has access to things that the small towns don't have access to. May it be
better healthcare, access to more mechanized tools and services that are mainly found in more
industrial areas. For example,
On the other hand, there are also a few disadvantages to living in big cities. Since big cities are
overly industrialized they have fewer places full of lush greenery. Thus, What’s more, their
bigger size makes it harder for people to socialize because of the greater distances they have to
travel to meet up. Consequently,…
In general, bigger cities give a wider array of options and opportunities to people who live in it.
Due to its variety of different employment and lifestyles it has become a preferable choice for
many people in recent years.

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