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Abstract: This project is about developing an advertisement posting website. It includes different things like ads region, ads previews, ad ordering, ads posting, discussion forms and feed back area. This is a website where different types of advertisements and classifieds are posted. Here the person, who wants to advertise their product, can choose different advertisement previews which are available in the advertisement template region. And client can order the advertisement by registering and conveying the requirements to the administrator. Once payment is done the requested advertisement will be posted in the advertisement region. Site consists of discussion forum where the users can share new concepts and ideas, where best ideas are encouraged and awarded. It also consists of feed back where any viewer can openly post the comments on advertisement site. 2. INTRODUCTION As we know advertisements place a vital role for any type of business to develop awareness among the customer. Not only the quality of the product but also the way of presentation of the product influence a lot. It is one of the simplest and best way to increase the product sale in the present competition. Among all the sources online advertisement is one of the cheapest mode to advertise. 2.1 SCOPE: This website helps us to link directly and advertises the ads easily and can optimize the ads according to the feedback. The following are the modules: Advertisements region:This mainly deals with creating an area in the website where the advertisements are actually posted. It mainly consists of products based advertisements and classifieds and a search option with categories to easily search the advertisements. This region may vary for different advertisements according to the requirement given by the client because as size of advertisement varies, cost of the advertisement may vary. Advertisements ordering: This mainly consists of advertisement template where different types of advertisement previews are available in different styles and pattern requirements of the clients and details like time, size are posted to the administrator. After receiving the order administrator post the advertisement according to his requirements given by the client according to his idea. Advertisements Posting: This mainly deals with creation of requested advertisements by the administrator and payment details where payments can be done by cheque or DD. Payment cannot be done online. Different types of products are advertised at different regions as grouped by administrator. Discussion Forum and Feedbacks: This mainly deals with creating an area where the registered users can share their views and new concepts in the discussion forums and the best concepts are awarded and also feedback can be given by any viewers. 2.2 Objective of the Project: 1. This is a website where different types of advertisements and classifieds are posted 2. Here the person, who wants to advertise an advertisement, can choose different ad previews which are available in the advertisement template region.

3. And client can order the advertisement by registering and conveying the requirements to the administrator. 4. Once payment is done the requested advertisement will be posted in the advertisement region 5. Site consists of discussion forum where the users can share new concepts and ideas, where best ideas are encouraged 6. It also consists of feed back where any viewer can openly post the comments on advertisement site. 2.3 LIMITATIONS: 1. Payment method is restricted only to DDs and cheques 2. Users comments over an advertisement will not be visible to other users 3. Only After payment the ads are posted in the advertisement region. 3.1EXISTING SYSTEM: In the present existing system there is no scope for users to share their new concepts. There is only chance of placing their feedback. There is no question of changing the advertisements according to the new concepts given by the registered users. Finally advertisements or any will be according to the administrators wish for the way of presenting the product. It is not according to the wish of users or customers. 3.2PROPOSED SYSTEM: In our proposed system there is a scope for the users or customers to place their new innovative ideas to present any product. Apart from giving the feedbacks there is also a separate module for the registered users to share their new concepts and also awarded for better ideas presented. So the advertisements are optimized according to the users wish and after having good feedback they can be placed in print media or electronic media. 4. General description 4.1 Product Perspective: Online advertisement posting website is aimed for where different types of advertisements and classifieds are posted. Here the person, who wants to advertise an advertisement, can choose different add previews which are available in the advertisement template region. Client can order the advertisement by registering. Once payment is done the requested advertisement will be posted in the advertisement region with in specified time. 4.2 Product Functions: Online Advertisement posting website has the following use cases: 1. Login: The user or client and administrator can login into the system. Before login the users or client must be register to the database. Administrator or any who login must provide valid username and password; if invalid the respective person cannot login. After logging in it links to another page where client can view a webpage in which he can place his order of his own requirements like size, duration of the advertisement and can link other pages of different services provided by the administrator and the website. An administrator can view any new orders placed by clients after logging in. Users after logging in can place their feed back. 2. Create area advertisements: Creating an area where actually advertisements are posted. Different types of advertisements are posted at

different regions. They are categorized into different groups like classifieds, employment, announcements and etc. 3. Order: Client can order the advertisements by registering and conveying the requirements to the administration. Different requirements like size of the advertisement, duration of the advertisement to be posted and etc.Administrator can view these orders and requirements in this order view page with order id, user requirements and mode of payment. 4. Payment: Clients can do payment through DD/cheque according to the size of the advertisement region to the administrator. 5. Posting: After the payment, the advertisements are posted in the advertisement region. Different types of advertisements are posted at their respective places as organized by the administrator. 6. Feedback: The viewers can openly post the comments on advertisements. There is a column for viewers to place their feedbacks on the advertisements. 5. User characteristics Client shows the formats of the online advertisement and posting site and selects the appropriate one. 5.1. Principle Actors: The three principal actors in online Advertisement and posting website they are 1. End user (client) Normal user 2. System Administrator 3. User (register user) 5.2. General constraints: For working online Advertisement and posting requires internet connection. It is multi-user software.

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