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Peer Review

Research Paper or Literature

Focus on reviewing the literature’s ability to answer
your question without interpreting the research in
order to answer the question.
Do not answer your
research question!
Take a stance on the
literature, on each source’s
ability to address the
research question.
Unit 2 / Drafting, Peer Review…/Self Editing
Self-Editing for Literature Review

Self-editing is an important writing skill to develop both as a university student and later
as a professional. Self-editing is the last step of writing. After you have revised your
paper’s content and structure, it is time to focus more specifically on the language. (We
use “language” very broadly here to include things like style, word choice, or
grammatical choices, as well as more mechanical parts of language like sentence
structure, punctuation, and formatting or documentation style
Activity 1: Stance and Critique (25 min)

1. Examine the ways in which you have expressed stance in your Literature Review
assignment. Is your stance positive, negative, or neutral? Have you used words that
reflect that stance? You might want to also review the section on evaluative
language from the last unit to help with your expression of stance.
2. Do you use a variety of expressions of stance rather than relying on just a small
3. Do you directly critique the texts you summarize in your Literature Review
(remember that you don’t have to but this is an option)? What language do you use
to critique the texts.
Activity 2: Connecting Sources in Your Research Story (15 minutes)
1. What words or phrases do you use to connect the sources within your literature
review? Do these phrases function as you intend? Are there any places where you
need to clarify your reference to sources within your research story?
Activity 3: Integral vs. non-integral citations (25 min)
1. Have you used mostly integral or non-integral citations? Why? Do your choices
reflect your rhetorical purpose (e.g., integral for summary and non-integral for
2. Check your integral and non-integral citations for issues with APA style.
Activity 4: Identify any issues you can spot in your paper related to vocabulary,
grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, or citations. (15 min)

1. Identify any issues with sentence structure (incomplete sentences, wordy or

awkward sentences, lack of variety)
2. Identify any issues with vocabulary (incorrect use of vocabulary, too much repetition
of the same vocabulary)
3. Identify issues in grammar (incorrect use of word forms such as nouns instead of
adjective forms)
4. Identify issues in punctuation (commas where needed)
5. Double-check to make sure you have included in-text citations when needed.
6. Double-check to make sure you have included all citations in your reference list.
Peer review guide for Literature Review
Unit 2 / Drafting, Planning, Peer Review / Peer Review
Guide for Literature Review.

2. Upload your scores from the peer reviews to the D2L

and complete the Revision Action Plan before 23:59
Possible Criteria Assigned
3 pts Source Use (Objective 3E)
Points Points
Meets Expectations = Literature review cites sources accurately and
4 pts Research Synthesis(Objective 2E)
Meets Expectations = Literature review identifies overlaps and differences appropriately for an academic paper using APA.
across the six texts included in the paper. • Superior (3 pts)
• Superior (4 pts)
Linking the Quotes/Paraphrasing
• Strong (2.5 pts)
• Strong (3.5 pts) sources • Meets Expectations (2 – pts)
• Meets Expectations (2 – 3 pts)
• Needs Improvement (1 pt)
together • Needs Improvement (1 pt)
• Unacceptable (0 pts) • Unacceptable (0 pts)
4 pts Rhetorical structure (Objective 2E, 3D)
3 pts Library Research (Objective 2C, 2D)
Meets Expectations = Literature review provides an overview of the issue by
Meets Expectations = Literature review incorporates six appropriate and credible
“telling a story” about it and including sufficient background for interested
disciplinary sources.
readers who are not familiar with the texts.
• Superior (3 pts)
• Superior (4 pts) Use the sources • Strong (2.5 pts) Everybody should
• Strong (3.5 pts) to tell a • Meets Expectations (2 – pts) get 3 here!
• Meets Expectations (2 – 3 pts)
• Needs Improvement (1 pt)
research story • Needs Improvement (1 pt)
• Unacceptable (0 pts) • Unacceptable (0 pts)

4 pts Stance (Objective 2D, 2E, 3D) 2 pts Assignment GuidelinesandExpectations(Objectives 4E, 4F)
Meets Expectations = Literature review provides critique or expresses some
author stance about the ideas/texts included in the review. (Note: This does Meets Expectations = The literature review meets the guidelines including submission of
not need to be an opinion or argument.) all drafts and revision.
• Superior (4 pts) Could be Complete draft and
• Strong (3.5 pts) incorporated into • Superior (2 pts) revision action plan
• Meets Expectations (2 – 3 pts)
the conclusion • Meets Expectations (1 pt) with 2 scores of peer
• Needs Improvement (1 pt)
• Unacceptable (0 pts) • Unacceptable (0 pts) reviews…
Peer review guide for Literature Review
Unit 2 / Drafting, Planning, Peer Review / Peer Review
Guide for Literature Review.

2. Upload your scores from the peer reviews to the D2L

and complete the Revision Action Plan before 23:59
Project 2 is due:
Before Wednesday the 5 of

June by 15:00 maximum.

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