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It is only through communication that we fulfil our different needs- whether they are personal,

emotional, psychological, educational, social, financial, professional or cultural. We cannot think

of an existence without communication. Therefore, we should be able to communicate
effectively in a coherent, clear and concise manner as success in our life depends on effective

Flow of Communication

● There are clearly defined patterns in different companies which facilitate smooth
● Different layers in the management hierarchy and each layer is entrusted with a different
set of responsibilities.
● Communication is multidimensional and multi-directional. As information travels along
various levels of operations, it takes the form of a pyramid.

● 4 different directions of communication:-

1. Downward - flow of information from seniors to subordinates - it could be oral or in

written format

● Disadvantages of downward communication

1. Distortion and dilution of information because of a long chain of command
2. Delay in transmission of information
3. Time- consuming
4. Too much or too less information

2. Upward communication:- the reaction of the employees towards the company’s goals, policies
and decisions can be gauged through upward communication.
● Problems of upward communication:-
1. Problem of taking instructions from juniors.
2. Psychological barriers in communicating with subordinate staff.

3. Lateral or horizontal communication- communication between subordinates at the same level

in the chain of hierarchy. To put it simply, the interaction with peers and colleagues is called
Lateral communication.

Objectives of Lateral communication

● It helps to create mutual understanding and trust between people and departments
● It facilitates cooperation and coordination among different departments of the
● It helps in settling interdepartmental and intradepartmental differences without the
intervention of the management.
● No status barriers.

● Since people are at the same status and rank, they might be reluctant to communicate
with each other.
● Subordinates may fear hostile behaviour from authority.
● Need to shed ego.
● Resistance from higher authority on issues of too much congeniality amongst managers.

4. Diagonal or crosswise communication- in this the information flows unhindered irrespective

of position or status. The hierarchical chains are ignored in this type of communication and this
help in building stronger ties between superiors and subordinates.

● It is this mode of communication that instigates gossip and rumours. Since there is no
direct accountability, no one can be held responsible.
● It is the skill of a good manager to derive useful information and use it for the betterment
of the company.
1. Encourages coordination through informal meetings and lunch hour meetings
2. Works as a morale booster because lower-level worker gets a chance to interact with
1. Manager fears of infringement by subordinates
2. Resistance to take orders
3. Promotes anarchy and chaos.

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