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1 Warm up
Write the name of a sport and then its associated words. See the example as a guide.

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2 Vocabulary

Label the pictures below.

do athletics do gymnastics go climbing

ice skating play basketball play ice hockey
skateboarding skiing surfing

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

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3 Practice 1

Read the exam tip and complete the rules below.

Now match the sport or activity to the correct column in the table.

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4 Let’s play
Play a game with your partner. Choose one type of activity from the previous task, cover it and say
its name. Your partner then says do, play or go.

5 Speaking
Part A: Read the questions and match them to their correct answers.

1. Where do you play tennis? a. On a court.

2. What equipment do you need? b. I play against a friend.

3. What clothes do you wear? c. I wear trainers, a t-shirt and shorts.

4. Who do you play against? d. I need a racket, a small ball, and a net.

Part B: Use the questions in Part A and the pictures below to ask and answer about other sports.

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6 Grammar 1: why
Read the exam tip and do the task that follows.

Read the following sentences and match them to their responses.

1. Why are you holding this racquet?

2. Karl has a competition on Saturday.

3. Why don’t we go to the stadium?

4. I want to go skiing this winter.

5. What did you go to the track for?

6. How come you play football?

a. Why? You usually go ice-skating.

b. Ok. It’s a great idea.

c. To run.

d. Because I’m going to play tennis.

e. Because it’s a team sport and I’m good at it.

f. That’s why he’s practising so much.

Which sentence and response ...

i. asks for a reason? 1

ii. is an alternative use of why question?

iii. adds information to someone’s statement?

iv. makes a suggestion?

v. asks for a reason, using a short question?

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7 Practice 2

Complete the following sentences with the correct word or phrase.

How come That’s why What Why Why does Why don’t

1. Javier go climbing? - Because he loves mountains.

2. you eat more fruit?

3. so many children play football?

4. Sarah wants to go to the beach. - she’s preparing her bag.

5. is this racket for? To hit the ball.

6. John wants to play volleyball this weekend. - ?

8 Let’s play

Read the instructions and play a game in pairs or small groups.

1. Use a dice (it can be virtual).

2. Challenge a student to roll the dice. For example, he / she gets 1.
3. He / she makes a sentence or question using the phrase: Why don’t you, for example: Why don’t
you buy some new skis?
4. Play the game together in pairs or small groups.

Use this list as a guide:

1. Why don’t...?
2. How come...?
3. Why...?
4. Why did...?
5. That’s why...
6. What is .... for?

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9 Focus on exam

Read the exam information and do the task that follows.

Now decide if the following sentences are true or false.

1. The topic is the same as Part 3. →

2. You talk about a topic for three minutes. →

3. The questions have two different focuses. →

4. You shouldn’t interact with the other candidate. →

5. You should make up your answers. →

6. A short answer is a bad idea. →

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10 Listening
Part A: Listen to two candidates doing Part 4: Andy and Laura and answer the questions below.

1. Who talks first?

2. How does the examiner ask the same question to Laura?

3. Whose answers are longer and give more details?

4. How does the examiner invite Andy to answer the same question?

5. When do they answer a question together?

6. Which candidate interacts better?

Part B: Match the chunks to create sentences. Then listen to check your answers.

1. Yes, I’d love to have a. because we can have a i. which is in the middle of
school trips more really good time nowhere and there are no
often, together, we can hang shops to buy things.
out and
2. I prefer going on trips b. something to drink, ii. for example swimming or
with my friends, because you can go to building castles there.
a place
3. Yeah, I would like to c. abroad. You can learn iii. or learn another language. You
have more trips, maybe about new cultures could also have fun with
somewhere friends.
4. I think you have to d. during summer iv. do whatever we want. It’s
bring a backpack or a holidays. You can go to usually boring when you go
bag. You need to bring the beach and you can with your family.
food and have a good time,
5. In my opinion, the best e. especially to v. is a really nice place to visit,
time to travel is interesting places in there are many monuments
the UK: London, and museums there.
Oxford, or Stonehenge.
I think London

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11 Grammar 2: using opinion phrases

In this part of the speaking exam, candidates are encouraged to expand their answers.

Both did this using this sequence:

Yeah, I would like to have more trips, maybe somewhere abroad, so you can learn about new
cultures or learn another language.
• opinion phrase + the candidate’s opinion + reason or extra information

Part A: Read the candidate’s answer below and divide it into sequences.

I prefer going on trips with my friends, because we can have a really good time together, we
can hang out and do whatever we want. It’s usually boring when you go with your family.

Part B: Complete the answers about sports with the opinion expressions.

I don’t think I prefer I think it’s easier to

It’s probably better to I would like to

1. playing golf in the summer because the weather is warmer and it’s an outdoor

2. take up tennis so I can keep fit but first I have to buy some equipment.

3. play football than basketball. Basketball is a team game, and you can’t control
where the ball is.

4. skiing is for me because I don’t like cold weather. I love watersports so I’d choose
surfing instead.

5. do exercise twice a week. I think so because every day is too tiring and I have to
study for exams too.

12 Exam practice: Speaking Part 4

Read these exam questions and plan your answer using the recommended sequence. Then answer
the questions with your partner.

1. Would you like to do more sports at school? (Which sports would you like to try?)
2. What do you need to do your favourite sport?
3. Do you prefer to do sports with your friends or individually? (Why?)
4. What do you think is the best age to take up a sport? (Why?)
5. Which do you think is more interesting: football or tennis? (Why?)

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10. Listening

Examiner: Andy, would you like to have more school trips?

Andy (teen boy): Yes, I’d love to have school trips more often, especially to interesting places in the
UK: London, Oxford, or Stonehenge. I think London is a really nice place to visit,
there are many monuments and museums there.

Examiner: What about you, Laura?

Laura (teen girl): Yeah, I would like to have more trips, erm, more school trips, maybe somewhere
abroad. You can learn about new cultures or learn another language. You could
also have fun with friends.

Examiner: What do you need to take when you go on a trip?

Laura: I think you have to bring a backpack or a bag. You need to bring food and something
to drink, because you can go to a place which is in the middle of nowhere and there
are no shops to buy things. If the weather is sunny, you also need to bring your

Examiner: Do you prefer to go on trips with your family or your friends?

Laura: Hmm, I prefer going on trips with my friends. We can have a really good time
together, we can hang out and do whatever we want. It’s usually boring when you
go with your family.

Examiner: Do you agree, Andy?

Andy: Erm, I think it depends. I think it’s true that with your friends, you can do whatever
you like, you can go wherever you want, while when you are with your family you
have to follow your parents.

Examiner: All right then. What do you think is the best time of year to travel?

Andy: In my opinion, the best time to travel is during summer holidays. You can go to
the beach and you can have a good time, for example swimming or building castles
there. You can swim in the sea and eat ice cream. So summer is really nice, but
sometimes you can get too hot. But still, I think the best time to travel is summer.

Examiner: Which do you think is more interesting - visiting a city or visiting the countryside?

Andy: Hmm, I think the city, there’s more stuff to do.

Laura: Yes, it’s better...

Andy: ...and it’s easier. You can do more stuff and it’s more interesting.

Laura: Yeah. While in the countryside...

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Andy: are in the middle of nowhere and you don’t have much to do.

Laura: There is nothing interesting to do there.

Andy: ...and I think the city is more interesting, because there are museums, cinemas or
shops where you can buy things you want.

Laura: But on the other hand, if you want to spend more time in nature, the best option
would be to go to countryside. You can relax there better and hear the sounds of

Andy: That’s a good point.

Examiner: Thank you. That is the end of the test.

Laura and Andy: Thank you.

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1. Warm up

5 mins.
Students choose a sport and write words in pairs. Monitor to check their understanding.

2. Vocabulary

5 mins.
Students label the pictures individually and then compare their answers in pairs.

1. do athletics 2. play basketball 3. go climbing 4. do gymnastics

5. play ice hockey 6. skiing 7. ice skating 8. surfing
9. skateboarding

3. Practice 1

5 mins.
Complete the rules, open class, and then students work in pairs to complete the table.
Answers to the rules: 1. go, 2. do, 3. play
Answers to the table:
play: golf, football, badminton, tennis, volleyball
go: swimming, skateboarding, surfing, running or jogging, cycling
do: judo, exercise, karate, ballet, archery

4. Let’s play

5 mins.
This little game helps the students to memorise the vocabulary. Divide students into pairs or small groups and
monitor the task.

5. Speaking

5 - 10 mins.
Part A
Students match the questions to answers individually. Check their answers.

1. → a. 2. → d. 3. → c. 4. → b.
Part B
In pairs, students ask and answer the questions. Monitor to see how they are expanding their answers.

6. Grammar 1: why

5 - 10 mins.
Read the exam tip together as a class. Then ask students to read sentences 1 - 6 and match them to their correct

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1. → d. 2. → f. 3. → b.
4. → a. 5. → c. 6. → e.
Give students time to read the sentences again and match them to their usage.

i. 1 ii. questions 5 and 6

iii. question 2 iv. question 3
v. question 4

7. Practice 2

5 mins.
Set this task to be done individually. Students read the sentences and complete the gaps. If they have problems,
refer them to the previous task for guidance.

1. Why does 2. Why don’t

3. How come 4. That’s why
5. What 6. Why

8. Let’s play

5 - 10 mins.
Play against the students so they understand the game. Then they play in pairs.

9. Focus on exam

5 - 10 mins.
Give students time to read the exam information about Speaking Part 4 individually. Then, complete true / false
task as an open class. Let the students ask questions about this part of the exam if they are unsure.

1. True 2. False 3. False

4. False 5. False 6. True

10. Listening

10 - 15 mins.
Part A
Students listen to two candidates doing Part 4: Andy and Laura and answer the questions by writing the candidate’s
name. Check answers as an open class.

1. Andy 2. What about you, Laura?

3. Andy 4. Do you agree, Andy?
5. the final question 6. Laura - Andy wants to answer alone
Part B
Students match the chunks to create a sentence. Then they listen to check their answers. You can pause the
listening after each candidate says the sentence. Note that the sentences can be slightly paraphrased, but students
should still recognise them from the speaker’s expressions.

1. → e. → v. 2. → a. → iv.
3. → c. → iii. 4. → b. → i.
5. → d. → ii.

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11. Grammar 2: using opinion phrases

5 mins.
Allow students to do this task together to build their confidence. Ask them to read the candidate’s answer and
divide it into sequences. Note that the answer is slightly paraphrased, but students should still recognise it from
the speaker’s expression.
I prefer (opinion phrase) going with friends because we have really good time together, we can hang out
and do whatever we want (the candidate’s opinion) It’s usually boring when you go with your family. (reason or
extra information)
Part B
Students complete the answers about sports with the opinion expressions.

1. I prefer 2. I would like to

3. I think it’s easier to 4. I don’t think
5. It’s probably better to

12. Exam practice: Speaking Part 4

5 mins.
Students read the exam questions and plan their answers using the recommended sequence. Then ask them to
answer the questions with their partner. Monitor their speaking and listen for the usage of appropriate grammar,
vocabulary and discourse, such as how they organise their speaking. Check their use of connectors and finally
their pronunciation.

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