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Why Depression is Increasing in Modern Times


Depression is a mental health issue affecting people worldwide,

and its prevalence has been increasing steadily in recent years.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), depression
is one of the leading causes of global health-related deaths.
Understanding the reasons behind the rise in depression rates
in contemporary society is crucial for developing effective
prevention and treatment strategies. This article explores the
main factors contributing to the increase in depression, its
impact, and ways to manage and prevent this growing problem.

#### Work and Academic Stress

One of the primary reasons for the rise in depression is the

stress associated with work and education. In today's world,
people face intense competition in the job market and an
education system that often emphasizes competitive exams
over life skills development. This pressure can lead to stress
and subsequently depression.
**For example**, office workers frequently required to work
overtime, students preparing for challenging competitive exams,
or individuals pursuing higher education with long research and
thesis writing periods may experience significant stress leading
to depression.

#### Social Media and Unrealistic Expectations

Social media plays a significant role in modern life. While it

serves as a tool for communication and information sharing, it
also fosters unrealistic expectations. Many people use social
media to showcase the best aspects of their lives, leading
others to feel that their own lives are inadequate, resulting in
feelings of low self-worth and depression.

**For instance**, seeing friends' successful careers, exotic

vacations, or seemingly perfect families on social media can
make individuals feel that their own lives are lacking,
potentially leading to depression.

#### Social and Economic Changes

Changes in social and economic conditions are another factor
contributing to the increase in depression. Economic
uncertainty, unemployment, and lack of job opportunities can
cause stress and depression. Additionally, social changes such
as family structure shifts, marriage and divorce, relocation, or
the loss of loved ones can impact mental health.

**For example**, during economic recessions, many people

lose jobs and income, leading to stress and depression.
Changes in family structure, such as divorce or the death of a
loved one, can also cause grief and depression.

#### Lack of Social Support

Lack of social support is another critical factor. Individuals with

strong social relationships with family, friends, or the
community generally have better mental health. However, in
modern times, people's lives are often hectic, leaving less time
for social interactions. This lack of social support can lead to
feelings of isolation and depression.

**For example**, elderly individuals living alone without family

or friends to support them, or teenagers feeling misunderstood
and unsupported by peers, can experience loneliness and

#### Impact of Depression

Depression affects individuals, families, and society. Those

suffering from depression often experience reduced work
productivity, learning difficulties, and increased risk of physical
health issues such as cardiovascular diseases. Job loss or
inability to work effectively due to depression results in
economic losses for both individuals and society.

**For example**, individuals with depression may not be able

to perform their work efficiently, leading to frequent absences
and reduced income, affecting their ability to support their
families. Additionally, there is a higher risk of engaging in risky
behaviors such as alcohol consumption or drug use.

#### Management and Prevention of Depression

Managing and preventing depression requires a multifaceted

approach. Raising awareness about depression, creating
supportive communities, and providing appropriate treatment
are essential. Additionally, promoting mental health in
communities and prioritizing mental health in workplaces and
schools are crucial factors in preventing depression.

**For instance**, organizing community activities that encourage

social interaction, educating schools about mental health care,
providing psychological support in workplaces, and ensuring
accessible, high-quality mental health services can help prevent
and manage depression.


Depression is a growing problem in modern times due to

various factors, including work and academic stress, social
media comparisons, social and economic changes, and lack of
social support. Depression impacts individuals, families, and
society. Addressing and preventing depression requires a
comprehensive approach and support from all societal sectors
to ensure that individuals suffering from depression can lead
quality, fulfilling lives.

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