Practical 1, 2 & 4 Agrochemical

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No. Matric: F22A0106

Practical 1: Classification of Agrochemicals and Information Retrieved from the


Trade name 1. Vita-Grow Plus ( fertilizer)

Common name ● Plant Growth Booster

● Foliar Fertilizer Solution

Chemical name

manufacturer Peladang Tech (M) SDN BHD

Formulation Nitrogen,Potassium, phosphorus,calcium

and micronutrients

Active ingredient 1. Macronutrients: Nitrogen (N),

Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K).
2. Secondary nutrients: Calcium (Ca),
Magnesium (Mg), Sulfur (S).
3. Micro nutrients: Iron (Fe), Manganese
(Mn), Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu), Boron (B),
Molybdenum (Mo), Chlorine (Cl), Nickel
(Ni), and others.

Signal word(caution) warning

Keep out of reach of children. Avoid contact
with moisture.

Hazardous class or colour code Green colour code

Application method
Soil Application: Mix with soil at the
recommended rate. Foliar Application:
Dilute with water as per instructions and
spray directly onto leaves. Drip Irrigation:
Inject into the irrigation system at the
specified concentration.

Handling and storage Handling : Wear appropriate personal

protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves,
goggles, and a mask when handling the
Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothing.
In case of contact, rinse immediately with
plenty of water.
Use in well-ventilated areas to avoid
inhaling dust or fumes.
Follow the manufacturer's instructions for
mixing and applying the product.

Storage:Store the product in a cool, dry, and

well-ventilated area away from direct
sunlight.Keep the product tightly sealed in
its original container to prevent moisture
absorption or contamination.Kkeep out of
reach of children and pets.
Follow any specific storage instructions
provided by the manufacturer
Trade name
2. Pegasus 47.175c (Insecticide)

Common name Diafenthiuron

Chemical name Diafenthiuron

Manufacturer Syngenta Crop Protection SDN BHD

Formulation Soluble concentration

Active ingredient Diafenthiuron


Signal word(caution) warning Dangerous (keep away from foodstuff and


Hazardous class or colour code Class III BLUE COLOUR code

Application method Mixing Procedure: Do not use open mixing

and loading systems. Add the required
amount of Pegasus to clean water in a spray
tank filled halfway. Ensure the agitator or
bypass is operating during mixing.
Maintain agitation while adding the
remaining water to the tank.

Water Volume for Ground Application: Use

a minimum of 100 liters of water per
hectare for ground application.

Water Volume for Aerial Application: For

aerial application, a minimum of 20 liters of
water per hectare is recommended

Handling and storange Handling : Wear appropriate personal

protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves,
goggles, and a mask when handling the
Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothing.
In case of contact, rinse immediately with
plenty of water.
Use in well-ventilated areas to avoid
inhaling dust or fumes.
Follow the manufacturer's instructions for
mixing and applying the product.

Storage:Store the product in a cool, dry, and

well-ventilated area away from direct
sunlight.Keep the product tightly sealed in
its original container to prevent moisture
absorption or contamination.Kkeep out of
reach of children and pets.
Follow any specific storage instructions
provided by the manufacturer
Trade name 3. LOGOR ( insecticide)

Common name Dimethoate 38%

Chemical name Diafenthiuron

manufacturer KENSO corporation (M) SDN BHD

Formulation Emulsion Concentration (EC)

Active ingredient Dimethoate 38.0%

Signal word(caution) warning Poisonous

Hazardous class or colour code Class 2 kuning

Application method
1. Spraying: This is one of the most
common methods of applying insecticides.
Liquid formulations of LOGOR can be
diluted with water and sprayed onto plants,
surfaces, or soil using equipment such as
handheld sprayers, backpack sprayers, or
tractor-mounted sprayers. Spraying
ensures even coverage and effective contact
with the target pests.

2. Dusting: Dust formulations of LOGOR can

be applied by dusting or sprinkling the
insecticide on plant surfaces or into cracks
and crevices where pests are present. This
method is suitable for controlling pests like
ants, cockroaches, and beetles in indoor
and outdoor environments.

3. Granular Application: Granular

formulations of LOGOR can be spread onto
the soil surface using spreaders or by hand.
This method is commonly used for
controlling soil-dwelling pests like grubs,
larvae, and ants. Granules release the
insecticide slowly, providing long-lasting
4. Baiting: LOGOR insecticide can be
formulated into bait stations or bait gels to
attract and kill target pests like ants,
cockroaches, and termites. Baiting is
effective for controlling pests in indoor and
outdoor environments while minimizing
exposure to non-target organisms.

5. Seed Treatment: In agricultural settings,

LOGOR insecticide can be applied as a seed
treatment to protect seeds and seedlings
from soil-dwelling pests and insects that
feed on plant tissues. Seed treatments
ensure early protection against pests and
can improve crop establishment and yield.

6. Fogging: For controlling flying insects

like mosquitoes, flies, and moths in indoor
spaces, LOGOR insecticide can be applied
as a fog or aerosol using specialized
equipment called foggers or thermal
foggers. Fogging creates a fine mist of
insecticide particles that penetrate into
hard-to-reach areas and kill flying insects
on contact.

7. Trunk Injection: In certain cases,

especially for controlling pests in trees or
woody plants, LOGOR insecticide can be
injected directly into the trunk or stems
using specialized equipment. Trunk
injection delivers the insecticide directly
into the vascular system of the plant,
providing targeted control of pests like
borers and beetles.

Handling and storage

1. Read the Label: Before using LOGOR
insecticide, carefully read and understand
the product label and safety data sheet
(SDS). Pay attention to instructions
regarding handling, storage, personal
protective equipment (PPE), first aid
measures, and disposal.

2. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):

Wear appropriate PPE when handling
LOGOR insecticide, including long-sleeved
shirts, long pants, chemical-resistant
gloves, goggles or face shield, and a
respirator if required. Follow the PPE
recommendations provided on the product

3. Mixing and Dilution: If LOGOR insecticide

is in concentrate form, dilute it according to
the instructions on the label before
application. Use clean measuring
equipment and mix only the amount
needed for immediate use. Avoid mixing
near water sources or areas where
contamination could occur.

4. Application Equipment: Use properly

calibrated and maintained application
equipment when applying LOGOR
insecticide. Clean equipment thoroughly
after use to prevent cross-contamination
with other pesticides or substances.

5. Storage Conditions: Store LOGOR

insecticide in its original container in a
cool, dry, well-ventilated area away from
sunlight, heat sources, open flames, food,
and animal feed. Keep the product out of
reach of children, pets, and unauthorized

6. Temperature: Check the label for specific

temperature storage requirements. Some
pesticides may degrade or become less
effective if stored at extreme temperatures.

7. Container Integrity: Inspect the

container regularly for signs of damage,
leaks, or deterioration. Replace damaged
containers immediately and transfer the
contents to a new container if necessary.

8. Secure Storage: Store LOGOR insecticide

in a locked storage cabinet or room to
prevent unauthorized access. Follow any
local regulations or recommendations for
storing pesticides safely.

9. Separation from Incompatible

Substances: Keep LOGOR insecticide away
from incompatible substances, including
food, feed, fertilizers, and other pesticides.
Store pesticides separately to avoid
accidental mixing or contamination.

10. Emergency Preparedness: Be prepared

to respond to spills, leaks, or accidents
involving LOGOR insecticide. Have spill kits,
absorbent materials, and personal
protective equipment readily available.
Follow the spill cleanup procedures
outlined on the product label and SDS.

11. Disposal: Dispose of empty containers,

unused product, and rinse water according
to local regulations. Do not reuse empty
containers for storing food or other
materials. Follow the disposal instructions
provided on the product label and SDS.
Trade name 4. Airone (Fungicide)

Common name -

Chemical name -

manufacturer MAXMA SDN. BHD.

Formulation Suspension Concentrate (SC)

Active ingredient Copper Hydroxide 15.3 %

Copper Oxychloride 16.8%

Signal word(caution) warning Keep out of reach of children

Avoid release to the environment

Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting


Hazardous class or colour code Class III , Blue

Application method Low pressure spray

Handling and storage Wear protective gloves, protective clothing,

eye protection, face protection

Rinse container three times before dispose

of container
Trade name
5. ABADO 50WP™

Common name dimethomorph

Chemical name (E,Z)-4-[3-(4-Chlorophenyl)-3-(3,4-dimeth


manufacturer Adyarista Sdn Bhd

Formulation Wettable powder

Active ingredient Iprodione 50%

Signal word(caution) warning Danger

Hazardous class or colour code Class 3/Blue

Application method
Diluted in water and sprayed. Specific
details include mixing 6.3g per 10 liters of
water for coverage of one hectare, with
specific rates for various diseases on crops.

Handling and storage Keep tightly closed in a ventilated area,

avoid contact with skin and eyes, and store
in a locked area away from foodstuffs and
children. Wash thoroughly after handling

Trade name 6. PADAN (Insecticide)

Common name -

Chemical name -

Agricultural chemical (M) Sdn.Bhd

Formulation -

Active ingredient Cartap hydrochloride 50%

Signal word(caution) warning


Hazardous class or colour code Blue class 3

Application method Spraying

Handling and storage - Wear personal Protective

Equipment (PPE) and follow the
instructions on the label
- Store in the agrochemical store and
sort according to the type of

Trade name 7. Monceren 25 WP (fungicide)

Common name -

Chemical name -

manufacturer Bayer Co. (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd

Formulation Mixing powder

Active ingredient Pencycuron 25.0% w/w

Signal word(caution) warning Poisonous (keep away from foodstuff and


Hazardous class or colour code Class IV white colour code

Application method Mixing: Dissolve 20 grams of Monceren 25

WP in 10 liters of water.
Application: Use the mixture to treat seeds
or tubers before planting. For seed
treatment, ensure seeds are thoroughly
coated. For tubers, dip them in the solution
or apply the solution evenly over them.
Spraying: Use appropriate spraying
equipment to ensure even distribution if
spraying over plants.
Frequency: Apply at planting or before the
onset of disease conditions. Follow the
specific guidelines on the product label for
any repeat applications needed to control

Handling and storage Handling: Read the label before use. Do

Dun not get in eyes, on skin, on clothing. Do
not swallow. Avoid dispersion of dust to
reduce fire and explosion potential. Do not
eat, drink or smoke when handling.

Storage: Store in the closed, original

container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Do
not store for
periods in direct sunlight. Store in a locked
room or place away from children, animals,
flood, feedstuffs,
seed and fertilisers

Trade name 8. Kenly 20 WG (herbicide)

Common name Racun Rumpai

Chemical name -

manufacturer Kenso Corporation (M) Sdn.Bhd

Formulation Butir Terserak Air (WG)

Active ingredient

Signal word(caution) warning

Jauhkan daripada makanan dan

Hazardous class or colour code

Class IV

Application method Jangan kutip hasil tanaman sawit

sekurang-kurangnya 7 hari selepas
semburan terakhir dan 90 hari bagi
tanaman padi. Jangan biarkan haiwan
ternakan meragut rumpai di kawasan yang
disembur selama sekurang-kurangya 2
bulan selepas semburan terakhir.

Handling and storage -

Trade name 9. Biojadi (fertilizer)

Common name Natural Fertilizer

Chemical name Natural Bio Nutrients

manufacturer Biojadi technology Sdn.Bhd

Formulation Liquid

Active ingredient Natural Botanical Extracts natural amino

acid,natural actives enzymes and jurassic

Signal word(caution) warning -

Hazardous class or colour code -

Application method Seed treatment

Handling and storage Handling: Read the label before use. Do not
get in eyes, on skin, on clothing. Do not
swallow. Avoid dispersion of dust to reduce
fire and explosion potential. Do not eat,
drink or smoke when handling.

Storage: Store in the closed, original

container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Do
not store for prolonged periods in direct
sunlight. Store in a locked room or place
away from children, animals, flood,
seed and fertilisers
Trade name
10. Deltamet 2.8 (Insecticide)

Common name

Chemical name Pyrethroid

Ancom Crop care Sdn Bhd

Soluble concentrate (SL)

Active ingredient Deltamethrin 2.8%ww

Signal word(caution) warning Poisonous (keep away from foodstuff and


Hazardous class or colour code Class II Yellow Colour code

Application method For precise application of DELTAMENT 2.8,

start by wearing protective gear such as
gloves, goggles, long-sleeved clothing, and a
mask. Dilute the fungicide according to the
manufacturer's instructions, typically by
mixing with water in a calibrated sprayer.
Apply as a foliar spray, covering both upper
and lower leaf surfaces thoroughly, starting
from the bottom and moving upwards.
Time application to coincide with disease
onset or when conditions favour disease
development. Ensure safety by avoiding
contact with skin, eyes, and clothing during
application, and keep away bystanders,
children, and pets until the spray dries.
Clean equipment post-application and
store DELTAMENT 2.8 in its original
container in a cool, dry place. Always
adhere to label instructions for specific

Handling and storage Handling: Read the label before use. Do not
get in eyes, on skin, on clothing. Do not
swallow. Avoid dispersion of dust to reduce
fire and explosion potential. Do not eat,
drink or smoke when handling.

Storage: Store in the closed, original

container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Do
not store for
periods in direct sunlight. Store in a locked
room or place away from children, animals,
flood, feedstuffs,
seed and fertilisers
Trade name 11. Bm Deltamethrin2.8% EC

Common name Racun Serangga

Chemical name

manufacturer Behn Meyer AgriCare (M) Sdn.Bhd.

Formulation EC

Active ingredient Deltamethrin 2.8%ww

Signal word(caution) warning Poisonous (keep away from foodstuff and


Hazardous class or colour code Class IV white colour code

Application method To effectively apply BM Deltamethrin 2.8%

EC insecticide, ensure proper preparation
by wearing personal protective equipment
like gloves, goggles, long-sleeved clothing,
and a mask. Dilute the insecticide according
to the manufacturer's instructions, typically
by mixing the concentrated solution with
water. Apply the diluted solution using a
calibrated sprayer, ensuring even coverage
over the target area where pests are
present or likely to infest. Time the
application when pests are active, following
the recommended schedule for optimal
control. Take necessary safety precautions
to avoid skin, eye, and clothing contact, and
keep children and pets away from treated
areas until the insecticide has dried
completely. After application, clean all
equipment thoroughly and store any
remaining insecticide safely. Always refer to
the label instructions for specific guidance
on application rates and safety precautions.

Handling and storage Handling: Read the label before use. Do

Dun not get in eyes, on skin, on clothing. Do
not swallow. Avoid dispersion of dust to
reduce fire and explosion potential. Do not
eat, drink or smoke when handling.

Storage: Store in the closed, original

container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Do
not store for prolonged periods in direct
sunlight. Store in a locked room or place
away from children, animals, flood,
seed and fertilisers
Trade name
12. BARB 23.0 EC (fungicide)

Common name

Chemical name Difenoconazole


Formulation Emulsion Concentration (EC)

Active ingredient Difenoconazole 23% w/w

Signal word(caution) warning Harmful (keep away from foodstuff and


Hazardous class or colour code Class III BLUE COLOUR CODE

Application method Application: Administer the diluted

solution evenly over the target plants,
covering all susceptible areas thoroughly.
This can be done via spraying, drenching,
or other suitable application methods.

Safety: Prevent contact with skin, eyes, and

clothing. Keep children and pets away from
the treated area until the fungicide has
dried completely.

Cleanup: Clean all equipment meticulously

after use, and store the fungicide in its
original container in a secure location away
from food, feed, and seed.

Handling and storage

- Wear Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE) and follow the
instructions on the label
- Store in the agrochemical store and
sort according to the type of
Trade name
13. Miflex 5 SC (insecticide)

Common name
Racun serangga

Chemical name Fipronil



Formulation Soluble concentration

Active ingredient Fipronil 5.0%w/w

Signal word(caution) warning Poisonous (keep away from foodstuff and


Hazardous class or colour code Class II Yellow Colour code

Application method To effectively apply Miflex 5 SC insecticide,

wear protective clothing including gloves,
goggles, long-sleeved clothing, and a mask
for safety. Dilute the insecticide according
to the manufacturer's instructions, using
clean water and a calibrated sprayer for
accuracy. Apply the solution when pests are
active or as a preventive measure, ensuring
thorough coverage of all susceptible areas
of the plants. Keep children and pets away
from the treated area until the insecticide
has dried completely. Clean all equipment
meticulously after use and store the
insecticide in its original container in a
cool, dry place away from food, feed, and
seed. Always refer to the label instructions
for specific guidance on application
methods and safety precautions.
Handling and storage Handling : Wear appropriate personal
protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves,
goggles, and a mask when handling the
Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothing.
In case of contact, rinse immediately with
plenty of water.
Use in well-ventilated areas to avoid
inhaling dust or fumes.
Follow the manufacturer's instructions for
mixing and applying the product.

Storage:Store the product in a cool, dry, and

well-ventilated area away from direct
sunlight.Keep the product tightly sealed in
its original container to prevent moisture
absorption or contamination.Keep out of
reach of children and pets.
Follow any specific storage instructions
provided by the manufacturer.

Trade name 14. Binafuran 3GK (insecticide)

Common name -
Chemical name Carbofuran


Formulation Granules

Active ingredient Carbofuran 3.0% W/W

Signal word(caution) warning Poisonous (keep away from foodstuff and


Hazardous class or colour code Class II Yellow Colour code

Application method
Dilute with water for application. Applied
as seed treatment, foliar spray and soil

Handling and storage Handling: Read the label before use. Do

Dun not get in eyes, on skin, on clothing. Do
not swallow. Avoid dispersion of dust to
reduce fire and explosion potential. Do not
eat, drink or smoke when handling.

Storage: Store in the closed, original

container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Do
not store for prolonged periods in direct
sunlight. Store in a locked room or place
away from children, animals, flood,
seed and fertilisers

Trade name 15. Dual G960 EC (herbicide)

Common name -
Chemical name -

Syngenta Crop Protection Sdn Bhd

Emulsifiable concentrate (EC) formulation,
which liquid can be mixed with
water.Typically 960 grams of active
ingredient per liter

Active ingredient S-metolachlor-86.5

Signal word(caution) warning Dangerous (keep away from foodstuff and


Hazardous class or colour code Class III BLUE COLOUR code

Application method
Apply pre-emergence to the soil before
weed seeds germinate. Mix the
recommended amount of Dual G 960 EC
with water in a spray tank. Follow label
instructions for precise rates and
application techniques.

Handling and storage Handling: Read the label before use. Do

Dun not get in eyes, on skin, on clothing. Do
not swallow. Avoid dispersion of dust to
reduce fire and explosion potential. Do not
eat, drink or smoke when handling.

Storage: Store in the aclosed,original

container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Do
not store for
periods in direct sunlight. Store in a locked
room or place away from children, animals,
flood, feedstuffs,
seed and fertilisers
Trade name 16. Aminoalexin-s

Common name Immune booster

Chemical name

manufacturer BIOIBERICA,S.A.

Aminoalexin 5% Amino Acid + 50%
Potassium PhophosateAminoAlexin

Active ingredient Phytoalexin (Potassium Phosphate)-50%

w/w, Free Amino acid-5% w/w

Signal word(caution) warning Warning

Hazardous class or colour code -

Application method To apply Aminoalexin-S as a flowering

booster, first shake the product well before
use. Dilute the recommended amount,
typically around 1 to 2 milliliters per liter
of water, ensuring thorough mixing. Use a
sprayer to apply the solution evenly to the
foliage of the plants, focusing on the leaves
and flower buds. Apply during the early
morning or late afternoon to avoid the heat
of the day and improve absorption. Repeat
the application every 7 to 14 days
throughout the flowering period, following
the specific guidelines on the product label
for optimal results. Always wear protective
clothing and follow safety instructions to
protect yourself and the environment.

Handling and storage Handling: Read the label before use. Do

Dun not get in eyes, on skin, on clothing. Do
not swallow. Avoid dispersion of dust to
reduce fire and explosion potential. Do not
eat, drink or smoke when handling.
Storage: Store in the aclosed,original
container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Do
not store for
periods in direct sunlight. Store in a locked
room or place away from children, animals,
flood, feedstuffs,
seed and fertilisers

Trade name
17. Acrobat *mz (fungicide)
Common name -

Chemical name -

manufacturer BASF (Malaysia)Sdn.Bhd

Formulation WP

Active ingredient Dimethomarph 9.6%w/w

Mancozed 60% w/w

Signal word(caution) warning Dangerous (keep away from foodstuff and


Hazardous class or colour code Class IV white colour code

Application method The application method for Acrobat MZ

fungicide typically involves several key
steps. First, ensure proper equipment is
prepared, including a calibrated sprayer
and appropriate protective gear. Calculate
the correct dosage based on crop type,
disease pressure, and area to be treated,
following the product label instructions or
consulting with agricultural experts. Fill the
sprayer tank with water to the desired level
and add the required amount of Acrobat
MZ fungicide while agitating to ensure even
mixing. Complete the mixture by adding the
remaining water and continuing agitation.
Apply the fungicide evenly to the target
area, covering foliage or soil surfaces where
disease is present, adjusting spray nozzles
and pressure as needed for optimal
coverage. Adhere to safety precautions,
including wearing protective clothing and
avoiding contact with skin, eyes, and
inhalation of spray mist. Choose application
timing based on weather conditions
conducive to disease development and
when rain is not expected within 24 hours.
After application, clean and rinse all
equipment thoroughly, and follow any
disposal instructions on the product label
to prevent environmental contamination.
Always refer to the product label for
specific instructions and consult with
agricultural specialists for guidance.

Handling and storage Handling : Wear appropriate personal

protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves,
goggles, and a mask when handling the
Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothing.
In case of contact, rinse immediately with
plenty of water.
Use in well-ventilated areas to avoid
inhaling dust or fumes.
Follow the manufacturer's instructions for
mixing and applying the product.

Storage:Store the product in a cool, dry, and

well-ventilated area away from direct
sunlight.Keep the product tightly sealed in
its original container to prevent moisture
absorption or contamination.Keep out of
reach of children and pets.
Follow any specific storage instructions
provided by the manufactu

Trade name 18. Sunny 96 (Fungicide )

Common name –
Chemical name –

manufacturer Control minerals Chemical sdn bhd

Formulation –

Active ingredient Organic kuprum

Signal word(caution) warning –

Hazardous class or colour code –

Application method The application method for Sunny 96

fungicide involves preparing the necessary
equipment, calculating the appropriate
dosage based on the target fungal diseases
and crop type, and mixing the fungicide
with water in a sprayer while ensuring
thorough agitation for uniform distribution.
Once mixed, the solution is applied evenly
over the target area, covering foliage or soil
surfaces where fungal diseases are present,
with adjustments made to spray nozzles
and pressure as needed. Safety precautions,
including wearing protective gear and
avoiding contact with skin, eyes, and
clothing, should be followed during
handling and application. Application
timing should consider weather conditions
conducive to disease development and
absence of rainfall within 24 hours for
proper absorption. After application,
equipment should be cleaned and rinsed
thoroughly, and any disposal instructions
on the product label should be followed.
Always refer to the product label for
specific instructions and consult with
agricultural specialists for further

Handling and storage Handling: Read the label before use. Do

Dun not get in eyes, on skin, on clothing. Do
not swallow. Avoid dispersion of dust to
reduce fire and explosion potential. Do not
eat, drink or smoke when handling.
Storage: Store in the closed, original
container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Do
not store for prolonged periods in direct
sunlight. Store in a locked room or place
away from children, animals, flood,
seed and fertilisers

Trade name 19. CH Malaxion 84.0

Common name Malathion

Chemical name
Diethyl [(dimethoxyphosphinothioyl) thio]

Choon Huat Sdn. Bhd.

Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC)

Active ingredient
84.0% w/w Malathion

Signal word(caution) warning Dangerous (keep away from foodstuff and


Hazardous class or colour code

Class III/Blue

Application method
Using a bearing sprayer with a 5/64-inch
cone nozzle. Fill the tank half full with clean

Mix CH Malathion 84.0 adequately

according to the recommendations set out
in the syllabus schedule. Then add the
remaining clean water and stir. Spraying
can be started.


1. Spray should be thoroughly applied to

the top and bottom surfaces of the plant.
2. Repeat spray every 7 days if necessary.

Handling and storage

Do not use chemical containers to keep
food. Do not re-use empty containers for
any other purpose. Puncture and deliver
empty packaging to an approved waste
management facility. If an approved waste
management facility is not available, bury
the empty packaging 500 mm below the
surface in a disposal pit specifically marked
and set up for this purpose, clear of
waterways, desirable vegetation and tree
roots, in compliance with relevant Local,
State or Territory government regulations.
Do not burn empty containers or products.

Trade name 20. IMAS-THIRAM 80 (fungicide)

Common name Thiram

Chemical name
Tetramethylthiuram disulfide


Wettable powder (WP)

Active ingredient
80.0% w/w Thiram

Signal word(caution) warning Danger

Hazardous class or colour code Class III/ Blue

Application method
spraying, seed treatment, and immersion of
plants in solution

Handling and storage

The product should be stored in a locked,
well-ventilated, cool, and dry place. It must
be tightly sealed. After handling, wash
thoroughly with soap and water.

Trade name
21. NU-40K (herbicide)
Common name –

Chemical name –


Formulation Soluble liquid (SL)

Active ingredient MCPA-Potassium 40.0% w/w

Signal word(caution) warning Harmful

(keep away from foodstuff and children)

Hazardous class or colour code Class III BLUE COLOUR code

Application method
Applied 2-4 weeks after transplanting or
4-5 weeks after seedlings. Mix the
recommended amount with water and
apply as a foliar spray ensuring thorough
coverage of weeds

Handling and storage Handling: Read the labelbefore use. Do Dun

not get in eyes, on skin, on clothing. Do not
swallow. Avoid dispersion of dust to reduce
fire and explosion potential. Do not eat,
drink or smoke when handling.

Storage: Store in the closed,original

container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Do
not store for periods in direct sunlight.
Store in a locked room or place away from
children, animals, flood, feedstuffs,
seed and fertilisers
Trade name
22. Helix 5.0sc

Common name –

Chemical name –

Helix 5.0sc

Formulation –

Active ingredient
Hexaconazole 5.0% w/w

Signal word(caution) warning Harmful

Hazardous class or colour code Class III / Pink

Application method –

Handling and storage –

Trade name 23. Yasodion (rodenticides)

Common name –
Chemical name –

Agricultural chemicals (M) Sdn.Bhd

Formulation Granule in Sachet

Active ingredient
Diphacinone 0.005% w/w

Signal word(caution) warning –

Hazardous class or colour code

Class VI/ White

Application method –

Handling and storage

Store in a well-ventilated place

Trade name 24. Akosu 9.5sc (ATC) (insecticide)

Common name Racun Serangga dan hama

Chemical name Aryl Pyrrole

manufacturer Advansia Sdn Bhd

Formulation Soluble Concentration (SC)

Active ingredient Chlorfenapyr 9.5% w/w

Signal word(caution) warning Dangerous (keep away from foodstuff and


Hazardous class or colour code Class III BLUE COLOUR code

Application method To apply Akosu 9.5SC insecticide, first

shake the product well. Dilute the
recommended amount, usually around 1 to
2 milliliters per liter of water, ensuring
thorough mixing. Use a sprayer to apply the
solution evenly to the target plants,
covering both the upper and lower surfaces
of the leaves. Apply when pests are first
noticed and repeat every 7 to 10 days if
necessary, based on pest pressure and
severity. Always follow the specific
instructions on the product label for
precise application rates and safety
precautions, and wear appropriate
protective clothing to ensure safe handling
and application.

Handling and storage Handling: Read the label before use. Do

Dun not get in eyes, on skin, on clothing. Do
not swallow. Avoid dispersion of dust to
reduce fire and explosion potential. Do not
eat, drink or smoke when handling.

Storage: Store in the aclosed,original

container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Do
not store for
periods in direct sunlight. Store in a locked
room or place away from children, animals,
flood, feedstuffs,
seed and fertilisers

Trade name 25. Antracol 70 WP (Fungicide)

Common name Propineb

Chemical name
Zinc Propylene-bis(dithiocarbamate)

manufacturer Bayer co (Malaysia) SDN.BHD

Formulation Wettable powder (WP)

Active ingredient Promineb 70.0%

Signal word(caution) warning Dangerous (keep away from foodstuff and


Hazardous class or colour code Class IV white colour code

Application method Antracol is a systemic fungicide that

controls a wide range of fungal diseases in
various crops. Its application method
typically involves diluting the concentrated
product with water according to the
recommended dosage, as specified on the
product label or by agricultural experts.
Once mixed, the solution is applied evenly
to the foliage or soil surface using suitable
equipment such as a sprayer. It's important
to ensure thorough coverage of the target
area while minimizing drift to non-target
areas. Application timing should consider
factors like disease severity, weather
conditions, and growth stage of the crop.
Safety precautions, including wearing
appropriate protective gear and avoiding
contact with skin, eyes, and inhalation of
spray mist, should be followed during
handling and application. After application,
clean and rinse all equipment thoroughly,
and dispose of any unused solution
according to local regulations. Always refer
to the product label for specific instructions
and consult with agricultural specialists for
further guidance.

Handling and storage Handling : Wear appropriate personal

protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves,
goggles, and a mask when handling the
Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothing.
In case of contact, rinse immediately with
plenty of water.
Use in well-ventilated areas to avoid
inhaling dust or fumes.
Follow the manufacturer's instructions for
mixing and applying the product.

Storage:Store the product in a cool, dry, and

well-ventilated area away from direct
sunlight.Keep the product tightly sealed in
its original container to prevent moisture
absorption or contamination.Kkeep out of
reach of children and pets.
Follow any specific storage instructions
provided by the manufacturer
Trade name
26. Palystra (insecticide)

Common name –

Chemical name

Sygenta Crop Protection Sdn. Bhd

Water dispersible granule (WG)

Active ingredient
Cyantraniliprole 20.0 %, Thiamethoxam
20.0 %

Signal word(caution) warning

Keep away from foodstuff and children

Hazardous class or colour code

Class IV, White

Application method
Mix palystra in water and spray using a
knapsack prayer or boom sprayer. Refer to
the label for specific mixing ratio and

Handling and storage

Do not eat, drink or smoke while using the
product. Store in a cool, dry place away
from direct sunlight.
Trade name 27. AZATIN 46.3SC (insecticide)

Common name
(Racun Serangga Bena Perang & Koya Padi)
Same as Tapisan

Chemical name –

manufacturer Advansia Sdn Bhd

Formulation SC

Active ingredient Buprofezin 46.3% w/w

Signal word(caution) warning Dangerous (keep away from foodstuff and


Hazardous class or colour code Class III BLUE COLOUR code

Application method
To apply AZATIN 46.3SC insecticide, first
shake the product well and mix 1 to 3
teaspoons per gallon of water, adjusting
based on infestation severity and crop type.
Use a hand sprayer, backpack sprayer, or
appropriate equipment to thoroughly cover
plants, ensuring both upper and lower leaf
surfaces are treated. Apply when pests are
first detected, repeating every 7 to 10 days
as needed, and consider more frequent
applications for severe infestations.

Handling and storage Handling: Read the labelbefore use. Do Dun

not get in eyes, on skin, on clothing. Do not
swallow. Avoid dispersion of dust to reduce
fire and explosion potential. Do not eat,
drink or smoke when handling.
Storage: Store in the aclosed,original
container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Do
not store for
periods in direct sunlight. Store in a locked
room or place away from children, animals,
flood, feedstuffs,
seed and fertilisers
Trade name 28. Amino Calcium (fertilizer)

Common name Flowering booster

Chemical name Amino acid,calcium


Formulation Liquid

Active ingredient Calcium (CaO) 8.3%w/w

Nitrogen 4,9% w/w

Free Amino acid 4.6% w/w

Boron 0.2% w/w

Total Amino acid 6.2% w/w

Organic matter 6.8% w/w

Signal word(caution) warning -

Hazardous class or colour code -

Application method Dilution: Follow the manufacturer's

instructions to dilute the amino calcium
flowering booster with water to the
recommended concentration. Use clean
water and a calibrated sprayer for accuracy.

Timing: Apply the booster during the

flowering stage of the plants, as directed on
the product label. This is typically when
plants have the highest demand for
nutrients to support flower development.

Application: Apply the diluted solution

directly to the soil around the base of the
plants or as a foliar spray, covering the
leaves thoroughly. Ensure even distribution
for uniform uptake of nutrients.
Frequency: Apply the booster according to
the recommended frequency, which is often
every 7-14 days during the flowering
period. Adjust the frequency based on the
specific needs of your plants and
environmental conditions.

Safety Precautions: Wear protective

clothing, gloves, goggles, and a mask during
application to avoid contact with skin, eyes,
and inhalation of fumes. Keep children and
pets away from treated areas until the
solution has dried.

Cleanup: Rinse all equipment thoroughly

after use to prevent contamination and
store the booster in its original container in
a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

Handling and storage Handling : Wear appropriate personal

protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves,
goggles, and a mask when handling the
Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothing.
In case of contact, rinse immediately with
plenty of water.
Use in well-ventilated areas to avoid
inhaling dust or fumes.
Follow the manufacturer's instructions for
mixing and applying the product.

Storage:Store the product in a cool, dry, and

well-ventilated area away from direct
sunlight.Keep the product tightly sealed in
its original container to prevent moisture
absorption or contamination.Keep out of
reach of children and pets.
Follow any specific storage instructions
provided by the manufacturer.

Trade name 29. Amino Qualent-k

Common name Fruting Booster

Chemical name –

manufacturer BIOIBERICA,S.A.

Formulation –

Active ingredient Amino Acids and Potassium 30%ww

Signal word(caution) warning -

Hazardous class or colour code -

Application method To effectively apply AMINO QUELANT K

Fruiting Booster, follow these steps: Begin
by determining the appropriate dosage
based on your crop type, growth stage, and
soil conditions. Mix the recommended
amount of AMINO QUELANT K with water
according to the manufacturer's
instructions. Use a calibrated sprayer or
irrigation system to apply the solution
directly to the soil around the base of the
plants or as a foliar spray, ensuring
thorough coverage of the foliage. Apply the
booster during the fruiting stage of the
plants for optimal results. Repeat the
application as needed throughout the
fruiting period, following the
recommended frequency. Ensure proper
watering after application to facilitate
nutrient uptake. Store AMINO QUELANT K
in its original container in a cool, dry place
away from direct sunlight. Always follow
the label instructions provided by the
manufacturer for specific guidance on
application rates and safety precautions.
Handling and storage Handling: Read the label before use. Do
Dun not get in eyes, on skin, on clothing. Do
not swallow. Avoid dispersion of dust to
reduce fire and explosion potential. Do not
eat, drink or smoke when handling.

Storage: Store in the closed, original

container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Do
not store for prolonged periods in direct
sunlight. Store in a locked room or place
away from children, animals, flood,
seed and fertilisers
Trade name
30. PowerFeed Fish Fertilizer (fertilizer)

Common name Fish Fertilizer

Chemical name –

manufacturer Seasol International Pty Ltd

Formulation –

Active ingredient Nitrogen,potassium,trace

elements,protein,and amino acids

Signal word(caution) warning -

Hazardous class or colour code -

Application method To apply Powerfeed fertilizer effectively,

follow these steps: Dilute the fertilizer
according to the recommended mixing ratio
provided by the manufacturer. Use clean
water and a calibrated sprayer for accuracy.
Apply the diluted solution directly to the soil
around the base of the plants, ensuring even
coverage. Alternatively, apply as a foliar
spray, covering both the upper and lower
leaf surfaces. Avoid spraying during the
hottest part of the day to prevent leaf burn.
Repeat the application every 1-2 weeks
during the growing season for best results.
Store Powerfeed fertilizer in its original
container in a cool, dry place away from
direct sunlight. Always read and follow the
label instructions for specific guidance on
application rates and safety precautions.

Handling and storage Handling: Read the label before use. Do Dun
not get in eyes, on skin, on clothing. Do not
swallow. Avoid dispersion of dust to reduce
fire and explosion potential. Do not eat,
drink or smoke when handling.

Storage: Store in the closed, original

container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Do
not store for prolonged periods in direct
sunlight. Store in a locked room or place
away from children, animals, flood,
seed and fertilisers

1. Who would you call for questions about pesticide use of safety?

- Department of Agriculture Malaysia (DOA) for regulations and guidelines.

- National Poison Centre for health risks and emergencies.
- Pesticide manufacturers for product-specific information

2. What would you do if a pesticide spill occurred at your business facilities?

If a pesticide spill occurs, call a company or organisation such as Radicare Sdn. Bhd
to clean up, document the incident and dispose of waste properly. To ensure more
safety evacuate people in the surroundings to avoid any injuries and health risks.

3. How should pesticides be stored?

Pesticides need to be kept in a way that both assures security and keeps them from
getting contaminated. To avoid unwanted access, they should be stored in a secured,
secure location with all containers properly labelled with their contents and any
potential hazards. To guarantee correct identification and usage instructions,
pesticides should be stored in their original containers with undamaged labels.

4. What does it mean if a pesticide isa carcinogen? Mutagenic?

When a pesticide is designated as a carcinogen, it indicates that it may cause cancer

in both people and animals. Pesticides that cause cancer have the potential to cause
unchecked cell proliferation and tumour development after extended or substantial
exposure. On the other side, a pesticide can result in genetic alterations if it is
mutagenic. Mutations in DNA can result in cancer or genetic diseases. If reproductive
cells are affected, these genetic changes may have an influence not only on the
individual exposed but also on their progeny. Comprehending these classifications is
essential for securely handling and utilising pesticides, as it emphasises the
significance of adhering to advised safety precautions to reduce health
hazards.Always refer to the product label and safety data sheets for specific hazards
and guidance on safe handling practices.
This experiment helped introduce a variety of pesticides as well as the important
information included on labels. Safe ways of handling, mixing, applying, and disposing were
taught to the students. Knowing these agrochemical labels helps to use pesticides
responsibly and get better results for their health and the environment by ensuring safety,
preventing overuse, and preparing them for emergencies.

Practical 2: Pesticide calculation

Sample calculation 1: How much herbicide do you need for the 3 respective areas each?

Herbicide = 25 lb per bag. Can cover 5000 ft²

2 2
5000𝑓𝑡 = 464.5152 𝑚
Area 1 = 11.35 kg = 464.5152 m2
x kg = 1000 m2
= 0.024 kg

x kg = 1000 x 0.024 kg

Amount of herbicide needed for Area 1= 24 kg

Area 2 = 11.35 kg = 464.5152 m2

x kg = 1000 m2
= 0.024 kg
0.024 kg x 31.416 m2

Amount of herbicide needed for Area 2 = 753.98 kg

Area 3 = 11.35 kg = 464.5152 m2

x kg = 1000 m2
= 0.024 kg
0.024 kg x 2500 = 60 kg

Amount of herbicide needed for Area 3 = 60 kg

Sample calculation 2
Insecticide = 4 ml for 18.6 m²

Area 1 = 4 ml = 18.6 m² 1000 m² x 0.215 ml

1 m² = 4 ml18.6 m² = 215 ml needed for area 1
1 m² = 0.215 ml
1000 m² = ? ml

Area 2 = 4 ml = 18.6 m² 31.42 m² x 0.215 ml

1 m² = 4 ml18.6 m² = 6.76 ml needed for area 2
1 m² = 0.215 ml
31.42 m² = ? ml

Area 3 = 4 ml = 18.6 m² 2500 m² x 0.215 ml

1 m² = 4 ml18.6 m² = 537.5 ml needed for area 3
1 m² = 0.215 ml
2500 m² = ? ml

Sample calculation 3 :
Fungicide = 2 lb.acre
2 x 1.12 = 2.24kg/hactare
Area 1
1000m = 10000
= 0.1H
2.24 = 0.1
𝑥 = 0.224 kg/hactare
0.224kg/ha fungicide needed for Area 1

Area 2
range = 100m
2 2 2
π𝑟 = 3.142 x 100 = 31420𝑚
= 3.142 ha
Fungicide = 2lb. acre
= 2 x1.12
= 2.24 kg/ha
2.24 kg/ha = 3.142𝐻
x = 7.04 kg/ha
7.04 kg/ha fungicide needed for Area 2

Area 3
= Base x Height x 2
1 2
= 100 x 50 x 2
= 2500 𝑚
2 = 0.25 hactare
Fungicide = 2lb.acre
= 2 x1.12
= 2.24 kg/hactare
2.24kg/hactare = 0.25𝐻
x = 0.56kg/hactare
0.56 kg/ha fungicide needed for Area 3

Is it more beneficial to buy pesticide in bulk at low price and keep in store

Buying pesticides in bulk can save money and ensure availability. Still, it requires proper
storage to maintain efficiency, regulatory compliance, and careful management to avoid
degradation, safety risks, and financial burdens. Before buying in bulk, evaluate the needs,
storage options, and regulatory compliance. Thus, it will be cost-saving.


This practical exercise successfully introduced students to calculating the number of

pesticides for different surface shapes and metric conversions. Using mathematical
formulas and commercial application rates, students accurately determined the amounts of
pesticides needed and emphasised the importance of accurate calculations for damage
prevention and resource optimisation. The exercise highlighted the need to read labels
carefully and follow directions for safe and effective use of pesticides in agriculture
Practical 4: Spray calibration

Step A Measuring the spraying unit output (A)

A is the total output from all nozzles in one minute.

A = 0.963 (L/min)

Step B Calculating the area sprayed (B)

i) Measure the swath width 2.97 (m)

ii) Measure the speed of the spraying unit 13.10 (m/min)
iii) Calculate area sprayed:

B = Speed (m/min) x swath width (m)

B = 13.10 (m/min) x 2.97 (m)
B = 38.91 (𝑚 /min)

Step C Calculating the spray application rate (C)

C = A (spraying unit output) ÷ B (area sprayed) x 10 000

C = 0.963 (L/min)÷ 38.91 (𝑚 /min) x 10 000
C = 247.49 (L/ha)

Step D Calculating the amount of formulated product required per spray tank volume

i) Product label rate = 200 (L/ha )

ii) Tank volume = 16 (L)

D = tank volume ÷ C (spray application rate) x product label rate

D = 16 L ÷ 247.49 L/ha x 200 L/ha
D = 12.93 L of product per spray tank volume

The primary objective of Practical 4 was to introduce students like us to the calibration of
spray equipment and instil in them an understanding of the basic safety protocols
associated with their use. Through this exercise, we gained hands-on experience with the
calibration process, which is a critical aspect of ensuring that spray equipment applies
agricultural chemicals at the correct rates, thereby maximizing efficiency and minimizing
waste and environmental contamination.

The results showed that proper calibration can significantly affect the performance of the
spray equipment. Initially, following the instructor's instructions adjusting the nozzle size
and pressure, we were able to achieve the desired performance, demonstrating the
importance of regular calibration checks to maintain device accuracy.

The implications of proper calibration are far-reaching. In agricultural settings, an incorrect

application rate can lead to suboptimal pest control, reduced crop yields and increased
costs due to wasted chemicals. In addition, excessive application can lead to environmental
pollution and potential health risks to agricultural workers and nearby communities. By
ensuring that sprayers are properly calibrated, we can contribute to sustainable
agricultural practices and protect human health and the environment.

Safety was a central theme throughout the practice, with a strong emphasis on the use of
personal protective equipment (PPE) and the safe handling of chemicals. We learned that
even with chemicals of low toxicity, adherence to safety protocols is non-negotiable. This
experience highlighted the real risks facing agricultural workers and the importance of
prioritizing safety in all operations.

The skills learned during this practical are directly applicable to the real world of
agriculture. Farmers and agricultural professionals must routinely calibrate their spray
equipment to meet regulations and best practices. Our hands-on experience with
calibration and safety protocols will undoubtedly prove useful in a future career in

While our practice has provided a solid foundation, we have also identified areas for
improvement. For example, some students experienced problems interpreting calibration
data, which indicated the need for additional training in data analysis. In addition, the
practice can be extended to include more complex scenarios that simulate real-world
conditions, such as device calibration for different crop shelters or terrain.

In conclusion, Practical 4 not only equipped us with the technical skills to calibrate spray
equipment but also reinforced the importance of safety in agricultural operations. The
knowledge gained will be helpful in our future efforts to promote the responsible and
efficient use of spraying technology in agriculture


In conclusion, this practical spray calibration shows that students were effectively
introduced to calibrating spraying equipment through practical spray calibration, which
also strongly emphasised safety procedures. To promote safe and sustainable agriculture,
students were taught the value of precise calibration for effective chemical application and
how to use personal protective equipment.

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