URP 3112: Urban Planning Studio: Submitted To

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URP 3112: Urban Planning Studio

Submitted To:

Tusar Kanti Roy

Associate Professor
Department of Urban & Regional Planning
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET)

Arpita Bakshi
Department of Urban and Regional Planning
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET)

Submitted By:

Group: 4
Roll: 2017007, 2017013, 2017024, 2017027, 2017031, 2017037
Department of Urban and Regional Planning
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET)
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction..............................................................................................................................3
1.1 Background of the study:.....................................................................................................................3
1.2 Aims and objectives:............................................................................................................................3
1.3 Scopes:.................................................................................................................................................4
1.4 Limitations:..........................................................................................................................................4
Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Background of the study:

Resource management is a crucial aspect of urban planning in Bangladesh. The country’s topography
and location make it highly prone to extreme weather events, including cyclones, floods, salinity
intrusion, and storm surges. The following are some key points that can help you understand the
global, local, and national context of resource management in urban planning of Bangladesh: Global
context: Bangladesh is often referred to as ‘ground zero for climate change’ due to its vulnerability to
climate change and its impacts. The country is a signatory to the Paris Agreement and has committed
to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 5% by 2030. National context: The government of
Bangladesh has taken several initiatives to address the challenges of resource management in urban
planning. The Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (BCCSAP) is a comprehensive
policy document that outlines the country’s strategy for addressing climate change. The plan includes
measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase energy efficiency, and promote renewable
energy. Local context: Cities play a major role in urban resilience planning in Bangladesh. They need
to understand local climate impacts to take appropriate actions. Here, resilience-building tools can
help them assess local climate risks and vulnerabilities effectively. Reporting to the national
government on baseline climate scenarios and local assessments of climate risks is essential for
aligning national policy with local needs. It is critical to ensure regular monitoring of the impacts of
climate actions and coordination of local and national government agencies to effectively integrate
local climate needs into national policies. City governments should communicate with Central
ministries to ensure appropriate budget allocation for local climate action.

1.2 Aims and objectives:

Main objectives of resource management in urban planning of Bangladesh are:

1. Integrating environmental protection and management into national planning.
2. Strengthening environmental institutions to respond to the country’s rapid urbanization,
industrialization, and growing pollution.
1.3 Scopes:

Bangladesh is one of the countries of South Asia that is experiencing very rapid urbanization. Its
cities are growing more than twice the rate of rural areas and this rapid growth of urbanization is
expected to continue till Bangladesh transitions from a low income to a middle-income country.
Urban Planning practices in Bangladesh continue in a decentralized and uncoordinated manner. At
present several ministries, divisions, agencies and organizations are involved in urban planning and
urban development activities of the country. The two main scopes of resource management in urban
planning of Khulna City Corporation (Ward no.13,14,15,16) are water management and waste

1.4 Limitations:

The Khulna City Corporation has faced several challenges in managing resources for urban planning.
The existing planning package of Khulna city failed to achieve the issues of urban sustainability
through its adapted strategic planning approach. The major problems in
1. Solid waste management in Khulna city, including land and water pollution, inadequate technical
know-how, shortage of sweepers and collection bins, non-availability of sanitary landfill,
uncontrolled disposal of solid waste by people, lack of public awareness, etc.
2. Biodegradable/compostable food waste was the major constituent of municipal solid waste
(MSW) stream followed by inert material and recyclable materials including polythene, plastic,
cardboard, and paper.
3. According to MDPI, the current urban resource management practices lack integrated municipal
concepts or instruments that support holistic, inter-disciplinary evaluation and decision making
and promote assertiveness of those decisions.
4. Inaccuracy of selected urban resource management method and misinformation and unusual data
about any area could result in poor planning policy.

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