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Dear Mr alyas,

Mr. Baber Hussein is applying for Community Mobilizer position with Caritas Iraq Org. and mentioned
you as his reference.

I’ll be thankful if you can answer the below questions and send them to this email.

· What is the nature of your relationship?

I was his / her Supervisor _______, Co-worker Yes co worker_____, Colleague _______, other _______ please
specify ___________________

· Dates of employment: 2020 to 2021 Positions held: OUTREACH


· Responsibilities: Communicate with the beneficiaries of the organization's services and

collect information

· Reason given for terminated/leaving: It was a short term business opportunity

· How would you rate his/her overall competence? (Check one.)

Outstanding Good it was Good Average Fair Poor

· Please state briefly what you believe to be his/her greatest strengths and weaknesses (if any):

Strengths He had a unique way of communicating and understanding people

Weaknesses He always feel

Not resting until he finishes his work

· How is this person as a leader / supervisor? Able to coach, lead, train, manage a team?

It's good if he take the opportunity

· Is this person proactive in identifying problems or gaps, and working to find a solution?

Yes, he was communicating with people to solve problems and find solutions
· If you had an opening for which he/she is qualified, would you rehire him/her? Yes of
course No

· What were some of the best things this person accomplished? What could he or she have done
better?___ He was speaking for his friends at work and was trying to please everyone

· Do people enjoy working with the candidate, and would former coworkers want to work with
him or her again?__yes if course

· In what areas does the candidate need to improve? Management because he has never worked in
it, according to my information

· Do you know of any reasons that could Prevent she/he from performing the functions of the
position? No we are friends but I don't have this information about him

Was the candidate ever subject to disciplinary action? What were the circumstances and the
outcome? No

 Has the applicant been the subject of any disciplinary procedures to which relate to the safety
and welfare of children or behavior towards children, vulnerable people or Adults at Risk? , if
yes please provide details. No . Far from any job, he is a person known for his morals, and you will
discover that over time

I assure that any information you supply about this applicant will be held in strict confidence. If there is
ever an opportunity for me to reciprocate, I will be pleased to do so.

We will need this information as soon as possible. Thank you for your consideration.

Information furnished by: _alyas haji

Signature: Alyas haji

Date: 18/1/2023

Thank you very much for your time and prompt response.


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