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The IP Link Analyzer/Classifier is a real-time network traffic analysis tool that leverages
various technologies to capture, classify, and visualize network traffic. This document
outlines the key technologies used in the project and their roles in the system.

Core Technologies


Role: Serves as the primary programming language for the project.

Usage: Used for implementing the packet capture, traffic classification, data
aggregation, and dashboard modules.


Role: A Python library for packet manipulation and analysis.

Usage: Used for capturing network packets and extracting relevant information for
further analysis.


Role: A Python library for data manipulation and analysis.

Usage: Used for organizing and processing the aggregated traffic data for


Role: A Python library for creating interactive web applications.

Usage: Used for building the real-time dashboard that displays the analysis results.


Role: A Python plotting library.

Usage: Used for creating various charts and graphs for the dashboard, such as bar
charts and pie charts.

Role: A Python library for IP geolocation.

Usage: Used for determining the geographic location of IP addresses in the captured

Additional Tools and Libraries

InfluxDB (Optional)

Role: A time-series database.

Usage: Can be used for storing and querying time-series data such as link rate
metrics over time.

iperf3 (Optional)

Role: A network traffic generation tool.

Usage: Can be used for generating test traffic to validate the performance and
accuracy of the analyzer.

System Requirements

Python 3.x
Network Interface Card (NIC) capable of handling the desired traffic rate.
Sufficient CPU, memory, and storage resources to support real-time packet capture
and analysis.


The IP Link Analyzer/Classifier project utilizes a combination of powerful technologies and

tools to provide real-time insights into network traffic. By leveraging Python's rich
ecosystem, along with specialized libraries like Scapy and Streamlit, this tool offers a
comprehensive solution for network traffic analysis and visualization.

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