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Macromolecules 宏观分子

1. Describe the Benedict Test and explain what a positive result


Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration 光合作用和细胞呼吸

1. Write the BALANCED equation for photosynthesis.

2. Explain why photosynthesis is essential to life on Earth. Provide

two reasons.

Carbon Cycle 碳循环

1. Explain how photosynthesis and cellular respiration are

connected in the carbon cycle.

2. Describe the process of deforestation and its impact on the

carbon cycle.
Sea Level Rise 海平面上升

1. Based on the provided experiment, which contributes more to

sea level rise, land ice or sea ice? Explain your reasoning.

Climate 气候

1. Explain the urban heat island effect and why it causes the

climate in cities to be warmer than surrounding rural areas.

Climate Change 气候变化

1. What evidence exists to support the claim that burning fossil

fuels leads to the warming of Earth’s atmosphere?

History of the Atmosphere 大气层历史

1. Describe the changes in Earth's atmosphere from before life

appeared to after cyanobacteria evolved.

Two Truths and a Lie

1. Polar ice has high albedo, which means that it reflects a lot of

the sun’s heat energy. If global warming causes more sea ice to

melt, less heat will be reflected, and more heat will be

absorbed, resulting in even more warming. Explain whether this

statement is true or false.

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