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Concept Parper

for a project

English for Acads G-3

What is a
“Concept paper”
— Concept paper refers to an academic or research paper that is written with the primary
purpose of identifying and explaining an idea or a concept related to a particular scholarly field
or discipline before conducting a research.

— It is an unbiased research written in the form of a theory or hypothesis using relevant and
impartial methods of research. It unravels and explains the positive and negative aspects of a
research study utilizing various opposing theories to reveal gaps and criticisms.

—In technical terms, a concept paper provides an overview of the project.

It helps us to have a
detailed knowledge on what is the process of paper works, projects,
business proposals, research paper, etc.
Parts Of a Concept Paper for a
1. Cover Page 2. Introduction 3. Rationale Background
•Proponent’s name •Short description of
•State the problem to be
proponent’s agency, major
•Proponent’s contact solved
accomplishments and
number, email address capability to undertake the
•Proponent’s agency proposed project. •State the project’s
•Date of submission significance
•Reasons why the funding
agency should support the
Parts Of a Concept Paper for a
4. Project description 5. Project needs and cost
•Objective of the project •Budget, item description and amount
•Methodology (Action Plan)
•Personnel or equipment needed
•Anticipated outcome
•How the outcome will be

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