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(AC-S13) Semana 13 - Tarea:

Asignación - Planes y predicciones

Buenas noches mis, disculpe he tenido una emergencia por un familiar que se
accidento, hoy estuve todo el día incomunicado, hace un momento acabo de llegar a
mi casa y mis compañeras de grupo ya grabaron y enviaron el trabajo, no es que no
quise hacer la tarea a verdad que no pude comunicarme con ellas ya que estaba en el
hospital y no tenía un cargador a la mano y no contaba con el número de alguna
compañera para comunicarme con ellas, estoy mandando un texto ya que el canvas
va a cerrar y la verdad que quisiera enviar un texto para que me considere, espero me
disculpe y me entienda por favor.


- Sandro Baylon Quispe Cristobal

Hello, my name is Sandro Baylon Quispe Cristobal and I will talk about plans and

S: Hello friend. How are you?

B: Very good, thank you. And you?

S: Super good. I see you thoughtful. What are you thinking about?

B: In the things I could achieve before I was 30 years old. I am going to travel to
various places, I like to travel. And what do you plan to do before that age?

S: It sounds interesting, I'm going to have my own house before that age. I am also
going to study another professional career.

B: You have a good mentality. I am going to work in an important company, and I will
also have a car later to transport me.

S:I will probably run a large company. I would like to form my own company and be
well known.

B: I will probably work for one person, I like to learn things from others and then do it
myself, so I will be working for others as long as I need to.

S:I will definitely improve your networking skills. This is very important, since depending
on it you can get good jobs.

B: It's true, I also plan to work in two companies, to gain more experience and thus do
a better job.

S: That is very important, the practical. In part, I am going to do my internship before

finishing university, so that later it will be easier to get a job and be able to earn a better

B: You think big and that's good, I think that way too.
S: Apparently I have to go, I'm late.

B: Good luck, thank you for talking to me.

S: Don't worry. Bye bye.

B: Bye.

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