English HL Examination Paper 1 Term 2 Ver 2

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Grade 7 English HL Examination

Paper 1 (Task 8) – Term 2

Reading Comprehension and Language Use

Name:  Date: 

Class:  Total: /60

Time: 90 minutes

Instructions for learner

• This paper is made up of Section A: Comprehension (30 marks) and Section B:

Language in Context (30 marks).

• Answer all questions on the question paper.

• Answer in full sentences unless stated otherwise.

• Use the number of marks as a guideline to help you know how much detail to add to
your answers.

• You may not use a dictionary during this assessment.

• Write neatly and legibly.

• Try your best.

Section A: Comprehension (30 marks)

Read the text, then read the questions, then read the text a second time.
Thereafter, answer the questions.

From Bean to Bar

One word is sufficient to make our mouths water, chocolate!

It’s hard to believe that this delicious temptation starts life as a
humble bean and ends up as the delicious product that we all know.

Cocoa grows on tall trees in the warm tropical climates of Central Africa and South America.
The pods are gathered and the beans removed and left to ferment. The beans are piled in
heaps and covered with banana leaves to develop their flavour before they are sun dried and
placed into sacks for shipping.

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The sacks of cocoa beans are stored in cool silos or warehouses where there is good air
circulation and humidity can be controlled. Beans of a particular type and origin are kept
separate to control the flavour and blend.

Initially, the beans are cleaned in a powerful vacuum and the separated cocoa beans are
then passed on for roasting in large rotary cylinders to remove any moisture which remains.
The beans change colour to a rich brown and the aroma of chocolate becomes evident. Then,
the beans are cracked open to reveal tiny cocoa nibs inside.

Next, the nibs pass through refining mills where they are ground to make a cocoa paste that
looks very much like ordinary butter. It is known as chocolate liquor at this stage and is
poured into moulds to solidify. The resulting cakes are unsweetened or bitter chocolate.

To make cocoa powder, chocolate liquor is pumped into hydraulic presses which remove most
of the remaining liquid. This liquid is what is used to make chocolates. Most manufacturers
add non-fat milk, flavours, sugar, and other, often secret, ingredients. The ingredients go
into a mixer and at this stage, it becomes a paste-like mixture that is still gritty. This mixer,
known as a conching machine, kneads the chocolate paste for anything from a few hours to
several days, depending on the desired smoothness and flavour.

The chocolate is now heated, cooled, and reheated in a very controlled manner so that
the ingredients do not separate and this process also increases its storage life. The warm
chocolate is then poured into moulds.


1. Where are cocoa beans grown? [1]

2. List 4 things that are done to the cocoa before it is shipped from the countries where it
is grown.  [4]

3. Why are the cocoa beans stored where humidity can be controlled? [1]

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4. Is the entire cocoa bean used to make chocolate? Give a reason for your answer.  [1]

5. Do you think that the title of the text is appropriate? Why? [1]

6. How do you think that the author feels about chocolate?

Give a reason for your answer.  [2]

7. What does a conching machine do? [1]

8. Give two reasons for the chocolate being heated, cooled, and then reheated.  [2]

9. Find synonyms from the passage for:  [5]

9.1 Turning 
9.2 Setting 
9.3 Pleasant smell 
9.4 Mixture 
9.5 Not smooth 

10. Why do you think that manufacturers add “secret ingredients” to their chocolate? [1]

11. In a single sentence explain what the second paragraph is about. [2]

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12. What figure of speech is “to make our mouths water”? [1]

13. Select the correct homophone by drawing a circle around the correct word from
each bracket. [3]
13.1 They (need/knead) to (need/knead) the bread.
13.2 This is (there / their) house.
13.3 Chocolate manufacturers (buy / bye) huge blocks of chocolate.

14. Find antonyms from the passage for these: [3]

14.1 weak 
14.2 amalgamate 
14.3 cooled 

15. Give 4 adjectives that you could use for chocolate. [2]

Section B: Language Use (30 marks)

1. Rewrite these sentences with the required punctuation.

1.1 please go to the shop and buy eggs cream and bread said mom [2]

1.2 is there sufficient evidence that chocolate isnt good for you [1]

1.3 use these words in a single sentence shopping chocolate bread milk said
the teacher  [2]

1.4 dont do that yelled the teacher ill send you to the principals office  [2]

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2. Change the word in brackets to the appropriate comparative or superlative form.[5]
2.1 The roller-coaster is (scary) when you close your eyes.
2.2 My baby sister is the (sloppy) eater that I have ever seen.
2.3 I am (content) with what I have than my brother.
2.4 I write (quick) than James.
2.5 She is the (beautiful) girl that I have ever seen.

3. What figure of speech are each of these: (The words in the box may help)[5]

Hyperbole; onomatopoeia; personification; irony, wit, sarcasm; metaphor; oxymoron.

3.1 He has the heart of a lion.

3.2 The door closed with a bang.
3.3 The English teacher used poor grammar.
3.4 The wind howled last night during the storm.
3.5 What planet did you come from?

4. Change these sentences to the passive voice: [3]

4.1 They were writing the exam when I got to class.

4.2 They are going to build a new school down the road.

4.3 Write your name at the top of the page.

5. Circle the numerical adjectives in each sentence: [2]

5.1 I am the second son in our small family of five.
5.2 English is third period on most days on my new timetable.

6. Change these sentences to simple past tense.  [4]

6.1 My mother and father are at work.

6.2 I will rest when I complete my work.

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6.3 We take out our books and begin writing immediately.

6.4 Nick, Sipho and Abmail will all play for the first team.

7. Replace the words in brackets with an appropriate pronoun.  [4]

7.1 (Mrs Khumalo) took (Mrs Khumalo’s)
class to the field.
7.2 (Lindi, Jon, and I) all sat reading (Lindi, Jon and my)
books quietly.
7.3 (Jane, Zandi, and Lisa) sat on the steps to eat (Jane, Zandi,
and Lisa’s) sandwiches.
7.4 (Mr Ishmael) brought (Mr Ishmael’s)
son to school with (Mr Ishmael) .

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Grade 7 English HL Examination
Paper 1 (Task 8) – Term 2
Section A: Comprehension

Criteria Total
In the warm tropical climates of Central Africa and
1 1
South America.
Answers may vary. Any of the four: The pods are
gathered and the beans removed; beans are left to
2 ferment; the beans are piled in heaps and covered with 4
banana leaves to develop their flavour; they are sun
dried; placed into sacks for shipping.
They are dried and they don’t want them to absorb the
3 1
No. They open the bean and remove the nibs which they
4 1
use for chocolate making.
5 Answers will vary. Ensure that a reason is given. 1
The author loves chocolate. They state that “One word is
6 2
sufficient to make our mouths water.”
7 A conching machine kneads the chocolate. 1
So that the ingredients do not separate and this process
8 2
also increases its storage life.
9.1 rotary 1
9.2 solidify 1
9.3 aroma 1
9.4 blend 1
9.5 gritty 1
Answers will vary. They don’t want competitors to copy
10 them; they want to make their chocolate better than 1
anyone else; etc
The second paragraph is about where the cocoa is grown
11 2
and how it is reaped and prepared for shipping.

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12 To make our mouths water is a hyperbole. 1
13.1 need knead 1
13.2 their 1
13.3 buy 1
14.1 powerful 1
14.2 separate 1
14.3 heated 1
Answers will vary 2 x 4=2
Total 30

Section B: Language Use

Criteria Total
“Please go to the shop and buy eggs, cream and bread.”
1.1 2
said mom.
Is there sufficient evidence that chocolate isn’t good for
1.2 1
“Use these words in a single sentence: shopping;
1.3 2
chocolate; bread; milk.” said Mrs Brown.
“Don’t do that!” yelled the teacher. “ I’ll send you to the
1.4 2
principal’s office.”
2.1 scarier 1
2.2 sloppiest 1
2.3 more content 1
2.4 quicker 1
2.5 most beautiful 1
3.1 metaphor 1
3.2 onomatopoeia 1
3.3 irony 1
3.4 personification 1
3.5 sarcasm 1
4.1 The exam was being written when I got to class. 1

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4.2 A new school is going to be built down the road. 1
4.3 Your name should be written at the top of the page. 1
5.1 second & five 2 x 2=1
5.2 third & most 2 x 2=1
6.1 My mother and father were at work. 1
6.2 I rested when I had completed my work. 1
6.3 We took out our books and began writing immediately. 1
6.4 Nick, Sipho and Abmail all played for the first team. 1
7.1 She & her 1
7.2 We & our 1
7.3 They & their 1
7.4 He & his & him 1
Total 30

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