Holiday Homework

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Summer Vacation, 2024


Time to be Spent: One Hour Daily for ten days

Project Work

Materials /
Resources A 4 Size White paper, blue ink pen, pencil, eraser, scale etc.
1. Preparation of Common Size and Comparative Income Statement
and Balance Sheet of a company by taking into account its audited,
unaudited / imaginary financial results of two consecutive quarters of an
accounting year or of two consecutive accounting years. • The
comparison has to be made in the form of Common Size and
Comparative Income Statement and Balance Sheet. • The comparison
could also be shown graphically and/ or pictorially (bar diagrams and pie
Instructions /
Guideline: charts).
2. Taking the audited/ unaudited / imaginary financial results of any
leading company, its liquidity, solvency, activity and profitability
ratios of two consecutive accounting years or of two consecutive
quarters of an accounting year should be calculated and the comparison
of the ratios of both the years or quarters should be shown graphically
and/ or pictorially (bar diagrams and pie charts).

Any Other Information: 1. Neat work is expected. 2. Write only on one side of the paper.
3. Spiral binding to be done only after correction by the concerned

Date of submission: 07/06/2024

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

Summer Vacation, 2024


Time to be Spent: Four hours a week.

Subject oriented sketching and painting practice.

Materials /
Resources Art material (Paper, pencils, colours, brushes etc.)

1. Ten (10) sketches on A3 OR A4 size sheet.

Instructions /
2. Two paintings – Still Life
3. Two paintings – Nature drawing/Human Composition.

Any Other Information: Submission must be done in a handmade sheet envelope.

Date of submission: 07/06/2024

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

Summer Vacation, 2024


Time to be Spent: 2 Hours per day for 10 days

Project Work and Practical File

One file for Project and another Practical File, provided by the
Materials / School, Practical Book, Text Book, Writing & Drawing Materials, 2
Resources leaves for herbarium, Internet & Library support, Covering Material,
Required: Reference Books,Newsprints, Photographs and Graphs where applicable.

Select one Project of your choice, in consultation with your teacher, on
any aspect of Biology.
If required, make trips to collect data or material.
Organize your writing material.
Write in your own handwriting in the file; computer print-outs are not
Sub-headings: Title, Acknowledgement, Content page, Introduction,
Actual Presentation / Content, Observations (if applicable), Case studies
(where applicable), Conclusion, Bibliography.
Add pictures, photographs, press-release, wherever necessary.
Cover the File.
Write the project title, your Name, your Unique ID number and Index
Instructions / Number, name of the School & year.
Guideline: Excessive decoration is not required.

Herbarium (two leaves with complete classification)

Draw, label and write about the following in the practical file.
Slide Preparation: Only written work from ISC lab skills book
1. T.S. of ovary to show marginal and axile placentation (Pea and
2. T.S. of hydrophyte stem
3. T.S. of Xerophyte leaf
4. L.S. of monocot and dicot seed (Maize and Bean)

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

1. T.S. of ovary of Mammal.
2. T.S. of testis of Mammal.
3. Germinating pollen grain.
4. T. S. of ovary to show type of placentation (marginal, axile, basal,
5. T.S. of blastula of Mammal
6. Whole mount of Plasmodium sporozoite
7. Whole mount of Entamoeba histolytica trophozoite
8. Ascaris

Comment on ecological adaptations of plants and animals:

1. Xeric habitat – Plant and Animal (Opuntia and Camel)
2. Aquatic habitat - Plant and Animal (Water Hyacinth and Fish)

Insect and Wind pollinated flower – Hibiscus, Grass and Maize

Any Other Information:

Neatness and accuracy should be maintained while organizing the practical file.
The quality of the project work is more important than the volume of the assignment.
Leave a gap of one page between different topics in practical file and project.

Date of submission: 07/06/2024

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

Summer Vacation, 2024


Time to be Spent: One hour daily for ten days.

Project Work

Materials /
Resources A 4 Size White paper, blue ink pen, pencil, eraser, scale etc.

Instructions / Any two projects to be completed from the list of project work
Guideline: mentioned in the scope of syllabus.

Any Other Information: 1. Neat work is expected. 2. Write only on one side of the paper.
3. Spiral binding to be done only after correction by the concerned

Date of submission: 07/06/2024

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

Summer Vacation, 2024


Time to be Spent: 3hrs for project for ten days

Work CHEMISTRY PROJECT (10 Marks) Stationary, textbook and internet.


Materials / Stationary, textbook and internet.

Go to the website -under Examination go to ISC- In
important downloads go to -Regulations and syllabuses-ISC 2024-
Chemistry (On page 219 a suggestive list of projects is there)
Select the project.
You can also continue with the the topic done in class 11 th if approved by
your subject teacher.
You can select any other relevant topic related to chemistry but verify
with teacher.
It should have
1. Index, Acknowledgement.
Instructions /
2. Introduction.
4. Analysis/Material aid (Graph, data, structure, pie chart)
5. Presentation
Project carries 10 marks.
The Project must be of minimum 40 pages.
Project must be hand written with colored images to be pasted in a neat
Do it only once properly so that later you all can focus on theory.

Any Other Information: The project carries 10 marks. Make it in neat and legible manner.

Date of submission: 07/06/2024

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

Summer Vacation, 2024


Time to be Spent: One hour daily for ten days.

Project Work

Materials /
Resources A 4 Size white paper, pen, pencil, eraser, scale etc.
1. Collect newspaper/magazine clippings of five cases filed by
consumers in the Consumer Court. Find out the rights violated, and the
redressal mechanism used. What was the outcome of each case?
Instructions /
Guideline: 2. Select any business undertaking. Study the selected business in terms
of ownership, capital and profitability. Make a S.W.O.T. analysis and
present it in a tabular form.

Any Other Information: 1. Neat work is expected. 2. Write only on one side of the paper.
3. Spiral binding to be done only after correction by the concerned

Date of submission: 07/06/2024

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

Summer Vacation, 2024


Time to be Spent: 1 hour per day for 8 days.

Practical Assignment File to be completed -15 Assignments.

Materials /
Ring file, A4 size paper, Computer and
Printer (Blank and White)
1) Complete 15 Assignments Uploaded on Wakelet from the topics-
Number Problem, Arrays, String and Data Structure.
(Uploaded on Wakelet under Summer Holiday Homework Section)
2) For every assignment you need to do the following:

a) Page 1: Assignment Statement.

b) Page 2: Write algorithm for the assignment (hand-written/type and
take Printout).
Instructions / c) Page 3: solution/coding in Java black and white printout. When you
Guideline: take printout of the coding, paste the code in MS-Word/WordPad. Put
your name, class/TSVS/ISC 2025/Assignment number as footer.
For e.g. NehaThombre/12 Sc/TSVS/ISC 2025/Assignment 1
d) Page 4: Variable description table of the program (Hand-written
/Printout) in the format given below:
Name of variable Data_type Scope Responsibility/Purpose

Scope can be global or local to a specific method.

e) Page 5: Printout of sample Input/ Output Screen of the program.

Any Other Information:

Date of submission: 07/06/2024

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

Summer Vacation, 2024


Time to be Spent
(Half an Hours per
1-1.5 hours each day for 10 days
day for fifteen

Work Project file to be prepared using one of the suggested topics by the
Specification: council.

Materials /
Google, Textbook, Newspaper Editorials and Opinions, Competition
Success Magazines
Each Project should have the following

 Cover Page: Topic Name. Who is it submitted to? Your Name,

School Name (1 Page)
Choice of Topic is completely the discretion of the students and
must be appropriate and relevant.
 Table of Content: (1 Page)
 Acknowledgement: People you would like to thank for the
completion of project (1 Page)
 Introduction of the Topic: Brief outline of the topic with the
background (2-3 Pages).
Instructions / It should include all the details regarding the topic, background,
Guideline: any relevant explanation, key concepts etc. Elaborate the topic in
the direction in which you would like to present. It sets the
platform on which you have to build the theme of your research.
 Reason for the selection of the Topic: Justify the reasons why
this topic/area is of interest to you? (1 Page)
 Framing Research Question: Objectives of the Study: It should
include a lot of WHY? and HOW? And WHAT? of the topic under
consideration (2 Page)
 Hypothesis: (1 Page) The points that you would like to prove
through the research or the causal relations that you would like to
establish through the research
 Methodology- Basis of collection of information of your research

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

(primary or secondary) should be stated clearly. (1 Page)
 Collection of Data (If the research is a case study) (1 Page)
 Elaboration of the Topic (6-7 Pages) Include lots of pictures,
factual data and diagrams include the studies and findings of other
researchers/authors etc.
 Analysis of the various aspects of the topic(6-7Pages)
 Establish the cause-and-effect relationship between your
research propositions (3-4 Pages)
 Derivatives or conclusion- Write relevant conclusion and present
it in brief. (3 Pages)
 Bibliography or Webliography (All Sources to be included)
Quora should not be used as a source of your research and
findings. Please mention the proper link of page if the data is taken
from any you tube video and not just write

Any Other Information: Effective presentation and upkeep of project must be ensured. Project
should be handwritten and self-prepared. Develop communication skills to respond in case of any
cross questioning.

Date of submission: 07/06/2024

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

Summer Vacation, 2024


Time to be Spent: 30 minutes for 7 days.

A piece of written work of about 500 words must be produced in spiral

bound typewritten hard copy only.

List of suggested assignments for Project Work:

1. The text of a brochure

2. A product description
3. A process description (e.g., instruction to operate a device, a recipe, a
scientific experiment)
4. Description of a sporting event
5. An autobiographical experience
6. Review of a television serial

Materials /
Resources A4 sheets (White and coloured); File; Stationery
The project must have the following in the given order:
 Cover page which has school logo, your name, id, session, and
English Language Project
 Acknowledgement: signed at the end
 Index / Table of contents with page numbers.

Instructions /  The title / question/ topic of the project on the single page:
Guideline: centrally aligned.
 The content / answer written in correct language with appropriate
 Bibliography (books and weblinks)

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

Criteria for Evaluation will be as under:

1. Presentation: Overall formatting (headings, sub-headings,

paragraphing) within a word limit of 500 words and a
separate title page.
2. Originality: No plagiarism
3. Use of appropriate language: Use of suitable terminology,
vocabulary and illustrations for the specific task chosen.
4. Structure: Must read as a unified whole.
5. Lucid style, which communicates the message effectively.

Any Other Information:

Date of submission: 07/06/2024

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

Summer Vacation, 2024


Time to be Spent: 30 Minutes for 10 days

Candidates will be required to undertake one written assignment of

1000-1500 words on ANY ONE of the following subjects:

To be submitted as a spiral bound typewritten hard copy only:

1. Analysis of a theme from any short story/poem in the prescribed texts.

2. Analysis of a character from the drama or any short story/poem in the
prescribed texts.
3. Background – historical, cultural, literary context and relevance of the
writer/poet chosen.
4. Summary / paraphrase of the chosen text.
5. Appreciation of literary qualities of the chosen text.
6. Identifying with a character in the chosen text and presenting his/her
personal perspective.
7. Imagining an alternate outcome or ending or extension of the chosen
text and its impact on the plot/setting/characters/mood and tone.
8. A script for dramatization, based on the short story/poem chosen.
9. Writing a short story based on a poem.
10. Comparing and contrasting two characters/themes from different
short stories/poems of the prescribed texts.

Materials /
Resources A4 sheets (White and coloured); File; Stationery; Prescribed Textbooks

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

The project must have the following in the given order:

 Cover page which has school logo, your name, id, session and
English Literature Project
 Acknowledgement: signed at the end
 Index / Table of contents with page numbers.
Instructions /
Guideline:  The title / question/ topic of the project on the single page:
centrally aligned.
 The content / answer written in correct language with appropriate
 Bibliography (books and weblinks)

Any Other Information:

Date of submission: 07/06/2024

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

Summer Vacation, 2024


Time to be Spent (___ Hours per day

1 Hour for 5 days
for ___ Days):


“Select a topic of your choice from Ancient Medieval or Modern

Indian/World History.”
Learning objectives:
Specification :
‘The student will analyze, critically appraise, evaluate and assess
the topic. They will also formulate important historical questions
and articulate a persuasive and well-structured historical

Materials /
Resources Internet, Libraries, newspapers, magazines, and Textbook
Required :

The written outcome of the project, in the form of a 2000-word essay,
should be structured as given below:
A. The research question.
Instructions / B. Abstract: it must contain the following information:
Guidelines :
 Reason for choosing the topic.
 Methods and material to be used in the investigation.
 Hypothesis: the conclusion the student is hoping to draw.

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

C. Main essay: it must follow the structure given below:
 Background and context – to be discussed very briefly.
 Explanation of the theme and specific issue of the research
question in the context of the background given above.
 Interpretation, Analysis and Critical Evaluation of a range of
evidence: the research material gathered by the student.
 Conclusion – whether hypothesis stands or not.
 Bibliography – a list of all material referred to in the essay,
including print, electronic, oral & audio-visual material,
referenced correctly, in a standard format
 Appendix – optional, only if it is crucial for a better understanding
of the project essay.

1. Cover Page
2. Acknowledgement:
People who have helped and inspired you in the making of the project.
3. Index
4. Introduction:
A brief outline of the topic chosen.
5. Content: 20-30 pages
6. The project should be handwritten.
7. Pictures: (to support the content)
To be pasted or drawn neatly.
8. Conclusion:
Your deductions and suggestions
9. Bibliography:
Mention the sources of reference.
10. Support required
Access to libraries/newspapers/books/magazines/internet.

Date of submission: 07/06/2024

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

Summer Vacation, 2024


One Hour per day for fifteen Days

Time to be Spent:

Two projects from the suggested council list.

Work Mathematics Project I- Compulsory from Section A

Mathematics Project II- Either from Section B OR Section C

Materials / Writing materials A-4 Size Sheets (White & Colored),

Required: Internet, Textbook, GeoGebra, Graphs, & Geometrical tools
 A good project must have 12-20 pages (bound together)
 Cover page must contain name, class & section, ID of student,
Topic of assignment & subject.
 Introduction (1 page): what is the topic, why did you choose this
topic, areas of interest in topic, what objectives you wish to
accomplish by doing this assignment.
 Main content (8-18 pages)- explore the topic in detail, discuss
Instructions /
various examples, enrich it with graphs, discuss the nature &
significance. (use of computers, GeoGebra or any other software
will be appreciated)
 Conclusion(1-2pages) – what did you learn by doing these
assignments, your findings, their significance.
 Students must put personal thought & understanding while doing
the assignments

Any Other Information:

(Some useful links and suggestions)
Section A- Sample Project Key Points
1. Using graph to demonstrate a function which is invertible function.
 In this assignment we must discuss • What is a function? Its Domain & Range.
 Vertical line test for function.
 What is its inverse? Its domain & range
Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar
 Condition of invertibility (Bijection i.e. one-one onto)
 Using Horizontal Line test for checking invertibility for various types of functions e.g.
linear, quadratic, trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic etc.
 Graph of a function & its inverse are symmetric about the line y = x.

2. Draw the graph of all Inverse Trigonometric Functions.

 In this assignment we must discuss • What are various Inverse trigonometric Functions?
Their Domain & Range.
 Draw graph of all inverse trigonometric functions using graphs of trigonometric functions
to demonstrate their domains and ranges.
 For example, drawing graph of y = sin-1 x using graph of y = sin x.
 You must draw all the graphs on separate graph sheets.
 Use of graph calculators like desmos, geogebra etc. is appreciated.
 Demonstrate the concept of mirror line (y = x).
 Write down their domain and range.

Section C (Sample Project Key Points)

Using suitable data, find the optimum cost, by formulating, a linear programming

 Choose some interesting problems on LPP.

 Identify what is x & what is y
 Formulate the cost in terms of x & y (that is to be optimized/ minimized)
 Write inequalities, as per the given constraints.
 On a graph, draw lines & shade required portions in accordance with the inequalities.
 Identify common shaded portion/ region.
 Locate corner points of the common shaded region.
 Investigate / find cost at all the corner points.
 Find minimum cost.
 Write solution of the problem
 In my view at-least THREE such problems should be solved.
 Some suggested problems are listed below.
 You are at liberty to choose any other problems.

Problem 1
• Two tailors A and B earn Rs. 150 and Rs. 200 per day, respectively. A can stitch 6 shirts and
4 pants per day, while B can stitch 10 shirts and 4 pants per day. How many days shall each
work, if it is desired to produce at least 60 shirts and 32 pants at a minimum labour cost?
Make it as an LPP and solve the problem graphically.
• Check your Answer: The minimum labour cost is Rs. 1350, when tailor A works for 5 days
and tailor B works for 3 days.
Problem 2

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

A firm has to transport at least 1200 packages daily using large vans which carry 200
packages each and small vans which can take 80 packages each. The cost for engaging each
large van is Rs 400 and each small van is Rs 200.Not more than Rs.3,000 is to be spent daily
on the job and the number of large vans cannot exceed the number of small vans. Formulate
this problem as a LPP given that the objective is to minimize cost.

Problem 3

• In order to supplement daily diet, a person wishes to take some X and some Y tablets. The
contents of iron, calcium and vitamins in X and Y (in milligram per tablet) are given as

Tablets Iron Calcium Vitamin

X 6 2 3
Y 3 2 4

The person needs at least 18 milligram of iron, 21 milligram of calcium and 16 milligrams
of vitamins. The price of each tablet of X and Y is Rs 2 and Re 1 respectively. How many
tablets of each should the person take in order to satisfy the above requirement at the
minimum cost?
Check your answer: the person should take 1 unit of X tablet and 6 unit of Y tablets to
satisfy the given requirements and at the minimum cost of Rs 8.

Date of submission: Project I - 07/06/2024

Project II- 15/11/2024

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

List of the Projects

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar



Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar
Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar
Binary Operations


Inverse Trigonometric Function

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar
Continuity & Differentiability

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar
Summer Vacation, 2024


Time to be Spent
Half an hour to 1 hour per day.
(An Hour per day):
Time to be Spent
1 Hour per day for 15 Days.
(An Hours per day for 15 Days):

Work Do fitness exercise for your physical efficiency and for being physically
Specification: fit.
Specification (15 Project work.

One file/spiral notebook for Project, Textbook, Writing & Drawing

Materials, Internet & Library support, Covering Material, Reference
Books, Photographs, where applicable.

Volleyball Project.
Organize your writing material.
Write in your own handwriting in the file; computer printouts are not
Instructions / Sub-headings: Title, Acknowledgement, Index, Content (if applicable)
Guidelines: Write rules and regulations of the game, cups, trophies, tournaments and
famous player’s name.
Cover the File.
Write the project title, your name, Name of the School & year – no
excessive decoration is required.

Any Other Information: Neatness and accuracy should be maintained while organizing the
practical file.
The quality of the project work is more important than the volume of the assignment.

Date of submission: 07 June 2024

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

Summer Vacation, 2024


Time to be Spent (2 Hours per day for 10Days): (1 hour per day for 10 days)

Work Specification: Project work & Laboratory Notebook or any project files
Materials / One Project file, Text Book, Writing & Drawing Materials, Internet & Library
Resources support, Covering Material, Reference Books, Newsprints, Photographs, Graphs,
Required: where applicable.

You are required to prepare a technical report formally hand written, including an abstract,
some theoretical discussion, experimental set up, observation and data collected, analysis
and discussion of the result, conclusion etc. the project can be a theoretical one as well on
any of the topic related to physics. You can paste only computer printout of diagrams or
pictures. You will be assessed on:
Lab Notebook: All the practical work done so far should be recorded in the file.
a) Conceptual clarity /understanding
b) Computations (if any)
c) Presentation (No credit shall be given for type-written material. The project
should be hand-written.
You can work on any topic of your choice from the list given below or any topic
related to physics syllabi of class XII.
1. To find working of fiber optics and application in modern life.
2. Analyzing the Physics of Sports.
Instructions / 3. To compare the young’s experiment and wave optics
Guidelines: 4. Applications of lens. Optical instruments.
5. To measure resistance, voltage, current and check continuity of a given circuit
use of multimeter.
6. Application of magnetism in medical science
7. Electronic devices and circuits.
8. Investigating Projectile Motion
9. Building a Simple Electric Motor
10. Studying Optics with a DIY Spectroscope
11. Exploring Magnetic Levitation
12. Designing and Testing a Solar Water Heater
13. Examining the Properties of Different Materials for Solar Cells
14. Building and Testing a Radio Transmitter.
15. Analyzing the Physics of Musical Instruments.
16. Or any other topic as per your interest and choice.

Kindly ensure the submission of your project reports no later than [07.06.2024], or earlier, to Mr.
Binoy K Shome. Your demonstration of creativity and critical thinking in dissecting the physics behind
amusement park rides will be greatly appreciated. The deadline for submission is set for [07/06/2024],
or earlier, and please ensure the report is enclosed in a brown or black covering with proper leveling,
adhering to the format guidelines discussed in class. Date of submission: 07/06/2024. Or early.

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

Summer Vacation, 2024


Time to be
Spent (___
Hours per day
for ___ Days):

Work Political Science Project




 Cover Page: Topic Name: Who is it submitted to? Your Name, School
Name (1 Page) Choice of Topic is completely the discretion of the
students. Please weigh the choice in favor of an issue/case study that
you feel strongly about and would work
 Contents: (1 Page)
 Acknowledgement: People you would like to thank for the completion
of project (1 Page)
Instructions /  Introduction of the Topic: Brief outline of the topic with the background
Guideline: (2-3 Pages). It should include all the details regarding the topic,
background and explanation of the events, key concepts etc. Expand the
topic in the form in which you would like to present.
 Reason for the selection of the Topic: Justify the reasons why this
particular topic is of interest to you? (1 Page)
 Framing Research Question: Objective of the Study: It should include
a lot of WHY? and HOW? And WHAT? of the topic under
consideration(2 Page)

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

 Hypothesis(1 Page) The points that you would like to prove through the
research or the causal relations that you would like to establish through
the research
 Methodology(1 Page)
 Collection of Data (If the research is a case study) (1 Page)
 Elaboration of the Topic(6-7 Pages) Include lots of pictures and
diagrams include the studies and findings of other researchers/authors
 Analysis of the various aspects of the topic(6-7Pages)
 Establish the cause and effect relationship between your research
propositions(3-4 Pages)
 Derivatives or conclusion(3 Pages)
 Bibliography ( All Sources to be included)

Any Other Information:

Date of submission: 07/06/2024

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

Summer Vacation, 2024


Time to be Spent: 1 hour everyday


Materials /
Resources Internet, pen , paper
Design the Questionnaire on the topic attitude:

 Brainstorm questions that will help you measure attitudes

effectively. Ensure questions are clear, concise, and unbiased.
 Include demographic questions such as age to categorize
respondents into different age groups.
 Consider using a mix of Likert scale questions (e.g., strongly
Instructions /
agree to strongly disagree) and open-ended questions for
qualitative insights.
 Circulate the questionnaire to your participants and record the
 Analyse the data and compare the two age groups

Also, conduct a field study on your visit to 'Asra' old age home and
present your findings in separate stick file.

Any Other Information:

Date of submission: 07/06/2024

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

Summer Vacation, 2024


Time to be Spent (Half an Hours per day for

½ an hour per day for 15 days
fifteen Days):

Project work on ANY ONE topic (based on primary sources of data

collection) out of the list of suggested projects given in your syllabus or
any other relevant social phenomenon.

Materials /
Resources Internet, libraries, newspapers, magazines, journals and text books
Following instructions need to be followed while making the Project;

1. Write the project in your own handwriting.

2. Add pictures, photographs, press release wherever necessary.
3. Numbering should be done on each page.
4. The following sequence must be followed:
 Title page- Topic of the Project, Subject, Student’s name
and Class.
 Acknowledgement.
 Index
 Statement of purpose.
Instructions /  Hypothesis (It should be concise and mentioned point-
 Choice of technique (Please mention both type of sources:
primary and secondary)
 Collection and Analysis of data( Analysis should be done
in tabular form supported with graphs)
 Limitations
 Conclusion
 Bibliography (resources used arranged in alphabetical
order) (order to be followed for resources: 1. Books 2.
Journals 3. Newspapers/articles 4. Weblinks)

Any Other Information:

Date of submission: 07/06/2024

Head of the Department / Subject Coordinator Head of Shikhar

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