Semana 04. Ingles

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(AC-S04) Week 4 - Task: Assignment -

What are you doing now?

COURSE: English

Technological University of

YEAR: 2023

Katherine Villalobos Sánchez

Diego Martin Zúñiga Bello

Danythza Yadhira Yataco Reyes

Maria Laura Villa López

Good Morning teacher, today we are going to describe the

actions of the characters in The Secret Life of your Pets 2.
Max is a mixed-breed terrier with white and brown fur and a very loyal and protective
nature towards his owner, Katie. Max has learned to live with Duke, the big dog who
became his adoptive brother in the first movie.
Additionally, Max becomes a father to a puppy called Liam, which makes him feel even
more responsible for his family.
In the end, Max learns important lessons about love, family and friendship as he adapts
to the changes in his life.
Khloe is a very fat cat and lives with its owner. Khloe is waking up its owner because
it’s feeling sick. It’s vomiting, hair out of its mouth on the bed. Khloe is imagining
things after eating herbs from its owner.
Gidget is a friend of Max. After Max goes on a trip, Khloe, his cat friend, teaches him
how to act like a cat by performing situations where Gidget reacts like a cat such as not
fetching dopes and learning to land on his feet.

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