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Aamir Iqbal
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Universitas Negeri Padang

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trn:oid:::1:2746986997 21 Pages

Submission Date 3,170 Words

Nov 11, 2023, 1:38 AM GMT+7

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Nov 11, 2023, 1:41 AM GMT+7

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Student Name:

Student ID:

Professor Name:

Date of Submission:

Word Count:

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Section 1

a) Calculation of the Total Cost for Tickets to Edinburgh

The price of one return adult ticket = £290

The price of a return child ticket = 100.

For 3 adult tickets, the total cost will be:

3 (number of adult tickets) x £290 (price of adult ticket) = £870

For 2 child tickets, the total cost will be:

2 (number of child tickets) x £100 = £200

To find the total cost for all tickets, we add both amounts:

£870 (total cost of adult tickets) + £200 (total cost of child tickets) = £1070

b) Calculation of the Refunded Tickets Cost and Adjusted Total Cost

If one adult ticket and one child ticket are not used and are refunded, then the cost of these
tickets would be deducted from the total cost.

"The price for an adult ticket heading to Edinburgh stands at £290, and a child's ticket is priced at
£100. Consequently, the collective refund for these two tickets calculates to:

£290 (price per adult ticket) + £100 (price per child ticket) = £390

The initial total cost given in part (a), which is £1070, must now be revised to account for these

£1070 (initial total cost from part a) - £390 (refunded amount for both tickets) = £680

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Therefore, if the journey of 1 adult and 1 child is canceled and their tickets are refunded, the
adjusted total cost for the remaining tickets would come out to be £680.

c) Calculation of Ticket Prices with Family and Friends Railcard on a Return Trip to

Responding to your question, we need to remember the prices for adult and child tickets to
Manchester, which are £190 and £60, respectively. Additionally, we should account for the
discount rates: a 1/3 reduction for adult fares and 60% off for children's fares.

1. The discounted price of two adult tickets

The original fare for an adult ticket is £190. The Family and Friends Railcard offers a discount of
1/3 off the ticket price. Calculating this deduction for a single adult ticket has us taking a third of
£190 and subtracting that value from the full price:

Discount on a single adult ticket = £190 x 1/3 = Roughly £63.33

The discounted price for one adult ticket = £190 - £63.33 = About £126.67

Thus, the cost for two discounted adult tickets = £126.67 x 2 = Approximately £253.34.

2. The discounted price of a child ticket

The initial price of a child ticket is £60. With the railcard, the cost reduction is 60%. This is how
we compute the discounted fare:

Price reduction on a single child ticket = £60 x 0.60 = £36

The discounted price for one child ticket = £60 - £36 = £24.

3. Summation of all discounted fares for the family

Add up the numbers obtained from the last two steps:

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Cumulative discounted price with the railcard = £253.34 (for 2 adults) + £24 (for 1 child) =
Roughly £277.34.

4. Total savings for the family with the railcard

To determine the savings, calculate the initial total cost and subtract the discounted cost:

Initial total cost = £190 x 2 (adults) + £60 (child) = £440.

Therefore, the total savings = £440 (initial total cost) - £277.34 (discounted total price) = around

Consequently, taking the Family and Friends Railcard into account:

The fare for two adults will be close to £253.34.

The fare for one child will be about £24.

The cumulative fare for the family will be around £277.34.

The family will have a saving of approximately £162.66 on their travel with the usage of the
Family and Friends Railcard.

d) Assessment of Group Discounted Fare for Manchester and Leeds

In order to identify which destination will be the most cost-effective for the group, we need to
evaluate both the original price for an adult ticket and the group discount that's available for each
location. We must remember that the group discount is subjected to the entire cost of the tickets.

1. Round-trip Ticket to Manchester

For a round trip to Manchester, the price of an adult ticket is £190. Hence, for four adults the
total cost without any discount amounts to:

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£190 (price for each ticket) x 4 (the number of tickets) = £760

The group discount provided for Manchester is 30%. To compute the discounted amount:

Discount = £760 (total cost without discount) x 30/100 = £228

Hence, the total cost after the discount for Manchester = £760 - £228 = £532

1. Return Trip to Leeds

The cost for one adult return ticket to Leeds is £150. Therefore, the cost for four adults
without discount is:

£150 (price for each ticket) x 4 (number of tickets) = £600

The group discount available for Leeds is 10%. To calculate the discount:

Discount = £600 (total cost without discount) x 10/100 = £60

Hence, the total cost after the discount for Leeds = £600 - £60 = £540

So, comparing the costs for both destinations, the group should choose Manchester for their
return trip as it would cost £532, which is cheaper than the total cost for Leeds, £540.

e) Calculation of the Original Ticket Price to Birmingham Before the Increase

The existing fare for a round-trip adult ticket to Birmingham stands at £60, representing a 5%
rise from the previous year. To find the original price prior to the 5% increment, we must
consider the present price as 105% of the initial price (since a 5% increase brings the fare to
105% of its original amount). We need to solve the following equation:

105/100 * Original price = £60.

Now, let's find the "Original price":

Original price = £60 / (105/100) = £57.14

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Before the increase, was approximately £57.14.

f) .Calculation of the Future Ticket Price to Edinburgh After Annual Increases

“The present price for a round-trip adult ticket to Edinburgh is £290. Given that Rail National
intends to increment this price by 5% annually for the next three years, we can calculate the new
prices for each progressing year in the following manner”:

1. Price after the first year:

£290 (current price) x 105% = £304.50
2. Price after the second year:
£304.50 (price after first year) x 105% = £319.73 (rounded to two decimal places)
3. Price after the third year:
£319.73 (price after the second year) x 105% = £335.71 (rounded to two decimal places)

Thus, if Rail National persists in augmenting the ticket prices at a rate of 5% annually, the fare
for a round-trip adult ticket to Edinburgh will be approximately £335.71 in three years' time.

Section 2

a) Table Replication

b) Calculation of Mean Average Monthly Cost for SIM-Only Contracts

The provided Monthly Cost (£) values are: £10, £5, £8, £10, £5, £8, £5.99, £12, £8 and £10.

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Mean calculation follows the formula:

Mean = (Sum of all values) / (Count of all values)

Applying the formula, we get:

Mean = (10 + 5 + 8 + 10 + 5 + 8 + 5.99 + 12 + 8 + 10) / 10 = £81.99 / 10 = £8.199

Hence we get £8.

c) Calculation of Median Data Offered by Mobile Networks

The provided values for "Data (GB of 5G)" offered by the ten mobile networks are in Excel cells
D4 to D13.

To find the median in Excel, one can use the =MEDIAN() function. The specific formula to
apply on this data set would be:


After applying this formula to the provided data set in the D4:D13 range, the median value is
found to be 55 GB. This means that half of the networks offer less than or equal to 55 GB of
data, and the other half offer more.

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d) Calculation of Mean Average Data Offered by Mobile Networks

The provided values for "Data (GB of 5G)" offered by the ten mobile networks are in Excel cells
from D4 to D13.

To calculate the mean average in Excel, one can use the =AVERAGE() function. The specific
formula to apply on this data set is:


Excel will sum all the data values in cells D4 to D13 and divide this sum by the number of values
to return the mean average.

After implementing this formula on the provided data set in the D4:D13 range, the mean average
of the data offered by the mobile networks is found to be 123.5 GB.

e) Comparison of Mean and Median for Average Data Offered

The mean and the median are two measures of central tendency that can provide different
perspectives on the same set of data. When comparing for a better indication of the average

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number of Gigabytes (GB) of data on offer, one should take into account the nature of the data

 Mean Average Data Offered: 123.5 GB

 Median Data Offered: 55 GB

In the given case, the median might be a more accurate measure to evaluate the average
Gigabytes (GB) provided by the ten mobile networks.

This is because the mean can be significantly affected by extreme values, also known as outliers.
Analysing the supplied data, we recognise that one network delivers 750 GB, a value
dramatically higher than the rest. This substantial variation can distort the mean, leading to an
overestimated depiction of the 'standard' data offering.

Conversely, the median, which symbolises the midpoint of the data, is less influenced by
outliers. Consequently, it often gives a more precise representation of the standard value when
dealing with skewed data.

“Thus, in such a context, the median value of 55 GB presents a more precise depiction of the
typical data offer furnished by the ten mobile networks.”

f) “Reasoning for Preferring Median Over Mean”

In this context, the median is chosen over the mean as a better indication of the average GB of
data on offer by the ten mobile networks due to its robustness against outliers.

Outliers, or extreme values, can significantly influence the mean, causing it to not accurately
represent the central tendency of the data set. In this specific data set, there exists a substantially
high value of 750 GB that skews the mean toward a higher range, resulting in an overestimation.

On the other side, median, as a measure of central tendency, is calculated as the middle value of
an ordered data set. It's less influenced by extreme observations (outliers). Hence, it's often

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considered a better measure of central tendency for skewed data as it provides a more balanced
center point.

In this instance, the median value of 55 GB probably portrays the ordinary or 'typical' data offer
from the ten mobile networks more accurately, thereby providing a clearer picture of the average
GB of data available compared to the mean.

g) Personal Choice Between ESCOT and Rebala

I would personally choose Rebala.

Here is a quick comparison between the two:

Network Name Texts Minutes Data (GB of 5G) Contract (Months) Monthly Cost (£)
Rebala 500 Unlimited 30 12 5
ESCOT 250 240 750 12 12

While ESCOT offers more data (750 GB), Rebala provides enough data (30GB), which should
be sufficient for average usage. Moreover, Rebala offers unlimited call minutes, twice the texting
limit, and costs less than half of ESCOT monthly (£5 vs £12).

The choice ultimately depends on personal usage patterns and priorities. For someone focused on
heavy data usage, ESCOT might be more suitable, considering the substantial amount of data it
provides. However, considering a balance of decent data allowance, unlimited calls, more texts,
and lower cost, Rebala seems more appealing overall, which is why I would personally prefer it.

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Section 3

a) Analysis of Shoplifting Offences in 2022/23: Grocery-Related Incidents

From the supplied data, with particular attention to the “2022/23” period, the count for grocery-
related shoplifting incidents was observed to be “290,959” whilst the total number of recorded
offences was “421,679”.

Computing this as a percentage entails a straightforward division operation and then amplifying
the result by a factor of 100, yielding an equivalence of:

(290,959 / 421,679) * 100 ≈ 68.99%

Upon rounding the resulting percentage to the nearest integer, we attain an approximation of
69%. Thus, the dataset suggests that around 69% of the recorded offences of shoplifting were in
connection with groceries during the year 2022/23.

b) Reasons for High Percentage of Groceries in Shoplifting

Essential Need and Accessibility

Unlike many other goods that people might shoplift, groceries are essential survival items
(Small, Aids and Verrill, 2019). A significant number of shoplifting instances are influenced by
necessity rather than mere opportunistic greed. If individuals find themselves in financially
challenging situations, they might turn to shoplifting groceries to sustain themselves. In addition,
grocery stores are ubiquitous, and items are often easier to shoplift due to the open nature of
these stores, which relies on an honor system for consumers.

High Demand and Resale Value

Basic food items and other goods that fall in the 'groceries' category often have a stable and high
demand (Ross, 2020). As such, these items can easily be resold, especially in informal markets,
making them a target for shoplifters. Common non-perishable items like baby formula, canned

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goods, and personal care products are frequently stolen for this purpose, skewing the ratio of
grocery theft and making this category prominent for shoplifting.

c) “Analysis of Ratio Between Homeware and Electrical Items Shoplifted in 2019/20”

i) Regarding the ratio of the number of homeware items shoplifted to electrical items in 2019/20,
we extract the relevant figures from the data: “homeware items” at “43,002” and “electrical
items” at “21,501”. The ratio would be calculated as follows:

Homeware Items : Electrical Items = “43,002 : 21,501”

To pare down this ratio, we must identify the highest common factor (HCF) of both digits and
subsequently divide each number by this HCF. However, with both numbers terminating in an
even digit (2 and 1), it's evident that the HCF is, at a minimum, 1. Therefore, the most reduced
form of the ratio would be:

“43,002 : 21,501”

ii) “The aforementioned ratio implies that for every 43,002 homeware items shoplifted in the
year 2019/20, there were 21,501 electrical items shoplifted”. In simpler terms, this ratio means
that there were approximately two homeware items shoplifted for every single electrical item
during that period. Hence, one could interpret that shoplifting of homeware goods was
significantly more prevalent than that of electrical goods in the 2019/20 period according to the
disclosed data.

D) Total Number of Recorded Offences (2013/14 - 2022/23)

Utilizing Microsoft Excel, the cumulative recorded offences from the years 2013/14 to 2022/23
were calculated. The data was situated in cells F5 through F14. The applied formula for this
calculation was as follows:

Excel formula: =SUM(F5:F14)

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As a result of the computation, “the total number of recorded offences” in the duration from
“2013/14 through 2022/23 was established as 3,396,491”. This figure exemplifies the entirety of
the recorded offences over this ten-year period, incorporating all categories of stolen goods.

e) “Minimum Recorded Offences (2013/14 - 2022/23)”

“Using the Excel formula =MIN(F5:F14), the minimum number of reported offences from
2013/14 to 2022/23 was found to be 220,653.”

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f) Conditional Formula for Years Exceeding 340,000 Offences

The formula we would employ for this evaluation is:

Excel formula: =COUNTIF(F5:F14, ">340000")

The COUNTIF function in Excel checks for the number of cells within a given range (F5:F14)
that satisfy a certain condition ("greater than 340,000" in this case) (Microsoft, 2022).

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Total = 5

g) Total Recorded Offences (2013/14 - 2022/23)

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h) Analyzing Shoplifting Trends (2013/14 - 2022/23)

Based on the provided data and the line graph you've created, here are some observations on the
trend of shoplifting incidents from 2013/14 to 2022/23:

Gradual Increase & Significant Dips

From 2013/14 to 2017/18, there is a gradual increase in the total number of recorded offences,
peaking in 2017/18. After this, a decrease is observed until the 2020/21 period, which marks the
lowest point in this series. The figure has risen again in the last two years, especially in 2022/23,
reaching its highest point.

Potential Factors

Various factors could be responsible for these overarching trends.

The gradual increase up to 2017/18 might be attributed to factors such as growth in population,
shifts in law enforcement routines, or socioeconomic dynamics.

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The significant dip in 2020/21 could correlate with the effects of the global COVID-19
pandemic. With many countries implementing lockdowns and restrictions, fewer individuals had
opportunities to commit shoplifting offences (Halford et al., 2020).

The steep incline in 2022/23 may project the aftermath of the pandemic, with lifted restrictions,
increased financial stress among certain populations, or reduced business vigilance.

Section 4(a)

i) Choosing a Graph for Sales & Advertising Correlation

A scatter plot is the most apt graph type to exhibit the relationship between sales and advertising.

ii) Plot

Cost ofAdvertising

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Income from Sales (€)

iii) Correlation Type between Sales & Advertising Costs

Correlation Type : Positive

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iv) Correlation Explanation

A positive correlation signifies that as the cost of advertising increases, the income from sales
also tends to increase. In other words, greater investment in advertising is associated with higher
sales revenue.

v) Strategies to Increase Sales

As a manager, to boost sales even further next year, I will consider increasing the advertising
budget, exploring new advertising channels, refining ad targeting strategies, or implementing
promotional campaigns that incentivize customer purchases.

b) Pie Chart

Income from Sales €

120 255 Brodie

340 133 Coco


189 Fluffy

122.5 Twitch
140 Jerry

ii) The largest segment of the pie chart (indicating the highest sales income) does not
automatically signify the most favored pet name. The higher revenue might be a result of product
pricing. A less frequently chosen pet name could generate higher revenue if the associated

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products are priced extravagantly. This would lead to greater sales income without necessarily
reflecting the highest volume of sales (popularity).

iii) Excel Formula for Summing Sales of Pets with Names Beginning with 'J'

Considering the specified cell ranges, the Excel formula needed to tally the total sales for pets
with names starting with 'J' should be formed as follows:

=SUMIF(B4:B13, "J*", F4:F13)

This formula will sum the sales figures found in cells F4:F13 for all pet names in cells B4:B13
that start with the letter 'J'.

Average Income with more than 4 letters

Given our mentioned cell ranges, with pet names in cells B4 to B13 and corresponding income
from sales data in cells F4 to F13, the Excel formula would be structured as follows:

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This formula instructs Excel to calculate the average income from sales (from cells F4:F13) for
all pet names (in cells B4:B13) that consist of more than four letters. The "?????*" in the formula
represents names with more than four letters.


Halford, E., Dixon, A., Farrell, G., Malleson, N. and Tilley, N. (2020). Crime and coronavirus:
social distancing, lockdown, and the mobility elasticity of crime. Crime Science, [online] 9(1).

Microsoft (2022). COUNTIF function - Microsoft Support. [online]

Available at:

Ross, S. (2020). What types of consumer goods demonstrate the price elasticity of demand?
[online] Investopedia. Available at:

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Small, M., Aids and Verrill, A. (2019). Reducing Shoplifting Losses. [online] Available at:

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