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The Rise and Impact

of the East India

The East India Company, known for its expansion, brought sweeping
changes to the Indian subcontinent through its doctrine of lapse,
administrative reforms, and military advancements.

by BHIS School Development

Expansion of the East India
1 Trade and Commerce 🌍 2 Political Influence 👑
The East India Company spread its Through diplomacy and alliances, the
influence across the Indian Ocean, Company gradually gained control
establishing trading posts and over Indian princely states,
controlling the lucrative spice trade. expanding its dominion.

3 Colonial Rule 🏰
The Company's territorial acquisitions laid the foundation for British colonial rule in
India, shaping the country's future for centuries to come.
Doctrine of Lapse
1 2 3
🏛️ 🤝 🏞️
Annexation and Controversy and Impact on Indian
Succession Resistance Society
The Doctrine of Lapse The policy faced The Doctrine of Lapse
allowed the Company to opposition from local significantly altered the
annex kingdoms and rulers and the Indian political landscape,
territories if a ruler died elite, leading to conflicts eroding indigenous
without a direct male and uprisings against the power structures and
heir, thereby expanding company's expansionist accelerating the decline
its dominion. agenda. of princely states.
Administrative Changes by the East
India Company

⚖️ 💰 📚
Judicial Reforms Taxation and Education and
Revenue Language
The Company introduced a Through land surveys and The introduction of English
system of courts to ensure a standardized tax policies, the education and promotion of
more impartial and efficient Company aimed to streamline vernacular languages had a
legal process, merging Indian revenue collection for better lasting impact on Indian
and British legal practices. governance. education and cultural
Military Changes by the East India

Indian Sepoy Army Fortifications and Technological

The Company built a disciplined,
Defense Advancements
locally recruited army, known as The Company fortified its The Company introduced
the Sepoys, which played a positions and established modern artillery, firearms, and
crucial role in maintaining military outposts to secure its military strategies, giving it a
Company rule. trade routes and protect its significant advantage over rivals.
expanding territories.
Legacy of the East India Company
1 Cultural Exchange 🌍
The East India Company facilitated
cross-cultural interactions and the

💼 2
Economic Transformation assimilation of Indian and British
traditions, leaving a lasting impact on
The Company's presence both societies.
revolutionized the Indian economy,
shaping trade patterns, introducing
cash crops, and establishing new 3 British Imperialism 💂
industries. The Company's rule laid the
groundwork for British imperialism in
India, leading to eventual direct British
colonial control over the subcontinent.
Challenges and Criticism
Exploitative Practices 🔗 Loss of Indian Autonomy 🏛️
The Company's monopolistic practices, The East India Company's influence eroded
exploitative taxation, and trade imbalances indigenous governance systems, subverting
led to significant economic hardships for the Indian sovereignty and cultural autonomy.
local population.

Impact on Social Structure 🏰 Colonial Violence 🛡️

British rule disrupted traditional Indian social The Company's military operations, conflicts
hierarchies, contributing to social tensions with Indian rulers, and infamous incidents like
and the decline of indigenous power. the Bengal Famine of 1770 fueled resentment
and resistance.
Legacy on Modern India
1 2
⚖️ 📚
Legal System and Language and Education
The East India Company's legal English education and the adoption
reforms formed the basis of the of Western educational models
modern Indian legal system, continue to shape India's education
influencing the structure and system and social mobility.
principles of justice.

3 Trade and Commerce 🌍

The Company's legacy can be seen in India's integration into the global economy,
contributing to its emergence as a major economic power.

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