Atkins Physical Chemistry 11th Edition8

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Exercises and problems 337

FOCUS 8 Atomic structure and spectra

TOPIC 8A Hydrogenic atoms

Discussion questions
D8A.1 Describe the separation of variables procedure as it is applied to sim- D8A.3 Explain the significance of (a) a boundary surface and (b) the radial
plify the description of a hydrogenic atom free to move through space. distribution function for hydrogenic orbitals.
D8A.2 List and describe the significance of the quantum numbers needed to
specify the internal state of a hydrogenic atom.

E8A.1(a) State the orbital degeneracy of the levels in a hydrogen atom that have E8A.7(b) The wavefunction of one of the d orbitals is proportional to
energy (i) −hcR! H; (ii) − 19 hcR! H; (iii) − 251 hcR! H. sin2θ sin 2ϕ. At what angles does it have nodal planes?
E8A.1(b) State the orbital degeneracy of the levels in a hydrogenic atom (Z in
E8A.8(a) Write down the expression for the radial distribution function of a 2s
parentheses) that have energy (i) −4hcR! N, (2); (ii) − 14 hcR! N (4), and (iii) −hcR! N
electron in a hydrogenic atom of atomic number Z and identify the radius at
which it is a maximum. Hint: Use mathematical software.
− r /a0
E8A.2(a) The wavefunction for the ground state of a hydrogen atom is Ne . E8A.8(b) Write down the expression for the radial distribution function of a
Evaluate the normalization constant N. 3s electron in a hydrogenic atom of atomic number Z and identify the radius
E8A.2(b) The wavefunction for the 2s orbital of a hydrogen atom is at which the electron is most likely to be found. Hint: Use mathematical
N (2 − r / a0 )e − r /2a0. Evaluate the normalization constant N. software.
E8A.3(a) Evaluate the probability density at the nucleus of an electron with n = E8A.9(a) Write down the expression for the radial distribution function of a 2p
2, l = 0, ml = 0. electron in a hydrogenic atom of atomic number Z and identify the radius at
E8A.3(b) Evaluate the probability density at the nucleus of an electron with n = which the electron is most likely to be found.
3, l = 0, ml = 0. E8A.9(b) Write down the expression for the radial distribution function of a
3p electron in a hydrogenic atom of atomic number Z and identify the radius
E8A.4(a) By differentiation of the 2s radial wavefunction, show that it has two
at which the electron is most likely to be found. Hint: Use mathematical
extrema in its amplitude, and locate them.
E8A.4(b) By differentiation of the 3s radial wavefunction, show that it has three
extrema in its amplitude, and locate them. E8A.10(a) What subshells and orbitals are available in the M shell?
E8A.10(b) What subshells and orbitals are available in the N shell?
E8A.5(a) At what radius does the probability density of an electron in the H
atom fall to 50 per cent of its maximum value? E8A.11(a) What is the orbital angular momentum (as multiples of ħ) of an
E8A.5(b) At what radius in the H atom does the radial distribution function of electron in the orbitals (i) 1s, (ii) 3s, (iii) 3d? Give the numbers of angular and
the ground state have (i) 50 per cent, (ii) 75 per cent of its maximum value? radial nodes in each case.
E8A.11(b) What is the orbital angular momentum (as multiples of ħ) of an
E8A.6(a) Locate the radial nodes in the 3s orbital of a hydrogenic atom.
electron in the orbitals (i) 4d, (ii) 2p, (iii) 3p? Give the numbers of angular
E8A.6(b) Locate the radial nodes in the 4p orbital of a hydrogenic atom. You
and radial nodes in each case.
need to know that, in the notation of eqn 8A.10, L4,1(ρ) ∝ 20 − 10ρ + ρ2, with
ρ = 12 Zr/a0. E8A.12(a) Locate the radial nodes of each of the 2p orbitals of a hydrogenic
atom of atomic number Z.
E8A.7(a) The wavefunction of one of the d orbitals is proportional to
E8A.12(b) Locate the radial nodes of each of the 3d orbitals of a hydrogenic
cos θ sin θ cos ϕ. At what angles does it have nodal planes?
atom of atomic number Z.

P8A.1 At what point (not radius) is the probability density a maximum for the P8A.5 Explicit expressions for hydrogenic orbitals are given in Tables 7F.1 (for
2p electron? the angular component) and 8A.1 (for the radial component). (a) Verify both
that the 3px orbital is normalized (to 1) and that 3px and 3dxy are mutually
P8A.2 Show by explicit integration that (a) hydrogenic 1s and 2s orbitals, (b)
orthogonal. Hint: It is sufficient to show that the functions eiϕ and e2iϕ are
2px and 2py orbitals are mutually orthogonal.
mutually orthogonal. (b) Identify the positions of both the radial nodes and
P8A.3 The value of R! ∞ is given inside the front cover and is 109 737 cm . What
nodal planes of the 3s, 3px, and 3dxy orbitals. (c) Calculate the mean radius of
is the energy of the ground state of a deuterium atom? Take mD = 2.013 55mu. the 3s orbital. Hint: Use mathematical software. (d) Draw a graph of the radial
2+ distribution function for the three orbitals (of part (b)) and discuss the signifi-
P8A.4 Predict the ionization energy of Li given that the ionization energy of
cance of the graphs for interpreting the properties of many-electron atoms.
He+ is 54.36 eV.
338 8 Atomic structure and spectra

P8A.6 Determine whether the px and py orbitals are eigenfunctions of lz. If not, balanced by the centrifugal effect of the orbital motion. Bohr proposed that
does a linear combination exist that is an eigenfunction of lz? the angular momentum is limited to integral values of ħ. When the two forces
are balanced, the atom remains in a stationary state until it makes a spectral
P8A.7 The ‘size’ of an atom is sometimes considered to be measured by the
transition. Calculate the energies of a hydrogenic atom using the Bohr model.
radius of a sphere within which there is a 90 per cent probability of finding the
electron in the outermost occupied orbital. Calculate the ‘size’ of a hydrogen P8A.10 The Bohr model of the atom is specified in Problem 8A.9. (a) What
atom in its ground state according to this definition. Go on to explore how the features of it are untenable according to quantum mechanics? (b) How does
‘size’ varies as the definition is changed to other percentages, and plot your the ground state of the Bohr atom differ from the actual ground state? (c) Is
conclusion. there an experimental distinction between the Bohr and quantum mechanical
models of the ground state?
P8A.8 Some atomic properties depend on the average value of 1/r rather than
the average value of r itself. Evaluate the expectation value of 1/r for (a) a P8A.11 Atomic units of length and energy may be based on the properties of a
hydrogenic 1s orbital, (b) a hydrogenic 2s orbital, (c) a hydrogenic 2p orbital. particular atom. The usual choice is that of a hydrogen atom, with the unit of
(d) Does 〈1/r〉 = 1/〈r〉? length being the Bohr radius, a0, and the unit of energy being the ‘hartree’, Eh,
which is equal to twice the (negative of the) energy of the 1s orbital (specifi-
P8A.9 One of the most famous of the obsolete theories of the hydrogen atom
cally, and more precisely, Eh = 2hcR! ∞). Positronium consists of an electron and
was proposed by Niels Bohr. It has been replaced by quantum mechanics, but
a positron (same mass, opposite charge) orbiting round their common centre
by a remarkable coincidence (not the only one where the Coulomb poten-
of mass. If the positronium atom (e+,e−) were used instead, with analogous
tial is concerned), the energies it predicts agree exactly with those obtained
definitions of units of length and energy, what would be the relation between
from the Schrödinger equation. In the Bohr atom, an electron travels in a
these two sets of atomic units?
circle around the nucleus. The Coulombic force of attraction (Ze2/4πε0r2) is

TOPIC 8B Many-electron atoms

Discussion questions
D8B.1 Describe the orbital approximation for the wavefunction of a many- D8B.3 Describe and account for the variation of first ionization energies
electron atom. What are the limitations of the approximation? along Period 2 of the periodic table. Would you expect the same variation in
Period 3?
D8B.2 Outline the electron configurations of many-electron atoms in terms of
their location in the periodic table. D8B.4 Describe the self-consistent field procedure for calculating the form of
the orbitals and the energies of many-electron atoms.

E8B.1(a) Construct the wavefunction for an excited state of the He atom with E8B.3(b) Write the ground-state electron configurations of the d-metals from
configuration 1s12s1. Use Zeff = 2 for the 1s electron and Zeff = 1 for the 2s yttrium to cadmium.
electron. 2+
E8B.4(a) Write the electronic configuration of the Ni ion.
E8B.1(b) Construct the wavefunction for an excited state of the He atom with con- 2−
E8B.4(b) Write the electronic configuration of the O ion.
figuration 1s13s1. Use Zeff = 2 for the 1s electron and Zeff = 1 for the 3s electron.
E8B.5(a) Consider the atoms of the Period 2 elements of the periodic table.
E8B.2(a) How many electrons can occupy subshells with l = 3?
Predict which element has the lowest first ionization energy.
E8B.2(b) How many electrons can occupy subshells with l = 5?
E8B.5(b) Consider the atoms of the Period 2 elements of the periodic table.
E8B.3(a) Write the ground-state electron configurations of the d-metals from Predict which element has the lowest second ionization energy.
scandium to zinc.

P8B.1 In 1976 it was mistakenly believed that the first of the ‘superheavy’ accompanies the conversion of Fe(II) to Fe(III) when O2 attaches triggers a
elements had been discovered in a sample of mica. Its atomic number was conformational change in the protein. Which do you expect to be larger: Fe2+
believed to be 126. What is the most probable distance of the innermost or Fe3+? Why?
electrons from the nucleus of an atom of this element? (In such elements,
P8B.5 Thallium, a neurotoxin, is the heaviest member of Group 13 of the
relativistic effects are very important, but ignore them here.)
periodic table and is found most usually in the +1 oxidation state. Aluminium,
1 2
P8B.2 Why is the electronic configuration of the yttrium atom [Kr]4d 5s and which causes anaemia and dementia, is also a member of the group but its
that of the silver atom [Kr]4d105s1? chemical properties are dominated by the +3 oxidation state. Examine this issue
by plotting the first, second, and third ionization energies for the Group 13 ele-
P8B.3 The d-metals iron, copper, and manganese form cations with different
ments against atomic number. Explain the trends you observe. Hints: The third
oxidation states. For this reason, they are found in many oxidoreductases and
ionization energy, I3, is the minimum energy needed to remove an electron
in several proteins of oxidative phosphorylation and photosynthesis. Explain
from the doubly charged cation: E2+(g) → E3+(g) + e−(g), I3 = E(E3+) − E(E2+).
why many d-metals form cations with different oxidation states.
For data, see the links to databases of atomic properties provided in the text’s
P8B.4 One important function of atomic and ionic radius is in regulating website.
the uptake of oxygen by haemoglobin, for the change in ionic radius that
Exercises and problems 339

TOPIC 8C Atomic spectra

Discussion questions
D8C.1 Discuss the origin of the series of lines in the emission spectrum of D8C.3 Explain the origin of spin–orbit coupling and how it affects the appear-
hydrogen. What region of the electromagnetic spectrum is associated with ance of a spectrum.
each of the series shown in Fig. 8C.1?
D8C.4 Why does the spin−orbit coupling constant depend so strongly on the
D8C.2 Specify and account for the selection rules for transitions in (a) hydro- atomic number?
genic atoms, and (b) many-electron atoms.

E8C.1(a) Identify the transition responsible for the shortest and longest wave- E8C.8(b) Suppose that an atom has (i) 4, (ii) 5, electrons in different orbitals.
length lines in the Lyman series. What are the possible values of the total spin quantum number S? What is the
E8C.1(b) The Pfund series has n1 = 5. Identify the transition responsible for the multiplicity in each case?
shortest and longest wavelength lines in the Pfund series.
E8C.9(a) What are the possible values of the total spin quantum numbers S and
E8C.2(a) Calculate the wavelength, frequency, and wavenumber of the n = 2 → MS for the Ni2+ ion?
n = 1 transition in He . E8C.9(b) What are the possible values of the total spin quantum numbers S and
E8C.2(b) Calculate the wavelength, frequency, and wavenumber of the n = 5 → MS for the V2+ ion?
n = 4 transition in Li2+.
E8C.10(a) What atomic terms are possible for the electron configuration
E8C.3(a) Which of the following transitions are allowed in the electronic emis- ns1nd1? Which term is likely to lie lowest in energy?
sion spectrum of a hydrogenic atom: (i) 2s → 1s, (ii) 2p → 1s, (iii) 3d → 2p? E8C.10(b) What atomic terms are possible for the electron configuration
E8C.3(b) Which of the following transitions are allowed in the electronic emis- np1nd1? Which term is likely to lie lowest in energy?
sion spectrum of a hydrogenic atom: (i) 5d → 2s, (ii) 5p → 3s, (iii) 6p → 4f? 1 2 3
E8C.11(a) What values of J may occur in the terms (i) S, (ii) P, (iii) P? How
E8C.4(a) Identify the levels of the configuration p . many states (distinguished by the quantum number MJ) belong to each level?
1 3 4 2
E8C.4(b) Identify the levels of the configuration f . E8C.11(b) What values of J may occur in the terms (i) D, (ii) D, (iii) G? How
many states (distinguished by the quantum number MJ) belong to each level?
E8C.5(a) What are the permitted values of j for (i) a d electron, (ii) an f electron?
1 1
E8C.5(b) What are the permitted values of j for (i) a p electron, (ii) an h electron? E8C.12(a) Give the possible term symbols for (i) Li [He]2s , (ii) Na [Ne]3p .
10 2
E8C.12(b) Give the possible term symbols for (i) Sc [Ar]3d 4s , (ii) Br
E8C.6(a) An electron in two different states of an atom is known to have j = 3
and 12 . What is its orbital angular momentum quantum number in each case?
E8C.6(b) What are the allowed total angular momentum quantum numbers of E8C.13(a) Calculate the shifts in the energies of the two terms of a d configura-
a composite system in which j1 = 5 and j2 = 3? tion that can arise from spin–orbit coupling.
1 E8C.13(b) Calculate the shifts in the energies of the two terms an f configura-
E8C.7(a) What information does the term symbol D2 provide about the angular
tion that can arise from spin–orbit coupling.
momentum of an atom?
E8C.7(b) What information does the term symbol F4 provide about the angular E8C.14(a) Which of the following transitions between terms are allowed in the
momentum of an atom? electronic emission spectrum of a many-electron atom: (i) 3D2 → 3P1, (ii) 3P2
→ 1S0, (iii) 3F4 → 3D3?
E8C.8(a) Suppose that an atom has (i) 2, (ii) 3 electrons in different orbitals.
E8C.14(b) Which of the following transitions between terms are allowed in the
What are the possible values of the total spin quantum number S? What is the
electronic emission spectrum of a many-electron atom: (i) 2P3/2 → 2S1/2, (ii) 3P0
multiplicity in each case?
→ 3S1, (iii) 3D3 → 1P1?

P8C.1 The Humphreys series is a group of lines in the spectrum of atomic the form −hcR! Li /n2 and find the value of R! Li for this ion. Go on to predict the
hydrogen. It begins at 12 368 nm and has been traced to 3281.4 nm. What wavenumbers of the two longest-wavelength transitions of the Balmer series
are the transitions involved? What are the wavelengths of the intermediate of the ion and find its ionization energy.
P8C.5 A series of lines in the spectrum of neutral Li atoms rise from transi-
P8C.2 A series of lines involving a common level in the spectrum of atomic tions between 1s22p1 2P and 1s2nd1 2D and occur at 610.36 nm, 460.29 nm,
hydrogen lies at 656.46 nm, 486.27 nm, 434.17 nm, and 410.29 nm. What is the and 413.23 nm. The d orbitals are hydrogenic. It is known that the transition
wavelength of the next line in the series? What is the ionization energy of the from the 2P to the 2S term (which arises from the ground-state configuration
atom when it is in the lower state of the transitions? 1s22s1) occurs at 670.78 nm. Calculate the ionization energy of the ground-
state atom.
P8C.3 The distribution of isotopes of an element may yield clues about the
nuclear reactions that occur in the interior of a star. Show that it is possible to P8C.6‡ W.P. Wijesundera et al. (Phys. Rev. A 51, 278 (1995)) attempted to de-
use spectroscopy to confirm the presence of both 4He+ and 3He+ in a star by termine the electron configuration of the ground state of lawrencium, element
calculating the wavenumbers of the n = 3 → n = 2 and of the n = 2 → n = 1 103. The two contending configurations are [Rn]5f147s27p1 and [Rn]5f146d7s2.
transitions for each ionic isotope. Write down the term symbols for each of these configurations, and identify
2+ −1
P8C.4 The Li ion is hydrogenic and has a Lyman series at 740 747 cm ,
−1 −1 ‡
877 924 cm , 925 933 cm , and beyond. Show that the energy levels are of These problems were supplied by Charles Trapp and Carmen Giunta.
340 8 Atomic structure and spectra

the lowest level within each configuration. Which level would be lowest ac- consider a p electron, with l = 1 and ml = 0, ±1. In the absence of a magnetic
cording to a simple estimate of spin–orbit coupling? field, these three states are degenerate. When a field of magnitude B is present,
the degeneracy is removed and it is observed that the state with ml = +1 moves
P8C.7 An emission line from K atoms is found to have two closely spaced
up in energy by μBB, the state with ml = 0 is unchanged, and the state with ml =
components, one at 766.70 nm and the other at 770.11 nm. Account for this
−1 moves down in energy by μBB, where μB = eħ/2me = 9.274 × 10−24 J T−1 is
observation, and deduce what information you can.
the ‘Bohr magneton’. Therefore, a transition between a 1S0 term and a 1P1 term
P8C.8 Calculate the mass of the deuteron given that the first line in the Lyman consists of three spectral lines in the presence of a magnetic field where, in the
series of 1H lies at 82 259.098 cm−1 whereas that of 2H lies at 82 281.476 cm−1. absence of the magnetic field, there is only one. (a) Calculate the splitting in
Calculate the ratio of the ionization energies of 1H and 2H. reciprocal centimetres between the three spectral lines of a transition between
a 1S0 term and a 1P1 term in the presence of a magnetic field of 2 T (where 1 T =
P8C.9 Positronium consists of an electron and a positron (same mass, opposite
1 kg s−2 A−1). (b) Compare the value you calculated in (a) with typical optical
charge) orbiting round their common centre of mass. The broad features
transition wavenumbers, such as those for the Balmer series of the H atom.
of the spectrum are therefore expected to be hydrogen-like, the differences
Is the line splitting caused by the normal Zeeman effect relatively small or
arising largely from the mass differences. Predict the wavenumbers of the first
relatively large?
three lines of the Balmer series of positronium. What is the binding energy of
the ground state of positronium? P8C.11 Some of the selection rules for hydrogenic atoms were derived in the
text. Complete the derivation by considering the x- and y-components of the
P8C.10 The Zeeman effect is the modification of an atomic spectrum by the
electric dipole moment operator.
application of a strong magnetic field. It arises from the interaction between
applied magnetic fields and the magnetic moments due to orbital and spin P8C.12 Hydrogen is the most abundant element in all stars. However, neither
angular momenta (recall the evidence provided for electron spin by the Stern– absorption nor emission lines due to neutral hydrogen are found in the
Gerlach experiment, Topic 8B). To gain some appreciation for the so-called spectra of stars with effective temperatures higher than 25 000 K. Account for
normal Zeeman effect, which is observed in transitions involving singlet states, this observation.

FOCUS 8 Atomic structure and spectra

Integrated activities
I8.1 An electron in the ground-state He ion undergoes a transition to a state calculate the average radius (see the preceding activity), and the ionization
specified by the quantum numbers n = 4, l = 1, ml = +1. (a) Describe the energy. (c) Could a thermal collision with another hydrogen atom ionize this
transition using term symbols. (b) Calculate the wavelength, frequency, and Rydberg atom? (d) What minimum velocity of the second atom is required?
wavenumber of the transition. (c) By how much does the mean radius of the (e) Sketch the likely form of the radial wavefunction for a 100s orbital.
electron change due to the transition? You need to know that the mean radius
I8.3‡ Stern–Gerlach splittings of atomic beams are small and require either
of a hydrogenic orbital is
large magnetic field gradients or long magnets for their observation. For a
n 2a0 ⎧ 1 ⎡ l(l +1) ⎤ ⎫ beam of atoms with zero orbital angular momentum, such as H or Ag, the
rn ,l ,ml = ⎨1 + 2 ⎢1 − 2 ⎥ ⎬ deflection is given by x = ±(μBL2/4Ek)dB/dz, where μB is the Bohr magneton
Z ⎩ ⎣ n ⎦⎭
(Problem P8C.10), L is the length of the magnet, Ek is the average kinetic en-
I8.2‡ Highly excited atoms have electrons with large principal quantum ergy of the atoms in the beam, and dB/dz is the magnetic field gradient across
numbers. Such Rydberg atoms have unique properties and are of interest to the beam. Calculate the magnetic field gradient required to produce a splitting
astrophysicists. (a) For hydrogen atoms with large n, derive a relation for the of 1.00 mm in a beam of Ag atoms from an oven at 1000 K with a magnet of
separation of energy levels. (b) Calculate this separation for n = 100; also length 50 cm.

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