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Character Development Template

When you write a fictional character, it’s helpful to have a clear idea of who they are so that the reader gets a consistent understanding of the character
throughout the story. It wouldn’t make sense for a character who is generally kind to do a very mean thing!
This template will help you to design a character with all of their mannerisms. You can refer back to this while you write, to keep track of how you’re
writing that character’s actions, as well as their interactions with others.
This template is most useful for main characters. You might have a couple of sheets if you have multiple main characters.
The three boxes in the middle should always be filled out. Depending on the needs of your story, you might not fill all of the rest, and that’s
okay. Think about which boxes will be most important for the character, and prioritise them.

Things they might do: Personality traits: Things they might say:

People they get along well with - how and Character name: Things they like:
when do they interact?

People they don’t get along well with - how What happens to them in the story? How do they react to things?
and when do they interact?


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