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Product Hunt
1. Create account from which the product will be launched
a. If you've just created an account, you will need to wait 1 week before you're
able to post a product
2. Engage with other people in the community pre-launch
3. Tease your launch - You can also add a Coming Soon banner to your Product Hub once
your launch is scheduled upto 30 days in advance
4. If you're using a company/branded account, you will not have access to post. It is
recommended to create a personal account for posting and commenting.
5. After submitting, your post will instantly go live.
6. Each post should include the:

● Name of the product
● Tagline
● Topics
● Download link
● Thumbnail
● Pricing tag
● Status - If the product is still in beta, or not fully released yet, you can select the
option to indicate that it is not available yet.
● Gallery
● YouTube video
● Interactive Story or Demo
● Description
● Promo
● Makers
● Product's Twitter account
● First comment
● Launch/Schedule

2. Betalist
1. Sign-in
2. Submit your startup. It requires
a. Icon
b. Thumbnail
c. Product name
d. Pitch your product in one sentence
e. Website
f. Describe your product in one or two paragraphs starting with its name
g. Video URL
3. Submission Criteria
a. The product should be new
i. Your product should be only recently launched or still be unreleased.
ii. If your product has already received press coverage it's less likely to be
b. Have a distinct & decent looking page
c. Not featured on Betalist before
d. Visitors should be able to sign up or subscribe to a mailing list
4. What happens after submission
a. If your startup qualifies you will receive an email within about a week, after
that it will take about two months to get featured. There's a paid option to skip
the waiting queue.
b. If you don't receive an email unfortunately that means your startup was not
selected to be featured.

3. Pitchwall
1. Create an account
2. Submit your product
a. Website URL
b. Product name
c. Explain the product in one line
d. Product images
e. Product description
f. Logo & Tags (optional)
g. Youtube video (optional)
h. Where is your product available (optional)
i. ios, mac, chrome, windows, github, android, web
i. Social profiles (optional)
3. Review
a. 45 to 60 days. If you want to skip the queue you can choose the paid
review option.
b. Plan of paid review starts from $49.

1. Create an account
2. “Suggest new application”
1. Name
2. Short description
3. Website
4. Full description
5. Supported languages
6. Pricing
7. Is it open source?
8. Tags
9. Platforms in which product are available
10. Company/Author
11. Company/Author Website
12. Social media URLs
13. Icon & screenshots
14. Video URL
3. Approval
a. It takes between a couple of days and up to a week

5. Startup Stash
1. “List a product”
a. Personal Name
b. Last name
c. Email
d. Name of the product
e. Give us a short description of your product. (160 C)
f. Give us a long description for ds (500 C)
g. Website/Product URL
h. Which category suits your product best? (Choose from the list of options)
i. Upload Logo
j. Do you have a video for ds? If yes, paste the link below.
k. Are you interested in advertising with us? Y/N

2. Review
a. Thank you for applying to get listed on StartupStash! We will get back to you as
early as possible
3. Received email
a. Thank you for submitting your product to Startup Stash!
b. In order to get your product listed on Startup Stash, we offer the two following

i. Basic Listing - $199/year | Permanent product page listing within 48-72


ii. Premium Listing - $399/year | Permanent product page listing within

48-72 hours | Featuring your product page in our weekly newsletter |
Social Boost from our Twitter and Facebook accounts.

4. If your product page fits our guidelines, we will get it listed within 72 hours after you
process the payment.

6. Launching Next
1. “Submit your startup”
a. Fill this form
2. After Submission
a. It typically takes 2-4 months for submissions to be reviewed.
b. But if paid $99, it can be published within a day
7. Startup Buffer
1. “Submit your startup”
a. Fill this form
2. After Submission
a. It typically takes 1-2 months for submissions to be reviewed.
b. But there are various payment plans for expedited review

8. GetApp
1. “Get listed” (In footer)
2. Goes to this page
a. Select “Get free listing”
b. Submit product name, company name, business email, service etc
3. Criteria for Posting Product Listings on our Sites:
a. It should be B2B or B2C software – we do not list marketplaces or database
websites, personal productivity solutions, product clones and/or personal apps.
b. It is a packaged (pre-built / off-the-shelf) solution – we do not list
custom-made/bespoke software/
c. It must fit, at Our sole discretion, within one of the existing categories.
d. It must be publicly available.with a call to action that highlights an offer on sale
to the public including, but not limited to, a software trial, demo, or request for
more information. We will not list products when, at Our sole discretion, the
only call to action is to “join a waitlist”or something similar.
e. We will allow software products in beta to be listed on our site(s) when there is
a working website promoting the product, highlights an offer on sale to the
public, and at least one review collected within the first calendar year of being
added to the site(s).
f. It must be listed under the product name on the vendor’s website or other
location directly owned and controlled by the vendor - we do not list reseller
names, integrators, consultants, or other third parties — unless the vendor
expressly authorizes a reseller to list the product on their behalf.
4. After submission
a. An account representative is reviewing your details. Once verified, you will be
notified via email when your listing is approved and receive access to your
b. A specialist will reach out within two business days to discuss how we can best
serve your software sales goals.
c. If you have immediate questions please call +1 703-584-1800

9. Stackshare

1. “Submit a tool” (In footer)

2. Create an account
3. “Add my tools”
a. Name of tool or service
b. Website URL
c. Short Description
d. One Line Description
e. Documentation/Support UR
f. Features
4. After submission
a. You get an email revert (Time unknown)

10. SaaShub
1. Register
2. “Submit a product”
a. Asks for website URL & submit
b. Product name
c. Tagline
d. Categories
e. Competitors.
3. To submit, there are 2 ways. Free or Paid

4. What kind of products we are accepting:

a. SaaS, IaaS & PaaS products and services
b. Most software products and apps
c. Mobile apps (with decent websites)
d. Websites and services that are leaders in a specific niche (e.g. Airbnb
e. Sometimes we could be a bit too liberal or relaxed when approving products.
However, we preserve the right to reject or remove products even if they have
been approved already.

11. Betafy
1. Sign up
2. Activate your account via email verification
3. Submit Startup
a. Logo*
b. Title of the software*
c. Social media links*
d. Email*
e. Website*
f. Description*
g. Select geographies*
h. Choose categories/markets that you apply to*
i. Tags*
j. Who are your typical users*
k. Video URL*
l. Add you core team
m. Startup features
n. Beta user benefits
o. Beta testing URL
p. Media upload
4. Submit startup
No information further

12. Startup Pitch

1. Submit a pitch
a. Don’t pitch a Company or an App that involves coupons or affiliate sales or
sweepstakes type sites
b. Name of Company / App should be just that, not anything else (pitches that do
this will be deleted).
c. Any attempt at SEO for non startup Companies or Apps will be deleted.
d. If you are not live but have a sign up form then please do a beta pitch.
e. No adult content sites.
f. If you are not sure then get in contact with us, we are happy to give feedback.
g. Startup Submission services are not allowed to use this form. Contact us to find
out about becoming a partner.
2. Submission form
a. Company name
b. Company / App Website*
c. Company / App Twitter username
d. Your email
e. Would you like to sign up to our newsletter?*
f. Is your company / app a Saas?*
g. How old is your company?* (< than 1 year or more)
h. What does it do?: (240 c)
i. Why do we need it?:* (upto 240 c)
j. Who is it for?:* (upto 240 c)
k. What makes it stand out from the crowd?:(upto 240 c)
l. What's next?:*(upto 240 c)
m. Note: If you do not fill this in correctly it will result in this pitch not being
n. What type of submission do you want to make?
i. Pro startup level pitches get
1. Pitches are processed within 24 hours and Jump The Queue.
2. Pitches stay on the homepage for 48 hours.
3. Pitches are included in our weekly newsletter.
ii. Startup level pitches get
1. Pitches are processed within 24 hours and Jump The Queue.
iii. Hobby level pitches get
1. Startups are entered in a queue. Fee is charged to stop
iv. Choose your submission type*
1. Pro Startup £30.00
2. Startup £15.00
3. Hobby Startup £2 (we charge this to stop spam)
o. Small print
i. If we decide your pitch is not a good fit we will refund your money.
ii. We offer invoices on request.

1. Review checklist
1. The website is publicly accessible
2. The website is for a startup or product (we don't accept blogs, magazines, ...)
3. The startup has not been published on Launched! before
4. Typically it takes up to 24 hours from submission to publication (given the
review was positive).
2. Submit your startup
a. Product Name
b. Your Pitch (describe your product in one sentence)
c. Website url address (Please start writing with https://)
d. Describe your product in one or two paragraphs starting with its name
e. Upload your product screenshot
f. Twitter account ID (if available)
g. URL address of YouTube video pitch of the submitted service/products, if any
h. Where is your startup based
i. What industry are you in
j. Your Email address
k. Please describe the stage of your startup/product and your current needs for
support for growth, if any, such as finding investors, early users, or feedback,
and/or human resources, press/media coverage etc.
l. Do you have an Affiliate Program? If yes, please fill in the URL page. (Please
start writing with https://)
m. Are you interested in selling off to a third party the startup/project you have
submitted?(Not for publication, unless otherwise requested)

14. SaaSWorthy
1. Get Listed
a. Business email address*
b. First name*
c. Last name*
d. Phone number*
e. Product name*
f. Product URL*
g. Type of software*
2. Submit

15. Startup Ranking

1. Sign in
2. Create a Startup
3. Validate your product URL - Paste your url
4. Submission
a. Startup name*
b. Legal name
c. Phrase/slogan
d. Country*
e. State*
f. URL*
g. Founded date*
h. Business type*
i. Industry*
j. Tags
k. Description*
l. Social media links
m. Contact email* (Has to be a company email, not a person)
n. Contact phone* (Has to be a company email, not a person)
5. You have to choose one verification method. saas will be associated with your user account.
6. Post submission. Wait for our team 79 days to approve it. If you are in a hurry you can pay $99 fo
approval.(reference below image)
7. Review your scores and start to climb your rank. The startups which rank higher gets more attention a
our users.

16. WebWiki
1. “Add website”
a. URL / Domain
b. Category
c. Title
d. Description
2. Submit website

17. Startup Collections

1. “Submit your product” (It is a google form)
a. Product Name*
b. Website*
c. Description*
d. Your Name*
e. Your Email*

We can't wait to get you on the site! There is a queue for new product submissions, if
you want to skip the wait, the fastest way is to request to skip the queue for $10. You
will also get free featured sponsorship for 30 days!

Skip the Queue and Get Homepage Sponsorship? ($10 One-time payment)

2. Submit

18. BigStartups (often goes offline)

1. Login
2. List -> List a product
3. Add details about you
4. Takes to listing
a. Shoutout to your community members about your startup
b. Startup name
c. Website
d. Social media handles
e. Startup taglines
f. Description
g. City
h. Application type
i. Business model
j. Startup sector
k. Tags
l. Who are you (founder/investor…)
m. Social links
5. Submit - Pending approval
No further information - will update if I receive an email

19. Startup Lister

1. Login
2. “List a Startup”
a. Startup name
b. URL
c. Twitter handle
d. Tagline
e. Description
f. Logo
g. Submit
3. Listing is live instantly

20. Side Projectors

1. Register (Sign in)
2. Submit a startup

1. If option 1 is selected,
a. Start submission from scratch
b. Import project from product hunt
c. Link from website URL
2. Start from scratch
a. General Information
b. Images & Videos
c. How Project is Built
d. Project Status & Metrics
e. Sale Information
3. Submit
4. Sent for review
No further information

21. Startup Base

Requires twitter to login

22. IndieHackers
1. Sign Up
2. Create a profile - Create a founder profile to show off your products, your
revenue, and your most ambitious goals and ideas.

3. You can’t submit a product unless you unlock special privileges. To unlock,
a. Participate in the community by making thoughtful and effortful
b. Every day, moderators look for people with a pattern of contributing
c. If chosen, we'll grant you lifelong access to special privileges on Indie

23. Hugging Face

1. Sign up account
2. Create a new space
a. Name
b. ML License (choose from the list)
c. Select the Space SDK
d. Choose a space hardware
After creating space, a temporary hold of $10 will be placed on your credit card to ensure its
validity. It will be canceled immediately once verified. - Requires card details.

24. Futurepedia
1. Create an account
2. Submit an AI tool
3. Payment
a. $247(one time fee)
i. Published within 7 days
ii. No click guarantee
iii. Listing includes
1. Verified check mark
2. Featured video
3. Case studies
4. FAQ Section
5. Indexed on Google
b. $497(one time fee)
i. Published within 2 business days
ii. 1,000+ unique click guarantee
iii. Listing includes
1. Verified check mark
2. Featured video
3. Case studies
4. FAQ Section
5. Indexed on Google
6. Free newsletter feature ($399 value)
4. There is also an option to do free listing
a. It can take up to 30 days for the editorial team to review and make a
determination. If accepted, there are limitations to the listing features and we
are unable to provide support or edits to listings.
b. Details required to list:
i. First Name
ii. Last Name
iii. Email
iv. Phone Number
v. Country / Region
vi. Tool Category (choose from the list)
vii. Your Tool Name
viii. Your Tool URL
ix. Tool Message
c. Submit the tool - you'll be notified within 8-10 business days.

25. Topai Tools (paid)

1. Click - Submit a Tool
2. Proceeds after payment
3. Payment
a. Fast Track - $39 One time
i. No queue,listed within 24-48hrs
ii. Just landed on home page for 24hrs+
b. Boosted - $229 One time
i. Featured for 7days site wide, after listing
ii. Top spots in category pages for 7 days

26. G2 (only B2B)

1. Create an account
2. You must be validated through LinkedIn or business email to access the page that
leads to listing.
3. Your product is not eligible to be listed if,
a. Business-to-consumer (B2C) products
b. Products that are currently in the Alpha or Beta stage of development

4. Go to footer -> Add a product -

a. Name of the product / Service
b. Vendor name
c. Is this a software or service provider?
d. Are you the seller of this product?
e. Is this a B2B or B2C product? (B2C is not eligible)
f. What development stage is this product in? (Alpha/Beta are not eligible)
g. Description of your product
h. URL
i. Phone number & email of the owner / admin
j. Category
k. Logo
l. Screenshots
5. Submit

1. G2 profiles with at least 1 review see an average increase of traffic up to 200%. Help
buyers find your profile faster by sharing contact information for potential reviewers -
this will increase the likelihood that your product is reviewed quickly!
2. Once you’ve submitted the form, your product or service will be conditionally
approved—meaning it is being verified by our research team to ensure eligibility and
proper categorization. It will be live on shortly.
3. You’ll receive emails from G2 letting you know the status of your submission.
4. Once your G2 Profile is live, head on over to your profile, and claim your listing so that
you can make any necessary updates.
5. After submitting your claim request our team will review your submission for final
approval within 1-3 business days.
27. AppSumo
1. Sign in / create an account
2. Click Start listing
a. What's your product called?
b. Support email
c. What are you listing? (to ensure we showcase the finest products on AppSumo, our team
is not accepting tools that are either built or dependent on third-party scripts. If your product
falls under this category, we encourage you to explore alternative options.)
d. What's your pitch? Tell buyers about your product in 100 characters or less.
e. Featured image (optional)
i. Upload a featured image for the browse page and hero section of your
ii. We recommend putting your logo and a product image on a contrasting
f. Website Url (optional)
g. Pick a category & a sub category
h. Who are your most ideal users?
i. What are the most well-known alternatives to your product? (optional)
j. What are the most well-known alternatives to your product? (optional)
k. What operating system(s) does your product support? (optional)
l. What features does your product offer? (optional)
m. Share a high-level introduction to your product. Check out our copy guidelines
for inspiration.
n. Add YouTube video (optional)
o. Start by telling us how many plans you want to offer.
i. One plan
1. Offer a single option at a fixed price. Easy, peasy.
ii. Multiple plans
1. Offer 2 or 3 options with specific features at different prices. Ooo,
you fancy.
p. Set your terms (Sumo-lings love lifetime deals. Offering lifetime access can 10x sales
(i.e., 3,000 vs. 300)! Listings are subject to a 60-day refund. By listing a product, you
agree to support buyers for the term selected)
i. Lifetime access
ii. Annual access (one year)
q. How will customers access your product?
i. Code to redeem (Traditional code-based way to redeem software and
ii. Direct download (For downloadable products like PDFs, ebooks, and
r. Give it a price (Plan price - Free or how much are you costing)
s. Plan features
t. Redemption
i. After checkout, buyers need access to your product. We'll need to gather
a little bit of information from you depending on which redemption type
you selected when setting up your pricing:
ii. Upload the file
3. Submit

28. AI Exploria

1. Click “Submit an AI tool” in footer

a. Website name
b. Website URL
c. Category
d. Price (Free / Premium / Paid)
e. Description
2. Submit

29. Software Suggest

1. Click “Add a product”
a. Name
b. Business Email
c. Organization
d. Phone Number
e. Website
f. Create Password
g. Who are your competitors
2. Submit
30. Peerlist
1. Create a peerlist profile
2. Ensure profile completion of minimum 70%
3. Review the eligibility criteria: Check the eligibility criteria of the project of the month
program to ensure that your project meets all the requirements.
a. Your project must be added to your Peerlist profile.
b. It must have all the mandatory fields like project name, tagline, cover image,
demo link, etc. added.

31. Joinly
1. Click “Startup”
2. Submit a startup
a. Startup or product name
b. Website url
c. Email address
d. About your startup
i. Short description
ii. Long description
iii. Country
e. Images
3. Submit
4. Payment
a. Basic - $2.99. Submission review based on our queue (approximately 2-3 weeks)
b. Professional - $5.99. Submission review in 24 hours. Guaranteed twitter post
c. Premium - $49.99. Submission review in 24 hours. Guaranteed twitter post.
Featured for 7 days

32. 10 Words
1. Login
2. Submit your startup
a. Project name
b. Description
c. Project URL
d. Twitter (optional)
3. Submit project - (estimated feature date is 591 days from now based on the number of
startups in the queue)
4. To skip the waiting list - pay $19 to get featured within a week.

33. AwesomeIndia
1. Sign Up
2. Add a product
a. Product Name
b. URL
c. Tagline
d. Categories
e. Description
f. Youtube URL (optional)
g. Social links (optional)
3. Submit - Your submission is now under pending review, and after it gets
accepted it will be placed on the queue. Remember that only a few products get
featured per day, so it might take a while until your submission is visible on the

34. Lazy Hunt

1. Sign up
2. Click “New”
a. Add Url
b. Add Description
3. Submit

35. StatupsFYI
1. Share a Project
a. Name
b. Email
c. Name of startup
d. Website url
e. Description
f. Upload logo
g. Year of launch
h. Where are you based out of (country)?
i. Built with Code tools or No-code tools ?
j. Number of founders
k. No. of employees
l. Business model (how do you make money) - choose from the list.
m. Funding
n. Commitment (Full time / side project)
o. Average Monthly Revenue OR MRR (Average Monthly Revenue OR MRR)
p. How much does it cost to run your project?
q. How much does it cost to run your project?
2. Submit
a. Estimated feature 6 months approx. To skip queue pay $99 for immediate
feature in the next edition upto 2 weeks.

36. Post Make

1. Submit your startup
a. Name
b. Website
c. Overview
d. Category
e. Pricing details
f. Pricing page (optional)
g. Email - verification
h. Taglines
i. Description
j. Features
k. News (optional)
l. Social links (optional)
m. Add logo
n. Add Images
o. Payment - Add valid payment method
2. Submit
37. Tech Crunch
In case you’re interested in submitting your SaaS to TechCrunch, you can use their tips page to
suggest your product. Email to

38. Killer Startups

1. Click “Submit a startup”
2. Enter your email
3. Submit your startup
a. Name
b. Email
c. Problem your startup solves
d. Name of the startup
e. Year founded
f. Website URL
g. Type of company
h. HQ Location
i. Startup founders
j. Startup one-liner
k. Progress & current status
l. What is an Inspiring Story about a Startup?
m. What is a Company the Startup Looks Up to, and Why?
n. The Company in Four Years Will B.
o. Picture of founding team
p. Payment
4. Submit

39. TechPluto
1. Submit your startup
a. First name
b. Email
c. Startup name
d. Website URL
e. Founder name
f. Description
g. What problem does your startup solve?
2. Submit
a. You will receive an email from soon

40. Crozdesk
1. Do the vendor sign up
2. Software select for free listing pops up
a. First Name
b. Last Name
c. Corporate Email
d. Phone Number
e. Company Name
f. Head Quarters
g. Software name
h. Software URL
i. Category - Choose from the list.
j. Software description
k. Monthly marketing budget
l. How did you hear about us?
3. Submit
a. The vendor team will review your submission and get back to you via email as
soon as possible. This can take anywhere from a couple of hours to 3 days,
depending on the amount of applications we receive.
b. After receiving your account details via email you will need to log in and submit
your listing before it is ready to go live on our platforms.

41. Cuspera
1. Click “List your software”
2. Google form
a. Email
b. Name of the company
c. Your Full Name
d. Company Website URL
e. How did you find us?
3. Submit

42. App Rater

1. Submit App
a. Your Name
b. Email Address
c. Product Title
d. Product Url
e. Your elevator pitch
f. Product tags
g. Product images
2. Submit
3. Payment
a. $35 USD per Quarter
b. $50 USD Biannually

A subscription will guarantee that the product will appear in every weekly newsletter. Will
appear on the homepage for the duration of the subscription, you can now see the posts that
are marked with a yellow background.

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