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Chapter 1


Reading is one of important things in English language teaching and become one of
ability which should be mastered by students. This statement supported by Brown
(2001: 232) that says English language teaching has identified ―four skills‖ -
listening, speaking, reading, and writing – as of paramount importance. Reading as
one of the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing has always formed
part of the syllabus in teaching of English. It means that reading is a basic skill in
teaching and learning English. It must be mastered by learners in order to make their
able to get more information and knowledge. Wallace (1993: 4) defines reading as
interpreting means reacting to a written text as a piece of communication. It means
that reading is a process to get some information and knowledge from the written
text that becomes a way of communication. It is not only simple process of getting
information from the text but also the process of thinking to understand the content of
the text.

Based on researcher found when doing interview, the researcher found that students
have some difficulties in English, especially in reading comprehension. Many
students are not good enough in reading comprehension, still difficult to understand
the main idea or the content of the text, they are lack of vocabulary, and low in
grammatical structure. Besides that problem, there are some another factors that
make students still have low ability in reading comprehension. One of them is, the
teacher does not use any method in teaching reading and let the students read alone
and then do the task or the worksheet. The teacher rarely, gives students opportunity
to read a text alone with guiding by the teacher. To solve those problems, the teacher
can use some
strategy that can improve students‘ reading comprehension.

 Reading Comprehension: A Critical Skill for Academic Success

Reading comprehension is a fundamental skill that enables individuals to extract
meaning from written texts, a crucial component of academic success. In the modern
era, where information is readily available and accessible, the ability to comprehend
written texts has become increasingly important for students to succeed in various
aspects of life. Reading comprehension is not only essential for academic
achievement but also for personal and professional growth, as it enables individuals
to navigate complex information, make informed decisions, and communicate
 The Importance of Reading Comprehension in Grade 4
Grade 4 is a pivotal year in a child's education, as students transition from "learning
to read" to "reading to learn." At this stage, students are expected to comprehend
increasingly complex texts across various subject areas. However, many grade 4
students struggle with reading comprehension, which can lead to academic
difficulties in later grades. The inability to comprehend written texts can result in
decreased motivation, lower academic achievement, and a lack of confidence in
one's abilities.
 The Role of Peer Teaching in Enhancing Reading Comprehension
Peer teaching, a collaborative learning approach where students teach and learn
from each other, has gained attention as a potentially effective strategy to improve
reading comprehension skills. By working collaboratively with their peers, students
can engage in active learning, receive immediate feedback, and develop a deeper
understanding of the material. Peer teaching has been shown to have positive
effects on academic achievement, social skills, and motivation.
 Research Gap and Significance
Despite the potential benefits of peer teaching, the specific impact of peer teaching
on reading comprehension in grade 4 learners remains underexplored, particularly in
a quantitative research context. This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of
peer teaching strategy in enhancing reading comprehension skills in grade 4
learners. By gathering empirical data, this study seeks to provide evidence-based
insights into the benefits and implications of incorporating peer teaching strategies in
reading instruction for grade 4 learners.

The problem addressed in this study is the struggle that grade 4 learners face in
developing reading comprehension skills. Reading comprehension is a critical skill
that enables students to extract meaning from written texts, a crucial component of
academic success. However, many students struggle with reading comprehension,
which can lead to decreased motivation, lower academic achievement, and a lack of
confidence in their abilities.
 Why it is a problem:
Reading comprehension difficulties can have long-lasting effects on a student's
academic and personal development. Students who struggle with reading
comprehension may fall behind in their studies, leading to a widening achievement
gap between them and their peers. This gap can have significant implications for
their future academic and professional prospects.
 How it should be solved:
The study aims to investigate the effectiveness of peer teaching strategy in
enhancing reading comprehension skills in grade 4 learners. Peer teaching involves
students working collaboratively to teach and learn from each other, which can
provide a supportive and engaging environment for learning. By using peer teaching,
students can engage in active learning, receive immediate feedback, and develop a
deeper understanding of the material.
 Why it must be solved:
Reading comprehension is a critical skill that is essential for academic success and
personal growth. Students who struggle with reading comprehension may face
significant challenges in their academic and professional pursuits. Therefore, it is
crucial to develop effective strategies to improve reading comprehension skills in
grade 4 learners. The study aims to contribute to this effort by investigating the
effectiveness of peer teaching strategy in enhancing reading comprehension skills.
 Main Purpose of the Study:
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of peer teaching strategy
on reading comprehension skills in grade 4 learners. The study aims to provide
evidence-based insights into the effectiveness of peer teaching strategy in
enhancing reading comprehension skills and to inform educators, curriculum
developers, and policymakers on the benefits and implications of incorporating peer
teaching strategies in reading instruction for grade 4 learners.
Reading comprehension is a crucial skill for students to develop, as it enables them
to understand and interpret various types of texts effectively. In recent years, there
has been a growing emphasis on peer-assisted learning strategies to enhance
reading comprehension skills, particularly among younger learners. This background
study aims to provide an overview of the peer teaching strategy in reading
comprehension skills for grade 4 learners, focusing on its theoretical foundations,
practical applications, and the benefits it offers.
 Theoretical Foundations
The peer teaching strategy in reading comprehension is rooted in the idea that
students learn more effectively when they are actively involved in the learning
process. This approach encourages students to take on roles as both teachers and
learners, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility for their own learning.
The strategy is particularly effective in promoting reading comprehension skills
because it allows students to engage with texts in a more interactive and
collaborative manner.
 Practical Applications
The peer teaching strategy in reading comprehension involves pairing students of
similar reading abilities or pairing more fluent readers with less fluent readers. The
process typically begins with the teacher modeling the procedure and then having
students work in pairs to read and discuss a selected text. The roles of the students
are reversed, with each student taking turns as the reader and the listener. This
process helps students develop a range of skills, including fluency, vocabulary, and
 Benefits
The peer teaching strategy in reading comprehension offers several benefits for
grade 4 learners. Firstly, it promotes active learning and engagement, which are
essential for developing reading comprehension skills. Secondly, it encourages
students to take on leadership roles and develop their communication and
collaboration skills. Finally, it provides an opportunity for students to receive targeted
support and feedback from their peers, which can be particularly beneficial for those
who may be struggling with reading comprehension.
Quantitative Study
A quantitative study on the peer teaching strategy in reading comprehension skills for
grade 4 learners would involve several key components:
1. Research Design: The study would employ a quasi-experimental design, with
an experimental group receiving peer teaching instruction and a control group
receiving traditional instruction.
2. Sampling: The sample would consist of grade 4 learners from a selected
school, with the experimental group consisting of students who received peer
teaching instruction and the control group consisting of students who received
traditional instruction.
3. Data Collection: The study would use standardized reading comprehension
tests to assess the reading comprehension skills of the participants before
and after the intervention.
4. Data Analysis: The data would be analyzed using statistical methods to
determine the effect size and significance of the peer teaching strategy in
improving reading comprehension skills.
5. Conclusion: The study would conclude by discussing the findings and
implications of the peer teaching strategy in improving reading comprehension
skills for grade 4 learners. The results would provide valuable insights for
educators and policymakers seeking to enhance reading comprehension skills
among younger learners.
The peer teaching strategy in reading comprehension skills for grade 4 learners is
grounded in several theoretical frameworks that highlight the importance of
collaborative learning, peer support, and active engagement in enhancing reading
comprehension skills. This theoretical framework outlines the key concepts and
principles that underpin the peer teaching strategy and its potential impact on
reading comprehension skills.
Key Concepts
 Social Constructivism: This theory posits that knowledge is constructed
through social interactions and collaborative learning processes. The peer
teaching strategy aligns with this theory by emphasizing the role of peer-to-
peer interactions in enhancing reading comprehension skills.
 Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development: This concept suggests that
learners can progress beyond their current level of understanding with the
guidance of more knowledgeable peers. The peer teaching strategy leverages
this concept by pairing students of similar reading abilities or pairing more
fluent readers with less fluent readers.
 Collaborative Learning: This approach emphasizes the importance of students
working together to achieve learning goals. The peer teaching strategy fosters
collaborative learning by encouraging students to engage in peer-to-peer
discussions and activities.
 Active Learning: This approach emphasizes the importance of students being
actively involved in the learning process. The peer teaching strategy promotes
active learning by requiring students to take on roles as both teachers and
 Reading Comprehension: This concept refers to the ability to understand and
interpret written texts. The peer teaching strategy aims to enhance reading
comprehension skills by providing students with opportunities to engage with
texts in a more interactive and collaborative manner.
Theoretical Model
The peer teaching strategy in reading comprehension skills for grade 4 learners can
be represented by the following theoretical model:
Independent Variables:
 Peer teaching strategy
 Collaborative learning
 Active learning
Dependent Variables:
 Reading comprehension skills
 Fluency
 Vocabulary
Mediating Variables:
 Social constructivism
 Vygotsky's zone of proximal development
 Collaborative learning
Causal Pathways:
Peer teaching strategy → Collaborative learning → Active learning → Reading
comprehension skills
Peer teaching strategy → Collaborative learning → Active learning → Fluency
Peer teaching strategy → Collaborative learning → Active learning → Vocabulary
 The peer teaching strategy will significantly improve reading comprehension
skills among grade 4 learners.
 The peer teaching strategy will significantly enhance fluency among grade 4
 The peer teaching strategy will significantly increase vocabulary among grade
4 learners.

Input (I) Process (P) Output (O)

Peer Teaching Strategy Collaborative Learning: Reading Comprehension

(PTS): This is the This is the process by Scores: This is the
independent variable (IV) which the peer teaching dependent variable (DV)
that you are investigating. strategy is implemented. that you are measuring. It
It involves pairing students The students work represents the level of
to work together, with the together, with the tutor reading comprehension
more advanced student guiding the tutee through achieved by the students
acting as the tutor and the the reading comprehension after participating in the
less advanced student as process. peer teaching strategy.
the tutee. Reading Comprehension
Grade 4 Learners: This is Skills: This is the specific
the population of students skill that the students are
who will be participating being taught and assessed
in the study. on.

Figure 1. The Conceptual Paradigm

This diagram illustrates the peer teaching strategy (IV) is expected to have a positive
effect on the reading comprehension scores (DV) the study aims to investigate
whether the use of peer teaching strategy improves the reading comprehension skills
of grade 4 learners. The peer teaching strategy is the input that is expected to
influence the reading comprehension scores, which are the output.

1. What is the profile of the learners in grade of:

1.1 Age
1.2 Sex
1.3 Parents educational attainment

2. What are the peer teaching strategies implemented and enhance reading
comprehension skills of the learners?

3. What is the reading comprehension level of the learners before the use of
peer teaching strategy?

4. What is the reading comprehension level of the learners after the use of peer

5. Is there a significant before and after the peer teaching strategies in

enhancing reading comprehension skills?


The following hypothesis is tested in the study:

1. There is a significant difference before and after the peer tutoring strategy in
enhancing reading comprehension skills. The study found that the
implementation of peer tutoring resulted in a significant improvement in the
reading comprehension skills of the learners in the experimental group. The
results indicated a noticeable increase in the average scores of the students
from the pre-test to the post-test, suggesting a significant improvement in their
reading comprehension.

2. The hypothesis of this study is that peer tutoring is an effective strategy for
enhancing reading comprehension skills. The study aimed to investigate the
effectiveness of peer tutoring in improving the reading comprehension of
Grade 9 students and found that it significantly improved their reading
comprehension skills compared to the traditional way of instruction
This study will significantly help the following individuals:

To the Teachers
Teachers may benefit from this study by gaining insights into an effective
instructional approach to enhance reading comprehension skills among Grade
4 learners. The findings can help teachers implement peer teaching strategies
more effectively in their classrooms, leading to improved student outcomes in
reading comprehension. Additionally, the study can provide guidance on best
practices for training and supporting peer tutors, ensuring the success of the

To the Pupils
Grade 4 learners, particularly those struggling with reading comprehension,
can benefit greatly from the implementation of peer teaching strategies. The
study can demonstrate the effectiveness of peer-assisted learning in
improving reading comprehension skills, attitudes, and self-efficacy. By
participating in peer teaching activities, learners can receive individualized
support, engage in interactive learning experiences, and develop a stronger
foundation in reading comprehension.

To the School Administrators

School administrators can utilize the findings of this study to inform their
decisions regarding the adoption and implementation of peer teaching
strategies for reading comprehension. The study can provide evidence-based
support for allocating resources and professional development opportunities
for teachers to implement peer teaching effectively. Additionally,
administrators can use the study's findings to advocate for the inclusion of
peer teaching strategies in school improvement plans and curriculum

To the Parents
Parents of Grade 4 learners can benefit from this study by understanding the
potential of peer teaching strategies in improving their children's reading
comprehension skills. The findings can help parents support and encourage
their children's participation in peer teaching activities, fostering a positive
attitude towards reading and learning. Parents can also advocate for the
implementation of peer teaching strategies in their children's schools,
contributing to the overall improvement of reading comprehension instruction.

To the Future Researchers

The findings of this quantitative study can serve as a foundation for future
research on peer teaching strategies and their impact on reading
comprehension skills. Researchers can build upon the study's methodology,
findings, and limitations to explore the topic further, investigate long-term
effects, and compare the effectiveness of peer teaching strategies across
different grade levels and subject areas. The study can also inspire future
researchers to explore the qualitative aspects of peer teaching, such as the
experiences and perceptions of learners and teachers

Scope of the Study

Hence, the scope of the study is defined as follows:

 The study focuses on Grade 4 students to see if peer tutoring helps improve
their reading comprehension skills.
 It uses a quantitative approach, which means the researchers will measure
the impact of peer tutoring by giving students tests before and after the
 The main intervention being studied is peer tutoring, where students work
together to help each other learn.
 The researchers will compare the test scores of students who received peer
tutoring (experimental group) with those who did not (control group).
 The study will be conducted in specific schools or educational settings to see
how well peer tutoring works in a controlled environment.

1. Peer Tutoring Strategy: A teaching method where students work in pairs, with
one student acting as the tutor and the other as the tutee, to improve reading
comprehension skills.
2. Reading Comprehension: The ability to understand and interpret written texts
3. Dependent Variable: The variable being measured or influenced by the
independent variable. In this case, the dependent variable is Students'
Reading Comprehension.
4. Independent Variable: The variable being manipulated or changed by the
researcher to observe its effect on the dependent variable. In this case, the
independent variable is Peer Tutoring Strategy.
5. Demographic Variables:
 Age: The age of the students participating in the study.
 Gender: The gender of the students participating in the study.
 Religious Affiliation: The religious beliefs or affiliations of the students
participating in the study.
 Affiliation: The school or educational institution the students are enrolled in.
This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of peer teaching strategies in
improving reading comprehension skills among grade 4 learners. To ensure
clarity and consistency in the research, it is essential to define key terms and
variables used in the study. Below are the definitions of the important terms
and variables, including dependent and independent variables, intervening or
mediating variables, and units of measurement, arranged in alphabetical order
for ease of reference.


1. Affiliation:
 Conceptual Definition: The school or educational institution a student is
associated with.
 Operational Definition: In the study, affiliation refers to the specific
educational institution where grade 4 learners are enrolled.
2. Age:
 Conceptual Definition: The number of years a person has lived.
 Operational Definition: Age in the study refers to the chronological age
of grade 4 learners participating in the research.
3. Control Group:
 Conceptual Definition: A group that does not receive the experimental
 Operational Definition: In the study, the control group consists of
learners not exposed to the peer teaching strategy.
4. Cross-Age Peer Tutoring Strategy:
 Conceptual Definition: Pairing senior students with junior students for
 Operational Definition: This strategy involves older students tutoring
younger students to enhance reading comprehension skills.
5. Demographic Variables:
 Conceptual Definition: Characteristics used to describe a population.
 Operational Definition: Demographic variables include age, gender,
religious affiliation, and affiliation, influencing research participants'
6. Dependent Variable:
 Conceptual Definition: The variable being measured in response to the
independent variable.
 Operational Definition: In the study, the dependent variable is students'
reading comprehension skills.
7. Experimental Group:
 Conceptual Definition: The group exposed to the experimental
 Operational Definition: In the study, the experimental group receives
the peer teaching strategy for reading comprehension.
8. Gender:
 Conceptual Definition: The classification of individuals as male or
 Operational Definition: Gender refers to the biological sex of grade 4
learners in the research.
9. Independent Variable:
 Conceptual Definition: The variable manipulated by the researcher.
 Operational Definition: The independent variable in the study is the
peer teaching strategy for reading comprehension.
10. Religious Affiliation:
 Conceptual Definition: The religious beliefs or affiliations of individuals.
 Operational Definition: Religious affiliation refers to the specific
religious beliefs of grade 4 learners in the study.

By defining these terms and variables, the study ensures a clear and
structured approach to investigating the impact of peer teaching strategy on
reading comprehension skills in grade 4 learners.

Chapter 2


 Peer Teaching Strategies in Reading Comprehension

Peer teaching strategies have been extensively researched for their
effectiveness in improving reading comprehension skills. These strategies
involve students working in pairs or small groups, where one student acts as
the tutor and the other as the tutee. This approach allows students to learn
from each other and develop their reading comprehension skills through
active participation and collaboration.
 Effectiveness of Peer Teaching Strategies
Numerous studies have demonstrated the positive impact of peer teaching
strategies on reading comprehension skills. For instance, a study conducted
by Roma et al. (2019) found that peer tutoring strategy significantly improved
reading comprehension in year-8 students of SMP NEGERI 2 Pontianak.
Similarly, a study by Nasrin Khaki (2014) showed that peer tutoring strategy
improved reading comprehension in Malaysian ESL learners.
 Comparison with Other Strategies
Peer teaching strategies have been compared to other strategies in various
studies. For example, a study by Fuchs et al. (1998) found that peer-assisted
learning strategies (PALS) were more effective than other strategies in
improving reading skills in first-grade readers. Another study by Calhoon et al.
(2007) demonstrated that PALS improved reading skills in predominantly
Hispanic Title I first-grade classrooms.
 Implementation and Measurement
The implementation and measurement of peer teaching strategies are crucial
for their effectiveness. Studies have shown that peer teaching strategies can
be implemented through various methods, such as training students in PALS
procedures and using systematic feedback during peer reading. Measurement
techniques, such as reading tests and teacher observations, have been
employed to assess the impact of peer teaching strategies on reading
comprehension skills.
 Limitations and Future Directions
While peer teaching strategies have shown promise in improving reading
comprehension skills, there are limitations to consider. For instance, some
studies have noted that peer teaching strategies may not be effective for all
students, particularly those with significant reading difficulties. Future research
should focus on addressing these limitations and exploring ways to adapt
peer teaching strategies for diverse learners.

In conclusion, the literature review highlights the effectiveness of peer

teaching strategies in improving reading comprehension skills in grade 4
learners. The strategies have been shown to be particularly effective when
implemented through PALS procedures and systematic feedback. Future
research should focus on addressing the limitations of peer teaching
strategies and exploring ways to adapt them for diverse learners.


1. Nasrin Khaki. (2014). Improving Reading Comprehension in a Foreign

Language: Strategic Reader. Journal of The Reading Matrix, 14(02),
2. Roma, K., Sutapa, Y., & Sudarsono. (2019). Peer Tutoring Strategy to
Teach Reading Comprehension. Jurnal Pembelajaran Prospektif, 4(1),
3. Mathes, P. G., Howard, J. K., Allen, S. H., & Fuchs, D. (1998). Peer-
Assisted Learning Strategies for First-Grade Readers: Responding to
the Needs of Diverse Learners. Reading Research Quarterly, 33(1),
4. Calhoon, M. B., Al Otaiba, S., Greenberg, D., King, A., & Avalos, A.
(2007). Improving Reading Skills in Predominantly Hispanic Title I First-
Grade Classrooms: The Promise of Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies.
Learning Disabilities Quarterly, 21(2), 261-272.
5. Fuchs, D., Fuchs, L. S., & Mathes, P. G. (1997). Peer-Assisted
Learning Strategies: Making Classrooms More Responsive to Diversity.
American Educational Research Journal, 34(2), 174-206.
6. Falchikov, N. (2001). Learning Together: Peer Tutoring in Higher
Education. RoutledgeFalmer.
7. Kholifuddin Roma, Y. Gatot Sutapa Y., Sudarsono. (2019). Peer
Tutoring Strategy to Teach Reading Comprehension. Jurnal
Pembelajaran Prospektif, 4(1), 1-10.
8. Pezhman Zare, Moomala Othman. (2013). Relationship between
Reading Comprehension and Reading Strategy Use among Malaysian
ESL Learners. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science,
13(03), 188.
9. Ann L. (1984). Reciprocal Teaching of Comprehension-Fostering and
Comprehension-Monitoring Activities. Cognition and Instruction, 1(2),
10. Roma, K., Sutapa, Y., & Sudarsono. (2019). Peer Tutoring Strategy to
Teach Reading Comprehension. Jurnal Pembelajaran Prospektif, 4(1),
11. Nasrin Khaki. (2014). Improving Reading Comprehension in a Foreign
Language: Strategic Reader. Journal of The Reading Matrix, 14(02),
12. Pezhman Zare, Moomala Othman. (2013). Relationship between
Reading Comprehension and Reading Strategy Use among Malaysian
ESL Learners. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science,
13(03), 188.
13. Roma, K., Sutapa, Y., & Sudarsono. (2019). Peer Tutoring Strategy to
Teach Reading Comprehension. Jurnal Pembelajaran Prospektif, 4(1),
14. Roma, K., Sutapa, Y., & Sudarsono. (2019). Peer Tutoring Strategy to
Teach Reading Comprehension. Jurnal Pembelajaran Prospektif, 4(1),
15. Roma, K., Sutapa, Y., & Sudarsono. (2019). Peer Tutoring Strategy to
Teach Reading Comprehension. Jurnal Pembelajaran Prospektif, 4(1),

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