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Language of International Studies

Vocabulary Journal

Name: _Nguyễn Đoan Trang___________________ Class:__4Q-23ACN_________________

Unit: ___The World Bank_____________

Teacher’s signature: __________________________

Words/ Phrases English Vietnamese

No. (with phonemic Collocations Examples
meanings meanings
part of a machine Máy móc, cơ chế Feedback mechanism,
When a person is ill, the body’s
or a set of parts mechanism forr controlling
1 Mechanisms natural defence mechanisms
that does a
come into operation.
particular job
someone who has Ủy quyền, ủy thác Delegated authoority,
been elected or delegate the task
chosen to speak, Around 350 delegates attended
2 Delegate
vote, or take the conference.
decisions for a
Sự cai trị, cai quản undesirable
the act or process effects/consequences etc All of these potential outcomes
3 Governance
of governing are extremely undesirable.
Việc chống tham Harmonious balance, The building is a harmonious
4 anticorruption nhũng harmonious environment blend of structure and the
surrounding land.
(Thuộc) bộ trưởng intellectual This intellectual activity was partly
5 ministerial development/ability/activit no doubt prompted by the blatant
y individualism of the New Right.
(Ngoại giao) không Compensated for losses Her intelligence more than
6 Officious chính thức compensates for her lack of
Sự trái ngược Multilateral relations/ In any case, future agree-ments
7 Contrary cooperation on multilateral action will still be
subject to top-level consensus.
Sự thành lập, cơ Mass surveillance, under
quan, trụ sở cơ surveillance They were under constant close
8 Institution
quan surveillance day and night.
Sự phân loại Transparency policy Its depth determines its purity, and
9 Classifications its purity determines its
Ngành hành pháp Distorts the sound, distorts
của một chính phủ reality Tall buildings can distort radio
10 Executive

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