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SL: Turn client-hunting into a video game 🎮💰

Hey Tyson,

Have you ever been addicted to a video game?

One where you could play for 8+ hours a day and STILL not get bored?

Why is it that these video games are SO hard to put down,

But when it comes to outreach,

You wanna quit after 20 minutes? 😅

What if you could turn outreach into something as addictive as a video game?

Well, thats is what I did,

and the effect it had on my client hunting abilities was astounding.

Which is why I want to show you how to do the same thing.

Because when you implement things like a progression system and milestone rewards,

Outreach becomes as addictive as a drug.

You can clearly see how this would turn you into a client hunting machine.

Just picture how many high-paying clients you’d close if you started outreaching like an
addictive mad man.

If you want to learn how,

It’s one of the 20 business lessons inside the FREE Gs Guide To Entrepreneurship livestream.

Click here to get access to the 1 hour stream packed with value.

Here’s to your success.

Your’s truly,
Top T.

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