C6 - Functional Specification - Website Analytics and Tracers

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C6 - Project Martini Requirements for Website Analytics and Tracers

This document details the requirements for Website Analytics and Tracers for the Martini Project
due for initial release 2008.

The purpose of this document is to formally document the Tesco.com requirements for Website
Analytics and Tracers. This document will provide clarification for the deliverables for the
stakeholders and will be used for the formal sign-off of the requirements. This document will also be
used by the IT development teams to progress the technical solutions.

Baseline v1.0

Author Adrian Foster

Date of last Friday, 07 June 2024

Distribution for Review

Distribution for Sign off

Project Martini Functional Specification C6 - Website Analytics and Tracers

Change History

Version Who Date Change

0.1 Adrian Foster 10-Jul-2007 Initial Draft
1.0 Adrian Foster 06-Sep-2007 Baseline
Added feedback from Business (Steve Biggs)

Related Documents

Document Name Comments


CHANGE HISTORY................................................................................................................................1

RELATED DOCUMENTS.......................................................................................................................1


SUMMARY OF REQUIREMENTS FOR WEBSITE ANALYTICS.....................................................2

1 REQUIREMENTS FOR CUSTOMER TRACKING.....................................................................2

1.1 UNIQUE VISITORS AND ASSOCIATED DATA...................................................................................3
1.2 ENTRY POINTS.............................................................................................................................3
1.3 REFERRAL LOCATION..................................................................................................................3
1.4 CUSTOMER JOURNEY...................................................................................................................3
1.5 ON SITE INTERACTION.................................................................................................................3
1.5.1 Add to basket...........................................................................................................................3
1.5.2 Featured space interaction.......................................................................................................4
1.5.3 Use of Search..........................................................................................................................4
1.5.4 Use of modes...........................................................................................................................4
1.5.5 Login.......................................................................................................................................4
1.5.6 Registration.............................................................................................................................4
2 REQUIREMENTS FOR FEATURED SPACE TRACKING.........................................................5
2.1 FEATURED SPACE MECHANICS.....................................................................................................5
2.1.1 Content Space..........................................................................................................................5
2.1.2 Product/Offer listing................................................................................................................5
2.1.3 Video Player............................................................................................................................5
2.1.4 Carousel..................................................................................................................................5
2.1.5 Slideshow................................................................................................................................5
2.2 TRACKING FEATURED SPACE.......................................................................................................5
3 AFFILIATE MARKETING AND TRACERS................................................................................6
3.1 CREATION OF AFFILIATES.............................................................................................................6
3.2 CREATION OF REFERRERS.............................................................................................................6
3.3 AFFILIATE-REFERRER RELATIONSHIPS..........................................................................................6
3.4 TRACER CREATION AND CONFIGURATION....................................................................................7

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Project Martini Functional Specification C6 - Website Analytics and Tracers
3.5 CLICK THROUGH URL.................................................................................................................7
3.5.1 Referrer ID..............................................................................................................................7
3.5.2 Destination page......................................................................................................................7
3.5.3 Affiliate Specific Parameter......................................................................................................7
3.6 ARRIVAL ON THE GROCERY SITE..................................................................................................7
3.7 AT CHECKOUT.............................................................................................................................8
3.8 TRACKING SALE NOTIFICATIONS...................................................................................................8
3.9 SUPPORTING EXISTING METHODOLOGIES......................................................................................8
Sign off.......................................................................................................................................................8

Summary of requirements for Website Analytics

As the Grocery web manager

I want to:

1. track the arrival and on-site navigation and site interaction of customers
2. accurately record the display of featured space for auditing purposes
3. track customers specifically from affiliate websites to the Tesco.com Grocery store
4. accurately record if a referred customer places an order in a prescribed time period
5. attribute any orders placed by referred customers to the correct affiliate
6. report on referred customers and supply relevant information to the affiliates for financial
7. record sufficient associated data to provide the reporting capabilities for customer
behaviour (detailed in the reporting requirements)

Future Roadmap

8. provide a single solution for tracers that encompasses all Tesco.com stores within a single
9. provide the ability to attribute parts of orders to specific categories or departments to
separate referrers/affiliates in order to support a unified checkout process

It should be noted that this document captures the high level requirements for this subject area and
the delivery/implementation of these requirements can only be full assessed following stabilisation
of the Martini Architecture and Design. Not all requirements can necessarily be delivered (or are
possibly required) as part of Martini Phase 1.

This document should also be read in conjunction with the Martini Reporting requirements in order
to elicit some of the more detailed and specific requirements about data capture in order to support
the required reports.

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Project Martini Functional Specification C6 - Website Analytics and Tracers

1 Requirements for Customer Tracking

As the Grocery Web manager, I want to track customers’ navigation and interactions across the
site as follows:

 Unique visitors and associated data

 Entry Points
 Referral Location
 Customer journeys
 On site interaction
 Exit points
 Visit length

1.1 Unique Visitors and associated data

As the Grocery web manager, I want to record the number of unique visitors to the Grocery site on
a daily basis and I want to capture the following data from each unique visitor wherever possible:

 Repeat visitor?
 Web browser type and version
 Cookies enabled?
 JavaScript enabled?
 Country of origin
 Region of country

Owner: Customer Insight

Priority: Must

1.2 Entry Points

As the Grocery web manager, I want to record the entry point of a customer on to the site. This
entry point is defined as the initial page of the Grocery site that is displayed to a customer when
they navigate from either a referring site or they select a specific URL in their address bar (either
using a bookmark or by typing the address).

Owner: Customer Insight

Priority: Must

1.3 Referral Location

As the Grocery web manager, I want to record wherever possible the URL of the website the
customer was viewing (if any) prior to them viewing the entry point to the Grocery web site.

I want to track the arrival of customers when they respond to specific marketing e-mails by clicking
on the links that they contain.

I also want to record any keywords that were used to access the site from search engines – e.g.
from Google

Owner: Customer Insight

Priority: Must

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Project Martini Functional Specification C6 - Website Analytics and Tracers
1.4 Customer Journey
As the Grocery web manager, I want to record the navigational route taken by a customer as they
browse and interact with the site. I particularly want to record the route taken in relation to a defined
user session (i.e. one continuous interaction with the site).

Owner: Customer Insight

Priority: Must

1.5 On Site Interaction

As the Grocery web manager, I want to record the following regarding a customer’s interaction with
the site:
 Add to basket
 Featured space interaction
 Use of Search
 Use of Basket modes
 Login
 Registration

1.5.1 Add to basket

I want to record the following whenever an “Add to Basket” event takes place on the site

Attribute Comments

Page Name The page the user was viewing

Product display This will record how the product was displayed on the page. E.g. Shelf, Special
type offer, Featured space, VGE, Product Details, Featured Product, Search Results

Product This will record detail of the display type E.g. If display type is featured space,
Display details record the Candidate ID.

Owner: Customer Insight

Priority: Must

1.5.2 Featured space interaction

As the Grocery web manager, I want to record if a user interacts with a particular piece of featured
space. E.g. (refer to section 2.1 for featured space definitions):

 Carousel – Does the customer use the carousel controls? Which items are enlarged by a
mouse-over event?
 Slideshow – Does the customer use the controls? Which pieces of content are viewed?
 Video player – Does the customer play the video. Does all the content get displayed?
 Etc.

Owner: Angela Maurer

Priority: Must

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Project Martini Functional Specification C6 - Website Analytics and Tracers
1.5.3 Use of Search

As the Grocery Web manager, I want to record the search terms customers are using and
determine the interactions from the list of results displayed (such as add to basket – refer to section
1.5.1) (N.B. this requirement may overlap with those of the on-site search engine)

Owner: Charlotte Tookey

Priority: Must

1.5.4 Use of modes

As the Grocery web manager, I want to record the usage of the three modal views of the basket
(mini, midi, maxi) and record the usage of them within the customers journey throughout the site.

I also want to track the interactions with the different modes of products such as view of product
information midi and maxi modes

Owner: Charlotte Tookey

Priority: Must

1.5.5 Login

As the Grocery web manager, I want to record the usage of the various sign-in pages throughout
the site and determine the state of the shopping basket when they are used (i.e. if the basket has
items or not). This is particularly important to determine the usage of the anonymous browse

I also want to track the number of failed login attempts and the reason for failure

Owner: Charlotte Tookey

Priority: Must

1.5.6 Registration

As the Grocery web manager, I want to record the usage of the differing registration methods
(“Standard” vs. “Stealth”) for new customers.

I want to specifically record the number of times a customer is presented with the registration page
(in either scenario) but does not complete the details.

Owner: Charlotte Tookey

Priority: Must

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Project Martini Functional Specification C6 - Website Analytics and Tracers

2 Requirements for Featured Space Tracking

As the Grocery Commercial Manager, I want the ability to track the usage of “Featured Space” on
the site in order to both maximise the usage of the space available as well as provide an accurate
audit of the usage for sales purposes. (For the purpose of this document, “Featured Space” is
defined as the content on a page that is dynamically created according to a set of rules.)

Owner: Angela Maurer

Priority: Must

I want the data collection mechanics and data store to be independently auditable so that
assurances can be supplied to online advertisers that the model used to calculate the usage of an
advert is bona fide and accurate

Owner: Angela Maurer

Priority: Must

2.1 Featured Space Mechanics

Featured space across the site consists of the following mechanics:

 Content Space
 Product/Offer Listing
 Video Player
 Carousel
 Slideshow

2.1.1 Content Space

This is an area on the page that contains HTML code that can consist of anything including images,
text, hyperlinks, etc. (N.B. It is not intended that specific items contained within the content be
tracked as part of the analytics)

2.1.2 Product/Offer listing

This is a space that contains a product or an offer. The product/offer can be added to basket from
this location. The product can also be queried for more detail – maxi mode product detail. An offer
also provides a link to the rest of the products that fall within that offer.

2.1.3 Video Player

This is a space that can contain a video file that is played via the Tesco.com video player. Initially
this will most likely be handled via the “Content Space” method.

2.1.4 Carousel

This is a dynamic area that rotates products or offers. The space can contain up to 10 items, with a
minimum of 5 that rotate automatically or via user controls. Items can be added to basket from
here. More product details can also be obtain – maxi product details mode. An offer also provides a
link to the rest of the products that fall within that offer.

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Project Martini Functional Specification C6 - Website Analytics and Tracers
2.1.5 Slideshow

This is a space that can only contain content items. The space can contain up to 5 items that rotate
either automatically or via user controls

2.2 Tracking Featured Space

As the Grocery Commercial manager, I want to capture the following data related to each featured
space candidate when it is displayed on the website:

 Page Name
 Group Name
 Campaign Code
 Supplier Name

For each candidate one of the following items will also be available and I also want this recorded:
 Offer number
 Content file

Against each of these items the following data will need to be recorded for each day for each
 Number of views – defined as when it is served via an HTTP GET (and not whether the
candidate was actually displayed within the client browser). This must be limited to
recording such an event as only one per user session irrespective of the number of times it
was served to the customer. (A “user session” is defined as a continuous period of
customer activity up to a maximum of X minutes where X is a variable parameter initially
set to 30)
 Number of clicks – The number of times a customer interacts with the candidate by directly
clicking on it or clicking a defined link (this includes links within content spaces that may be
less defined than other featured space types)
 Number of add to basket events (for products/offers) (refer to 1.5.1)

Owner: Angela Maurer

Priority: Must

3 Affiliate Marketing and Tracers

As the Grocery web manager, I want to record the fact that a customer has placed an order and
determine whether or not the customer has been referred to the site by an affiliate. If they have
been referred, I want to validate the referral mechanism and attribute the sale to the correct affiliate.
Should there be more than one affiliate identified, I only want to attribute the sale to the most recent
Owner: Charlotte Tookey
Priority: Must

3.1 Creation of affiliates

As the Grocery marketing manager, I want to create and maintain a list of affiliates that are within
the Tesco.com Grocery affiliate marketing scheme. I want to record their name and give them an

Owner: Andrew Barratt

Priority: Must
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Project Martini Functional Specification C6 - Website Analytics and Tracers

3.2 Creation of referrers

As the Grocery marketing manager, I want to create a list of referrers and record the name of the
referrer along with an associated ID.

Owner: Andrew Barratt

Priority: Must

3.3 Affiliate-Referrer relationships

I want to set up relationships between referrers and affiliates and uniquely identify these
relationships by creating specific “referrer Ids” associated with these relationships. I want these
Referrer IDs to be “human readable” so that they convey a meaning and are not just simple

I want to set a “tracking period” against each Referrer ID as a number of days that relates to the
time from when the customer is referred to the Grocery site to placing an order. If this time span is
within the tracking period, then the affiliate should be awarded the sale. If it is outside the tracking
period, the affiliate is not awarded the sale.

I want to link one or more tracers to each referrer ID so that the correct tracer can be called at

Owner: Andrew Barratt

Priority: Must

3.4 Tracer Creation and Configuration

As the Grocery marketing manager, I want to create a list of tracers (specific URLs pointing at a 1x1
pixel image at a specific location) that are directly linked to one or more referrers.

I want to ensure that these traces are only configured for use over SSL (i.e. use https:)

I want to give each tracer a unique name (human readable so that the target can be inferred) and
associate the URL with it. I want these tracers to contain placeholders for specific information that
will be populated at checkout (such as Order ID, value and currency etc.).

I want to be able to set specific conditions on the actual order value that is set in the tracer so that
VAT and delivery can be optionally excluded.

I want to create a default tracer for the Grocery store so that this tracer can be called if no specific
referrer ID is identified.

Owner: Andrew Barratt

Priority: Must

3.5 Click through URL

As the Grocery marketing manager, I want to provide specific format URLs for links and banner
advertisements that enable the identification of the following:

 referrer ID
 destination page
 Optional affiliate-specific parameter(s)

Owner: Andrew Barratt

Priority: Must
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Project Martini Functional Specification C6 - Website Analytics and Tracers

3.5.1 Referrer ID

I want to uniquely identify each and every referrer where marketing material is placed and embed
this information into the URL provided so that it is possible to identify from where a particular user
has entered the site. I want to record this data against the customer and ensure that it can be
maintained for a defined period of time (such as the length of a particular campaign)
Owner: Andrew Barratt
Priority: Must

3.5.2 Destination page

I want to record the target element on the Grocery site that the URL refers to along with the referrer
ID so that a record of where the visitor was being navigated can be kept in the same way as the
referrer ID.
Owner: Andrew Barratt
Priority: Must

3.5.3 Affiliate Specific Parameter

I want to optionally incorporate a particular parameter within the URL allowing affiliates to include
specific content that will allow them to track details of link placement and associated campaigns.
These parameters also need to be stored in the same way as referrer ID and destination page so
that they can be reported back to the affiliate if appropriate.

(Examples of these include: SubAffiliateID – in case of affiliate networks such as TradeDoubler or

SilverTap and CampaignID – in case of EDialog)

Owner: Andrew Barratt

Priority: Must

3.6 Arrival on the grocery site

As the Grocery web manager, I want to accurately track the arrival of a customer on the Grocery
site when they have navigated to the Grocery site from a click-through link placed on an external
website (such as recording details in a cookie).
Owner: Andrew Barratt
Priority: Must

3.7 At Checkout
As the Grocery web manager, I want to interrogate the customer record (cookie or other) to
determine if there is an associated record of a referral and validate the record against a list of
legitimate and valid identifiers. If the record is valid, I want to call the relevant tracer as part of the
order confirmation process so that the order can be successfully attributed to the affiliate.
If necessary, I want to call the default tracer should no valid referrer ID be identified with the
I want to ensure that only the most recent referral is used to attribute a sale to an affiliate.

Worked Example
1, On Monday a customer clicks on a Tradedoubler affiliate banner and visits the Grocery website.
2, On Tuesday the same customer clicks on a Commission Junction affiliate banner and visits the
Grocery website
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Project Martini Functional Specification C6 - Website Analytics and Tracers
3, On Wednesday the same customer goes to the Grocery website and checks out an order.
We would want the sale to be attributed to the Commission Junction affiliate partner, i.e. the last
affiliate visit wins
We would NOT want:
a, only the TradeDoubler affiliate to be attributed with the sale.
b, both TradeDoubler AND Commission Junction to to be attributed with the sale.

As part of the call to the tracer, I want to interrogate the order and insert the relevant details in the
tracer including the following information where necessary:
 Order ID - The unique identifier of the order
 Order value - The adjusted (if necessary) total value of the order
 Currency - The currency the order was placed in
 Store Identifier – The unique identifier for Grocery (or other relevant store such as Tesco
Owner: Andrew Barratt
Priority: Must

3.8 Tracking sale notifications

As the Grocery commercial manager, I want to be able to accurately track notifications of sales to
affiliates for reconciliation purposes. I want every call of a tracer to be recorded so that following
information is recorded:

 Affiliate ID – The affiliate credited with the sale

 Tracer ID – The tracer that was called
 Order ID –The unique identifier of the order
 Order total –The adjusted (if necessary) total value of the order
 Virtual store – The Tesco.com store identifier (e.g. Grocery or Tesco Ireland)
 Date/time of order –The date/time the order was placed
 Currency –The currency the order was placed in (particularly important for ROI)

Owner: Andrew Barratt

Priority: Must

3.9 Supporting existing methodologies

As the Grocery marketing manager, I do not want to impose any format or technology changes on
the existing affiliates or referrers as part of the implementation in the Martini project.

(For example, we need to continue using 1x1 image based post-click tracers as affiliate partners
will need to read the content of the cookies left on the visitor’s computer at the time when the visitor
clicked through to the Tesco.com web site.)

Owner: Andrew Barratt

Priority: Must

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Project Martini Functional Specification C6 - Website Analytics and Tracers

Sign off

All requirements must be captured and reviewed and signed off by the business owners of each

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