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Vol. 44, No. 1, July 1980. Printed in U.S.A.

Mechanical and Neural Feedback Factors in

Postural Hand Tremor of Normal Subjects
Department of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Tennessee Center for the
Health Sciences, Memphis, Tennessee 38163

SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 4. For each subject, the relation between

1. Acceleration tremors of the extended log(EMG) and log(displacement) was ap-
hand and surface EMGs of two extensor proximately linear, indicating that the de-
muscles were detected simultaneously for modulated EMG and the rms displacement
each of nine normal subjects. The raw, sur- of the tremor are related by a power func-
face EMGs were full-wave rectified and tion. For the nine subjects, the tremor dis-
smoothed, providing demodulated EMG placement increased approximately as the
records. Auto- and cross-spectral analysis EMG squared. This relation is similar to that
of 16-s records of demodulated EMG and found previously (28) for the soleus EMG
hand acceleration was performed, giving and ankle tremor for a similar three-decade
values of root mean square (rms) EMG at the range of displacement amplitudes.
major tremor frequency and EMG-tremor 5. The power relation between EMG and
coherence. These two quantities were deter- tremor displacement indicates that the ratio
mined for steady-state displacement ampli- of demodulated EMG to tremor displace-
tudes (rms values) of the tremor that ranged ment generally decreased with increasing
between about 30 and 30,000 pm. Hand displacement amplitude. A similarity is
tremors having this range of displacement suggested between the behavior of this ratio
amplitudes were obtained during continuous and the sensitivity of primary endings of
extension of the hand for lo-60 min, as muscle spindles of the decerebrate cat
described previously (24). (13, 18).
2. The rms demodulated EMG amplitude 6. The effect of mass loading of the hand
at the major tremor frequency and the EMG- on the tremor period appreared to depend on
tremor coherence values were calculated the displacement amplitude of the tremor.
with the assumption that the grouped electri- For small-displacement oscillations, mass
cal potentials at the tremor frequency re- loading increased the tremor period, as ex-
sulted from neural feedback within the pected for a constant-spring, variable-mass
neuromuscular system controlling the hand. system. For certain large-displacement
This assumption is supported by previous tremors (and certain subjects), the tremor
findings (24) that the frequencies of both the period was relatively independent of mass
tremor and these grouped potentials de- loading. However, the period of large-dis-
creased together with mass loading of the placement tremors was found to depend on
hand. hand position. Therefore, the period of these
3. EMG-tremor coherence was generally oscillations may have varied with the
high for all but the smallest amplitude (less average muscle tension as well as with
than 100 pm) tremors. For these small-dis- neural feedback factors. These findings have
placement tremors, the EMG-tremor co- implications relative to those that suggest
herence decreased as both frequency and an independence of either Parkinsonian
displacement amplitude of the tremors de- tremor of mass loading (25, 3 1) or ankle
creased, suggesting a rate-sensitive mech- clonus and Parkinsonian tremor of rhythmi-
anism in the neural feedback pathway. cal forcing (30, 31).
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7. As reported previously (6), minor reflex oscillator hypothesis has been pro-
bands between 9 and 15 Hz were sometimes posed primarily as a modification of the
present in the acceleration spectra. These mechanical oscillator hypothesis, and has
bands occurred in addition to the major yet to be considered in any detail.
band, which varied in frequency with either The mechanical oscillator (mechanical
mass loading or increased displacement resonance) hypothesis for postural tremors
amplitude. These minor spectral bands were was described in some detail in 1967 (27)
found only occasionally for certain subjects, for the human hand and finger, and in 1974
and seemed to be absent when the major (21) for a muscle-load system of the rat. For
tremor oscillation occurred at displacement this hypothesis, a lightly damped visco-
amplitudes above about 100 ,um. elastic-mass system (muscle elasticity and
8. The results of this study suggest that load inertia) that is continuously forced by
internal perturbations, muscle-load me- irregular disturbances (asynchronous con-
chanics, and neural feedback factors act tractions of motor units) is considered
together to determine the many different largely to account for both the frequency
steady-state values of displacement ampli- and amplitude of the normally occurring,
tude and frequency of hand tremor. small-displacement (less than 100 pm) hand
tremors. Under conditions of rest between
recordings, both the frequency and displace-
ment amplitude of postural hand tremor
Postural hand tremor in normal humans have been found (24) to vary quantitatively
is generally a rotational, involuntary oscil- as predicted by such a lumped-parameter,
lation that occurs at a frequency between viscoelastic-mass system. However, the
about 8-10 Hz and at a very small dis- frequency-displacement amplitude results
placement amplitude (an rms angle of about showed considerable variability between
1’). While the mechanism of hand tremor is subjects, suggesting that factors other than
not completely understood, the frequency load inertia were varying during these
and amplitude of these oscillations appear to experiments.
be determined by a combination of neural For the mechanical oscillator hypothesis,
and mechanical factors of the particular the nervous system is thought to make two
neuromuscular-load system. The finding major contributions to the tremor. First,
(24) that, under certain conditions, postural neural control of the mean position of the
hand tremor of normal man decreases in limb may set the level of stiffness of an
frequency from about 9 to about 4 Hz as the equivalent elastic element of muscle acting
rms displacement amplitude increases from in series with the inertial load (27). In this
about 30 to about 30,000 ,um is of particular manner, the nervous system indirectly (and
interest relative to the mechanism of these partially) determines the resonant fre-
oscillations. The similar quantitative rela- quency (the tremor frequency) of the muscle-
tion (a negative-power rule) found between limb system. The second contribution is to
the frequency and displacement amplitude provide the continuous, but largely asyn-
of hand and ankle tremor detected from chronous, contractions of the active motor
normal subjects (24, 28) and of hand tremor units. These asynchronous contractions in
from Parkinsonian subjects (25) provides turn act as small internal disturbances to
support for Eshner’s (7) suggestion in 1897 the lightly damped mechanical system and,
that all tremors of man may have a common therefore, act (with other disturbances) to
mechanism. Furthermore, the finding (25) maintain the small-amplitude tremors. For
that both the frequency and rms displace- this model, neural feedback (reflex) effects
ment amplitude of postural hand tremor are considered to play almost no role in
of both normal and abnormal (Parkinsonian) determining the frequency and only a minor
man may depend on combined mechanical role (if any) in determining the amplitude
and neural feedback factors has led to the of the tremor (27).
proposal of a mechanical-reflex oscillator While it appears that neural feedback does
hypothesis (25) for the mechanism of these little to determine either the frequency or
oscillations. However, the mechanical- displacement amplitude of small-amplitude

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hand tremors, there is evidence for neural It is important to consider that a 9- to 12-
feedback signals generated by these limb Hz oscillation of the hand may occur in ad-
oscillations (see Fig. 1; also see Fig. 7 of dition to the hand tremor that depends on
Ref. 24). The presence of a band in the de- mechanical factors (6). When present, this
modulated extensor EMG spectrum at the 9- to 12-Hz oscillation can be separated in
tremor frequency, and the reduction of the frequency from the mechanical tremor by
frequency of this band with mass added to mass loading of the hand. An oscillation of
the hand (see Fig. 7 of Ref. 24), together the forearm with similar frequency (9-12
indicate that this electrical activity results Hz) has been found when that limb is either
from neural feedback. mass (8) or spring (11) loaded. The appear-
In attempting to determine the role of ance of correlated electrical activity of the
neural feedback in the mechanism of hand muscles controlling these limbs suggests
tremor, certain quantitative relations be- either a reflex or central oscillator mech-
tween the demodulated extensor EMG and anism for these oscillations. While not
the tremor may be of interest. Estimates of systematically studied, these 9- to 12-Hz
the phase between, and the relative ampli- .oscillations of the hand seem to occur at
tudes of, the EMG and tremor for different rms displacement amplitudes that are small
amplitudes and frequencies of the tremor relative to the amplitude of the mechanical
might suggest whether the neural feedback tremor. In general, these oscillations (when
is positive or negative (18, 19, 23). How- present) appear to be a minor component
ever, the importance of these estimates of hand tremor.
would depend in part on the EMG-tremor
coherence (2). Recent evidence for postural METHODS
ankle tremor from normal subjects (21) in-
dicated that both the soleus EMG-tremor Hand tremor was detected from nine normal
coherence and the amplitude of the EMG human subjects with a small, sensitive ac-
modulation at the tremor frequency were celerometer while each subject held an unsup-
very small for the smallest amplitude (below ported hand in an approximately horizontal
mean position. Each subject was seated with
about 20 pm) tremors. However, both the forearm pronated and supported to the wrist
quantities increased with increased rms in a horizontal position by a solid cradle mounted
displacement amplitude of the tremor above on a short, heavy table. Two strips of 2-inch-
this control level (see Fig. 5 of Ref. 2 l), sug- wide duct tape held the forearm tightly against
gesting underlying motor-unit recruitment the cradle. The extended fingers and adducted
and/or synchronization (5, 15- 17). thumb were held tightly between two sheets of
In general, little attempt has been made to plastic material (forming a sandwich, with added
determine if any quantitative relationship mass of 100 g). Each subject was asked to keep
exists between the electrical activity of the mean position of the hand (determined
skeletal muscle resulting from neural feed- visually) approximately horizontal. Tremor in
the vertical plane was detected using an AVR-
back and the postural hand tremor detected 250 accelerometer (2.5 g) taped to the upper
from either normal or abnormal subjects. plastic sheet near the lateral-medial midline at
The major purpose of this work is to report 16 cm from the subject’s wrist. (The response
the amplitude of the demodulated extensor characteristics and method of calibration of this
EMG activity at the hand tremor frequency accelerometer and associated electronics have
and the correlation (coherence) between the been described previously (26).)
EMG and tremor oscillations as the dis- In addition to hand acceleration, bipolar sur-
placement amplitude of the tremor increases face EMG records from the extensor digitorum
from control values of about 30 pm to values communis (EDC) and extensor carpi radialis
of lOO- 1,000 times control. These values longus (ECR) muscles were obtained simul-
taneously using Beckman bipotential electrodes.
are also considered for different amounts of Two electrodes were placed parallel with the
mass added to the subject’s hand. Finally, longitudinal direction of each muscle about 2 cm
the relation between the tremor period and apart, center to center. The center points of the
the logarithm (base 10) of the rms displace- two pairs of electrodes were generally about 5 cm
ment amplitude of these oscillations is apart, and the two indifferent electrodes were
reported. located on the lateral surface of the upper arm.

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Cross-correlation analysis of the two simulta- creased very little (if any) with time through-
neously obtained EMGs indicated that the sur- out any given 16-s digitization period.
face potentials detected by one set of electrodes This sequence of recordings without rest was
were not detected by the second set. Amplifica- obtained from three of these subjects with dif-
tion was obtained using Tektronix (model 122) ferent amounts of mass added to the hand. In
preamplifiers (bandwidth of 8- 1,000 Hz) and addition, this sequence was obtained twice for
locally constructed DC amplifiers. Any motion subject I for each of 100 and 500 g, and 3 times for
artifact in the EMG signals was eliminated by subject 5 for each of 100 and 300 g.
the combined use of the ~-HZ high-pass filter For one subject whose tremor displacement
setting on the preamplifiers and an additional amplitude increased very little over a 60-min
high-pass digital filter. The power spectral period, a second sequence (session 2) of record-
density of the noise of the amplifiers did not ings was made under the same conditions (no rest
exceed 1 pV*/bandwidth for any part of the and 100 g added mass) approximately 1 mo after
spectrum. the first.
Hand tremor and extensor EMG records (16-s 4) Different mean positions of the hand. For
records) were obtained for analysis under five one subject, postural hand tremor was detected
different conditions. for three different mean positions of the hand.
I) Rest between records. Different 16-s ac- For these three sets of runs, the subject main-
celeration records were obtained with approxi- tained the mean position of the hand at approxi-
mately 90-s rest between each pair of runs. mately 30” below the horizontal for the first set,
During the rest period, the subject relaxed the horizontal for the second, and 30” above the
muscles controlling the hand, allowing the hand horizontal for the third. For each set, postural
to rest in a nearly vertical position. From 5 to tremor was detected with and without rest of the
20 records with rest before each 16-s run were hand between runs.
obtained for analysis from each subject studied. Each 16-s record of the voltage analog of hand
2) Different amounts of added mass and rest tremor acceleration was digitized by a PDP-12
between records. Four sets of 30 tremor records computer at a rate of 64/s (a rate sufficient to
each were obtained from three subjects under ensure no aliased peaks in the power spectra).
conditions of different amounts of mass (lead The mean was computed and subtracted from
weights of 0, 100, 200, 300,400, and 500 g) taped these 1,024 digital values before they were stored
tightly to the ventral part of the sandwich at on magnetic tape for subsequent auto- and cross-
approximately 14 cm from the wrist. The order of spectral analysis. Sixteen-second records of the
addition of these weights was determined from EMGs were digitized at 1,024/s, estimates of the
a random-number table. An approximately 90-s means were computed and subtracted from the
rest period was taken before each recording data, and then these deviations were full-wave
period. rectified and smoothed (16 nonoverlapping
3) No rest between records. For these ex- values were averaged). This process results in
periments, each of the nine subjects maintained amplitude demodulation of the EMG signals
the hand (the right hand) in a mean horizontal and gives an effective sampling rate of 64/s.
position without rest for a total period of between For the analysis of these tremor and EMG
10 and 60 min. (This length of time of con- data, auto- and cross-covariance functions were
tinuous maintenance of a mean horizontal posi- computed with 64 and 128 (+64) lags, respec-
tion of the hand led to little or no discomfort tively. Auto- and cross-spectral functions were
for any of the subjects.) This procedure generally then computed from these covariance functions.
resulted in an increase in the tremor displace- Each spectrum included 65 frequency values
ment amplitude over time (see Fig. 3). from 0 to 32 Hz at intervals of 0.5 Hz (a band-
During most of each lo- to 60-min period of width of 0.5 Hz). Each EMG spectrum was cor-
continuous extension of the hand, 16-s digitized rected for the attentuation of the amplitude as a
records were obtained every l-5 min. However, function of frequency caused by the digital filter.
no attempt was made to obtain a fixed num- In general, each tremor spectrum (power, or
ber of recordings at each session, nor to variance, spectrum) obtained in this study con-
obtain records with a fixed time period be- tained primarily one major spectral band, a band
tween them. In general, an attempt was made to with a peak frequency, f, that was determined
obtain 16-s records somewhat uniformly through- to the nearest 0.25 Hz (see Ref. 24 for a more
out the different steady-state amplitude levels as detailed description of this analysis).
the tremor increased from very small levels Finally, coherence values, rs,‘(f), were com-
(about 30 pm) to a level between about 0.5 and puted from the combined auto- and cross-
3 cm. It is important to note that the rms tremor spectral values. As computed, ysJ,*(f) is an esti-
amplitude (acceleration amplitude) generally in- mate of what percentage of the variation of&) is

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correlated with variation of y(t) at the frequency

average rms displacement was 25 pm for
f Hz. The coherence will be zero if x(t) and y(t)the first set (Fig. IA) and 66 pm (Fig. 1B)
are statistically independent, or unity if x(t) for the second. In comparing the two
and y(t) are completely correlated. Coherence averaged EMG spectra of Fig. 1, note that
values between zero and unity indicate either that
the total variance of the band at the tremor
other factors (perhaps noise) are determining one
of the variables but not the other, or that the frequency is slightly higher in B than in A.
system relating x(t) and y(t) is not linear (2).Also note that there was a larger average
coherence between the EDC EMG and
For the number of digital values (samples) ob-
tained for each 16-s run (1,024 samples) and thetremor associated with the larger displace-
number of quadratically smoothed spectral esti- ment amplitude tremor.
mates (64 spectral values), each smoothed From Fig. 1, it is of interest to note the
spectral value had 32 deg of freedom. For this presence in A of the prominent band with
number of degrees of freedom, the minimum peak frequency at approximately 19 Hz, and
EMG-tremor coherence value that can be taken its absence in B. First, this band did not
to be different from zero at the 95% level of con-
result from harmonic distortion of the raw
fidence is about 0.20. However, all the coherence
values calculated for each subject were plotted EMG signal due to saturation of the ampli-
in this report, even though some values were notfiers or the A/D converter of the computer.
While not studied in detail, it appeared from
statistically significant. For the acceleration and
visual inspection of the raw EMG records
EMG spectra, a peak-to-valley ratio of 2 to 1 was
necessary for a spectral value to be significant that this band at 19 Hz was due to the de-
at the 95% level of confidence. tection by the surface electrodes of regular,
large-amplitude potentials, perhaps due to
RESULTS the activity of a single motor unit. It may
be that the absence of this band in Fig. 1B
Presence of a band in EMG spectrum at resulted from a slightly different placement
major frequency of hand tremor of the electrodes on the days that these runs
Associated with most of the postural were taken. However, bands between 12
tremor records that were obtained with rest and 20 Hz were present in the EMG spectra
between runs and 100 g added mass was a for others of the nine subjects, and generally
modulation of the amplitude of the EDC and disappeared as the displacement amplitude
ECR EMG records at approximately 8 Hz. of the subject’s tremor increased.
The rms amplitude of this EMG modulation
(when present) was very small (generally Presence of bands in EMG spectrum
between l- 10 pV). While a few of the correlated with minor bands in
EMG spectra associated with 16-s records acceleration spectrum
of small displacement tremors did not show For each of the nine subjects, bands with
a statistically significant band at the tremor peak frequencies between 9 and 20 Hz ap-
frequency, averaging a number of these peared in certain individual EDC and ECR
spectra generally revealed a highly signifi- spectra. However, for seven of the nine
cant band at this frequency. Figure IA andB subjects, correlated bands appeared in a few
illustrates two such average EMG spectra, of the associated acceleration spectra at
each of which contains a band at the frequencies between about 9 and 15 Hz, as
average tremor frequency (about 8 Hz). shown in Fig. 2 for three subjects. For two
These two plots illustrate an average of of these seven subjects (subjects I and 2),
20 (A) and 10 (B) EMG spectra for EDC a band with peak frequency of about 10 Hz
EMG records obtained from subject 2. appeared in the acceleration spectra when
These two sets were obtained on two differ- the hand was mass loaded (200400 g) (see
ent days (about 1 yr apart). Each set of runs Fig. 2A). For one subject (subject 3), a band
was obtained with 100 g (the two plastic at 1 l- 12 Hz appeared in a few acceleration
sheets) added to the hand, and with rest be- spectra, but only when the subject’s hand
tween runs of the muscles controlling the was not mass loaded (0 g added mass). (This
hand. While the average tremor frequency band at 11-12 Hz appeared in addition to
was nearly the same for both sets of data, the the major band at approximately 9 Hz.) With

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A Subj. I N= 20 B Subj. I N = IO
olsp = 25 pm Dlsp = 66 pm
7 = 8.3 Hz i = 8.2 Hz
-2 = 0.55 ;2 =
Y 0.70

FIG. 1. Each graph (A and B) shows averaged EMG spectra of demodulated EDC records obtained from
subject I. These records (20 and 10 for spectra A and B, respectively) were obtained with 100 g added mass
and rest of the hand between recordings. Average tremor displacement, frequency, and EMG-tremor
coherence values are shown for each set of records. Each arrow denotes the average tremor frequency.

100 g added to this subject’s hand, the ll- subject maintained the hand at a mean
to 12-Hz band was absent, and only a single horizontal position for a period of time
band with peak frequency between 7.5 and without rest.
8.25 Hz appeared in the acceleration For a few subjects, it is possible that the
spectra. Therefore, for two subjects, a major and minor bands may have merged for
minor band with peak frequency at about certain runs. However, there is no evidence
10 Hz was present in the tremor (and EMG) to indicate that this occurred. The minor
spectra only with the addition of a certain band, if absent, was never uncovered in the
mass load, while a similar band disappeared spectrum when the frequency of the major
with mass loading for a third subject. In band decreased with increased displace-
contrast, the acceleration spectra of a fourth ment amplitude. Also, for those sessions
subject (subject 5) whose hand was mass with at least 100 g added to the subject’s
loaded (added masses of 0, 100, and 300 g) hand, the frequency of the mechanical-
showed no significant minor bands between reflex tremor was generally below the 9-
9 and 15 Hz. to 15-Hz range of frequencies within which
In general, the rms displacement ampli- the minor band appeared.
tude of the 9- to 15Hz hand oscillations In Fig. 2, the coherence values between
was between 10 and 20 pm (see Fig. 2). For the EMG and acceleration bands are shown
those experiments in which the mass of the next to the arrows in the EDC and ECR
subject’s hand was varied, only the promi- EMG spectra. For certain of the minor
nent band changed systematically in fre- bands (between 9 and 15 Hz), a highly co-
quency with the added mass. In addition, herent band appeared in both the EDC and
this same major band was the only one that ECR EMG spectra (note the 10.25-Hz band
increased in displacement amplitude as the in Fig. 2C). In contrast, a correlated EMG

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A Subj. I B Subj. 8 C Subj. 4

+500 gm +I00 gm + 100 gm


61 pm 93 pm 32 Pm
\r ‘; (8.5 Hz) ’ - (8.25 Hz)
I .0
‘i (6*5 Hz) I’ ?I
!I I’ I I 17 pm

)- 0.4
z 0.2
z 8
w 0 1
n 0’ B

a / 0.08 ,0.50


N 0’
a ,0.45 ,0.28 ;0.54
rt l
* 0.8 ’ \ 1 \

006 0.23 ;
t L I

0 5 IO I5 20 0 5 IO 15 20

FIG. 2. A-C: plots of single, normalized spectra of hand acceleration, EDC EMG, and ECR EMG
records for each of three subjects (subjects I, 7, 4). Numbers near each arrow in the tremor
spectra denote the peak frequency and rms displacement for each band. Each number in the EMG spectra
denotes the EMG-tremor coherence at the peak frequency of the corresponding acceleration band.

band would at times appear in only one of 2B). Since the main interest in this study was
these two EMG spectra (see the 11.5Hz the band in the acceleration spectrum that
band in the acceleration spectrum of Fig. decreased in frequency with added mass,

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these additional oscillations of the hand (at 500 g) for tremors having displacement
higher frequencies and smaller displacement levels above about 1,000 ,um.
amplitudes) were not studied further. Figure 3C shows these four quantities
plotted against run number for subject 2,
EMG amplitude, EMG-tremor coherence, with 100 g added mass. However, in con-
tremor period, and tremor displacement trst to the protocol for subject I, this sub-
amplitude for different sequential ject rested the hand for 2 min after run 22,
digitization periods (runs) and then began another period of continuous
For most subjects, the tremor displace- extension of the hand. This second no-rest
ment amplitude increased with time as the period continued through run 33, after
subject extended the hand horizontally which the subject again rested the hand be-
without rest against the force of gravity. fore each subsequent run. Note that, associ-
Other quantities that generally increased ated with the decreased tremor displace-
ment that occurred after the 2-min period of
with tremor displacement amplitude were
the rms extensor EMG amplitude (in pV) rest between runs 22 and 23, the other three
determined at the major tremor frequency, quantities all decreased approximately to
the EMG-tremor coherence, and the tremor control levels.
period. For about half of the recording sessions
The variations of these four quantities in this study, there was a relatively gradual
during a sequence of digitization runs are increase in tremor displacement amplitude
shown in Fig. 3A-C for three different with time during continuous extension of the
sequences (two subjects). From bottom to hand (see Fig. 3A and B). However, for
top, the logarithm (base 10) of the rms certain subjects (on certain days), a gradual
tremor displacement (in pm), the coherence increase in amplitude occurred initially, fol-
between the EDC EMG and tremor, the lowed by a rapid increase to a much larger
tremor period (in ms), and the logarithm level (see Fig. 3C). Also, for certain sub-
(base 10) of the rms EMG amplitude (in pV) jects, the displacement amplitude increased
at the tremor frequency are plotted against to relatively large levels (1 ,OOO- 10,000 pm)
run number. In general, these values were and then decreased spontaneously (abruptly,
obtained for an initial sequence of 10 runs during continuous extension of the hand) to
that occurred with rest of the hand between near control levels (100-500 pm), followed
runs, followed by a sequence with no rest, again by an increase to large displacement
and ended with a second sequence of runs levels. For certain sessions (and subjects),
with rest. maximum displacement amplitude (greater
than 10,000 pm) was reached after about
Figure 3A and B shows these values
10 min of continuous extension of the hand.
plotted against run number for subject 1 with
In contrast, the displacement amplitude of
100 and 500 g added to the hand, respec- the tremor of subject 6 failed to reach 1,000
tively. Note that the levels of the log(EMG) ,um after 60 min without rest on two separate
are approximately the same in A and B for occasions.
similar log(displacement) levels. Also note
that the tremor period appears to be gener- Tremor period and rms
ally higher in B than in A. Also, it is evident displacement amplitude
from Fig. 3B that as the log(displacement) The plots of Fig. 3A and C indicate that
begins to increase above control values the tremor period increased to slightly
(values obtained with rest), the tremor greater than double the control level as the
period decreased initially before increasing tremor displacement amplitude increased
with the tremor displacement amplitude. nearly l,OOO-fold. Also, the period of the
Note that the EMG-tremor coherence asso- small-displacement tremors (less than 100
ciated with the small-displacement tremors ,um) increased by about 50 ms with 500 g
is relatively small (approximately 0.2) for of mass added to the hand (compare the
the runs obtained with the 500-g mass added triangles of Fig. 3A and B). A more quanti-
to this subject’s hand. However, this co- tative comparison between tremor period
herence increased to nearly unity under and log(displacement) values for five of the
both conditions of added mass (100 and nine subjects (and for different added

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A Subject I B Subject I C Subject 2

+ 100 gm + 500 gm + 100 gm

A# f
250 AA’
I ’
225 A I
200 % I
’ I



0.2 E
0 2 Ii II
2 ;I Il
ov> 11 Il
Q II ll


,- --REST---
xl l ’ 1 I I
40 0 IO 20 30 40 0 IO 20 30 40
FIG. 3. A-C: each of the four sets of points shows (top to bottom) log(rms EMG), tremor period,
coherence, and log(rms displacement) values plotted against run number for: A, subject I with 100 g;
B, subject I with 500 g; and C, subject 2 with 100 g added mass. These values were calculated for both
rest and no rest of the hand between runs.

masses) is shown in Fig. 4A -D. For all nine range of log(displacement) values (see Fig.
subjects with 100 g added mass, the relation 4A and B) or to be similar to that shown in
between these two variables appeared either Fig. 4C and D for subjects 3 and 4. For
to be approximately linear over most of the subjects 3 and 4, note that the tremor

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A Subj. I C Subj. 3
0 100 gm 0 Ogm
0 500 gm l IOOgm

B Subj. 5 0 l Subj. 2 (100 gm)

A Ogm 0 Subj. 4 (100 gm)
w I 0 100 gm

E t
0 300 gm


I 2 3 4


FIG. 4. A-D: tremor period plotted against log(rms displacement) for subjects Z-5 for different masses
added to the hand. A, for subject I with 100 and 500 g; 23, for subject 5 with 100 and 300 g; C, for subject 3 with
0 and 100 g; and D, for subjects 2 and 4 with 100 g. Each line was drawn to illustrate the apparent relation
between tremor period and log(displacement) values.

period changed very little or decreased interest that each set of points shown in Fig.
slightly with increasing displacement ampli- 4A for subject 2 represents values obtained
tude for values below about 1,000 ,ccm. (The on two separate occasions. Since the plots
lines in Fig. 4 are not regression lines, but were very similar for each occasion with the
rather are drawn to emphasize the apparent same added mass, no distinction was made
relation of the data.) on this basis in plotting either set of values.
The effect of mass on the relation between The data for subject 5 in Fig. 4B are of
tremor period and log(displacement) ap- interest because they indicate that in-
peared to depend on both the mass and the creasing the mass of this subject’s hand by
subject. For subjects 2 and 3 (Fig. 4C and 300 g increased the period for only the small-
D), the tremor period-log(displacement) and large-displacement amplitude tremors.
plot was shifted systematically toward This behavior appeared to be characteristic
greater values of period by additional mass for subject 5, as determined from plots (not
added to the hand. While not illustrated, an illustrated) of paired values obtained on two
additional set of points obtained for subject additional occasions for each of 100 and
1 with 300 g added mass fell largely between 300 g added mass. With 300 g, the tremor
the two lines drawn in Fig. 4A. Also, it is of period-log(displacement) relation appeared

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to be U-shaped (similar to the plot in Fig. that the magnitude of the EMG-tremor
4B) for each additional set of data. For coherence may be reduced in some manner
100 g, the additional two plots were similar by mass added to the hand.
to the one shown in Fig. 40 (open circles), Plots of the coherence between the
with the exception that seven additional demodulated EDC EMG and hand tremor
paired values were obtained at approx- for different log(displacement) levels of the
imately 10,000 pm and 210 ms. For either tremor are shown in Fig. 5 for five of the
100 or 300 g added mass and tremor nine subjects. The plots for three of the
displacement amplitudes between about remaining subjects with 100 g added mass
10,000 and 30,000 pm, the tremor period were similar to that shown in Fig. 5C for
ranged between 150 and 235 ms for this subject3 with 100 g added mass. In general,
subject. the coherence-log(displacement) plots were
similar for both the EDC and ECR EMGs,
EMG-tremor coherence and tremor for the same subject and amount of added
displacement amplitude mass. The points plotted in Fig. 5A (sub-
The plots of Fig. 3 indicated that the EMG- ject I) are of interest in that each set repre-
tremor coherence was statistically significant sents values obtained on two different
for most of these tremor recordings, and occasions with the same amount of added
increased either slightly (Fig. 3A) or consid- mass (either 100 or 500 g). However, be-
erably (Fig. 3B) with the log(displacement) cause of the similarity of the plots obtained
amplitude of the tremor. A comparison of the for the same added mass, no distinction
coherence values of Fig. 3A and B suggests was made in Fig. 5A between these sets.

A Subj. I 0 100 gm C Subj 3 oogm

0 500 gm 0 100 gm
--------------- ------e--m----





Nk 0.2

w -
Y B Subj. 5 0 100 gm D l Subj. 2 (IO0 gm)
----------------- 0 300 gm 0 Subj. 4 (IO0 gm)


FIG. 5. A-D: EMG-tremor coherence (EDC EMG) at the major frequency of hand tremor plotted
against log(rms displacement) for subjects I-5 for different added masses. A, for subject I with 100 and
500 g; B, for subject 5 with 100 and 300 g; C, for subject 3 with 0 and 100 g; and D, for subjects 2 and 4 with
100 g. Each line was drawn to illustrate the apparent relation between coherence and log(displacement).

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Also, an additional set of points was ob- +lOO-600 gm, WITH REST
tained for subject 5, with 0 g added mass. +I00 gm, WITHOUT REST
However, the plot of this set of values was
very similar to the two sets shown in Fig.
5B for 100 and 300 g, and is therefore not
included in this figure. (The plots obtained
for 100 and 300 g on two additional oc-
casions for subject 5 were also very similar
to plots shown in Fig. 93.)
For eight of the nine subjects (all except
subject 6) with 100 g added mass, the EMG-
tremor coherence increased from values of
about 0.2 to values between 0.6 and 0.8 as
the rms displacement of the tremor in-
creased from about 30 ,um to a level of about FIG. 6. Mean EMG-tremor coherence (EDC EMG)
100 ,um. Between 100 ,um and the maximum. values plotted for different tremor frequencies
value (lO,OOO-30,000 pm), the coherence between 4.25 and 9.25 Hz; for rest and different
added masses (filled circles), and for no rest and 100 g
generally increased gradually from 0.6 to 0.8 added mass (open circles). Each line was drawn to
to a maximum of very near unity. The illustrate the apparent behavior of one set of points.
tremor of the remaining subject’s hand (sub-
ject 6) reached a maximum of only 500 ,um,
even though the experiment was continued coherence for small-displacement amplitude
for 60 min on each of two separate sessions. tremors. While an increased mass of the
For a total of 66 runs for this subject, the hand may i.ndirectly lead to a small increase
EMG-tremor coherence values were all in the displ acement amp1itude of th .e tremor
relatively high (between 0.54 and 1.1) as detected with rest between runs (perhaps
the tremor displacement amplitude varied because of a decreased equivalent damping
between 50 and 500 ,ccm. ratio of the system), the added ma .ss con-
The effect of different added masses on sistently led to a reduced tremor fre quency
the coherence-log(displacement) relation under these conditions. Therefore, the re-
appeared to differ somewhat depending on duced coherence with increased mass seen
the subject and the magnitude of the mass, in Fig. 5A and C may have resulted
as shown in Fig. 5A-D. However, when the from a decrease in the frequency of these
coherence values obtained for a single sub- oscillations. In Fig. 6, the EMG-tremor
ject with different added masses were coherence (EDC EMG) has been plotted
plotted (not illustrated) against the logarithm against tremor frequency for two different
of the rms acceleration of the tremor, there groups of experiments. For one group (filled
appeared to be little difference between circles), each subject’s hand (three subjects
sets of data. For subjects I and 3 (Fig. 5A with a total of four sets of data) was rested
and C), the open circles were shifted to the between run s, and EMG-tremor coherence
right and approximately overlay the filled values were obtained for different amounts
circles. For subject 5, there was a slight of added mass (100-600 g). For the second
separation of the two sets of points shown group (open circles), each subject’s hand
in Fig. 5B for coherence values below about trem or (nine s bjects) was detec ted without
0.30. In general, the variability between rest between runs and with a constant
plots for different subjects with 100 g amount of added mass (100 g). In this figure,
appeared to be reduced for coherence- each circle represents the mean coherence
log(acceleration) as compared with co- value calculated at a particular frequency.
herence-log(displacement) values. (Each point represents a mean of about
seven values. )
EMG-tremor coherence and For runs obtained with rest of the mu .scles
tr’emor frequency controlling the hand, an in creased mass
The data of Fig. 5A and C indicate that, generally res ulted in an increased mean
for certain subjects, increasing the mass of displacem .ent amp1 tude, increasing from a
the hand may lead to a reduced EMG-tremor minimum of about 30 pm to a maximum

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of about 80 pm. Even though the tremor Extensor EMG modulation at tremor
displacement amplitude generally increased frequency relative to displacement
with mass under these conditions, the amplitude of tremor
average EMG-tremor coherence decreased From Fig. 3, it appears that the EMG
from about 0.6 to values below the level modulation (in pV) at the tremor frequency
of significance (below 0.2). A plot of the increases rather systematically with the dis-
mean EMG-tremor coherence against placement amplitude of hand tremor. The
tremor frequency shows a positive, ap- similarity of the variation of the logarithm of
proximately linear, relation (filled circles these two quantities with run number can be
of Fig. 6) between these two quantities. seen from the three sets of data plotted in
In contrast to the filled circles, each Fig. 3. In Fig. 7A and B, the log(rms EMG)
open circle of Fig. 6 is an average coherence has been plotted against the log(rms dis-
value calculated from records obtained placement) of the tremor for all nine sub-
without rest and with constant added mass jects. Each set of points (for each subject)
(100 g). These open circles of Fig. 6 il- is made up of paired values calculated from
lustrate that, under these conditions, the EDC EMG and tremor records obtained
mean EMG-tremor coherence generally in- for runs with and without rest and with
creased as the tremor frequency decreased 100 g added mass. The lines in Fig. 7A were
over the same range found for the filled drawn to illustrate the apparent behavior
circles. However, for these experiments, of these points for subjects 1,5, and 7.
the displacement amplitude increased from For each of six subjects (Fig. 7B), the
very small values (tremors not visible to relation between log(EMG) and log(dis-
the eye) to rms levels of about 3 cm (for placement) was fairly linear, with a slope
eight of the nine subjects). similar to that of the other five sets. From

. B


G I.6

g I.0 l Subj. 2
A Subj. 3
-J 0.8 l Subj. 4
. 0 Sub] ‘.
o Subj. 8
. A Subj. 9


FIG. 7. A and B: log(rms EMG) (EDC EMG) plotted against log(rms displacement) for nine subjects. A,
paired values for subjects I, 5, and 7, with lines drawn to illustrate the apparent behavior of the points; B,
paired values (six subjects) for which regression lines were calculated (see text).

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calculation of the regression equations, the position, while the largest EMG value (280
slopes for these six sets of points were 0.35, ,uV associated with an rms displacement of
0.38, 0.46, 0.47, 0.50, and 0.51, while the 35,000 pm) was obtained with the hand held
correlation coefficients ranged from 0.91 to 30” above the horizontal. These results
0.98. In contrast, the paired log values for primarily indicate that large-displacement
each of the remaining three subjects (Fig. tremors can be induced at different mean
7A) appeared to follow two different linear positions of the hand. They also indicate
relations. Note that for each of these sets of that the minimum and maximum values of
data, the slope of the relation appears to certain measures of the tremor and related
change sharply at a displacement level of EMG are dependent on hand position.
about 100 ,um. Also note that two of these For each of the three sets of experiments
sets are nearly identical in form and in mag- described above, the mean position of the
nitude of the ordinate values. While the third hand was maintained approximately con-
set (for subject 7) was similar in form to stant throughout each sequence of runs.
these two, the EMG values are smaller at However, it was found that, once large-
similar displacement levels by a factor of amplitude tremors were induced (after
about one-fourth. continuous extension of the hand at one
In addition to the plots of Fig. 7A and B, mean position), they generally continued
which illustrate the relation between the as this subject moved the hand from one
paired values of EDC EMG and tremor dis- mean position to the next. Figure 8 shows
placement, plots were also made for each of hand tremor and demodulated extensor
these nine subjects using the ECR EMG EMG records obtained as the subject main-
values. For a given subject, the log(EMG) tained the hand at three different mean
and log(displacement) plots for these two positions during a 16-s run. (These rec-
extensor muscles differed primarily in ab- ords were obtained for illustration from
solute value of the ordinate (the log(EMG)) stored digital values.) As the mean position
and very little in general form. For sub- of the hand changed from below to above
ject I, the rms EMG amplitude of the EDC the horizontal, the frequency of this large-
muscle was about double that of the ECR for amplitude tremor changed from a minimum
all tremor displacement amplitudes. How- of 3.0 Hz (at 30’ below the horizontal), to
ever, for other subjects, the rms amplitude 4.5 Hz (horizontal), and finally to 5.75 Hz
of the ECR EMG either differed very little (at 30” above the horizontal). The approxi-
from, or was slightly greater than, that of mate doubling of peak acceleration ampli-
the simultaneously obtained EDC EMG. tude associated with the increase in tremor
frequency from 3.0 to 5.75 Hz indicates
Ejjkct oj’mean position oj’hand on that the displacement amplitude decreased
tremor and correlated EMG activity with increased frequency of the tremor. It
For subject 1, a sequence of hand tremor should be noted that the EDC and ECR
and EMG records was obtained on the same EMGs are modulated at the tremor fre-
day for each of three different mean positions quency during each of these three positions.
of the hand. While not illustrated, the co- While the rms amplitude of the modulation
herence, tremor period, and log(EMG) is greater in the EDC than in the ECR EMG
varied with the log(displacement) in a man- (typical for this subject), this amplitude
ner that was very similar for all three sets of modulation is visually more evident in the
data. Also, these plots were very similar in ECR record.
general form to those found for this subject
on other days (see the data shown in Figs. DISCUSSION
4, 5, and 7 for this subject). In comparing
absolute magnitudes, the smallest rms dis- The major purpose of this work was to
placement and highest frequency values quantify both the amplitude modulation
(12 pm at 8.75 Hz), as well as the lowest of the surface EMG (EDC and ECR muscles)
frequency (3.0 Hz with 3 1,OOO-pm displace- at the major frequency of hand tremor and
ment),were all obtained with the hand held the correlation (coherence) between this
30” below the horizontal. The smallest EMG EMG modulation and tremor in normal
value (2 ,uV) was also found for this hand subjects. These quantities were calculated

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3.0 Hz 4.5 Hz 5.75 Hz

360 /IV

180 pV

FIG. 8. Hand tremor (top), demodulated EDC EMG (middle), and demodulated ECR EMG (bottom)
records obtained simultaneously for three different mean positions of the hand. Large-displacement
amplitude tremor occurred at 3.0,4.5, and 5.75 Hz as the mean position of the hand was maintained at 30” below
the horizontal, horizontal, and 30” above the horizontal, respectively.

for steady-state (rms) displacement ampli- frequency. As shown by Mori (16), motor
tudes of the tremor that ranged between units having firing rates near (or at) the
about 30 and 30,000 ,um. Auto- and cross- tremor frequency might fire in synchrony
spectral calculations were made with the with the tremor. Also, motor units firing at
assumption that these grouped electrical higher rates may have these ongoing rates
potentials at the major tremor frequency modulated at the tremor frequency in
resulted from neural feedback within the synchrony with the slower tremor oscilla-
neuromuscular system controlling the hand. tion (5). Finally, motor units that normally
This assumption is strongly supported by fire at ongoing rates higher than the tremor
previous findings (24) that the frequencies frequency may be recruited to fire only once
of both the tremor and these grouped each tremor cycle (some may fire twice,
potentials decreased together with mass producing doublets (4, 5)). This kind of syn-
loading of the hand. chronization would be more likely to occur
While the grouping of muscle potentials during large-displacement tremors and also
in the surface EMG at the major frequency be more likely to involve high-threshold
of hand tremor is of interest, Taylor (29) (large) motor units (4). Such units, when
has shown that such a grouping could occur recruited to fire only once per tremor cycle,
from chance synchronization of motor-unit would appear to have an ongoing (tonic)
potentials. Statistically significant grouping firing rate equal to the tremor frequency.
was found to be present (as indicated by While a different neural mechanism could
a significant band in the EMG spectrum; account for each kind of synchronization,
see Fig. 1) in all but a few of the demodu- all three kinds could occur at the receptor
lated EMG records obtained with 100 g level (perhaps muscle spindles) in the neural
added to the subject’s hand. Also, with this feedback pathway, i.e., the tremor oscilla-
amount of mass loading, the EMG-tremor tion could be causing the synchronization,
coherence was generally high for all but rather than the converse. In a closed-loop
certain of the smallest displacement tremors system with many feedback pathways (and
(see Fig. 5). many inputs), it is difficult to make in-
The significant grouping of potentials in ferences about cause and effect. Therefore,
the EMG suggests some kind of underlying a conclusion that “grouped discharges of
motor-unit synchronization at the tremor many motor units are the neuronal me-

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chanism of tremor” (4) should be considered damping ratio for the neuromuscular-hand
very carefully. system is normally between about 0.1 and
In this study, coherence values fell below 0.2. Certainly a major problem in deter-
the level of statistical significance (below mining the effect of neural feedback on
0.20) only for certain hand tremor records tremor amplitude is that the muscle-load
with either small displacements or low fre- mechanics also contributes to the system’s
quencies (resulting from mass loading) com- damping ratio (21). Another problem is that
bined with small displacements. The de- the amplitude of the tremor will be af-
crease in EMG-tremor coherence with de- fected by the spectral characteristics of the
creased frequency for small-displacement internal perturbations (asynchronous motor-
tremors (the solid circles of Fig. 6) strongly unit contractions, the pressure pulse).
suggests that the feedback at the tremor Therefore, the displacement amplitude of
frequency may be proportional to the time these small tremors might not vary con-
rate of change (velocity or acceleration) sistently with any particular measure of
of the oscillatory motion. neural feedback, e.g., EMG amplitude or
In considering the mechanical-reflex EMG-tremor coherence. Certainly the ordi-
oscillator hypothesis for hand tremor, it nate values of Fig. 5 (EMG-tremor co-
appears that muscle-load mechanics largely herence) and Fig. 7A (log(EMG)) for small-
determine the frequency (24,27) and at least displacement tremors illustrate consider-
partially determine the amplitude (24) of the able variation in these quantities with
small-displacement (below 100 pm) oscilla- very little change in the rms displace-
tions. Even though the EMG-tremor co- ment amplitude. However, the data of Fig.
herence varied between very small values 7B for six of the nine subjects show a rather
(values below the level of significance) and systematic (approximately linear) increase
rather high values (0.6-0.8) for these small- in log(EMG) values with increasing log(dis-
displacement hand tremors (for certain runs placement) for these small-amplitude tremors.
and subjects), the tremor frequency changed That reflex factors may be important
very little at these amplitude levels with relative to the displacement amplitude of
constant mass load. It appears that the certain hand tremors is suggested by the
equivalent elasticity (muscle and reflex) of plots of Fig. 7A and B. These plots in-
the system remained relatively constant dicate that, for rms displacements of the
for these tremors. The equivalent elasticity tremor above about 100 pm, the rms de-
also appeared to remain relatively constant modulated EMG (calculated at the tremor
as the tremor frequency varied systemati- frequency) and the rms displacement of
cally with mass loading (27). Under these the tremor are related by a power function.
conditions, the EMG-tremor coherence de- The rms displacement amplitude increased
creased with frequency from rather high in proportion to the rms amplitude of the
values to values below the level of sig- EMG raised to approximately the 2.5 power
nificance (Fig. 6). This large variation in (an exponent between about 2.0 and 3.0).
EMG-tremor coherence with apparent con- It is of considerable interest that this
stancy of the equivalent elasticity suggests relation is very similar to that found (28)
that a mechanical oscillator mechanism is for the soleus EMG and ankle tremor dis-
largely determining the frequency of these placement for a similar range of rms dis-
small-displacement oscillations (27). placements (a range of about three decades).
If mechanical factors (muscle elasticity These plots for both ankle and hand tremor
and load inertia) primarily determine the (24, 28) indicate that the ratio of the EMG
frequency of small-displacement hand to tremor displacement amplitude decreased
tremors, then the neural feedback may with increasing tremor displacement. It was
primarily affect the amplitude of these oscil- noted earlier (28) that, with increasing dis-
lations. While it has been suggested (27) placement amplitude of cyclic muscle
that neural feedback may affect the tremor stretch, a similar decrease occurred in the
amplitude by adding to the damping of the sensitivity of primary endings of muscle
system, this effect is apparently very small spindles (13, 18) of a decerebrate cat. The
for small-amplitude tremors. This is shown finding that the EMG-tremor coherence de-
by findings (20, 27) that the equivalent creases with frequency for small-displace-

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ment hand tremors (Fig. 6) also suggests it appears that these oscillations are never
that rate-sensitive stretch receptors are abolished (as long as the muscles are con-
involved in the tremor-related neural tracted). Rather, different steady-state con-
feedback. ditions apparently exist in which the internal
While feedback from rate-sensitive muscle (and ex ternal) perturbation s are equally OP-
spindles may be important in the mechanism pose d by the combined mechanical and
of certain hand tremors, it is not clear reflex damping. However, these conditions
whether this feedback normally functions may be difficult to characterize fully since
to stabilize the stretch reflex, as Merton any damping effect of a delayed neural
(14) suggested. The generally accepted role feedback signal will depend on both the
of the stretch reflex in the mechanism of delay time and the period of the oscillation
small-amplitude tremors is that the feedback (as well as upon the magnitude of the
sustains (through positive feedback) these resulting force). While the hand tremor
oscillations (9, 10, 12, 23). However, it period was found to vary with increasing
appears that this hypothesis does not con- displacement amplitude, the relation be-
sider the possibility that these oscillations tween these two quantities was not the
may be maintained (the energy source) by same for all subjec ts, nor for all m.ass loads
internal broad frequency band perturbations, (see Fig. 4). Certainly the mean tension
such as the asynchronous contractions of of the muscles controlling the hand was not
active motor units. It now appears that the controlled in the present study. As found
system controlling hand position (or the sys- previously (27), the frequency of limb tremor
tem controlling ankle rotation) cannot be varies somewhat with this quantity. The
considered simply to be either stable (no data of Fig. 8 indicate that varying the
oscillations) or unstable (oscillatory). Rather, mean position of the hand (reflecting a
this system seems to exist in many dif- change of the mean extensor muscle tension)
ferent states of stability. Also, it appears affected the tremor period in a way that is
from the results of several studies on fore- consiste nt with a variable spring-mass
arm tremor (3, 8, 11, 22) that this neuro- system.
muscular-load system also may exist in In considering combined mechanical and
many different states of stability, and that reflex factors in the mechanism of tremor,
these different states also depend on the studies of Rack (19) and Stein (23) are
combined mechanical and reflex factors. of interest. Both workers have sugge ,sted
A decrease in the EMG-to-tremor dis- models containing separate mechanical and
placement ratio with increasing displace- reflex oscillators, as well as a combined
ment amplitude of the tremor, coupled mechanical-reflex oscillator mechanism, for
with the assumption of internal disturbances limb tremor. Each suggests that the stretch
acting to maintain the tremor, suggests reflex and the spring-mass systems normally
that neural feedback may normally (for have separate natural frequencies of oscilla-
small-amplitude tremors) act to attenuate tion. Howe ver, under certain conditions
these oscillations. However, another im- (mechanical load reflex gain, other factors),
portant variable that should be considered these two systems may reinforce each
is the timing (or phase) between the motion other such that a single-frequency, large-
of the oscillating limb and the neural amplitude oscillation develops, i.e., a
feedback signal. (This quantity was cal- “limited instability” (11). While certain
culated but not reported in this study.) As features of this model may apply to the
Rack (19) has noted, if the receptors are data obtained in the present study, separate
sensitive to velocity (or acceleration) and mechanical and reflex oscillations were not
if the reflex delay is small, then the maxi- identified. Further, it is not clear whether
mum reflex force may develop (depending the combined mechanical-reflex oscillator
on the tremor period) while the muscle is model presented by these workers (11, 23)
being lengthened. This reflex force would predicts the wide range of frequency and
oppose the motion and tend to either displacement-amplitude values found for
abolish the tremor or reduce it in amplitude. both hand (Fig. 4; also see Ref. 24) and
From the results of the present study (and ankle (28) tremor.
the similar study on ankle tremor (28)), Auto- and cross-spectral analysis was

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performed with the assumption that the peared in the EMG spectra of more than
grouping of electrical potentials of the one muscle controlling the oscillating limb,
EDC and ECR muscles at the major tremor suggests that motor units of different
frequency resulted from neural feedback muscles may have been synchronized in
within the neuromuscular system control- some manner at these frequencies.
ling the hand. However, additional bands It is important to emphasize that the
with peak frequencies between about 9 and presence of minor bands in the tremor
15 Hz were occasionally found in the spectra seemed to depend on the subject
EMG and acceleration spectra (see Fig. 2). (they were found in only a few spectra
Elble and Randall (6) recently suggested for certain of the nine subjects, and not
a central oscillator mechanism for the 9- to at all for two) and also on the displace-
lo-Hz hand oscillations that appeared when ment amplitude of the major tremor band.
the frequency of the major oscillation was As the displacement amplitude of the major
reduced with added mass (either 270 or 570 g band increased, these minor bands (if
suspended from the hand). Their major present) generally disappeared from both
evidence was the failure of added mass the acceleration and the EMG spectra
to reduce the frequency of this 9- to lo-Hz (also see Figs. 5 and 7 of Ref. 32).
oscillation and the presence of high co- While the mechanism of these 9- to 15-Hz
herence between the demodulated EDC oscillations of hand acceleration is un-
EMG and hand motion at this frequency. certain, it seems that their presence had
In considering the mechanism of these only a minor effect (if any) on the dif-
minor bands of the acceleration spectrum, ferent relations reported here for the
two points should be considered: 1) The major band of the hand acceleration spectra.
finding of high coherence between these The method used to induce hand tremors
hand oscillations and the demodulated of normal subjects at many different rms
EMG is not sufficient for support of a displacement amplitudes above control
central (CNS) source for the oscillator. 2) levels (above about lo-80 pm) was very
The muscle-hand system is a distributed similar to that used previously to induce
mechanical system having more than one ankle tremors at many different displace-
mode of vibration because of the attach- ment amplitudes (28). This method in-
ment of more than one muscle. An addi- volves the continuous maintenance by the
tional factor of possible importance is subject of the limb at a relatively con-
that oscillations of more proximal parts stant mean position against an opposing
(e.g., the muscle-forearm system) may be gravitational force. While other methods
transmitted by the hand (just as hand have been used to induce large-amplitude
oscillations may be transmitted by the oscillations of the forearm (3, 11) and
finger (6, 27)). The amplitude of any such ankle (1, 28), these methods generally
oscillation, as well as its transmission to resulted in a rather abrupt increase in the
the hand, might be enhanced by increasing tremor amplitude from near control levels
the gravitational mass of the hand (gen- to very large amplitude levels (a “sus-
erally resulting in an increased muscle tained” tremor, or clonus). A general
tension). Therefore, a mechanical-reflex problem with these methods is that the
oscillator mechanism cannot be ruled out intermediate-amplitude levels of the tremor
as the source of these minor bands with may not be recorded for analysis. There-
peak frequencies between 9 and 15 Hz that fore, the results obtained by these methods
are found in certain hand tremor spectra tend to suggest that the neuromuscular
(as well as in the wrist extensor EMG system controlling the particular limb has
spectra). only a few (perhaps one or two) states
Certainly these minor tremor bands might in which oscillations occur (23).
result from synchronized contractions of In a previous study on hand tremor
single motor units that either fire at the from normal subjects, the frequency of the
tremor rate (16, 17), or at rates higher tremor generally decreased as a power func-
(5) or lower (16, 17) than that of the tion with increasing displacement amplitude
tremor. The finding illustrated in Fig. 2A for rms displacements between about 30-
and C, that these bands sometimes ap- 30,000 ,um (24). In the present study, the

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tremor period (instead of log(frequency)) hypothesis for the mechanism of these

was plotted against the log(displacement) oscillations.
amplitude of the tremor. These plots (Fig. The very small effect (if any) of peripheral
4 and others not shown) indicate that the loading on the frequency of the relatively
tremor period generally increased linearly large-amplitude tremors for certain sub-
with log(displacement) for at least part of jects may help explain the failure of oscilla-
the range of displacement amplitudes. (This tions of pathological subjects to be en-
largely verifies the previous finding (24) trained by a rhythmical force applied to
that showed a negative relation between the limb (30, 31). It may be that neural
log(frequency) and log(displacement) over feedback factors may largely determine
most of the three-decade range of dis- the oscillatory behavior of the limb some-
placement amplitudes.) However, outside what independent of peripheral loading or
of these displacement ranges, the variation forcing during the occurrence of large-
of the period with log(displacement) ap- displacement amplitude tremors.
peared to depend greatly on the subject The results of the present study support
and the magnitude of the mass load. It earlier findings (24, 28) that tremor oscilla-
seems that, for tremors with rms displace- tions of a limb of a normal subject can
ments above about 100 pm, no general occur at each of many different frequencies
conclusion can be reached about the effect and rms displacements. Certainly a system
of mass upon the tremor period and log(dis- producing these oscillations cannot be
placement) relation. For certain subjects viewed as existing in a relatively few
and displacement amplitude levels (see Fig. states of stability (or instability). Correla-
4B for subject 5), the tremor period tion (coherence) between the demodulated
appears to be relatively independent of EMG and tremor was generally high for
mass loading. all but the smallest amplitude oscillations.
During certain experiments, it appeared However, this correlation appeared to
that as the tremor amplitude increased depend on the frequency as well as the
above certain levels (for certain subjects displacement amplitude of these tremors. In
such as subject 5) the mean contraction general, the amplitude of the demodulated
level of the extensor muscles increased. EMG (calculated at the tremor frequency)
This was indicated by the tendency of increased as a power function of the
the mean position of the subject’s hand to increasing displacement amplitude of the
be maintained 5- 10” above the horizontal tremor. While the tremor period appeared
as these large-displacement tremors oc- to be independent of mass loading for
curred. An increased mean tension of certain subjects and displacement ampli-
the muscles resulting in an increased tudes, the decrease in the period of
muscle stiffness could explain the de- large-displacement tremors with increasing
creased (or relatively constant) tremor extension of the wrist suggests that muscle
period (see Fig. 8) that occurred with stiffness may be an important, uncontrolled,
increased displacement amplitude for cer- factor in these experiments. Overall, the
tain subjects. results suggest that many different equi-
The difficulty in controlling mean tension librium conditions can exist in which internal
for large-displacement tremors also makes and external perturbations, muscle-load
it difficult to interpret the effects of mass mechanics, and neural feedback effects
loading on hand tremors detected from determine the major tremor oscillation of
Parkinsonian subjects. As reported recently the hand.
(29, mass loading of the extended hand
of each of three Parkinsonian subjects ACKNOWLEDGMENT

resulted in only a slight shift (if any) This study was supported by National Institutes
in the log(frequency) and log(displace- of Health Research Grant NS-14730.
ment) relation. Certainly a lack of an effect
of mass loading on the period of certain
large-displacement amplitude tremors (3 1) Received 27 August 1979; accepted in final form 21
cannot be used to support a central oscillator January 1980.

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