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Journal of M echatronics, Electrical Pow er, and Vehicular Technology 10 (2019) 49-59

Journal of M echatronics, Electrical Pow er,

and Vehicular Technology
e-ISSN: 2088-6985
p-ISSN: 2087-3379
w w w

The effect of lightning impulse characteristics and line arrester

to the lightning protection performance on 150 kV overhead
lines: ATP-EM TP computational approach

Fri Murdiya *, Febrizal, Cecilia Stevany, Havel Alindo Sano, Firdaus

Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Riau
Jl. H.R Subrantas km 12,5 Kampus Binaw idya Panam, Pekanbaru, 28293, Indonesia

Received 14 January 2019; accepted 15 November 2019

Abst r act
This simulation study presents the effect of lightning strikes on the performance of arresters at 150 kV overhead lines.
Lightning strikes have several parameters that affect the performance of line arresters (LA), namely lightning charge, and
impulse energy. The simulation w as attempted by the injection of a direct strike to the ground w ire w ith the peak voltage of
10 M V. The peak voltage w as varied in terms of w avefront time (Tf) and the duration of lightning impulses (tau). In order to
calculate current, charge and impulse energy of LA from various variations of Tf and tau, the trapezoidal numerical integration
method is used. The current and impulse energy arising due to direct strikes and various variations of Tf and tau w ill be
compared for each phase so that the influence of Tf and tau can be obtained from the performance of the LA and the current
charge and impulse energy values are still w ithin the limits of the IEEE C62.11 standard. The installation of LA and the posi tion
of arresters affected the peak voltage of lightning on the phase line w hen lightning struck it. The line arresters provide a drop
in the peak voltage of lightning in phase lines. By installing line arresters in each tow er, it w ill reduce the peak voltage of
lightning on the phase line more significantly than the standalone line arrester. It is show n that the line arresters have to
install at least six tow ers to reduce the peak voltage in the phase lines.
©2019 Research Centre for Electrical Pow er and M echatronics - Indonesian Institute of Sciences. This is an open access
article under the CC BY-NC-SA license (
Keyw ords: lightning impulse; line arrester; peak voltage; impulse energy; placement of arrester.

I. Int r oduct ion are often hit by the lightning strikes. The data show
that from 2011 to 2014, the phase lines w ere struck
Overhead lines for 70 kV, 150 kV and 275 kV, by lightning as many as 305 times as show n in
w hich stretch along the island of Sumatra, are very Figure 2.
susceptible to the disruption caused by lightning The recorded failures of the 150 kV overhead lines
strike. This is proven by the lightning activity in in central Sumatra from 2011 to 2014 occurred
Sumatra Island, w hich includes the high category. throughout the year. This failure w as recorded as a
This happens because Indonesia is located in the failure due to lightning. These data also show that the
humid tropics w hich results in very high central Sumatra has a high lightning density w hich is
thunderstorm days compared to other regions (100- a threat and disruption to the distribution of
200 days of thunder per year). Based on the electricity. The data in Figure 1 and Figure 2 indicates
calculation using IEEE flash softw are as show n in that the 150 kV overhead lines in central Sumatra
Figure 1, the back flashover rate (BFOR) and shielding need to be protected according to the safety standard.
failure flashover rate (SFFOR) are directly High-voltage transmission poles are tall objects
proportional to the ground flash density (GFD) for the and are subject to lightning strikes. It is not only the
150 kV overhead lines in Sumatra. With GFD of 9-13 shielding failure caused by lightning struck that
flash/km 2/year, the 150 kV overhead lines in Sumatra should be calculat ed, but the back flashover needs to
also be estimated. The efforts that have been
attempted by the Electric Company in Sumatra to
* Corresponding Aut hor. Hp: +62 812 8881 6276 reduce the outages caused by lightning strikes
E-mail address: include checking and resetting the grounding rod at

2088-6985 / 2087-3379 ©2019 Research Centre for Electrical Pow er and M echat ronics - Indonesian Inst itut e of Sciences (RCEPM LIPI).
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-SA license (
Accreditation Number: (RISTEKDIKTI) 1/E/KPT/2015 (Sinta 2).
50 F. Murdiya et al. / Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Pow er, and Vehicular Technology 10 (2019) 49-59

Figure 1. BFOR and SFFOR for 150 kV in Sumatra


30 29
20 23 23 22
21 21
15 17
16 16 15
5 8
6 2
Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec

2011 2012 2013 2014

Source: Electric Company in Sumatra

Figure 2. The number of the outage of t he 150 kV overhead l ines caused by light ning st ruck

least under 5 Ohms, checking and repairing the currents in this model [10][11][12][13]. This Heidler
ground static w ire clam ps, as w ell as t he installations model is given in Figure 3.
of transmission lightning arrester (TLA), lightning 𝑡 −𝑡
𝐼0 [ ] [ ]
protection termination early stream er emission (ESE), 𝑖(𝑡) = 𝜂
⋅ 𝑡 𝑛
⋅𝑒 𝜏2 (1)
and static w ire insulated ground (i -GSW) for areas [ ] +1
that are often struck by lightning. Another effort w as 1
also carried out by installing jet stream arc- 𝜏 𝜂𝜏
[−[𝜏1 ][ 𝜏 2 ]𝑛 ]
quenching lightning prot ection gap. External ground 2 1
𝜂=𝑒 (2)
w ires contribute to reduce flashover rate. Those
efforts are done by [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]. The w here 𝐼0 is lightning peak current (kA), 𝜏1 is current
recommendation for back flashover rate rising time constant, 𝜏2 is current dropping time
im provement has been proposed by [9] using multi constant, and 𝜂 is current crest factor.
cham ber insulator arresters (M CIA) to substitute the The TLA model of 150 kV overhead lines is show n
string insulators. From the improvement efforts in Figure 4. This model has also been derived from
carried out by the electric company in Sumatra, there IEEE standards [14][15][16]. This model w ill be used
are some interesting things to be evaluated further, in the simulation w ith the ATP-EM TP softw are. The
such as w hether, the installed TLA is related to the
characteristics of the lightning impulses and their
effects to decrease t he lightning peak voltage hence
improving the 150 kV lines performances. In this
manuscript , the simulations w ere carried out by
means of ATP-EM TP softw are. The impulse generator
model uses the Heidler model w hich is an impulse
current function model and is w idely used as a model
of lightning. Equation (1) and Equation (2) are
momentary current equations that calculate li ghtning
Figure 3. Lightning current model
F. Murdiya et al. / Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Pow er, and Vehicular Technology 10 (2019) 49-59 51

L0 L1

Rp A0 A1

Figure 4. Pincet i and Giannet t oni model

Table 1.
Data of arrest er M OV
U (V)
I (A)
A0 A1
10 271,250 0
100 298,530 238,390
1,000 325,500 263,500
2,000 337,280 277,140
4,000 348,750 286,750
6,000 352,780 290,780
8,000 362,390 296,360
10,000 368,280 300,390
12,000 373,860 302,250
14,000 381,610 306,280
16,000 387,500 308,140
18,000 397,110 310,000 (a) (b)
Figure 5. The w ell-know n models: (a) 150 kV tow er and
20,000 407,030 311,860
(b) M ulti-st orey tow er for ATP-EM TP model

Pinceti and Giannettoni model is a simplified model w aveform of 8/20 μs. The transmission tow er is
of the IEEE W.G 3.4.11 standard. This model modelled for 150 kV w ith four param eters illustrated
eliminates the capacitance C because of its negligible in Figure 5. One of the w ell-know n models is the
effect. The tw o parallel resistances w ith inductance multistory model designed by M asaru Ishii. The
are replaced by one R resistance (about 1 M Ω) multistory tow er model consists of a line of
betw een the input terminals. The non-linear resistor param eters distributed w ith parallel RL circuits and
characteristics 𝐴𝑜 and 𝐴1 are identical to the IEEE W. has been recommended by Japanese standards for
G 3.4.11 model. The 𝐿𝑜 and 𝐿1 param eters of this designing/coordinating insulation against lightning.
simplified surge arrester model are calculated from This model is w idely used for lightning w ave analysis
the follow ing Equation (3) and Equation (4) [17][18]. in Japan [13][19][20]. The velocity of propagation is
1 𝑉𝑟1⁄𝑇2 −𝑉𝑟8⁄20 300 m/s. The recommended surge impedance value
𝐿1 = ⋅ ⋅ 𝑉𝑛 (3) from the tow er model above can be seen in Table 2.
4 𝑉𝑟8⁄20
The values of R and L every sect ion on the tow er are
1 𝑉𝑟1⁄𝑇2 −𝑉𝑟8⁄20 defined as in Equation (5) and Equation (6) as follow s:
𝐿0 = ⋅ ⋅ 𝑉𝑛 (4)
12 𝑉𝑟8⁄20
𝑅𝑖 = Δ𝑅𝑖 𝑥𝑖 (5)
w here 𝑉𝑛 is arrester rated voltage, 𝑉𝑟1⁄𝑇2 is impulse
voltage w ith a w aveform of 1,2/5 µs, 𝑉𝑟8⁄20 is impulse 𝐿𝑖 = 2𝜏𝑅𝑖 (6)
voltage w ith w aveform 8/20 µs. The values of non- w here i = 1,2,3, and 4 for every section of the tow er,
linear resistance A0 and A1 are taken from the data of tow er height h, x 1 is the distance of ground w ire (GW)
ZnO arrester present ed in Table 1. By using Equation to phase line 1, x 2 is t he dist ance of phase line 2 to
(3) and Equation (4), the values of 𝐿1 is 0.002448 mH phase line 1, x 3 is the distance of phase line 3 to phase
and 𝐿0 is 0.000816 mH. The values of A0 and A1, Vref is line 2, and x 4 is the distance of phase line 3 to ground.
tw ice of residual voltage for the current of 10 kA and The formula of Δ𝑅𝑖 is determined by Equation (4) and

Table 2.
Recommended value of lightning parameters
Syst em Li ght i ng Tow er hei ght / geom et r y Sur ge i m p. Foot i ng res.
vol t age current (m ) (Ω ) (Ω )
(kV) (kA) H x1 x2 x3 Zt1 Zt4 Rf
1100 200 107 12.5 18.5 18.5 130 90 10
500 150 79.5 7.5 14.5 14.5 220 150 10
275 100 52.0 9.0 7.6 7.6 220 150 10
154 (110) 60 45.8 6.2 4.3 4.3 220 150 10
77 (66) 30, 40 28.0 3.5 4.0 3.5 220 150 10-20
52 F. Murdiya et al. / Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Pow er, and Vehicular Technology 10 (2019) 49-59

dependent tow er impedance w ith the Semlyen or

M arti line model in EM TP [22][23][24][25][26]. The
current charge is t he area of lightning or integral
current w ith time. This current charge (Q) is
formulated in Equation (9), w here i is the lightning
current strength in kA and t is a time in seconds.
𝑄 = ∫ 𝑖 𝑑𝑡 (C) (9)
Integral Quadratic Current (E) is impulse energy
w hich is a mechanical effect, and lightning heat can
be formulated in Equation (10),
𝐸 = ∫ 𝑖 2 𝑡 𝑑𝑡 (J) (10)
By follow ing the simulation rules above, the
effects of lightning impulse characteristics and
transmission lines arrest er (TLA) on the design of TLA
laying in 150 kV overhead lines in Sumatra w ere
carried out. The number of TLA used needs to be
proven by simulations to determine the effectiveness
of TLA installation on 150 kV overhead lines in

II. Research M et hodology

Analysis of lightning strikes on arrester w ork at
Figure 6. Tow er configurations 150 kV overhead lines in this study w as carried out
using the ATP (Alternative Transient Program ). The
simulation process w as carried out in several stages,
Equation (5) w here Zt1 and Zt4 are data from Table 1
nam ely: field data collection, transmission line
for system voltage of 154 kV/110 kV and time of
param eter calculation, modelling all channel
traveling w ave on the tow er: 𝜏 = ℎ⁄𝑐0 , the param eters into ATP-EM TP, analyzing current charge
attenuation constant: and propagation velocity : 𝑐0 = and impulse energy in arresters in each phase and
300 𝑚⁄𝜇𝑠 . analyzing the installation of arresters in each
transmission tow er.
2𝑍𝑡𝑙 1
Δ𝑅1 = Δ𝑅2 = Δ𝑅3 = 𝑙𝑛 ( ) (7) The data retrieval w as carried out by collecting
ℎ−𝑥4 𝛼1
equipm ent data, tow er data, pow er transformer data,
2𝑍𝑡𝑙 1
Δ𝑅4 = 𝑙𝑛 ( ) (8) arrester data used at the substation and lines, and the
ℎ−𝑥4 𝛼1
components needed for the modelling process. The
Transmission lines in Japan use a vertical conductor data used in this study are divided into
tw incircuit configuration w ith tw o ground w ires and tw o: shield w ires and phase w ires. Shield w ires are
6 phase w ires. This configuration model is used for made of the galvanized st eel w ire w ith a cross-
the transmission line model on EM TP called the sectional area of 55 mm 2, and the sag length is 4,576
frequency-dependent line model of the EM TP. m. Phase conductor is made of Zebra ACSR w ith a
How ever, the influence of distributed-line models cross-sectional area of 428 mm 2, Rmax resistance is
w ith a fixed propagation velocity, more attenuation, 0.0397 Ohm/km, Xmax reactance is 0.272 Ohm/km,
and surge impedance is explained in EM TP w hich is Lmax inductance is 0.433 mH/km and Cmax capacitance
often used for transient overvoltage simulations [21]. is 6.645 nF/km. Sag length is 5.4 m. The tow er
The frequency-dependent effect of a tow er used in configuration is show n in Figure 6. Shield w ires and
the simulation is a combination of the frequency- phase w ires are tabulated in Table 3.

Table 3.
The positions of shield w ires and phase w ires
Operat i ng Phase-Phase Phase Coordi nat es
Conduct or No. Phase Angl e [ 0 ] Funct i on
[ kV] X [m] Y [m]
1 - - Shield -1.5 35.5
2 - - Shield 1.5 35.5
3 150 0 R -2.05 30.73
4 150 240 S -2.125 26.03
5 150 120 T -2.2 21.33
6 150 0 R' 2.05 30.73
7 150 240 S' 2.125 26.03
8 150 120 T' 2.2 21.33
Span (Average) = 300 m
Surge Impedance = 139 ohm
F. Murdiya et al. / Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Pow er, and Vehicular Technology 10 (2019) 49-59 53

Figure 7. 150 kV overhead lines model: (1) Subst ation; (2) Lightning arrest er; (3) LCC/Lines; (4) M ultist ory tow er; (5) Pow er generat or; 6.
Impulse generator; (7) Foot ing resist ance (Rf ); (8) Sw itch for back flashover

By entering tow er configuration data into III. Result s and Di scussions

Equations (5-8), the parameters for the tow er
replacement circuit w ere obt ained in the ATP-EM TP The variation of Tf of the lightning impulse
softw are. Lines phases w ere modelled w ith LCC and modelled at ATM -EM TP is show n in Figure 8. The Tf
the configuration of the circuit of sixline phases and value imputed on the Hiedler impulse generator
tw o ground w ires. The pow er transformer used w as model is 1.2, 2.4, 3.6, 4.8 µs. Next, the w avefront start
150 kV rms w ith a frequency of 50 Hz. Arrester w as value and tau value are set at 0.1 and 50 µs. After the
used by the model in Figure 4. Tf and data param eters are set, the impulse current
The simulation method looked at the effect of flow s through arresters in phase A because the
lightning w ave front (Tf) and lightning w ave duration isolator flashover process occurs in phase A. The
(tau) on lightning charge and lightning energy characteristics of lightning impulse currents through
compared to the IEEE C62.11 standard. The peak arresters in phase A for variations of Tf are given in
voltage of the impulse generator (Heidler model) w as Figure 9. By using the trapezoidal numerical method,
10 M V. After overvoltage on the tow er, a simulation the current charge and impulse energy values can be
w as carried out to see the effect of TLA installation on solved by using current impulse data flow ing in
the 150 kV transmission line. The back flash over arrester A w ith a variation of Tf. For the comparison
model w as also created w ith an automatical sw itch in of the current charge, the change in Tf is still w ithin
microsecond order, for example, number 6 in Figure the arrester resistance limit, w hich is in the range of
7. According to Table 2, the t ow er ground resistance 3.5 C. How ever, the impulse energy values that occur
is 10 Ohm. The number of TLA and TLA positions is the in arresters on phase A have exceeded the energy
objective of this research. The m odel used in the resistance limit of the arrester, w hich is 11 kJ. The
simulation is given in Figure 7. value of the current charge and impulse energy w ith
variations of Tf is given in Figure 10 and Figure 11. It
54 F. Murdiya et al. / Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Pow er, and Vehicular Technology 10 (2019) 49-59

Figure 8. Lightning impulse w ith Tf variations

Figure 9. Current w aves passing through arrest ers in phase A to variations of Tf

show s that the variation Tf of the lightning impulse a flashover event of the insulator in phase A. The
influences t he current charge and impulse energy current charge and impulse energy can be solved
values. Current and impulse energy values are using current data flow ing in the arrester in phase A.
proportional to Tf. By keeping the peak voltage of the These values are given in Figure 14 and Figure 15. It is
impulse 10 M V and varying the Tf values, the impulse show n that the tau value is proportional to the
energy received by the arrester is greater t han t he current charge. If the tau values exceed the 70 µs, the
standard value w hile the charge values are st ill below arrester w ill exceed the limit value (show n in yellow
the standard. Impulse energy that exceeds t his line). How ever, the value also affects the impulse
standard could result in a shorter lifetime of the energy value, w hich exceeds the standard value of
arrester. arresters according to IEEE C62.11. The values of tau
In order to find out the effect of changes in tau could affect the values of t he charge and impulse
value, this simulation w as carried out by varying the energy that exceeds t he standard. It is show n that tau
tau values of 50, 70, 90, 110 and 130 µs. As for the can influence the arrester performance w here the
values of Tsta and Tf are fixed, w hich is 0.1 and 1.2 µs. lifetime of arrester w ill be shorter than the variation
The value of the variation of the lightni ng impulse is of Tf.
show n in Figure 12 and Figure 13. By injecting In order to figure out the effect of arrester
lightning impulses into a 150 kV overhead lines performance, the installation locations of arresters
model, this w ill cause arresters in phase A to w ork are varied in this study. Figure 16 show s a simulation
because the arresters are passed by the current after of a series of a lightning strike that grabs t he ground

Figure 10. Comparison of current charge values t o variat ions of Figure 11. Comparison of impulse energy values w ith Tf
Tf variat ions
F. Murdiya et al. / Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Pow er, and Vehicular Technology 10 (2019) 49-59 55

Figure 12. Lightning impulse w ith tau variat ions

Figure 13. Current w aves t hrough arrest er in phase A after lightning current s are injected w ith variations of tau

w ire and propagates throughout the transmission lightning strike w ith arresters placed on tow er 1. The
lines. The carry out model is the insulator on tow er arrester on tow er 1 has a voltage drop of 89.05 %
number 4 during the flashover event and it causes an w ith a voltage level of 0.7124 M V. M eanw hile, tow ers
increase of voltage on the phase w ire. The Tf, Tsta and 2 to 6 did not experience significant decreases of peak
tau values in this simulation are 1.2, 3, and 90 ms, voltage, w ith the values of 10.99 %, 0.54 %, 0 %,
respectively. The simulation result s that w ere run on 0.81 %, and 0.8 %, respectively.
a series of a lightning strike on ground w ires w ithout The peak voltage of phase w ires for tow ers 2 to 6
mounting arresters can be seen in Figure 16. The are 6.9173 M V, 8.5731 M V, 10 M V, 8.7873 M V, and
values of the peak voltage of phase w ire are 6.5078 8.2579 M V, respectively. Figure 18 show s the
M V, 7.7113 M V, 8.6198 M V, 10 M V, 8.8588 M V, and simulation result w ith the placement of TLA on
8.3243 M V for tow er numbers 1 to 6, respectively. tow ers 1 and 5. The peak lightning voltage on the
This simulation also examines the effect of arrester phase w ires in each tow er is different. The highest to
performance in various arrester installation locations.
Figure 17 show s a simulation of a series of the

Figure 14. Comparison of current charge values t o t au variations Figure 15. Comparison of impulse energy values to tau variat ions
56 F. Murdiya et al. / Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Pow er, and Vehicular Technology 10 (2019) 49-59

Figure 16. Simulat ion result of t he output of the lightning st rike circuit w ithout arrest er

Figure 17. Simulat ion result s show a series of lightning st rikes on transmission lines w ith arrest ers placed on tow er 1

Figure 18. Simulation result of a light ning st rike on transmission lines w ith arrest ers placed on tow ers 1 and 5

the low est peak voltage is found in tow ers 4, 3, 2, 6, 5, respectively, w hile t he recorded peak voltage w as
and 1. The most significant decrease in peak voltage 0.7113 M V, 6.9167 M V, 8.5746 M V, 10 M V, 1.3636 M V,
on phase w ires is found betw een tow ers 1 and 5. The 1.3746 M V, respectively. M oreover, the simulation
peak voltage drop on phase w ires from tow ers 1 to 6 result s for the installation of arresters in tow ers 1, 2
are 89.67 %, 11 %, 0.52 %, 0 %, 84.61 %, 83.49 %, and 6 can be seen in Figure 19. From the graph above,
F. Murdiya et al. / Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Pow er, and Vehicular Technology 10 (2019) 49-59 57

Figure 19. Simulation result of a light ning st rike on transmission lines w ith arrest ers placed on tow ers 1, 2 and 6

Figure 20. Simulation result of a light ning st rike on transmission lines w ith arrest ers placed on tow ers 1, 3, 4 and 5

Figure 21. Simulation result of a light ning st rike on transmission lines w ith arrest ers placed on tow ers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6

the data obtained for peak voltage on phase w ires in 20. From the graph above, the data are as follow s: the
tow ers 1 to 6 include 0.5153 M V, 0.8021 M V, 7.6114 peak voltages of lightning on phase w ire are 0.5471
M V, 10 M V, 7.613 M V, 0.8971 M V, respectively and M V (decreased 91.59 %), 0.8519 M V (decreased
the percentages of reduction of peak voltage are 89.04 %), 1.284 M V (decreased 85.1 %), 10 M V
92.08 %, 89.68 %, 11.69 %, 0 %, 14.04 %, 89.22 %for (decreased 0 %), 1.3615 M V (decreased 84.63 %), and
tow ers 1 to 6, respectively. 1.3811 M V (decreased 83.41 %) for tow ers 1 to 6,
The simulation results for the installati on of respectively. Figure 21 is a simulation result w ith the
arresters in tow ers 1, 3, 4 and 5 can be seen in Figure placement of arresters in tow ers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
58 F. Murdiya et al. / Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Pow er, and Vehicular Technology 10 (2019) 49-59

The lightning peak voltages on phase w ire are 0.4679 Confli ct of i nt er est
M V, 0.5674 M V, 1.2248 M V, 10 M V, 1,2322 M V, and
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
0.6219 M V for tow ers 1 to 6, respectively. The voltage
drop values are as follow s: 92.81 %, 92.64 %, 85.79 %, Addi t ional i nfor m at i on
0 %, 86.09 %, and 92.53 % for tow ers 1 to 6, No additional information is available for this paper.
In addition, the location of lightning strikes on
overhead lines does not have a significant effect on
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