Narain and Yadav

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African Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science Research Vol. 4(10), pp.

308-312, 15 September, 2011 Available online at ISSN 2006-9731 2011 Academic Journals

Full Length Research Paper

On weakly symmetric and weakly Ricci symmetric Lorentzian Para-Sasakian manifolds

Dhruwa Narain and Sunil Yadav*
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, D.D.U. Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur (India).
Accepted 9 August, 2011

The aim of the present paper is to study weakly symmetric and weakly Ricci symmetric an LP-Sasakian manifolds and proved that if weakly symmetric LP-Sasakian manifold satisfies -parallel Ricci condition then the scalar curvature of the manifolds is equal to rank of . If weakly symmetric an LPSasakian manifolds satisfies Ricci tensor of coddazi type then the manifolds is R-Harmonic, further we have obtained the necessary condition for weakly symmetric an LP- Sasakian manifolds has cyclic Ricci tensor is that vanishing the 1 -forms + + for all the vector field X , Y and Z . Key words: Coddazi type Ricci tensor, R-harmonic manifold, cyclic Ricci tensor, -parallel Ricci tensor and quasi Einstein manifold. INTRODUCTION In (1989), Matsumoto introduced the notion of Lorentzian Para-Sasakian manifold ( M n. g ) (n 2) . Mihai and Rosca (1992) define same notion independently. This type of manifolds is also discussed in Mihai and Roscaa (1992) non-flat Riemannian manifolds is called weakly symmetric if there exist 1 -form , , and such that the relation.

Hold for vector fields X , Y , Z ( M n , g ) .where S is the Ricci tensor of type (0,2) of the manifold ( M n , g ) . A weakly Ricci symmetric manifolds is said to be proper if = = = 0 is not the case. Let [e i ] , i = 1,2,3,4......n be an orthonarmal basis of the tangent space at a point of the manifolds. Putting Y = V = ei in (1) and taking summation over i , 1 i n , we get
( X S )( Z ,U ) = ( X ) S ( Z ,U ) + ( Z ) S ( X ,U ) + (U ) S ( Z , X )

R (Y , Z ,U ,V ) = ( X ) R ( Y , Z ,U ,V ) + (Y ) R ( X , Z ,U ,V ) + (Z ) R(Y , X ,U ,V )

+ (U ) R(Y , Z , X ,V ) + (V ) R(Y , Z ,U ,V )

(1) Holds for all vector fields. Where R is the curvature tensor of the manifold ( M n , g ) of type (0, 4). A weakly symmetric manifolds is said to be proper if = = = = = 0 is not the case. A Riemannian manifolds is called weakly Ricci symmetric if there exist 1 -form , and such that the relation ( X S )(Y , Z ) = ( X )S (Y , Z ) + (Y ) S ( X , Z ) + ( Z )S ( X , Y ) (2)
+ ( R ( X , Z ) U ) + ( R ( X ,U ) Z )

(3) Tamassy and Binh (1993) introduced the notion of weakly symmetric and weakly Ricci symmetric, Sasakian manifolds. Kon (1976), De et al. (2000) obtained the necessary condition for the compatibility of several kContact structure with weak symmetric and weak Ricci symmetric and provided they do not reduced to conman local symmetric that they are proper. Then these symmetric are weaker than Pseudo symmetric and Pseudo Ricci symmetric respectively. In this paper, we study LP-Sasakian manifolds with weakly symmetric and weakly Ricci symmetric tensor of Codaggi type and obtained several results together with

*Corresponding author. E-mail:

Narain and Yadav


-parallel Ricci tensor, Quasi Einstein, Cyclic Ricci tensor and Ricci tensor of Codaggi type.
PRELIMINARIES Let ( M n , g ) be n -dimensional. Differentiable manifolds with a tensor field of type (1,1) , a contra variant vector field , a covariant vector field and a Lorentzian metric g of type (0,2) which satisfying

(i) L S = 0 (ii) L r = 0 ,where L denotes Li-derivation



2 = I +
( ) = 1
g ( X , Y ) = g ( X , Y ) + ( X ) (Y ) g( X , ) = ( X )

(4) (5) (6) (7)

If weakly symmetric and weakly Ricci symmetric LPSasakian manifolds ( M n , g ) n 3 satisfies the condition then the sum of the 1-form + + are equal to the sum of the 1-form + + over the killing vector field .

Proof Consider the manifolds ( M n , g ) is weakly symmetric. Then from (3) putting X = and using (40), we get
( S )( Z , U ) = ( ) S ( Z , U ) + ( n 1)[ ( Z ) (U ) + (U ) ( Z )] + ( R ( , Z ) U ) + ( R ( , U ) Z )

It is called Lorentzian Para-Sasakian manifolds (briefly (LP-Sasakian manifold) and the structure ( , , , g ) is called a Lorentzian Para -contact structure. An LPContact manifold is called LP- Sasakian manifold if it satisfying. ( X )(Y ) = g ( X , Y ) + (Y ) X + 2 ( X ) (Y ) (8)

(16) From (4-a), we get

( S ) ( Z , U ) = S ( Z , U ) S ( Z , U )

Where denoted the operator of covariant different ion with respect to Lorentzian g metric of type (0,2) In LPSasakian manifolds the following relations hold (Matsumoto and Mihai, 1988) (a) = 0 . (b) ( X ) = 0 c rank ( )= n 1 X = X (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)


Using (10) in (17), we get ( S )( Z , U ) = S ( Z , U ) + S ( Z , U ) Also from (41) we have S ( Z , U ) = n g ( Z , U ) g ( Z , U ) And S (Z , U ) = n g ( Z , U ) g ( Z , U ) Using this result in (18), we get ( S )( Z , U ) = 0 From (2), we get (19) (18)

( R( , X )Y = g ( X , Y ) (Y ) ( X )
R ( , X ) = X + ( X ) ]
S ( X , ) = ( n 1) ( X )

R( X , Y ) = (Y ) X ( X )Y S (X , Y ) = S ( X , Y ) + ( n 1) ( X ) (Y )

For any vector field X , Y and Z .where R ( X , Y )Z is the Riemannian curvature tensor. Lemma In a Lorentzian Para-Sasakian manifolds, if be a killing vector fields then we get

( S )( Z , U ) = ( ) S ( Z , U ) + ( Z ) S ( , U ) + (U ) S ( , Z ) (20)
Also from (16) we get


Afr. J. Math. Comput. Sci. Res.

( S )( Z , U ) = ( ) S ( Z , U ) + ( Z ) S ( , U ) + (U ) S ( , Z )] + ( R ( , U ) Z )U ) + ( R ( , U ) Z )
(21) From (19), (20) and (21), we get
( ) S ( Z , U ) + ( Z ) S ( , U ) + (U ) S ( , Z ) + ( R ( , U ) Z )U ) + ( R ( , U ) Z )

Where g ( X , L) = ( X ) and g ( X , M ) = ( X ) From (23) we get

( X S )(Y , Z ) = b [( X A) (Y ) A ( Z ) + ( X A) ( Z ) A (Y )]
(25) Then from (24) and (25), we get
( X )S( X , Y ) + (Y )S ( X , Y ) + (Z )S ( X , Y ) + (R( X , Y )Z ) + (R( X , Z)Y )

= ( ) S ( Z , U ) + ( Z ) S ( , U ) + (U ) S ( , Z )
(22) Putting Z = U = in (22), we get

= b [( X A) (Y ) A ( Z ) + ( X A) ( Z ) A (Y )]


( ) + ( ) + ( ) = ( ) + ( ) + ( )
We get the result as required. WEAKLY SYMMETRIC SASAKIAN MANIFOLDS Definition A non-flat LP-Sasakian manifold is called Quasi-Einstein manifold if its Ricci tensor S of type (0,2) satisfies the condition QUASI-EINSTEIN LP-

Putting Y = Z = ei in (26) and taking summation for 1 i n we get

r ( X ) + 2 S ( X , L ) + 2S ( X , M ) = 2b ( X A)(e i ) A(ei )
i =1

(27) Using (23) in (27), we get

r (X ) + 2[ag( X , L) + bA(X ) A(L)]+ 2[ Ag( X , M ) + bA( X )A(M )] = 2b ( X A)(ei ) A(ei )
i=1 n

(28) The right hand side of equation (28) can be written as follows

S ( X , Y ) = a g ( X , Y ) + b A( X ) A(Y )


Where a , b are scalar and b 0 and A is non - zero 1form such that A( X ) = g ( X ,U ) for every X and U is unit vector fields.

2b X ( A(ei ) A( X ei )] A(ei )
i =1

Theorem 2 There exist no weakly symmetric Quasi Einstein LPSasakian manifolds if

Where { ei } is the orthonormal basis at Tu (M ) , u M . Let us translate these parallel from u in any direction then ( X ei ) = using this fact in above relation, we get

r + 2 + 2 + 2bA ( L)U + 2b A( M )U b U
not everywhere zero.


2b X ( A(ei )) A(e i ) =
i =1

2b ( X , g (e i , U )) g (ei , U ) =
i =1

2b g ( X U , e i ) g (e i , U )
Proof We consider a weakly symmetric manifold as a Quasi Einstein LP-Sasakian manifold (M , g) ; Then from (3), we get


i =1

= 2bg ( X U , U )
= bXg (U , U ) = bX U

Then from (28) and (29) we get

(X S)(Z,U) = ( X )S( X, Y) + (Y)S( X, Y) + (Z)S( X, Y) + (R( X , Y)Z) + (R(X , Z)Y)


r + 2 + 2 + 2bA( L)U + 2bA(M )U b U

We get the result as required.

Narain and Yadav


WEAKLY RICCI-SYMMETRIC LP-SASAKIAN MANIFOLDS WITH -PARALLEL RICCI TENSOR Definition The Ricci tensor of weakly Ricci Symmetric LP-Sasakian manifolds is called parallel if it satisfies

+ + for all vector fields X , Y and Z

Proof From (3), we get

(X S)(Y, Z) = ( X )S(Y, Z) + (Y)S( X, Z) + (Z)S(Y, X ) + (R( X, Y)Z) + (R( X , Z)Y)

( X S )( X , Y ) = 0 , for all vector field

X , Y and Z .

(34) Now taking the cyclic permutation of Equation (34) in X , Y Z and adding them we get
( X S)(Y, Z) + (Y S)(X, Z) + (Z S)(X , Y) = S( X, Y )[( X ) + (X ) + (X )] + S( X, Z)[(Y ) + (Y ) + (Y)] + S(Y , X )[(Z) + (Z) + (Z)] + (R( X , Y)Z) + (R(Y, Z )X ) + (R(Z, X )Y) + (R( X, Z)Y ) + (R(Y, X )Z ) + (R(Z, Y )X )

(30) Theorem 3 If weakly Ricci symmetric LP- Sasakian manifolds has parallel Ricci tensor then the scalar curvature r of the manifolds is equal to rank ( ) .

(35) Using (11) in (35), we get

Proof We consider weakly Ricci symmetric LP - Saakian manifolds with parallel Ricci tensor. Then from (2) we get

( X S )(Y , Z ) + ( Y S )( X , Z ) + ( Z S )( X , Y ) = S ( X , Y )[ ( X ) + ( X ) + ( X ) ] + S ( X , Z )[ (Y ) + (Y ) + (Y )] + S (Y , X )[ ( Z ) + ( Z ) + ( Z )]

(36) From (36) it follows that


( X S )( X , Y ) = M ( X )S (X , Z ) + (Y )S ( X , Z ) + (Y )S ( X , Y ) (31)
Using (42) in (31) we get
( X S )( Y , Z ) = M ( X )S (Y , Z ) + (n 1) (Y ) (Z ) + M (Y )S ( X , Y )

S )( Y , Z ) + (

S )( X , Z ) + (

S )( X , Y ) = 0

(37) If vanishing the sum of 1-form + + for all vector fields X , Y and Z .

(32) From (30) and (32), we get

M ( X ) [ S (Y , Z ) + (n 1) (Y ) (Z )] + ( Y )S ( X , Z ) + ( Z )S ( X , Y )

Corollary (33) If weakly






Putting Z = in (33) and using (9-b), (40), we get

r = n 1 =

satisfies the Cyclic Ricci tensor condition then the vanishing the sum of 1-form + + over the killing vector fields

( M , g) , n 3

Rank ( ) We get the result as required.

Theorem 5 If weakly symmetric LP- Sasakian manifolds has Ricci tensor of Codazzi type then the manifolds is RHarmonic, (that is, Symmetric).

WEAKLY SYMMETRIC LP-SASAKIAN MANIFOLDS WITH CYCLIC RICCI TENSOR Proof Theorem 4 The necessary condition for LP- Sasakian manifolds has Cyclic Ricci tensor if vanishing the sum of 1-form We suppose weakly Ricci symmetric LP- Sasakian manifold has Ricci tensor of Codazzi type that is LPSasakian manifolds with the condition (38)


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( X S )( Y , Z ) = ( X S )( X , Z ) + ( X S )( X , Y )


From Equations (38) and (37), we get ( X S )(Y , Z ) = 0 . This completes the proof of the theorem (5) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We are thankful to the referee for their comments regarding this paper.
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