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Fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the box given below to complete the passage given.

[10 x 0.5 = 5]

It seems that misery is____________________. Readers can't get enough of dystopian fiction -
stories set in a terrible __________________ in which nice people experience awful things. I asked
leading publisher Laika Masood why dystopian fiction __________ well. 'It's probably because it
deals with human_________________, she said. 'At some level, most people fear being
__________________by those more powerful than them, or having their identities and personalities
squashed, and dystopian fiction explores that in an ____________________ way.

It's also true that dystopian fiction reflects something about the time in which it is written. Laika
explained that the genre sells well when society is a bit _________________ or people feel that their
world is changing'. So, do people only read this type of book when they're feeling
_____________________? Probably not. People read for all sorts of reasons, but it is the case that
when and where you read a text affects how you respond. In other words, if you live a peaceful,
____________________ life then you may react differently than if you live in a place which
is___________________ controlled.

List of words:

Depressed Extreme Popular Future

Fears Controlled Heavily Unhappy Content

The given Text has a lot of FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE to create atmosphere and settings - such as
Similes, Metaphors, Personification, Hyperbole, Oxymoron, etc.

Identify at least TWO of the figurative languages from the Text and explain in your own words
what they mean.

[2 x 2.5 = 5]

Some time later, a young hummingbird fell from a nest in the garden and broke its wing. Instead of
running away, trembling granddaughter walked towards the little bird and picked it up. Its body was
shaking even more than her own. She could feel its tiny, fluttering heart and its warm, feathery
tummy. She held the hummingbird with the same tenderness as her grandmother had held her and
carried it inside.

Grandmother knew how to look after hurt animals. Together they made a little nest of cloth and
straw in a box and fed the bird.

Grandmother's smile spread across her face and lit up her eyes. 'Certainly, this is progress!' she
exclaimed. And while the hummingbird slept, grandmother took trembling granddaughter on her
broad lap and sang to her, 'My little one, listen well. I can feel trembling in your belly. I can hear fear
inside your bones.

The world is a frightening place for those who cannot help others. Today you helped a tiny,
frightened creature and discovered your gift of healing!' All through the night, she held her beloved
grandchild safe on her comfortable lap and sang, 'This is my gift that I am stroking into you. It is also
a gift of my grandmother and of her grandmother before her!

Figurative Language 1: [Quote the sentence/phrase that you are identifying]



What it means: [explain how the figurative language successfully created the desired effect to
express what setting/message the writer intended to convey through the sentence/phrase]




Figurative Language 2: [Quote the line/phrase that you are identifying]



What it means: [explain how the figurative language successfully created the desired effect to
express what setting/message the writer intended to convey through the sentence/phrase]





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