精品解析:山西省三晋名校联盟2023 2024学年高三上学期11月期中联考英语(解析版)

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三晋名校联盟 2023—2024 学年高三年级阶段性测试(期中)

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有 2 分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂
第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)
听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。
听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
例:How much is the shirt?
A. £ 19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
答案是 C。
1. What does the man mean?
A. Miya has gone out for dinner.
B. Miya may be absorbed in painting.
C. The woman speaker should study hard.
2. Where does the conversation probably take place?
A. On the street. B. In a hotel. C. On the phone.
3. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
A. Boss and employee.
B. Business partners.
C. Interviewer and interviewee.
4. When will the meeting be scheduled for tomorrow?
A. At 15:20. B. At 15:40. C. At 16:00.
5. What is the man going to do first?
A. Head for the airport.
B. Attend a conference.
C. Go to the woman speaker’s home.
第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)
听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中
选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,
各小题给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

第 1 页/共 22 页
听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。
6. What is the woman doing?
A. Telling a joke. B. Selling a ticket. C. Giving advice.
7. What will the man do next?
A. Wait for the price to drop. B. Book an airline ticket. C. Prepare for a holiday party.
听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。
8. What will the man probably do on the project?
A. Do the computer work. B. Write the project plan. C. Collect the material.
9. When can the man take part in the project?
A. On April 29th. B. On May 1st. C. On May 3rd.
10. How will the man send his personal information?
A. In person. B. By email. C. By fax.
听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。
11. What is the weather like recently?
A. Cold. B. Warm. C. Windy.
12. Where was the man born?
A. In China. B. In Thailand. C. In France.
13. How old was the man when his parents brought him to Paris?
A.19 years old. B.9 years old. C.9 months old.
听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 17 题。
14. What is the woman busy with?
A. Computer games. B. Her job application. C. A master’s degree.
15. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
A. The graduation ceremony. B. Their job experiences. C. Their future plans.
16. How does the woman feel about her situation?
A. Extremely worried. B. Very encouraged. C. Quite satisfied.
17. What is the woman advised to do?
A. Apply for some other jobs. B. Do some shopping. C. Go for a bicycle ride.
听第 10 段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题。
18. When did the earthquake happen?
A. In the early morning. B. In the evening. C. At midnight.
19. Who took Linda out?
A. Scarlet. B. Her father. C. Her mother.
20. What did Linda’s mother do?
A. She checked the house thoroughly.
B. She went to work as usual.
C. She kept her children warm.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)
第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将

第 2 页/共 22 页
Vocabulary. com partners with teachers to help students master new words. We teach vocabulary so you can

focus on the curriculum (课程).

Ready-made resources

We teach more than 16, 000 words with over 242,000 questions. We’ve made 13,000 vocabulary lists that

align (一致) with commonly taught curriculum. From social studies textbooks like America: Pathways to Present to

staples like The Great Gatsby, our resources supplement whatever you’re teaching.

Mastery, not memorization

Our smart award-winning adaptive engine selects questions to systematically challenge students with words

they are ready to learn. Our varied question formats teach each word’s multiple meanings to help students build a

deeper understanding of each word in context, rather than mere memorization.

Motivating student learning

With every activity, students gain points and achievements so they can level up in our ranks while building

their word learning! Our gamified approach encourages students to flex their vocabulary muscles with daily

exercise and inspires them to master more words, above and beyond what their teacher has assigned.

Detailed teacher dashboard

The teacher dashboard provides educators with comprehensive reporting and actionable data. Follow each

student’s performance individually and see classroom trends to shape instruction decisions.

Contact us.

The Vocabulary. com team is available Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern Time, except on

holidays. Call us at 1-888-606-0846.

Sign up here now!

Whether you’re a teacher or a learner, Vocabulary, com can put you or your class on the path to systematic

vocabulary improvement.

Get started.

1. What can be said about the resources on Vocabulary.com?

A. They are all free of charge. B. They are unique in content.

C. They can’t be purchased offline. D. They match general curriculum.

2. How are students motivated to learn?

A. By earning points through activities. B. By joining in creating words games.

C. By seeking for help from their teachers. D. By adapting to engine selected questions.

第 3 页/共 22 页
3. When can you contact the team?

A. On Monday, 8:30 a. m. B. On Thursday, 2 p. m.

C. On Sunday, 10 a. m. D. On Friday, 8 a. m.

【答案】1. D 2. A 3. B


【导语】本文是应用文。Vocabulary. com 与老师合作,帮助学生掌握新单词。文章主要介绍了 Vocabulary.

com 网站的相关信息。

【1 题详解】

细节理解题。根据 Ready-made resources 部分中的“We teach more than 16, 000 words with over 242,000

questions. We’ve made 13,000 vocabulary lists that align (一致) with commonly taught curriculum. (我们教授超

过 16000 个单词和超过 242000 个问题。我们制作了 13,000 个与常规教学课程相一致的词汇表)”可知,

Vocabulary. com 的资源与一般课程相匹配。故选 D。

【2 题详解】

细节理解题。根据 Motivating student learning 部分中

“With every activity, students gain points and

achievements so they can level up in our ranks while building their word learning! (通过每一个活动,学生获得


激发学生的学习动机,故选 A。

【3 题详解】

细节理解题。根据 Contact us.部分中的“The Vocabulary. com team is available Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.

to 8 p.m. (词汇网站的团队在周一到周五上午 9 点到下午 8 点有时间)”结合选项可知,你可以在期四下午 2

点联系该团队,故选 B。

Katya Echazarreta recently made history as the first Mexican-born American woman and one of the youngest

women ever to fly to space—a lifelong dream she was able to accomplish at only 26 years old.

On June 4, Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin rocket carried its fifth group of passengers to the edge of space and Katya

got an opportunity to apply for one of the six seats through a nonprofit called Space for Humanity. The previous

flights had been all filled to capacity.

The organization’s goal is to send passengers to space and allow them to experience the “overview effect”, a

phenomenon astronauts have described after looking down at the Earth from the outside. “They recognize that, as

humans, our commonalities far outweigh our differences,” Space for Humanity says on its website.

Katya, an electrical engineer originally from Guadalajara, Mexico, was selected for the trip from a pool of

第 4 页/共 22 页
7,000 applicants from more than 100 countries based on her outstanding achievements in the space industry, and

this met their requirement—sending “exceptional leaders” to experience. After going through training, she and her

five fellow passengers took off from Blue Origin’s launch facility in West Texas. The spacecraft took them 62 miles

above the Earth’s surface, giving them a few minutes of weightlessness before a descent (下降) back to a parachute


“The trip up was the most fascinating experience because a lot of us are used to traveling horizontally. But

when you’ re in a rocket, you’ re going up vertically (垂直地) and that feels very strange,” Echazarreta said.

“Seeing the Earth from the outside, I feel it really puts things into perspective. Everything that we’ve ever

experienced—all of your problems, and all of your obstacles—and everything that feels like the end of the world to

us sometimes, are all there. It feels so big to us, and yet it’s not, because I just left in a matter of minutes.”

4. What can we know about Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin rocket?

A. It has made history in space exploration. B. It only provides seats for the young.

C. It helps women to realize their dream. D. It has flown about 30 passengers to space.

5. What does Space for Humanity aim to do?

A. Promote the development of space industry.

B. Send technology pioneers to live in space.

C. Let the passengers feel the overview effect.

D. Describe the phenomenon astronauts experience.

6. What may be one of the standards of the participants?

A. Being wise. B. Being young.

C. Being brave. D. Being distinguished.

7. What is the last paragraph mainly about?

A. Katya’s insight into the space trip. B. Katya’s trip that goes up vertically.

C. All the challenges facing Katya. D. Katya’s explanation for her motivation.

【答案】4. D 5. C 6. D 7. A


【导语】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要叙述了 6 月 4 日来自美国的 Katya 及其他人被送入太空的细节和她的


【4 题详解】

细节理解题。由文章第二段“On June 4, Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin rocket carried its fifth group of passengers to

the edge of space and Katya got an opportunity to apply for one of the six seats through a nonprofit called Space for

Humanity. The previous flights had been all filled to capacity. (6 月 4 日,杰夫·贝佐斯的蓝色起源火箭将第五

第 5 页/共 22 页


座位,故已经运送了大约 30 名乘客。故选 D。

【5 题详解】

细节理解题。由文章第三段中“The organization’s goal is to send passengers to space and allow them to

experience the “overview effect”, a phenomenon astronauts have described after looking down at the Earth from

the outside. (该组织的目标是将乘客送入太空,让他们体验“全景效应”,这是宇航员从外面俯瞰地球后所

描述的一种现象。)”可知,“人类太空”的目标是让乘客感受到“全景效应”。故选 C。

【6 题详解】

推理判断题。由文章第四段中“Katya, an electrical engineer originally from Guadalajara, Mexico, was selected

for the trip from a pool of 7,000 applicants from more than 100 countries based on her outstanding achievements in

the space industry, and this met their requirement—sending “exceptional leaders” to experience. (Katya 是一名来

自墨西哥瓜达拉哈拉的电气工程师,基于她在太空工业的杰出成就,她从来自 100 多个国家的 7000 名申请


之一可能是必须是杰出的人才。故选 D。

【7 题详解】

主旨大意题。由文章最后一段““The trip up was the most fascinating experience because a lot of us are used to

traveling horizontally. But when you’ re in a rocket, you’ re going up vertically (垂直地) and that feels very

strange,” Echazarreta said. “Seeing the Earth from the outside, I feel it really puts things into perspective.

Everything that we’ve ever experienced—all of your problems, and all of your obstacles—and everything that feels

like the end of the world to us sometimes, are all there. It feels so big to us, and yet it’s not, because I just left in a

matter of minutes.” (“这次旅行是最迷人的经历,因为我们很多人都习惯了水平旅行。但是当你在火箭里的




主要讲卡蒂亚对太空之旅的见解。故选 A。

With energy bills rocketing, and global temperatures teetering (岌岌可危), Deep Green, a small data centre

startup, and Exmouth Leisure Centre have found a way to help each other.

Since the start of the pandemic, energy costs for a leisure swimming pool have reportedly tripled, leaving

many centres with no choice but to close, according to Swim England. They claim that by March 2024, 40 percent

第 6 页/共 22 页
of council areas could risk losing their swimming pools if nothing changes.

Similarly, data centres have had to raise their fees in order to cover the extra cost of cooling their equipment,

making it impossible to offer a competitive rate.

While most normal data centres waste the heat that the computers generate, Deep Green has found a solution

to benefit everybody. They have built a small data centre in Exmouth Leisure Centre, allowing the heat from the

servers to heat the swimming pool.

This solution is free of charge, and Exmouth Leisure Centre is expecting to save around £20,000 a year.

Because the data centres run 24 hours a day and are necessarily built with backup power systems, they make for

excellent and consistent heat output.

“As the world moves, we need ten times the amount of computers and we cannot build ten times the amount of

data centres,” said Bjornsgaard, manager of Deep Green. “So there is a need to decentralize (分散) them and take

little bits of them to where the heat is required. Our ‘digital boilers’ put waste heat to good use, saving local

businesses thousands of pounds on energy bills and reducing their carbon footprint.”

Deep Green isn’t the only company to come up with a neat solution to using waste-heat. In Paris, the

Condorcet data centre is heating an onsite Climate Change Arboretum that studies which plants are most adaptable

to global warming. Similarly, the Notre Dame Centre for Research Computing heats a local municipal greenhouse.

So as Bjornsgaard says, this is just the start.

8. What troubles Exmouth Leisure Centre?

A. The increasing energy bill. B. The risk of losing its customers.

C. Finding ways to cool its equipment. D. Its decreasing swimming pools.

9. Why does Deep Green cooperate with Exmouth Leisure Centre?

A. Because they belong to the same company.

B. Because their business modes are similar.

C. Because they can benefit each other.

D. Because they both want to protect the environment.

10. What contributes to plenty of heat in the data centres?

A. The alarming speed of global warming. B. The non-stop running pattern.

C. The building of backup power systems. D. The poor arrangement of devices.

11. Which of the following can best describe the solution?

A. Modern but strange. B. Complicated but amazing.

C. Demanding and expensive. D. Creative and environment-friendly.

【答案】8. A 9. C 10. B 11. D

第 7 页/共 22 页

【导语】本文是说明文。随着能源费用飞涨,全球气温岌岌可危,小型数据中心创业公司 Deep Green 和

Exmouth 休闲中心找到了互相帮助的方法,利用数据中心产生的热量来加热游泳池。

【8 题详解】

细节理解题。根据第二段中“Since the start of the pandemic, energy costs for a leisure swimming pool have

reportedly tripled, leaving many centres with no choice but to close, according to Swim England. ( 据《游泳英格


能关闭。)”可知,不断增长的能源费用困扰着 Exmouth 休闲中心,故选 A。

【9 题详解】

细节理解题。根据第四段中“While most normal data centres waste the heat that the computers generate, Deep

Green has found a solution to benefit everybody. (虽然大多数普通的数据中心浪费了电脑产生的热量,但 Deep

Green 找到了一个让每个人都受益的解决方案。)”可知,Deep Green 与 Exmouth 休闲中心合作的原因是它

们可以互相受益,故选 C。

【10 题详解】

推理判断题。根据倒数第三段“Because the data centres run 24 hours a day and are necessarily built with

backup power systems, they make for excellent and consistent heat output.(由于数据中心每天 24 小时运行,并


热量输出。)”和倒数第二段中““As the

world moves, we need ten times the amount of computers and we cannot build ten times the amount of data

centres,” said Bjornsgaard, manager of Deep Green.(“随着世界的变化,我们需要十倍于现在的计算机数量,

但我们无法建造十倍于现在的数据中心,”Deep Green 的经理比约恩斯加德(Bjornsgaard)表示。)”可知,

数据中心每天 24 小时运行,Deep Green 需要十倍于现在的计算机数量,即不断增加计算机数量,这会导致

数据中心的大量热量,由此可推知,不间断的运营模式会导致数据中心的大量热量,故选 B。

【11 题详解】

推理判断题。根据第五段中“This solution is free of charge, and Exmouth Leisure Centre is expecting to save

around £20,000 a year. ( 这种解决方案是免费的,Exmouth Leisure Centre 预计每年将节省大约 2 万欧元。)”

和最后一段中“Deep Green isn’t the only company to come up with a neat solution to using waste-heat. (Deep

Green 并不是唯一一家想出利用废热的简单解决方案的公司。)”和第一段提到的“With energy bills

rocketing, and global temperatures teetering (岌岌可危), Deep Green, a small data centre startup, and Exmouth

Leisure Centre have found a way to help each other.(随着能源费用飞涨,全球气温摇摇欲坠,小型数据中心创

业公司 Deep Green 和 Exmouth 休闲中心找到了互相帮助的方法。)”可知,Deep Green 和 Exmouth 休闲中

第 8 页/共 22 页

用废热,这种解决方案很环保,故选 D。

While bone soup can provide some beneficial nutrients, experts don’t view the popular soup as vital addition

to your wellness.

Is drinking bone soup good for you? Made by boiling animal bones in water for a long time with vegetables,

spices and sometimes other ingredients, bone soup can be “part of the puzzle, but is not a quick fix,” Laura Ligos, a

registered nutritionist and specialist in sports dietetics, says.

“The goal is to help to pull out important nutrients from the bones,” she says. “It’s these nutrients that are

extracted (萃取) from the bones that have been shown to be helpful with skin, hair, and nail health and there is

some truth to that. That being said, we need more than just bone soup to be able to improve overall health.”

Benefits of bone soup include providing humans with certain nutrients from the connective tissue and meat of

the bones, which in turn can aid in strengthening muscle and bones, explains Jenna Litt, a registered dietitian at

Lenox Hill Hospital in New York.

“Specifically, bone soup is rich in collagen and certain vitamins and minerals, such as iron, fat-soluble

vitamins, zinc and other trace minerals. Collagen and fat-soluble vitamins are known to improve hair, skin and nail

health,” she adds.

Do I need bone soup in my diet? The short answer? No. While almost anyone can try it, Ligos says it’s

important to look at the big picture when thinking about nutrition.

“There likely isn’t one food item that’s going to be the golden ticket to our health. It’s a combination of things

that we do that can support our health over the long run. Bone soup can certainly be a part of that-but not the only

part of that. ”For example, if you’ re interested in improving skin, nail and hair health, simply increasing protein

intake in your diet has been shown to yield results, Litt says, pointing out that “the use of bone soup is not


12. How does the author mainly develop this text?

A. By referring to professionals. B. By analyzing cause and effect.

C. By listing a series of relevant facts. D. By following time order.

13. What may the underlined part “the big picture” in paragraph 6 probably refer to?

A . A specific choice. B. The whole health situation.

C. The beneficial side. D. A particular preference.

14. Which of the following may Litt agree with?

A. Not everyone can try bone soup. B. The use of bone soup is quite necessary.

第 9 页/共 22 页
C. Bone soup can replace protein. D. Bone soup is not the master key to health.

15. What may be a suitable title for the text?

A. Does your diet contain enough proteins? B. Do you consume bone soup properly?

C. Does bone soup really benefit health? D. Is bone soup rich in essential nutrients?

【答案】12. A 13. B 14. D 15. C



【12 题详解】

推理判断题。由文章第二段中“Made by boiling animal bones in water for a long time with vegetables, spices

and sometimes other ingredients, bone soup can be “part of the puzzle, but is not a quick fix,” Laura Ligos, a

registered nutritionist and specialist in sports dietetics, says. (注册营养师、运动营养学专家劳拉·利戈斯说,


难题,但不是速成良药”。)”和文章第四段“Benefits of bone soup include providing humans with certain

nutrients from the connective tissue and meat of the bones, which in turn can aid in strengthening muscle and

bones, explains Jenna Litt, a registered dietitian at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York. (纽约莱诺克斯山医院的注



要补充”。故选 A。

【13 题详解】

词句猜测题。由文章第六段中“While almost anyone can try it, Ligos says it’s important to look at... (虽然几乎

任何人都可以尝试,但 Ligos 说最重要的是要看……)”和“thinking about nutrition. (考虑营养)”可知,她

认为营养问题要全面考虑,要看身体健康的整个状况。A. A specific choice 具体的选择;B. The whole health

situation 整个健康状况;C. The beneficial side 有利的一面;D. A particular preference 一种特殊的偏好。故选


【14 题详解】

推理判断题。由文章最后一段中“There likely isn’t one food item that’s going to be the golden ticket to our

health. (可能没有一种食物会成为我们健康的黄金门票。)”可知,她认为骨汤不是健康的万能钥匙。故选


【15 题详解】

主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是由文章第一段“While bone soup can provide some beneficial nutrients, experts

don’t view the popular soup as vital addition to your wellness. (虽然骨汤可以提供一些有益的营养,但专家们

第 10 页/共 22 页

充的原因。故 C 选项“骨头汤真的有益健康吗?”符合题意。故选 C。

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)

Visual content has become an essential part of digital marketing in today’s world. ___16___ . It also conveys

messages that are easily understood. Let’s have a look at the importance of visual content in today’s digital

marketing landscape.


From a business’s point of view, visuals are responsible for boosting engagement on any content piece you

publish across multiple media channels, especially social media platforms where such things matter the most. So to

make the most out of visual content, it’s important to focus on creating high-quality visuals that are both visually

appealing and informative.

The impact of visual content on first impressions

Visual content has a huge impact on first impressions and those are of the utmost importance. People are

naturally drawn to visuals. ___18___ . As a matter of fact, it only takes consumers around 50 milliseconds to form a

first impression based on the visuals they see alone.

Visual content in product descriptions

___19___ . Although consumers expect detailed information about the product, they still prefer to have high-

quality images or videos of a product to help them form their decisions. Some businesses even use a professional

photo studio to highlight their products the best way possible.

Redefining content marketing with visuals

Content marketing has always been the bread and butter for the vast majority of companies operating online

these days. Consumers started expecting more and their needs are constantly growing. ___20___.

A. It is a powerful tool for engaging customers

B. Crafting unique content marketing strategies

C. Creating more engagement with visual content

D. Content marketing management counts for customers

E. They can quickly form an opinion about something based on what they see

F. That’s why online businesses always try to adjust their content using more visuals

G. If there’s one place in which visuals matter the most, it’s in product descriptions

【答案】16. A 17. C 18. E 19. G 20. F

第 11 页/共 22 页


【16 题详解】

上文“Visual content has become an essential part of digital marketing in today’s world.(在当今世界,视觉内容


体描述视觉内容如何是数字营销的重要组成部分,A 项“它是吸引客户的强大工具”符合,It 代指上文提

到的 Visual content,故选 A。

【17 题详解】

此处是本段小标题。根据下文“From a business’s point of view, visuals are responsible for boosting

engagement on any content piece you publish across multiple media channels, especially social media platforms

where such things matter the most. So to make the most out of visual content, it’s important to focus on creating

high-quality visuals that are both visually appealing and informative.(从企业的角度来看,视觉效果负责提高你




段主要介绍了要创建更多的视觉内容参与,C 项“创建更多的视觉内容参与”符合,故选 C。

【18 题详解】

上文“Visual content has a huge impact on first impressions and those are of the utmost importance. People are

naturally drawn to visuals.(视觉内容对第一印象有着巨大的影响,而第一印象是至关重要的。人们自然而然

地被视觉吸引)”指出视觉内容对第一印象至关重要,空处承接上文,具体解释其重要性,E 项“他们可以


【19 题详解】

根据下文“Although consumers expect detailed information about the product, they still prefer to have high-

quality images or videos of a product to help them form their decisions. Some businesses even use a professional

photo studio to highlight their products the best way possible.(尽管消费者希望得到产品的详细信息,但他们仍


们的产品最好的方式可能)”可知,此处在介绍产品说明的视觉内容,G 项“如果说有一个地方视觉效果最

重要,那就是产品说明。”符合,其中 product descriptions 和题干中“product descriptions”相呼应,故选


【20 题详解】

上文“Content marketing has always been the bread and butter for the vast majority of companies operating online

第 12 页/共 22 页
these days. Consumers started expecting more and their needs are constantly growing.(如今,内容营销一直是绝


更多,但他们的需求也在不断增长,空处承接上文,指出企业要尽可能想办法满足消费者的需求,F 项


在线商务总是试图使用更多的视觉效果来调整他们的内容,以此来满足消费者的需求,故选 F。

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)
第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最
Robert Rizden, a sergeant (中士), was ordering his dinner at a restaurant one night when he saw two young

boys were alone at the restaurant. They were going from table to table trying to ___21___ some homemade

desserts. Rizden ___22___ them. He looked at the boys and ___23___ they looked cold and hungry. He asked them

what they were up to and if they had eaten any ___24___ yet that day.

The boys ___25___ that they were trying to raise money for their local church by selling their desserts and

hadn’t eaten yet. Rizden didn’t have any ___26___ on him to give to the boys, so he asked if he could ___27___

them in another way instead. He led the ___28___ to the front of the restaurant and told them to order whatever

they wanted on the menu. He would ___29___ it for them.

The boys seemed ___30___ at first but quickly figured out what they wanted and ___31___ their orders. The

boys seemed thrilled at being treated to dinner and the smiles on their faces were huge.

When asked why he had chosen to do like that, Rizden ___32___ said that he saw these boys’ ___33___ and

knew that they were the hope of his country, and that he wanted to do something ___34___ for them.

“I want to be just like you when I ___35___ ,” said the younger boy as he saluted (敬礼) the soldier.


A. collect B. sell C. taste D. choose


A. recognized B. supported C. approached D. welcomed


A. remembered B. realized C. agreed D. announced


A. supper B. lunch C. dessert D. breakfast


A. pretended B. judged C. believed D. explained


第 13 页/共 22 页
A. cash B. tools C. gifts D. food


A. teach B. guide C. help D. inspire


A. soldier B. pair C. waiter D. family


A. pack B. picture C. cover D. check


A. astonished B. impatient C. unwilling D. satisfied


A. compared B. exchanged C. printed D. placed


A. skilfully B. normally C. simply D. nervously


A. standard B. drive C. luck D. chance


A. formal B. regular C. wise D. nice


A. grow up B. head off C. hang out D. pull through

【答案】21. B 22. C 23. B 24. A 25. D 26. A 27. C 28. B 29. C 30. A 31. D 32. C 33. B 34.

D 35. A


【导语】本文是记叙文。文章主要讲述了 Rizden 在餐厅里看到两个男孩通过卖甜点为当地的教堂筹集资金


【21 题详解】

考查动词词义辨。句意:他们在一桌又一桌地推销自制甜点。A. collect 收集;B. sell 卖;C. taste 品尝;D.

choose 选择。由第二段首句“by selling their desserts”可知,男孩们在卖自制甜点,故选 B。

【22 题详解】

考查动词词义辨。句意:Rizden 走近他们。A. recognized 认出;B. supported 支持;C. approached 接近;D.

welcomed 欢迎。由下文“He looked at the boys”和“He asked them”可知,Rizden 向这两个男孩靠近,随

后看着他们,问他们话,故选 C。

【23 题详解】

第 14 页/共 22 页
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他看着孩子们,意识到他们看起来又冷又饿。A. remembered 记住;B. realized

意识到;C. agreed 同意;D. announced 宣布。由下文“they looked cold and hungry.”和上句提到的 Rizden

看着他们可知,他意识到这两个男孩看起来又冷又饿,故选 B。

【24 题详解】

考查名词词义辨析。句意:他问他们在干什么,那天他们是否吃过晚饭。A. supper 晚饭;B. lunch 午饭;

C. dessert 甜点;D. breakfast 早餐。由上文“at a restaurant one night”可知,当时是晚上,所以 Rizden 问男

孩们吃过晚饭了吗,故选 A。

【25 题详解】


pretended 假装;B. judged 判断;C. believed 相信;D. explained 解释。上文“He asked them what they were

up to and if they had eaten any________yet that day.”提到 Rizden 问这两个男孩吃饭了吗,此处应该是两个男

孩对此进行解释,故选 D。

【26 题详解】

考查名词词义辨析。句意:Rizden 身上没有现金可以给孩子们,所以他问是否可以用另一种方式帮助他们。

A. cash 现金;B. tools 工具;C. gifts 礼物;D. food 食物。由上文“they were trying to raise money for their

local church”可知,通过卖甜点为当地的教堂筹集资金,所以应该是需要现金,但是 Rizden 没有现金,他

想换种方式来帮助他们,故选 A。

【27 题详解】

考查动词词义辨析。句意:Rizden 身上没有现金可以给孩子们,所以他问是否可以用另一种方式帮助他们。

A. teach 教;B. guide 指导;C. help 帮助;D. inspire 鼓舞。由下文“He led the________to the front of the

restaurant and told them to order whatever they wanted on the menu”可知,Rizden 给孩子们点餐,这是在帮助

他们。故选 C。

【28 题详解】

考查名词词义辨析。句意:他领着这两个男孩来到餐厅前,告诉他们想点什么菜就点什么菜。A. soldier 士

兵;B. pair 一对,两个人;C. waiter 服务员;D. family 家人。第一段中提到“he saw two young boys were

alone at the restaurant.”餐厅里有两个男孩可知,此处指两个男孩。故选 B。

【29 题详解】

考查动词词义辨析。句意:他会为他们支付。A. pack 打包;B. picture 描绘;C. cover 覆盖;支付;D.

check 检查。上文“Rizden didn’t have any________on him to give to the boys, so he asked if he

could_________them in another way instead.”提到 Rizden 没有现金,他想换种方式来帮助他们,即给他们

支付点餐的费用,故选 C。

第 15 页/共 22 页
【30 题详解】


A. astonished 惊讶的;B. impatient 没有耐心的;C. unwilling 不乐意的;D. satisfied 满意的。上文提到

Rizden 想要帮助这两个男孩,由于没有现金,所以想请他们吃饭,这两个男孩对此应该是很震惊,故选


【31 题详解】


A. compared 比较;B. exchanged 交换;C. printed 打印;D. placed 放置,下指示。place their orders 意为“点

单”,由下文“The boys seemed thrilled at being treated to dinner and the smiles on their faces were huge.”可

知,两个男孩点单了,故选 D。

【32 题详解】

考查副词词义辨析。句意:当被问及为什么选择这样做时,Rizden 只是说,他看到了这些男孩的干劲,知

道他们是他的国家的希望,他想为他们做些好事。A. skilfully 熟练地;B. normally 正常地;C. simply 简单

地;D. nervously 紧张地。由下文“said that he saw these boys’________and knew that they were the hope of

his country, and that he wanted to do something ________for them.”可知,Rizden 对自己的善行轻描淡写,即

他只是说,他看到了男孩们的干劲,故选 C。

【33 题详解】

考查名词词义辨析。句意:当被问及为什么选择这样做时,Rizden 只是说,他看到了这些男孩的干劲,知

道他们是他的国家的希望,他想为他们做些好事。A. standard 标准;B. drive 驱动力;干劲;C. luck 运气;

D. chance 机会。上文提到 Rizden 在餐厅里看到通过卖甜点为当地的教堂筹集资金的两个男孩可知,这两

个男孩没有吃饭仍在筹集资金,所以他们很有干劲,故选 B。

【34 题详解】

考查形容词词义辨。句意:当被问及为什么选择这样做时,Rizden 只是说,他看到了这些男孩的干劲,知

道他们是他的国家的希望,他想为他们做些好事。A. formal 正常的;B. regular 有规律的;C. wise 明智的;

D. nice 好的。由上文“he wanted to do something”结合上文提到 Rizden 为两个男孩点餐可知,Rizden 在想

为两个男孩做一些好事,故选 D。

【35 题详解】

考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:“我长大后想像你一样”,岁数较小 的

A. grow up 长大;B. head off 前往;C. hang out 出去闲逛;D. pull through 度过难关。由上文“I want to be

just like you”可知,小男孩想长大后像 Rizden 一样,故选 A。

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

第 16 页/共 22 页
阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

A picture-book series of the hit animated (动画) work, Yao—Chinese Folktales, ___36___ (launch) last

Friday, the first day of the Shanghai International Film Festival.

The collector’s edition for adults and teenagers included all the eight stories ___37___ (present) in the

animation, which combines ___38___ (tradition) methods with updated computer graphics technology. The eight-

episode (集) Chinese fantasy, with the characters ___39___ (involve) various monsters inspired by ancient legends,

mythology and folklore, tells universal stories about human nature and reflects on past and future, childhood and

adulthood, life and society.

The animated work has got 270 million ___40___ (click) on video sharing and streaming site Bilibili since

___41___ (it) release in early January. There are also additional elements, ___42___ remind the audience of classic

animations created by the Shanghai Animation Film Studio, another ___43___ (produce) of the work, which have

nourished their childhood, such as Uproar in Heaven, Mr. Black and Calabash Brothers.

Another picture book series of the animation, intended ___44___ children and parents, has also been published

recently, while the other two parts—the production note ___45___ a pop-up book of the animation will be released

later this year.

【答案】36. was launched

37. presented

38. traditional

39 . involving

40. clicks 41. its

42. which 43. producer

44. for 45. and




【36 题详解】


处在句中作谓语,由 last Friday 可知,句子描述过去发生的事,且主语 Yao—Chinese Folktales 和动词

launch 是被动关系,应用一般过去时的被动语态,主语是单数,be 动词应用 was,故填 was launched。

【37 题详解】


法和最新的计算机图形学技术。句中有谓语 included,前后无连词,此处应用非谓语动词作后置定语,修

第 17 页/共 22 页
饰 all the eight stories,且动词 present 和 all the eight stories 是被动关系,应用过去分词作后置定语,故填


【38 题详解】


最新的计算机图形学技术。此处应用形容词 traditional 作定语,修饰名词 methods。故填 traditional。

【39 题详解】

考查 with 复合结构。句意: 这部八集的中国奇幻电影讲述了人性的普遍故事,反映了过去和未来、童年

和成年、生活和社会。此处是 with 复合结构,宾语 the characters 和动词 involve (牵涉,包含)是主动关系,

应用现在分词作宾语补足语,故填 involving。

【40 题详解】

考查名词的数。句意:这部动画作品自一月初发布以来,在视频分享和流媒体网站 Bilibili 上获得了 2.7 亿

次点击。由 270 million 可知,此处应用名词 click 的复数作宾语,故填 clicks。

【41 题详解】

考查代词。句意:这部动画作品自一月初发布以来,在视频分享和流媒体网站 Bilibili 上获得了 2.7 亿次点

击。此处应用形容词性物主代词 its 作定语,修饰名词 release。故填 its。

【42 题详解】



修饰先行词 additional elements,指物,且关系词在从句中作主语,应用关系代词 which 引导定语从句,故

填 which。

【43 题详解】


了他们的童年,比如《大闹天宫》、《布莱克先生》和《葫芦兄弟》。another 后面接名词单数, another

__ (produce) of the work 是 the Shanghai Animation Film Studio (上海动画电影制片厂) 是同位语,所以此处应

用名词单数 producer (生产者制造商) 作同位语,故填 producer。

【44 题详解】


——动画的制作说明和一本弹出书将在今年晚些时候发行。(be) intended for 固定搭配,意为“为……所

用”。故填 for。

【45 题详解】


第 18 页/共 22 页
——动画的制作说明和一本弹出书将在今年晚些时候发行。the production note 和 a pop-up book of the

animation 是并列关系,应用 and 连接起来,故填 and。

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)
第一节(满分 15 分)
46. 假定你是李华,你班将为美国交换生 Barry 举行欢迎派对。请你给他写封邮件,内容如下:

1. 举行派对原因;

2. 具体事宜安排。

注意:1. 写作词数应为 80 个左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Dear Barry,

How is everything going?








Li Hua

【答案】Dear Barry,

How is everything going?

On behalf of our class, I would like to extend a warm welcome to you as our new classmate! To help you get

to know the classmates better and to make you feel at home in our school, we are planning a welcome party for

you. The party will be held in the school auditorium at 6:00 p. m. on Friday. We have arranged a variety of

activities, including playing games, singing songs, and sharing food.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Looking forward to meeting you soon!


Li Hua


【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求考生给美国交换生 Barry 写封邮件,告知他即将为他举行的欢迎



第 19 页/共 22 页
代表:on behalf of→ in name of

安排:arrange→ schedule

各种各样的:a variety of → various

联系:contact→ get in touch with



原句:We have arranged a variety of activities, including playing games, singing songs, and sharing food.

拓展句:We have arranged a variety of activities, which include playing games, singing songs, and sharing food.

【点睛】【高分句型 1】To help you get to know the classmates better and to make you feel at home in our

school, we are planning a welcome party for you.(运用了不定式作目的状语)

【高分句型 2】 If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.(运用了 if 引导的条件状语从


第二节(满分 25 分)
47. 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

For some weeks, I had noticed an elderly woman walking past our house, pushing a grocery cart filled with

trash bags. I couldn’t help but feel sorry for her as she shuffled (拖着脚走路) along. Occasionally, she would pause

and pick up a can from beside the road. She would carefully put it into one of the bags and continue on her way.

I wondered what circumstances had brought her to this point in life. Did she have no family? Was there no one

to look after her?

One evening, I could no longer stand it. As she walked by, I went out to the street and stopped her.

“Madam,” I said. “Can I ask you something?”

She turned to look at me with beautiful, dark eyes that twinkled in her wrinkled face. I knew then that she was

no ordinary homeless person. There was dignity and, yes, even joy about her. Suddenly, I felt embarrassed to ask

her my questions, but I insisted.

“I’ve seen you for a few weeks picking up cans,” I explained. “Do you sell them to buy groceries?”

“No,” she said with a smile. “I do this to help the children.”

I must have looked confused because she went on to explain.

“I had cancer—twice—and both times I went to a big hospital in another town. They cured me. But while I

was there, I met the children, and I’ve never forgotten them. I don’t have any money, but I can still walk, and I pick

up these cans to sell them for money for the hospital.”

She told me that she spends many hours a week collecting cans; at least two businesses save cans for her.

When she has enough, she loads them all into a friend’s pickup, and the two of them take them to the city where the

第 20 页/共 22 页
hospital is located. There they get cashed out.

注意: 1. 续写词数应为 150 个左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

As we continued to talk, I learned more about what she thought.







“No, no. I don’t want your money,” she replied with a wave of her hand, backing away a bit.







【答案】One possible version:

As we continued to tall, I learned more about what she thought. “I know how you feel when you see a lady of

my age still walk on the road to make some money by collecting cans,” she said. “I know it’s not much, but every

little bit counts. And when I see the children smile, it makes all the hard work worth it. I’ve been blessed in my life.

I want to do something, and this is something I can do. Apart from that, there is nothing I can do to ensure persons

like me are blessed. It doesn’t cost me much — only the cost of the gas — and it helps the children.” Hearing this, I

reached into my purse and pulled some bills out.

“No, no. I don’t want your money,” she replied with a wave of her hand, backing away a bit. “But I want you

to take it,” I told her. “Use it for gas or whatever you want. ” She smiled and finally took the bills I held out. She

then gave me a hug. I watched as she began walking down the street again, pushing the cart of cans, stopping

occasionally to pick up one or two. At the corner, she turned, smiled, waved and was gone. And I realized at that

moment that not all angels have light and wings. Some have grocery carts.



第 21 页/共 22 页



① 由第一段首句内容“随着我们继续交谈,我越来越了解她的想法”可知,第一段可描写作者和老妇人交


② 由第二段首句内容“‘不,不。我不要你的钱,’她回答说,挥了挥手,后退了一点。”可知,第二段




① 捡起:collect/pick up

② 看见:see/spot/notice

③ 确保:ensure /make sure


① 幸运:blessed /lucky

② 值得:worth it /worthwhile

【点睛】[高分句型 1] “I know how you feel when you see a lady of my age still walk on the road to make some

money by collecting cans,” she said. (运用了 how 引导宾语从句和 when 引导的时间状语从句)

[高分句型 2] I watched as she began walking down the street again, pushing the cart of cans, stopping occasionally

to pick up one or two. (运用了现在分词作状语)

听力 1—5BACCA 6—10CBACB 11—15AACBC 16—20ACABC

第 22 页/共 22 页

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