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Unit 1 Revision quiz

LO2 2.1 Short & Long terms effects of exercise

NCFE Level 1/2 Technical Award in Health and Fitness: Unit 1

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Information and advice

● This revision quiz has a total of 32 marks.
● Each question is worth a total of 1 mark unless specifically stated a different allocation of marks.
● Read each question carefully.
● Keep an eye on the time, and check your answers thoroughly if you have time at the end of this quiz.
● These practice questions are not actual exam questions and have been provided as a practice aid only.
● They should be used as practice material only and should not be assumed to reflect the format or
coverage of the real external examination.

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1. Can you identify 7 short term effects of health and fitness activities?

Short term effects of health and fitness activities?


Available Marks = 7 marks (1 mark for each correct answer)

2. Can you identify 10 long term effects of health and fitness activities?

Long term effects of health and fitness activities?


Available Marks = 10 marks (1 mark for each correct answer)

3. What typically happens to muscle temperature during a warm up?

a. Remains constant
b. Increases
c. Decreases

4. Increased heart rate, stroke volume, cardiac output and decreased hydration levels due to
sweating are short term adaptions of exercises on which of the following body systems?

a. Cardiovascular System
b. Respiratory System
c. Muscular System
d. Skeletal System

5. Increased breathing rate with other muscles recruited to aid inspiration and expiration are short
term adaptions of exercises on which of the following body systems?

a. Cardiovascular System
b. Respiratory System
c. Muscular System
d. Skeletal System

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6. Increased body temperature and DOMS (Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness) are short term
adaptions of exercises on which of the following body systems?

a. Cardiovascular System
b. Respiratory System
c. Muscular System
d. Skeletal System

7. Synovial fluid being secreted into the joint capsule is a short term adaption of exercises on
which of the following body systems?

a. Cardiovascular System
b. Respiratory System
c. Muscular System
d. Skeletal System

8. Cardiac hypertrophy is a long term adaption of exercises on which of the following body

a. Cardiovascular System
b. Respiratory System
c. Muscular System
d. Skeletal System

9. More alveoli is a long term adaption of exercises on which of the following body systems?

a. Cardiovascular System
b. Respiratory System
c. Muscular System
d. Skeletal System

10. Muscle hypertrophy is a long term adaption of exercises on which of the following body

a. Cardiovascular System
b. Respiratory System
c. Muscular System
d. Skeletal System

11. Tendons and ligaments become more flexible leading to an overall improvement in flexibility is a
long term adaption of exercises on which of the following body systems?

a. Cardiovascular System
b. Respiratory System
c. Muscular System
d. Skeletal System

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12. Which one of the following are a short term effect of exercise on the Muscular system?

a. Increased Breathing rate

b. Increased Blood Pressure
c. Increased Muscle Fatigue
d. Increased Heart rate, stroke volume and cardiac output

13. Which one of the following are a short term effect of exercise on the Respiratory system?

a. Increased Breathing rate

b. Increased Blood Pressure
c. Increased Muscle Fatigue
d. Increased Heart rate, stroke volume and cardiac output

14. Which one of the following are a short term effect of exercise on the Cardiovascular system?

a. Increased Breathing rate

b. Increased Blood Pressure
c. Increased Muscle Fatigue
d. Decreased Heart rate, stroke volume and cardiac output

15. Which one of the following are a long term effect of exercise on the Muscular system?

a. Increased Cardiovascular endurance

b. Increased Efficiency to use oxygen
c. Increased Muscular hypertrophy
d. Increased Breathing rate

16. Which one of the following are a long term effect of exercise on the Respiratory system?

a. Increased Cardiovascular endurance

b. Increased Efficiency to use oxygen
c. Increased Muscular hypertrophy
d. Increased Resting heart rate

17. Which one of the following are a long term effect of exercise on the Cardiovascular system?

a. Decreased Resting heart rate

b. Increased Efficiency to use oxygen
c. Increased Muscular hypertrophy
d. Decreased Cardiovascular endurance

End of Quiz

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