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Grades 1 to 12
Teacher GENER R. RODELAS Learning Area Music
LOG Date & Time February 2024 Quarter 3rd QUARTER Week 6-8


A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of the concept of dynamics through a wide variety of

dynamic levels.
B. Performance Standard applies the appropriate dynamic levels in vocal and instrumental music.
C. Learning Competencies
uses varied dynamics in a song performance
1. piano (p)
2. mezzo piano (mp)
3. pianissimo (pp)
4. forte (f)
5. mezzo forte (mf)
6. fortissimo (ff)
7. crescendo
8. decrescendo

Objectives: (Contextualized)

● distinguish varied dynamic levels in a music heard.


● sing a song in varied dynamic levels.


● appreciates singing the song with varied dynamics levels.

II. Subject Matter: Dynamics in Music


A. References
The 21st Century MAPEH in Action – Grade 6
B. Other Learning Resources
C. PPT, meta cards, pentel pen, manila paper, brag tags, worksheets, traffic

D. light behavior chart

Integration: Science, AP, Math English

E. Strategies: Differentiated Instruction, ICT Integration, Group work, Think-pair-
Share, Games

A) Reviewing previous lesson or Observable #4: Exhibit

presenting the new lesson effective strategies that
ensure safe and secure and
secure learning
environments to enhance
Checking of attendance learning through the
consistent implementation
of policies, guidelines, and

Good morning children.

For us to be guided on the things that we are doing today let us all
remember the following classroom guidelines )

(Teacher will present through video presentation Observable #2: Develop

and applied effective
Classroom Rules ) teaching strategies to
promote critical and creative thinking, as well as
other higher-order thinking
● Can anyone tell me what dynamics are in music? skills.

By asking open-ended
questions like "Can anyone
tell me what dynamics are
(Students may provide answers such as volume, intensity, or changes in in music?" the teacher
loudness or softness.) encourages students to
think critically and
creatively about the

Today, we're going to learn about using different types of dynamics to

enhance the emotional impact of a song performance.
B) Establishing the purpose for the
Observable #2: Develop
and applied effective
teaching strategies to
Imagine a song that starts off quiet and gentle, then suddenly promote critical and
gets loud and powerful. How does that make you feel? Using creative thinking, as well as
other higher-order thinking
dynamics can help us create these emotional moments in music, and skills.
today we're going to learn how to do that.

By prompting the pupils to

consider how changes in
volume affect their feelings,
the teacher encourages
critical and creative

C) Presenting examples/instances
of the new lesson
Let's listen to a song together and try to identify the different types of
dynamics that are being used. (Play a song with varied dynamics, such
as "Someone Like You" by Adele.)

(324) Adele - Someone Like You (Lyrics) - YouTube This illustrates observable
#.3 Modelled and supported
colleagues in the proficient
use of Mother Tongue,
Filipino and English to
GUIDE QUESTIONS: improve teaching and
learning, as well as to
develop the learners’ pride
of their language, heritage
1. How do the dynamics used in "Someone Like You" by Adele and culture.
contribute to the emotional impact of the song? Literacy Skills: By listening
to the song and discussing
2. Can you identify any other types of dynamics used in the song its dynamics, students are
besides pianissimo, crescendo, decrescendo/diminuendo, and engaged in active listening
and comprehension
activities. They are also
prompted to articulate their
3. How do the dynamics of the piano accompaniment interact with observations and
Adele's vocals throughout the song? interpretations verbally,
which helps develop their
4. Are there any specific moments in the song where the dynamics verbal communication
change suddenly or unexpectedly, and if so, how do these
moments contribute to the overall mood and feel of the song?
Numeracy Skills:
5. How do the dynamics of "Someone Like You" compare to those Analyzing the dynamics of
of other ballads or emotional songs that you have heard? the song involves
understanding concepts
such as pianissimo,
As the song starts, we can hear Adele's voice accompanied by a decrescendo/diminuendo,
. and fortissimo, which are
simple piano melody. The dynamics are soft and gentle at this point, related to varying levels of
creating a delicate and intimate atmosphere. This is an example of a volume. This exercise
requires students to
pianissimo dynamic.
recognize patterns,
compare different levels of
intensity, and make
quantitative assessments of
As the song progresses and Adele starts to sing the chorus, we volume changes, thus
can hear the dynamics gradually building up in volume and enhancing their numerical
reasoning abilities.
intensity. This is an example of a crescendo dynamic, which is when
the volume gradually increases.

When Adele sings the lines "Never mind, I'll find someone like
you", the dynamics drop back down to a soft and gentle level,
creating a sense of vulnerability and sadness. This is an example of
a decrescendo or diminuendo dynamic, which is when the volume
gradually decreases.

Towards the end of the song, as Adele sings the lines "Nothing
compares, no worries or cares, regrets and mistakes, they're
memories made", the dynamics build up again to a climax, reaching
a fortissimo dynamic, which is the loudest dynamic level.

Overall, "Someone Like You" by Adele showcases a range of

dynamic levels, from the delicate and intimate pianissimo to the
powerful and dramatic fortissimo, adding emotional depth and
intensity to the song.

D) Discussing new concepts and

practicing new skills #1
Examine the song entitled “High and Low”.

Observable #4: Displayed

(EXPLAIN) proficient use of Mother
Tongue, Filipino, and
English to facilitate
teaching and learning.

The teacher demonstrates

proficiency in language use
by providing instructions,
explanations, and
facilitating discussions in a
language or combination of
languages that are
understood by the students.

● What are the dynamic symbols used in this


● Have you heard the levels of softness and

loudness in its music?
Dynamics is one of the elements in music. It is the degree or
levels of the softness and loudness of sound or voice in the song. Like
the other elements in music, dynamics can be represented by the
different musical symbols. The degree or levels of the softness and
loudness of the sound or voice in the song can be expressed in these
Below is the illustration of the different dynamic names and
their corresponding dynamic symbols and meanings or dynamic levels.

Dynamics In Music

Dynamic Names Dynamic Symbols Meaning/Dynamic Levels

Observable #3: Applied a
range of teaching strategies
1 piano p soft to develop critical and
creative thinking, as well as
2 pianissimo pp very soft other higher-order thinking
3 pianissisimo ppp very very soft

4 mezzo-piano mp moderately soft

The lesson encourages
5 mezzo-forte mf moderately loud
students to think critically
about the importance of
dynamics in music
6 forte f loud performance, how dynamics
convey emotions in a song,
7 fortissimo ff very loud and how dynamics affect
the overall feeling of a
8 fortissisimo fff very very loud
piece. It prompts higher-
order thinking by posing
9 crescendo gradually questions
increase inthat require
analysis and reflection.

10 decrescendo gradually decrease in volume

Dynamics are the different levels of loudness or softness in music.

There are seven types of dynamics we'll be working with today: piano
(p), mezzo piano (mp), pianissimo (pp), forte (f), mezzo forte (mf),
fortissimo (ff), crescendo (getting gradually louder), and decrescendo
(getting gradually softer). When dynamics are written on sheet music,
they look like little letters above or below the notes.

Guide questions:
1. Why is it important for a performer to use different dynamics in
their musical performance?
2. How can you use dynamics to convey different emotions in a
3. Can you think of a song where the dynamics change throughout
the piece? How do the changes in dynamics affect the overall
feeling of the song?
4. What are some ways you can adjust your dynamics to match
changes in tempo or rhythm?
5. How can you use dynamics to create a sense of climax or
resolution in a musical piece?
6. Can you think of a famous musician or singer who is known for
their use of dynamics in their performances? What makes their
use of dynamics effective?
7. In what ways can using the wrong dynamic in a musical piece
negatively impact the performance? How can this be avoided?

(note: see separate sheet for possible answers)

Now, let's practice singing a simple song together using the different
dynamics. (Choose a simple song with repeated phrases, such as
"Row, Row, Row Your Boat" or "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.")
Integration to other subjects:
Did you know that dynamics can be used in other subjects too? For
example, when giving a speech, you can use different levels of
volume and intensity to emphasize certain points.

Similarly, in a drama or theater production, actors can use dynamics

to convey different emotions and create a sense of tension or
release. Even in visual art, artists can use techniques such as shading
and contrast to create a sense of depth and dimensionality, which is
a form of visual dynamics. By understanding the principles of
dynamics in music, students can develop a broader appreciation for
the ways in which dynamics can be used across different art forms
and disciplines.

This illustrates Observable

#1: Modelled effective
application of content
knowledge within and
across Curriculum

The lesson integrates

knowledge of dynamics in
music with other subjects
such as speech-giving,
drama, theater, and visual
art, demonstrating an
application of content
across curriculum teaching

Discussing new concepts and Observable #5: Establish

practicing new skills #2
GROUP WORK: Collaborative Work) (Differentiated Activity)
safe and secure learning
environments to enhance
(EXPLORE) learning through the
consistent implementation
(Allow students to move to their groups and distribute the problems to of policies, guidelines, and
each group) procedures.

The use of the "Traffic

What should you remember in doing group activity? Let me remind you Light Behavior Chart"
of our classroom rules. Respect and cooperate. What are these again? ensures a structured and
disciplined environment
where students understand
the behavioral expectations.
It helps maintain order and
Now we're going to split into groups and each group will get a different ensures that the learning
song to practice performing with varied dynamics. Here are your process is not disrupted by
groups: unruly behavior.

Observable #6:Exhibited a
Group 1: Practice using piano, mezzo piano, and pianissimo dynamics learner-centered culture
that promote success bi
Group 2: Practice using forte, mezzo forte, and fortissimo dynamics usung effective teaching
strategies that respond to
their linguistic, cultutra,
Group 3: Practice using crescendo and decrescendo dynamics
socio-economic and
religious bacgrounds.
Group 4: Practice using a combination of dynamics to create an
emotional impact in your song.
By reminding students of
classroom rules regarding
respect and cooperation,
Each group will have some time to practice their song with their the teacher emphasizes the
assigned dynamics. Then, we'll come back together as a class and each importance of mutual
respect and collaboration
group will perform their song for the class. After each performance, within the group activities.
we'll give feedback on the use of dynamics. Additionally, the use of the
traffic light system is fair
and transparent, providing
students with clear
feedback on their behavior
and encouraging them to
participate positively.

Group 1: Identify each dynamics symbol used in the song “High and
Low” and give its meaning to distinguish the different dynamic levels.

Dynamics Symbol Dynamic Level

Group 2: Sing the song “High and Low” following the music to be
played and apply the different dynamics used in the song.


4 Sing the song and apply correctly the different dynamics used in
the song

3 Sing the song and apply correctly most of the dynamics used in the

2 Sing the song and apply correctly some of the dynamics used in the

1 Sing the song and apply only one dynamics used in the song.

GROUP 3: Match the dynamic names in column B by

identifying their symbols in column A. Choose the letter of the
correct answer from the box. Write your answer in your notebook.
Group Presentation

Say: While doing the activity I am observing each group using this “Traffic Light
Behavior Chart”.

When your number is in the Red Light it means you are noisy and you
are given a sad face.

When in Yellow Light it means that you are still thinking and nothing
is happening on your group yet.

When in Green Light it means that you actively and happily done your

E) Developing Mastery (Leads to

Formative Assessment)
Identify the symbol of dynamics and their corresponding name
used in the song “Dance and Sing”

Dynamics Symbol Dynamics Name

F) Finding practical application of This illustrates Observable
concepts and skills in daily living
Using dynamics can also be helpful in everyday communication. For
#1: This illustrates
example, if you want to express excitement or emphasis, you can use a Observable #1: Modelled
louder or more intense tone of voice. effective application of
content knowledge within
and across Curriculum
G) Making generalization and
abstractions about the lesson

What did we learn about using dynamics in a song performance? How

(ELABORATE) can we apply these concepts in other types of music?

H) Evaluating Learning This time let us see if you really understood our lesson by getting Observable Objective #8 Used
of effective strategies for
your mastery level through this evaluation. providing timely, accurate and
constructive feedback to
encourage learners to reflect on
and improve their learning.
Let's do a quick quiz to check your understanding of the
(EVALUATION) different types of dynamics.

1. Which dynamic means very soft?

a) forte b) pianissimo
c) crescendo d) mezzo piano

2. Which dynamic means very loud?

a) fortissimo b) mezzo forte
c) decrescendo d) piano

3. Which dynamic means getting gradually louder?

a) piano b) mezzo piano
c) crescendo d) pp

4. Which of the following songs features a sudden dynamic change that

adds to the emotional impact of the music?
a) "Happy" by Pharrell Williams
b) "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen
c) "Hello" by Adele
d) "Stayin' Alive" by Bee Gees

5. How might a composer or musician use dynamics to convey different

moods or emotions within a single piece of music?
a) by using a consistent dynamic level throughout the piece
b) by avoiding sudden changes in dynamics
c) by gradually increasing the dynamic level over time
d) by using a variety of dynamic levels to create contrast and tension
I) Additional activities for
application or remediation
For homework, choose a song and create a chart that shows where and
how you will use each dynamic in your performance. Be ready to share
(EXTEND) your chart and perform your song in the next class.

That's it for today's lesson! Great job practicing with the different types
of dynamics. Keep up the good work!

Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your student’s progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional
VI. REFLECTIONS supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.

Prepared by: Observed by:


Here are some possible answers for each of the HOTS questions:

1. Why is it important for a performer to use different dynamics in their musical

● Using different dynamics can add depth and emotion to the performance, making it more
interesting and engaging for the audience.
● Dynamics can also help to convey the meaning and message of the song, highlighting
certain phrases or sections and creating contrast between different parts of the piece.
2. How can you use dynamics to convey different emotions in a song?
● Soft dynamics like piano or pianissimo can create a sense of intimacy or vulnerability,
while loud dynamics like forte or fortissimo can convey power and intensity.
● Gradual changes in dynamics, such as a crescendo or decrescendo, can add tension and
release to a performance and help to build emotion and drama.
3. Can you think of a song where the dynamics change throughout the piece? How do the
changes in dynamics affect the overall feeling of the song?
● One example is "Shape of You" by Ed Sheeran, where the chorus uses louder dynamics
than the verses, creating a sense of energy and excitement.
● The changes in dynamics can help to emphasize certain parts of the song and create a
sense of progression or development.
4. What are some ways you can adjust your dynamics to match changes in tempo or
rhythm? Possible answers:
● Increase the volume during a fast or energetic section, and decrease the volume during a
slow or calm section.
● Use crescendos and decrescendos to match changes in tempo or rhythm, building up to a
fast section or gradually slowing down for a calm section.
● Use dynamic accents to highlight important beats or notes in the rhythm.
5. How can you use dynamics to create a sense of climax or resolution in a musical piece?
Possible answers:
● Gradually increase the volume with a crescendo to create a sense of building tension and
● Use a sudden change in dynamics to create a dramatic effect, such as a sudden fortissimo
or a sudden decrescendo.
● Use a final diminuendo to gradually decrease the volume and bring the piece to a gentle
6. Can you think of a famous musician or singer who is known for their use of dynamics in
their performances? What makes their use of dynamics effective? Possible answer:
● Adele is a good example of a singer

● Increasing the dynamic level during faster tempos can help to keep the energy level
consistent, while decreasing the dynamic level during slower tempos can create a more
relaxed and soothing mood.

Famous musician/singer known for their use of dynamics: One example of a famous musician
known for their use of dynamics is Freddie Mercury of the band Queen. Mercury was known for
his ability to control the dynamics of his voice, ranging from soft and delicate to powerful and
dramatic. His use of dynamics helped to create an emotional impact in his performances, and
added to the overall theatricality of Queen's music.

Negative impact of using the wrong dynamic: Using the wrong dynamic in a musical piece can
negatively impact the performance in several ways. For example, if a performer consistently
uses a loud dynamic when a softer dynamic is needed, it can make the music sound harsh and
overwhelming. On the other hand, if a performer consistently uses a soft dynamic when a louder
dynamic is needed, it can make the music sound flat and uninteresting. To avoid these issues,
performers should pay close attention to the dynamics written in the sheet music, as well as the
overall mood and emotional content of the piece. They should also be willing to experiment and
make adjustments based on the feedback they receive from their audience and fellow musicians.

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