Assertive Rights Infantil

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Assertive rights

We speak of assertiveness as the ability to communicate our feelings and needs to those
around us while avoiding feelings and needs but avoiding hurting and offending others. This
form of communication is based on
assertive rights:

1. The right to be treated with respect.

2. The right to express my feelings, opinions and ideas.
3. The right to be listened to when I speak.
4. The right to say "NO" without feeling guilty.
5. The right to accept that others say "NO" without getting angry.
6. The right to ask politely for what I want.
7. The right to change my mind.
8. The right to be wrong.
9. The right to ask questions and have them answered.
10. The right to rest.
11. Right to enjoy myself and others.
12. The right to say "I don't know".

Point out the 3 that are most difficult for you to fulfil and give an example of an
example situation

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