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What Causes Mood Swings?

Here's how to tell if mood swings are normal—or
something more serious
By Nancy Schimelpfening Updated on April 22, 2024

Medically reviewed by Amy Morin, LCSW

Johner Images / Getty Images

Table of Contents
Common Causes of Mood Swings

Risk Factors


Mood swings are fast, significant changes in mood. If you've ever shifted
from a good mood to feeling sullen, sad, or furious, then you know exactly
how fast your mood can shift. The "mood swing" phenomenon is
commonly used to describe rapidly and intensely fluctuating emotions.

People often describe mood swings as a "roller coaster" of feelings

from happiness and contentment to anger, irritability, and even
depression. [1]

A person may recognize something that has triggered a shift in their

mood, such as a stressful event at work. But it’s also not uncommon for
mood swings to occur without an obvious cause. People may even
experience changes in mood if they have an underlying mental health

At a Glance
Mood swings happen to everyone for a variety of reasons. Sometimes
they have no obvious cause, while in other cases they are tied to
specific situational factors. It's when these mood swings are intense
or frequent that they can become troublesome and a sign of
something more serious, like a mental health condition. Keep reading
to learn more about how to tell the difference between normal
variations in mood and mood swings that may require treatment.

Common Causes of Mood Swings

Everyone experiences mood swings from time to time, but if you seem to
get them frequently or they are so intense that they disrupt your daily life,
including work and relationships, it may be a sign of an underlying
condition that needs treatment. [2]

Internal changes that take place throughout our lives influence our mood,
but it’s not just what’s happening inside that determines how we feel; we
also respond to what’s happening around us.
External changes to our lives and in our environments, such as increased
stress at home, school, or work, also can influence our emotions. [3]

Understanding the factors that are related to your mood swings can help
you better identify the potential causes. Knowing what is causing your
mood swings is the key to figuring out how to deal with them effectively.

Illness and Injury

Even though the term "mood swings" implies an emotional root, the
shifts also can be associated with chronic diseases or acute injuries that
affect the brain, such as dementia, concussion, or a stroke. [4] Other
medical conditions, particularly neurological conditions, also can cause
mood swings, including:

Diabetes [5]
Multiple sclerosis
Parkinson's disease
Sleep disorders
Thyroid disorders [6]

That's why it is so important to tell your doctor if you are

experiencing mood swings. They can evaluate your symptoms,
conduct a physical exam, and run lab tests to help rule out medical

Developmental Stages

Toddlers and young children often appear "moody" and may throw
tantrums as they learn to regulate their emotions. While these changes are
generally a normal part of emotional development, mood swings in
children also can be a sign of an underlying mental health disorder,
learning disability, or even a physical ailment.
For example, kids and teens with attention-deficit hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD) may experience shifts in mood that can interfere
with school and friendships. [7]

As kids get older, mood swings continue to be a normal part of their

development. By the time they enter the preteen years, fluctuations in
mood are primarily driven by hormonal changes. These shifts in mood
tend to peak during adolescence and gradually stabilize by young
adulthood. [8]


If you have seasonal allergies, you may find that your mood is influenced
by the time of year you tend to have symptoms. Constant sneezing, watery
eyes, post-nasal drip, and itchiness also can lead to fatigue, especially if
your allergies interfere with sleep.

Likewise, feeling unwell can cause you to feel irritable or make it

difficult to concentrate, especially if your allergies cause other
symptoms like headaches or a sore throat.

Starting or stopping a prescription medication can affect a person’s mood.
While medications such as antidepressants and mood stabilizers are
expected to affect a person's moods, medications prescribed for other
reasons also may cause mood swings as a side effect. [9]

Even though mood changes can be a symptom of depression or

another mental health condition, some medications used to treat these
disorders can cause changes in mood. Sometimes, these mood shifts
indicate that the medication isn’t the right choice for treatment, or
that the diagnosis someone has been given may not be correct.

For example, a person who has bipolar disorder may be misdiagnosed with
depression and prescribed medication. But, certain antidepressants may
trigger a manic episode in someone with bipolar disorder. [10] Likewise,
people who take anabolic steroids can experience intense mood changes,
including rage.

Other possible causes of mood swings may stem from changes in hormone
levels, particularly estrogen. Fluctuations in hormones are normal and are
well known to impact mood, such as the periodic changes of the
menstrual cycle.

For the same reason, mood swings are also common in response to other
causes of shifting levels of hormones, such as pregnancy and menopause.

However, a person’s risk for depression is increased during these

times, as well, so mood swings also can be a sign of a mental health

Certain forms of hormonal birth control, such as the Pill, may help ease
mood swings associated with the menstrual cycle, but it also has been
suggested that changes in mood could be a side effect of these
medications. However, more research is needed, as other studies did not
find a link between oral contraceptives and mood swings. [12]

Mood swings are also common with depression, especially if it is
untreated. A person’s mood may fluctuate from irritability to extreme
sadness to an angry outburst. [13] People who are depressed also may have
other symptoms, such as:

Feeling sad, hopeless, and worthless

Failing to enjoy favorite activities
Having trouble sleeping or sleeping too much
Eating more than usual or not eating enough
Feeling exhausted, tired, and fatigued
Having difficulty concentrating and/or making decisions
Experiencing thoughts of death or suicide
Similar to depression and sometimes thought of as a “milder” form
of bipolar disorder, cyclothymia is a condition characterized by
periods of low mood that alternate with hypomania.

Bipolar Disorder
Mood swings are a hallmark symptom of bipolar disorder. There are two
main types of bipolar disorder: bipolar I and bipolar II. Both are
characterized by periods of mania or hypomania that alternate with
depression. Some people experience both sets of symptoms at the same
time, which is known as mixed episodes. [14]

The mood swings for people with bipolar disorder may contain some or all
of the symptoms of a depressive or manic/hypomanic episode. A person
experiencing an episode of mania may:

Talk a lot or very fast

Have excess energy
Engage in risky behavior
Appear "on edge" or irritable
Feel like sleeping less than they normally do and don’t feel tired
Be more active or goal-oriented than usual (e.g., taking on new projects,
working more or harder, and starting new hobbies)

During a period of depression, a person with bipolar disorder may:

Feel worthless or hopeless

Stop feeling like doing things they used to enjoy
Seem sad, cry often, or be tearful
Have no energy, feel exhausted, or are "wiped out"
Feel like they can’t focus or concentrate or thoughts/tasks
Sleep more than usual or be unable to fall/stay asleep
Eat more or less than they usually do (weight loss or gain)
Have thoughts of dying or death; planning/attempting suicide

If you are having suicidal thoughts, contact the National Suicide

Prevention Lifeline at 988 for support and assistance from a trained
counselor. If you or a loved one are in immediate danger, call 911.
For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline

How long it takes for the episodes to change a person’s mood to the other
end of the spectrum can vary from person to person. People with "rapid-
cycling" symptoms may experience shifts daily or weekly, while others
may stay in one type of episode for months or years.

Medications used to treat bipolar disorder may help manage these intense
shifts. Of note, researchers are getting better at predicting the mood shifts
in people with bipolar disorder, which may help doctors diagnose and
treat the condition. [14]

Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is another mental health disorder
that can cause persistent mood swings. These mood shifts are typically
intense and variable and can last from a few hours to a few days. [15] Other
symptoms of BPD include:

Impulsive and risky behavior such as unprotected sex, reckless driving,

and substance use
Extreme reactions, such as rage or panic, to abandonment (real or
Feeling empty or restless
Self-harming, threatening, or attempting suicide
Emotional and intense relationships with others
Anger issues such as outbursts, inappropriate anger, and an inability to
control temper
Dissociative symptoms such as a loss of time or feeling "outside" one's
own body

Related: Mood Swings in Borderline Personality Disorder

Risk Factors for Mood Swings

When it comes to risk factors for mood swings, a number of factors may
come into play. However, the biggest contributors to mood swings include
diet, sleep, and substance abuse. Here's a closer look at how these risk
factors can increase the likelihood of mood swings.

A person who is eating a diet that's nutritionally inadequate or not getting
enough to eat may experience mood changes in response to fluctuating
blood sugar levels and malnourishment.

For example, if you notice your grouchy coworker has more spring in their
step after they have breakfast and a cup of coffee, their bad morning mood
may have been stemming from caffeine withdrawal or low blood sugar
known as hypoglycemia.

Digestive disorders that affect the body's ability to absorb nutrients, such
as celiac disease and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), have also been
associated with mood swings. These conditions also have been linked to
specific mental health conditions, such as depression. [16]

Related: The Experts Agree: What You Eat Can Directly Impact Stress and

A person’s mood also can be heavily influenced by the amount and quality
of sleep they get. A person who is sleep-deprived, especially when
chronic, may experience intense mood fluctuations, as well as other
psychiatric symptoms. [17]

Maybe your colleague just isn't much of a morning person, but their mood
naturally lifts as they wake up and they feel more prepared for the day
ahead. The body’s circadian rhythm, which is known for influencing when
we sleep, also drives our mood throughout the day to a certain extent.

Substance Abuse

People who are dealing with substance use disorders also may be more
prone to experiencing extreme shifts in mood, especially when they are
unable to get or use a substance. They also may experience mood swings
when they are trying to quit a drug and experiencing withdrawal.
When misused, medications known to cause mood changes can have
especially severe effects. For example, symptoms may be erratic and even
life-threatening if a person, such as an athlete, misuses steroid

If a person shows sudden mood swings, are acting highly irrationally,

or become suicidal, seek immediate medical care.

How to Cope With Mood Swings

It isn't easy to live with mood swings, especially if they interfere with
your day-to-day life, school or work, and relationships. After all, it's hard
to maintain normalcy in your daily life when your mood is down in the
dumps (or when it feels like you're walking on cloud nine).

Start by paying attention to changes in your mood. Use a mood tracker to

help notice when your mood changes and the factors that might play a
role in these shifts.

Related: Best Mood Tracker Apps

Changes in mood that are frequent and intense should be discussed with
your doctor, as you will need to figure out the underlying medical and/or
mental health causes before you can effectively treat them.

Medications called mood stabilizers, psychotherapy or counseling, and

interventions such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) may be helpful if
an underlying mental illness is causing mood swings or making them

How to Manage Mood Swings

You may be able to manage less frequent, mild, or occasional mood
swings on your own, especially if you have a good sense of what
triggers them. The first step is identifying factors in your life and
environment, such as stress, poor sleep, or skipping your morning
coffee, that precede or cause your mood swings.
To better manage and cope with these changes in mood, you may
want to experiment with different approaches, such as:

Getting regular exercise

Making changes to your diet
Learning stress management techniques
Adjusting your nightly routine to improve sleep
Addressing any substance use issues in your life

If mood swings are hard to manage on your own or are interfering in
different aspects of your daily life, it's important to talk to your doctor.
They can evaluate your symptoms, rule out medical causes, and make
recommendations that can help. This may involve talking to a mental
health professional and following a treatment plan that involves therapy,
medications, or both.

Once you get to the bottom of what is causing your mood swings, you'll be
better prepared to manage them effectively.

Read Next: Coping With ADHD Mood Swings

17 Sources

By Nancy Schimelpfening
Nancy Schimelpfening, MS is the administrator for the non-profit depression
support group Depression Sanctuary. Nancy has a lifetime of experience with
depression, experiencing firsthand how devastating this illness can be.

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