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Wilson Disease 1st Edition Edition

Anna Cz■onkowska And Michael L.

Schilsky (Eds.) - eBook PDF
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Handbook of Clinical Neurology 3rd Series

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It is a pleasure to present this volume of the Handbook of Clinical Neurology (HCN), which is dedicated to Wilson
disease. There are plenty of eponyms in medicine and particularly in neurology, but very few HCN volumes include a
person’s name in their title and this is only the third in the present series, after Parkinson and Huntington. Kinnier
Wilson (1878–1937) fully deserves this honor. In 1912, he published in Brain what had been his MD thesis:
“Progressive lenticular degeneration: a familial nervous system disease associated with cirrhosis of the liver.” As is
almost always the case, similar conditions associating liver and brain disease had been described previously, going
as far back as Morgagni and, more recently, by Westphal and Strumpell. However, the Wilson monograph included
the main clinical and pathologic features of the disease, and it opened the way to a new chapter in the history of
neurology, namely that of extrapyramidal system disorders, a term Wilson introduced.
The volume opens with a chapter describing in detail the history of the disease written by one of its protagonists,
John M. Walshe, who in 1956 proposed the use of penicillamine, one of the first disease-modifying drugs in neurology.
The volume includes chapters dealing with the epidemiology and genetics of the disease. It focuses on the two main
organs affected, the brain and the liver, with detailed descriptions of the pathology and pathogenesis of the disease,
including animal models, as well as its diagnosis and the various available forms of management and treatment. Novel
perspectives are discussed in a chapter that introduces a new chelating agent, tetrathiomolybdate, as well as nonchelat-
ing drugs currently under clinical investigation. As is appropriate for such a rare yet highly complex hereditary disease,
the volume concludes with a chapter on the groups that advocate for and support patients with Wilson disease.
We have been fortunate to have as volume editors two distinguished scholars and clinicians, Anna Członkowska,
Professor at the Second Department of Neurology, Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology in Warsaw, and Michael L.
Schilsky, Associate Professor of Medicine and Surgery and Medical Director of Adult Liver Transplantation at the
Yale-New Haven Transplantation Center. Both have been on the forefront of research on Wilson disease for many
years. They have assembled a truly international group of authors with acknowledged expertise and together they have
produced this authoritative, comprehensive, and up-to-date volume. Its availability electronically on Elsevier’s Science
Direct site as well as in print format should ensure its ready accessibility and facilitate searches for specific information.
We are grateful to them and to all the contributors for their efforts in creating such an invaluable resource. As series
editors we read and commented on each of the chapters with great interest. We are therefore confident that both
clinicians and researchers in many different medical disciplines will find much in this volume to appeal to them.
And last, but not least, we thank Elsevier, our publisher – and in particular Michael Parkinson in Scotland, and Mara
Conner and Kristi Anderson in San Diego – for their unfailing and expert assistance in the development and production
of this volume.
Michael J. Aminoff
François Boller
Dick F. Swaab

There is almost no other treatable disorder with as wide a clinical spectrum for presentation as Wilson disease. From
child to septuagenarian at diagnosis, patients may be asymptomatic or present with advanced cirrhosis or liver failure,
with a movement disorder ranging from mild tremor or bradykinesia to severe dystonia, or with an affective disorder or
psychosis. Although this is a volume in a series focused on neurologic and neuropsychiatric disorders, it was inescap-
able that we cross between disciplines and consider the full spectrum of the disease, the underlying hepatic disease that
accompanies the disorder, the diverse neurologic presentations, and the fascinating history of the discovery of its basis
and treatment.
Recent advances in molecular genetics testing allow easier and faster diagnosis of Wilson disease, for which treat-
ment may prevent, stop, or even reverse tissue injury. Also introduced more recently are imaging techniques that help
estimate the stage of the disease at the time of diagnosis and which are helpful for monitoring the progress of treatment.
With a better understanding of the disease pathogenesis, there are new opportunities for safer and even more effective
The aim of this text was to provide a thorough examination of Wilson disease in an easy-to-digest format. To accom-
plish this, we engaged a group of international experts from Europe and North America and asked for their help in
covering a wide range of relevant topics important for all caregivers of patients with Wilson disease, whether pediatric
or adult physicians, neurologists, psychiatrists, or hepatologists.
The text begins with a historic perspective, and then provides overviews of disease pathogenesis and its underlying
genetic basis, the effects of the disease on both the central nervous system and liver, its diagnosis, and the range of
clinical disease and treatments. Unusually, we have included the viewpoint of a lay patient organization on what is
important from a patient and advocacy perspective.
We thank all our contributors for their time and help in putting together this volume. A number of revisions were
necessary to make the handbook more cohesive, and we appreciate their patience and forbearance, which made this
We would like particularly to acknowledge John M. Walshe for his historic perspective and his contributions to the
field, and Mary L. Graper for her advocacy for all patients with Wilson disease. We especially thank all of our
coworkers, with whom we have worked over the years to assist hundreds of patients, broaden our personal experience,
and share it with others. We are also grateful for the cooperation of our patients and their families who put their trust in
us and from whom we continue to learn.
Anna Członkowska and Michael L. Schilsky

A. Ahmad First Faculty of Medicine and General University

Section of Transplantation and Immunology, Hospital in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic and Institute
Department of Surgery, Yale University School of of Neuroradiology, University Medicine Goettingen,
Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA Goettingen, Germany

A. Ala K. Dziezyc
Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Second Department of Neurology, Institute of Psychiatry
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of and Neurology, Warsaw, Poland
Surrey and Department of Gastroenterology and
Hepatology, Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS P. Ferenci
Foundation Trust, Guildford, Surrey, UK Department of Internal Medicine 3, Gastroenterology
and Hepatology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna,
O. Bandmann Austria
Sheffield Institute for Translational Neuroscience
(SITraN), University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK M.L. Graper
Wilson Disease Association, Milwaukee, WI, USA
S. Boga
Department of Gastroenterology, Sisli Etfal Education S.H. Hahn
and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey Division of Genetic Medicine, Department of Pediatrics,
University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle
R. Brůha Children’s Hospital, Seattle, WA, USA
Fourth Department of Internal Medicine, Charles
University in Prague, First Faculty of Medicine and General D. Huster
University Hospital in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic Department of Gastroenterology and Oncology,
Deaconess Hospital Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
G. Chabik
Second Department of Neurology, Institute of Psychiatry T. Litwin
and Neurology, Warsaw, Poland Second Department of Neurology, Institute of Psychiatry
and Neurology, Warsaw, Poland
I.J. Chang
Division of Medical Genetics, Department of Medicine, C. Lo
University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, Sheffield Institute for Translational Neuroscience
WA, USA (SITraN), University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK

A. Członkowska V. Medici
Second Department of Neurology, Institute of Psychiatry and Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,
Neurology and Department of Experimental and Clinical Department of Internal Medicine, University of
Pharmacology, Medical University of Warsaw, Poland California Davis, Sacramento, CA, USA

P. Dušek J. Mikol
Department of Neurology and Center of Clinical Pathology Department, Paris Diderot University, Paris,
Neuroscience, Charles University in Prague, France
J. Pfeiffenberger P. Socha
Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Departments of Gastroenterology, Hepatology,
University Hospital of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Nutritional Disorders and Pediatrics, The Children’s
Germany Memorial Health Institute, Warsaw, Poland

A. Poujois W. Stremmel
French National Reference Centre for Wilson Disease, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,
Neurology Department, Lariboisière Hospital, Paris, University Hospital of Heidelberg, Heidelberg,
France Germany

M. Pronicki E. Torrazza-Perez
Department of Pathology, The Children’s Memorial Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,
Health Institute, Warsaw, Poland Department of Internal Medicine, University of New
Mexico, Albuquerque, USA
E.A. Roberts
Departments of Paediatrics, Medicine and Pharmacology J.M. Walshe
and Toxicology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada Formerly of Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge and the
Middlesex Hospital, London, UK
C. Rupp
Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital K.-H. Weiss
Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,
University Hospital of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
I.F. Scheiber
Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Science, Charles F. Woimant
University, Prague, Czech Republic French National Reference Centre for Wilson Disease,
Neurology Department, Lariboisière Hospital, Paris,
M.L. Schilsky France
Section of Digestive Diseases and Transplantation and
Immunology, Department of Medicine and Surgery, Yale P. Zimbrean
University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA Departments of Psychiatry and Surgery (Transplant),
Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA
J. Seniów
Second Department of Neurology, Institute of Psychiatry
and Neurology, Warsaw, Poland
Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Vol. 142 (3rd series)
Wilson Disease
A. Członkowska and M.L. Schilsky, Editors
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Chapter 1

History of Wilson disease: a personal account

Formerly of Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge and the Middlesex Hospital, London, UK

This chapter focuses on the historic aspects of the development of much of our current knowledge of the
diagnosis and treatment of Wilson disease. Included are descriptions of the clinical signs of neurologic and
hepatic disease, the natural history of disease progression, studies of disease pathogenesis and a unique
perspective on the development of diagnostic testing and pharmacological therapy.

“Begin at the beginning,” the King said very gravely, they later became associated (Kayser, 1902). It is surpris-
“then go on until the end, then stop.” ing, in view of the very detailed nature of his descriptions
Alice’s Adventures Through the Looking Glass, of his patients, that Wilson did not observe the corneal
Lewis Carroll rings and indeed he refused to admit of their relationship
to his disease for 10 years after his original publication
This admirable advice for any story teller is honored (Wilson, 1922). These rings were for many years thought
more often in the breach than the observance. The diffi- to pathognomonic of Wilson disease but it is now known
culty remains, where is the beginning and does the story that they can be found in other forms of liver disease,
have any definitive end? With the history of disease the such as primary biliary cirrhosis and chronic cholestasis
probability is that there is, in all likelihood, no end. (Fleming et al., 1975).
Knowledge and theories will continue to develop almost Only 1 year after Wilson’s original publication in
indefinitely. Well then, is there a beginning? Probably, Brain, the Austrian pathologist, Rumpel, reported find-
but exactly where that is, is not always obvious. In this ing an excess of copper in the liver of a patient dying
case, it might seem self-evident that the story begins with of Wilson disease, an observation whose importance
Wilson’s original article in Brain in 1912, when he was completely missed (Rumpel, 1913). He also sug-
described four cases of what he called “progressive len- gested that there was excess of silver in the eyes.
ticular degeneration: a familial nervous disease associ- Another important observation which passed unno-
ated with cirrhosis of the liver.” (Fig. 1.1) In addition ticed was by Bramwell, whose house physician Wilson
he found four cases in the literature which fitted his had once been (Bramwell, 1916). Bramwell described
description, one of which was dated back to 1890. Fur- a family in which four siblings died, between the ages
thermore, there is a case report in Frerichs’ book of of 9 and 14 years, of rapid-onset liver failure and sug-
1860 that was almost certainly a case of Wilson disease. gested that this might be related to Wilson disease. It
Indeed, going back even further, Morgagni, in 1761, would be interesting to see if any descendants of this fam-
described several cases of liver disease associated with ily still exist so that they could be tested to see if they
nervous symptoms which may possibly have been cases carry, in single dose, the mutation for Wilson disease.
of Wilson disease. The next important addition to knowledge came when
It is interesting that one of the defining physical signs Hall (1921) showed that this disease was inherited in a
of Wilson disease, the Kayser–Fleischer corneal rings, recessive mode, later confirmed in more detail by Bearn
had been described 10 years before the disease to which (1960), who studied 30 families he saw in New York

*Correspondence to: J.M. Walshe, MD, ScD, FRCP, 58 High Street Hemingford Grey, Huntingdon PE 28 9BN, UK.
copper excreted in the urine. This important observation
was followed up in 1951 by Cumings himself in London
and by Denny Brown and Porter (1951) in Boston. Both
teams showed that courses of BAL resulted in significant
improvement in their patients’ neurologic symptoms.
However it soon became apparent that patients needed
repeated courses of the drug and subsequent courses
were less effective than the initial one. In addition the
injections were painful and associated with a wide vari-
ety of toxic reactions. This was clearly not an ideal
Fig. 1.1. Dr. John Walshe (right) with Dr. James Kinner The picture changed when, in 1956, I reported that
Wilson, son of neurologist Samuel Alexander Kinner Wilson, penicillamine promoted a much larger excretion of cop-
whose 1912 publication on hepatolenticular degeneration was per in the urine than either BAL or the other medical che-
being celebrated at the Centennial Symposium on Wilson’s
lating agent ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA)
disease in London, October 5–6, 2012.
(Walshe, 1956, 1960). Penicillamine is a breakdown
product of penicillin and is excreted in the urine of all
whose ancestry could be traced back to Eastern Europe or patients treated with penicillin, an observation I had
Southern Italy. made some years earlier when studying changes in amino
It must be noted that in Wilson’s original publication acid metabolism in patients with liver damage (Walshe,
of only 4 patients, he described almost all of the signs and 1956). This idea came to me when working in the Liver
symptoms which we now know are characteristic of this Unit under Dr. Charles Davidson, at the Boston City
disease (Wilson, 1912). He carried out his own patho- Hospital. Having seen one of Professor Denny Brown’s
logic studies and even traveled to Switzerland to collect Wilson disease patients who was not prospering on treat-
the brain of a patient dying of his disease. Wilson did not ment with BAL, it occurred to me that penicillamine,
believe that the liver pathology was a significant factor in with its –SH and –NH3 groups, might have the right
the natural history of the disease, although one of his own chemical structure to chelate copper and promote its
patients actually died of bleeding esophageal varices. excretion in the urine. Dr. Davidson was able to obtain
Over the next 30 years there were only minor for me 2 grams of penicillamine from Professor Sheehan
advances in the understanding of the disease, whose at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Having
course remained remorseless and invariably fatal. In taken 1 gram myself to prove its safety, I administered
1922 Siemerling and Oloff described the association of the second gram to Professor Denny Brown’s patient
sunflower cataracts with Kayser–Fleischer rings and and recorded the very satisfactory cupresis so induced.
noted the similarity to lesions caused by intraocular dam- With this simple procedure the start of penicillamine
age with intraocular copper fragments. Vogt (1929) and therapy was launched.
Haurowitz (1930) reported finding excess copper in the In those far-off days there were no ethical committees
brain and liver of Wilson disease patients – an observa- to be approached for permission; life was a lot easier
tion which was not followed up. when trying out new ideas. By 1960 I was able to publish
In 1945 Sir Rudolph Peters and his team in the first account of a patient with Wilson disease improv-
Oxford were able to report their earlier work in the devel- ing significantly as a result of this new therapy (Walshe,
opment of the antiarsenical drug, dimercaprol (British 1960). This was confirmed by similar studies by
anti-Lewisite, BAL). This was developed during the Sec- Scheinberg and Sternlieb, also in 1960.
ond World War to combat anticipated attack by Hitler Whilst these important advances in the treatment of
with the arsenical gas Lewisite. The importance of this this disease were progressing, so also was our under-
became apparent in 1948 when Cumings showed that standing of its pathogenesis. In 1948 Holmberg and
Wilson disease was indeed due to accumulation of excess Laurell described the finding of a copper-carrying pro-
copper in the brain and liver of all patients dying of this tein in the plasma which they named ceruloplasmin. In
disease and postulated that treatment with BAL might 1952, working independently in New York, both Bearn
halt the progress of the illness (Cumings, 1951). By coin- and Kunkel and Scheinberg and Gitlin showed that
cidence, at the same time, Mandelbrote et al. (1948) patients with Wilson disease all had low or absent con-
reported their findings on the effect of BAL on copper centrations of this protein (Bearn and Kunkel,1952;
excretion on a wide spectrum of patients with neurologic Scheinberg and Gitlin, 1952). Shortly after this
diseases; one of these patients had Wilson disease and in Cartwright and his team (1954) in Salt Lake City pub-
this particular patient there was a great increase in the lished an important article on copper metabolism in
Wilson disease, an article which inspired my own interest undergone cholecystectomy for gallstones, that the dif-
in this malady, in which they discussed the various ther- ference in copper excretion in the bile was of an order
apies then available and their shortcomings. Despite of magnitude between normal individuals and patients
these real advances Uzman, working in Denny Brown’s (Gibbs and Walshe, 1980). Furthermore, by studying
department in Boston, believed that Wilson disease was the difference in urine copper concentration in pigment
due to an abnormality of peptide metabolism and that stones the mean figure for copper in patients was
copper deposition was a side-effect and not the directly 50 mg/g compared with the figure of 1072.5 mg/g in con-
causative etiology of the disease (Uzman et al., 1956). trols (Walshe, 1998).
This hypothesis was later firmly disproved by Asator The first description of hemolysis and a serious com-
et al. (1976) using a technique more sophisticated than plication of Wilson disease was first described by Profes-
that available to Uzman. Although Uzman was wrong sor Sherlock and her team at the Royal Free Hospital in
on this point, he was able to confirm Bramwell’s hypoth- London (Sherlock et al., 1968), whilst Roche-Sicot and
esis that Wilson disease could present as liver disease in Benhamou (1977) described the first case of massive
children before the onset of neurologic signs (Bramwell, hepatic necrosis and hemolysis, thus proposing the idea
1916; Uzman et al., 1956; Chalmers et al., 1957). of acute fatal Wilson disease. Recently I showed that
The clinical picture of the disease was widened by hemolysis was to be found in 6.9% of 321 patients and
Bearn, who showed that there were abnormalities of that the hemolysis was extravascular, the age of onset
renal function and skeletal lesions in many patients was 12.6 years, and there was a female-to-male ratio of
(Bearn, 1957). He and Kunkel also introduced the idea 2:1 (Walshe, 2013).
of using radiolabeled copper, the short half-isotope, to Again, in the 1960s, in addition to our increased
study copper metabolism in Wilson disease patients understanding of the pathogenesis of Wilson disease
(Bearn and Kunkel, 1954). About the same time the role was an increased range of therapies which favorably
of ceruloplasmin in the pathogenesis was hotly debated influenced the prognosis. In 1961 Schouwink reported
and Uzman and Hood (1952) rightly pointed out that that zinc salts could block the uptake of copper from
the concentrations of ceruloplasmin found in Wilson dis- the intestine and thereby induce, although very slowly,
ease patients was quite variable and frequently over- a negative copper balance and this was later taken up
lapped that found in symptomless carriers of the enthusiastically by Hoogenraad et al. (1979) in the
Wilson disease gene in single dose. Netherlands and by Brewer et al. (1981) in the United
In 1959 Cumings published a book, Heavy Metals States.
and the Brain, in which he tried to cover the entire liter- In an attempt to overcome the toxic side-effects of
ature of Wilson disease to date and this remains an penicillamine, which were becoming apparent by the
invaluable historical source of information for those late 1960s (Walshe, 1968), with the invaluable help of
interested in the history of the disease, as also does Dr. Hal Dixon, I proposed the use of triethylene tetramine
Scheinberg and Sternlieb’s (1984) monograph. 2HCl as an alternative chelating agent and this proved to
Beginning in the 1960s I realized the potential of be an effective therapy and remarkably free of side-
using radiocopper in the investigation of Wilson disease, effects (Walshe, 1982). The next advance was the
working first with Osborn, and later with Potter (Osborn introduction of liver transplantation by Starzl and his
and Walshe, 1965, 1967; Walshe and Potter, 1977). team in 1971 (DuBois et al., 1971). This approach actu-
Together we devised a method of determining the uptake ally cured the Wilson disease so patients no longer
of copper by the liver and its further distribution through- needed chelation treatment, but they did require lifelong
out the body (Osborn and Walshe, 1967). It was thus pos- immunosuppression.
sible to show that in the presymptomatic stages of the The final advance came with the use of ammonium
disease the liver had a high affinity for the metal and tetrathiomolybdate (Walshe, 1986). I first took this
90% of the injected dose was present in the liver within myself for a week to test its safety before giving it to a
24 hours. As the disease progressed the liver uptake of patient who had proved intolerant to penicillamine and
radiocopper became less and less effective and the trientine and had found the side-effects of zinc salts intol-
isotope could be found distributed through many other erable. Within a year it had effectively decoppered her
tissues. However treatment with chelating agents effec- liver and changed the histology from a fatty liver with
tively decoppered the liver and restored its ability to cellular infiltrates to normal (Walshe, 1986). It is of inter-
sequester the metal. But in no patient was it possible to est that Bickel et al. (1957), had tried the use of molyb-
show, as in normal individuals, a peak in the lower abdo- date in the 1950s, but they had not used the tetrathio salt
men which represented copper excreted via the bile in to and their preparation had no anticopper properties so the
the intestine (Walshe and Potter, 1977). Later it was possibilities of this form of therapy were set back some
possible to show, in patients and controls, who had 30 years. They had relied on the observation that sheep
fed on pasture contaminated with molybdenum devel- Bearn AG (1957). Wilson’s disease. An inborn error of metab-
oped copper deficiency but failed to realize that in the olism with multiple manifestations. Am J Med 22: 747–764.
rumen of the sheep the MoO4 was converted, by reducing Bearn AG (1960). A genetical analysis of 30 families with
conditions, to MoS4, an action which does not take place Wilson’s disease (hepatolenticular degeneration). Ann
Hum Genet 24: 33–43.
in the human gut.
Bearn AG, Kunkel HG (1952). Biochemical abnormalities in
The most recent, and perhaps the most important,
Wilson’s disease. J Clin Invest 31: 616.
breakthrough came in 1993 when three separate groups Bearn AG, Kunkel HG (1954). Localisation of 64Cu in serum
(Bull et al., 1993; Tanzi et al., 1993; Yamaguchi et al., fractions folloqwing oral administration in Wilson’s dis-
1993) reported in Nature Genetics that they had ease. Proc Soc Expl Biol 85: 44–48.
identified the Wilson disease gene as a P-type APTase, Bickel H, Neale FC, Hall G (1957). A clinical and biochemical
140-kDa copper-transporting enzyme located on chro- study of hepatolenticular degeneration (Wilson’s disease).
mosome 13q14. There have been no further important QJM 26: 527–558.
advances since then, except for the identification of more Bramwell B (1916). Familial cirrhosis of the liver; four cases
than 500 mutations of this gene. As most patients are of acute fatal cirrhosis in the same family, the patients being
compound heterozygotes the number of permutations respectively nineteen, fourteen and fourteen years of age;
suggested relationship to Wilson’s progressive degenera-
and combinations is enormous and will make
tion of the lenticular nucleus. Edin Med J 17: 90–99.
phenotype–genotype correlations almost impossible.
Brewer GJ, Prasad AS, Cossack ZT et al. (1981). Treatment of
Having brought the story up to date the question Wilson’s disease with oral zinc. Clin Res 29: 758.
remains, what of the future? It would seem that, as far Bull PC, Thomas GR, Romanes JN et al. (1993). The Wilson’s
as natural history and biochemistry and genetics are con- disease gene is a putative copper transporting P-type
cerned, the disease is worked out. However therapy is far ATP-ase similar to the Menkes gene. Nat Genet 5:
from ideal. The initial therapy with BAL still has a place 327–337.
for severely dystonic patients but it has too many Cartwright GE, Hodges RE, Gubler CJ et al. (1954). Studies on
side-effects and its administration is something of an copper metabolism. Hepatolenticular degeneration. J Clin
ordeal for the patient. Penicillamine is effective in many Invest 33: 1487–1501.
cases but also has too many side-effects, mostly immu- Chalmers TC, Iber FL, Uzman LL (1957). Hepatolenticular
degeneration (Wilson’s disease) as a form of idiopathic
nogenic in nature and, in a small percentage of patients,
cirrhosis. N Engl J Med 256: 235–242.
can induce a sudden deterioration which is, unfortu-
Cumings JN (1951). The effect of BAL in hepatodegeneration.
nately, unpredictable (Walshe, 2011). Trientine has far Brain 74: 10–22.
fewer side-effects and is a very useful alternative Cumings JN (1959). Heavy metals and the brain, Blackwell
(Walshe, 1982) but, like all forms of treatment, is some- Scientific Publications, Oxford.
times associated with initial worsening of symptoms, Denny Brown D, Porter H (1951). The effect of BAL (2.3-
which is always a worrying state of affairs. Tetrathiomo- dimercapto propanol) on hepatolenticular degeneration
lybdate is yet another alternative but is not yet in the (Wilson’s disease). N Engl J Med 245: 917–925.
pharmacopeia so is not readily available. Zinc salts are DuBois RS, Rodgerson DO, Martineau G et al. (1971).
effective in blocking copper absorption from the gut Orthopic liver transplantation for Wilson’s disease.
but can only produce a very slow negative copper bal- Lancet 1: 505–508.
Fleming CR, Dickson ER, Hellenhorst ER et al. (1975).
ance and are probably more useful for maintenance than
Pigmented corneal rings in a patient with biliary cirrhosis.
initial therapy. Many zinc salts are gastric irritants and are
Gastroenterology 69: 220–225.
probably contraindicated in patients with prominent Frerichs FT (1860). In: C Murchison (Ed.), Clinical treatise
esophageal varices. Finally there is liver transplantation, on diseases of the liver, Vol. 1. New Sydenham Society,
in effect a cure, but which condemns the patient to London.
long-term immunosuppression with all its possible com- Gibbs K, Walshe JM (1980). Biliary excretion of copper in
plications. Its use suggests a failure of either diagnosis or Wilson’s disease. Lancet 2: 538–539.
initial treatment. One day it may be possible to offer gene Hall HC (1921). La degenerescence hepatolenticulare.
replacement but this is not yet even on the horizon. Maladie de Wilson-pseudosclerose, Mason, Paris.
It remains to be seen what the future holds for patients Haurowitz F (1930). Uber eine anamolides
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Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Vol. 142 (3rd series)
Wilson Disease
A. Członkowska and M.L. Schilsky, Editors
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Chapter 2

Epidemiology and introduction to the clinical presentation

of Wilson disease


Sheffield Institute for Translational Neuroscience (SITraN), University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK

Our understanding of the epidemiology of Wilson disease has steadily grown since Sternlieb and
Scheinberg’s first prevalence estimate of 5 per million individuals in 1968. Increasingly sophisticated genetic
techniques have led to revised genetic prevalence estimates of 142 per million. Various population isolates
exist where the prevalence of Wilson disease is higher still, the highest being 885 per million from within the
mountainous region of Rucar in Romania. In Sardinia, where the prevalence of Wilson disease has been cal-
culated at 370 per million births, six mutations account for around 85% of Wilson disease chromosomes
identified. Significant variation in the patterns of presentation may however exist, even between individuals
carrying the same mutations. At either extremes of presentation are an 8-month-old infant with abnormal liver
function tests and individuals diagnosed in their eighth decade of life. Three main patterns of presentation
have been recognized – hepatic, neurologic, and psychiatric – prompting their presentation to a diverse range
of specialists. Deviations in the family history from the anticipated autosomal-recessive mode of inheritance,
with apparent “pseudodominance” and mechanisms of inheritance that include uniparental isodisomy (the
inheritance of both chromosomal copies from a single parent), may all further cloud the diagnosis. It can
therefore take the efforts of an astute clinician with a high clinical index of suspicion to clinch the diagnosis
of this eminently treatable condition.

of population isolates in which a higher prevalence
Sternlieb and Scheinberg (1968) first estimated the prev- was likely.
alence of Wilson disease in 1968 to be 5 per million indi- Park and coworkers (1991), concerned by the potential
viduals. Subsequent work by Bachmann et al. (1979a, b) for a significant number of undiagnosed individuals with
at the Leipzig Centre for Wilson’s Disease in East Wilson disease, sought to determine the prevalence of
Germany between 1949 and 1977 calculated a birth prev- Wilson disease in Scotland. Examining computerized hos-
alence of Wilson disease of 29 per million. Saito (1981) pital statistical records, death certificates, and the results of
reported a similar birth prevalence of 33 per million in a postal questionnaire sent to relevant clinicians, they iden-
1981. With this expanded data set and taking into tified 21 patients with Wilson disease alive at the point of
account mortality figures from the USA pertaining to analysis in a population of 5 090 700 individuals, equating
the number of deaths from Wilson disease, which they to a prevalence of 4 per million. The authors re-examined
assumed to be half the true number, Scheinberg and the data presented by Bachmann et al. (1979a, b) from East
Sternlieb (1984) revised their worldwide prevalence esti- Germany and calculated a revised prevalence rate of 4.6
mate to 30 per million with a heterozygote carrier fre- per million, which was comparable with their own figure
quency of 1 in 90, whilst acknowledging the existence (Park et al., 1991). This rate was still higher than that of

*Correspondence to: Oliver Bandmann, SITraN, 385a Glossop Road, Sheffield S10 2HQ, UK. Tel: +44-114-2222262,
2.7 per million reported by Przuntek and Hoffmann (1987) were similarly disappointing. They achieved greater suc-
from West Germany, notwithstanding their less than ideal cess when blood samples from a slightly older population
response rate of 45%. Reilly et al. (1993) adopted a meth- of 24 165 children aged 6 months to 9 years old were used
odologic approach similar to that taken by Park et al. in to measure ceruloplasmin with a combination of oxidase
order to determine the prevalence of Wilson disease in activity, particle-coated fluorescence immunoassay, and
the Republic of Ireland. Twenty-six cases of Wilson specific monoclonal antibody. Three patients with Wil-
disease over a 19-year period were identified, 5 of son disease were identified, the youngest patient being
which had died of an illness consistent with the disease 8 months old, equating to a prevalence of 124 per million.
before its formal diagnosis. An adjusted birth incidence The authors suggested that, considered in combination
rate of 17 per million was calculated for the period with existing screening programs, serum ceruloplasmin
of 1950–1969, corresponding to a gene frequency of level stability and ease of blood collection meant that
0.41% and heterozygote incidence of 0.82%. To allow the age of 3 years old was the most opportune time to
for the maximal degree of anticipated consanguinity, undertake any population-wide ceruloplasmin-based
the gene frequency and heterozygote incidence esti- mass screening in children (Yamaguchi et al., 1999).
mates were revised to 0.36% and 0.72% respectively, In apparent support of their supposition, a presympto-
providing minimum disease estimates. matic 32-month-old boy was the sole positive case iden-
In this chapter we will provide an overview of clinical tified through a pilot study in which ceruloplasmin levels
genetic and biochemical studies to date and examine in dried blood spots were assessed in 3667 asymptomatic
their roles in further delineating the epidemiology of Korean children aged between 3 months and 15 years old
Wilson disease. We will explore factors which may help (Hahn et al., 2002). A similar study, with a 2.6-fold
to explain the disparity between the number of individ- higher prevalence of 717 per million, screened the dried
uals predicted to be affected on the basis of screening blood spots of 2789 children, identifying 2 aged
studies and those diagnosed clinically. Finally, we will 30 and 39 months old, with markedly low ceruloplasmin
review the clinical course of Wilson disease and the levels (0.24 and 0.40 mg/dL compared to an average
diverse ways in which it may present. of 12.4 mg/dL). The diagnoses were later confirmed
genetically by the identification of compound heterozy-
gous A803T/2871delC and R778L/G1035V mutations
(Ohura et al., 1999).
Noninvasive techniques to assess the amount of uri-
Many of the early epidemiologic studies are thought to nary holoceruloplasmin protein have also been developed.
have underestimated the prevalence of Wilson disease, Screening of urine from 48 819 children led to the identi-
not least due to their reliance on symptomatic patients fication of 36 children with very low urinary and serum
having received the correct diagnosis. Considerable holoceruloplasmin levels, 2 of whom additionally demon-
interest lies in the early diagnosis of presymptomatic strated low serum copper and increased urinary copper
individuals with Wilson disease so that the early instiga- excretion. Both children were otherwise asymptomatic
tion of treatment may prevent future complications. The with no signs on physical examination. Yet on further
UK NHS newborn blood spot screening program is genetic testing they were found to be compound heterozy-
already utilized to screen for six inherited metabolic dis- gotes for mutations recognized in Japanese patients with
eases. A number of pilot studies have investigated the Wilson disease (Owada et al., 2002).
possibility of mass screening for Wilson disease. Serum The calculated prevalence of 41 per million was less
copper is typically reduced in Wilson disease. However, than half that derived from another Japanese study, where
its utility as a target agent for dried blood spot screening a further 11 362 children underwent measurement of uri-
is limited by its environmental abundance and presence nary ceruloplasmin concentration. An immunologic latex
in unpredictable amounts in dried filter paper itself agglutination assay kit was applied to an automated ana-
(Hahn, 2014). Instead an enzyme-linked immunosorbent lyzer and results were shown to correlate closely with uri-
assay using a monoclonal antibody specify to holoceru- nary holoceruloplasmin level measurements. Three
loplasmin (ceruloplasmin bound with copper) has been successive screening stages led to the identification of
developed to measure ceruloplasmin in dried blood spots 9 children as positive for low urinary ceruloplasmin levels
(Ohura et al., 1999; Yamaguchi et al., 1999; Hahn et al., from an initial 668 positive subjects. A diagnosis of
2002; Kroll et al., 2006). Wilson disease was excluded in 8 children in the context
Screening of 1045 anonymous newborn screening of normal biochemical data. Ultimately, in the absence of
dried blood spots failed to identify any cases of Wilson symptoms or clinical signs, genetic confirmation was
disease (Kroll et al., 2006). The results of screening a necessary to diagnose 1 child, aged 3 years old, as a com-
total of 126 810 newborns by Yamaguchi et al. (1999) pound heterozygote (Nakayama et al., 2008).
the mutation compared to 20% being heterozygous.
Homozygotes were reported to more often present with
As techniques in molecular genetics have developed, neurologic symptoms, though this did not reach statisti-
attempts have been made to better characterize the under- cal significance. However, compared to patients without
lying ATP7B mutations in patients with Wilson disease the H1069Q mutation, homozygotes and heterozygotes
from different populations. In 1999 Curtis et al. studied were 3.5 and 2.13 times more likely to present neurolog-
Wilson disease mutations in Britain in 52 patients by ically (Stapelbroek et al., 2004). Mirroring studies by
screening parts of the ATP7B gene using single-strand Shah et al. (1997) and Gromadzka et al. (2006), patients
conformational polymorphism (SSCP) and subsequent heterozygote for the H1069Q mutation were found to
sequencing. At the time SSCP screening of three exons present at a slightly earlier age than homozygotes but pre-
was predicted to identify around 60% of mutations. sented at a later age than patients harboring non-H1069Q
Indeed, complete or partial genetic characterization mutations (Stapelbroek et al., 2004).
was achieved in 37 individuals, with 4 patients having A greater disparity in the existence of heterozygous
a homozygous ATP7B mutation, 18 being compound and homozygous H1069Q mutations was found in
heterozygotes, and 15 in whom a mutation in only one Romanian patients, where an allelic frequency of
allele was detected (Curtis et al., 1999). An earlier study 38.1% was reported, accounting for 34.2% of mutations
had similarly managed to characterize around 60% of in the heterozygous and 21.1% in the homozygous state
disease alleles (Nanji et al., 1997). A significant (Iacob et al., 2012). In a German cohort described
improvement in the overall mutation detection frequency by Merle et al. in 2010, patients with homozygous
to 98% was reported in a subsequent study from the UK H1069Q mutations occurred at an even greater fre-
by Coffey et al. in 2013. Genetic confirmation was quency, being identified in 50.9% of patients with a fur-
achieved in 177 out of 181 patients with Wilson disease ther 25.4% of patients being compound heterozygotes
diagnosed on the basis of clinical and biochemical find- with one H1069Q mutant allele.
ings. Of the remaining 4 patients, 2 were found to have a Though the H1069Q mutation is considered to be
single ATP7B mutation whilst, in the others, no muta- the most common mutation in Eastern and Northern
tions were identified (Coffey et al., 2013). The improved European populations, this is not necessarily the case
detection rate was largely due to improved mutation tech- worldwide. Indeed, in a Japanese study by Nanji et al.
niques as well as the analysis of the entire ATP7B coding in 1997, out of 21 unrelated families the H1069Q muta-
region. tion was not detected in a single case. Instead, the R778L
Though population estimates vary, in Europe the most mutation occurred at the greatest frequency, accounting
common mutation observed is the H1069Q missense for 12% of the identified Wilson disease mutations.
mutation (Shah et al., 1997; Stapelbroek et al., 2004; The R778L mutation has also been reported in Taiwanese
Gomes and Dedoussis, 2015). Ivanova-Somlenskya families with Wilson disease (Chuang et al., 1996), as
et al. (1999) described a cohort of 40 unrelated patients well as in Korean patients (Kim et al., 1998) and in the
with Wilson disease from Slavonic families from the Chinese Han population, in whom the allele frequency
European part of Russia to have H1069Q mutations, is considerably higher, at 45.6% (Liu et al., 2004).
representing 48.7% of Wilson disease chromosomes. A Spanish study identified the M645R missense muta-
Tarnacka et al. in 2000 described 148 Polish patients with tion as the most frequent mutation; its detection in the
Wilson disease from 95 families. The H1069Q mutation heterozygous state was reported in 22 out of 40 unrelated
was found in 57% of chromosomes studied appearing in patients with Wilson disease (Margarit et al., 2005). In
the homozygous and heterozygous states in 39.9% and Costa Rica another missense mutation, the N1270S
30.4% of cases respectively. Though they attempted mutation, also observed in Sicilian and continental Ital-
genotype–phenotype correlation, no relationship was ian and Turkish populations, was found to represent
found either with symptomatology or age of onset. In 61% of all mutations (Tanzi et al., 1993; Figus et al.,
contrast, a study by Shah et al. (1997) reported a younger 1995; Shah et al., 1997).
age of onset in individuals heterozygous for the H1069Q Whilst interpatient variability may in part be
mutation at 15.4 years of age compared to 20 in homozy- explained by differences in the underlying genotype,
gotes. Through their use of the Hardy–Weinberg equilib- studies have examined rates of intrafamilial concordance
rium, they estimated that the ratio of H1069Q between individuals sharing similar genetic characteris-
heterozygotes to homozygotes was in the order of 3.26. tics. In a study involving 73 index cases from 73 unre-
In a study of 70 symptomatic Dutch patients from lated families and 95 of their siblings, with an overall
59 unrelated families with predominant hepatic presenta- H1069Q allelic frequency of 77%, an 86% rate of con-
tion, the H1069Q mutation was reported to account for cordance of presenting symptoms was noted among indi-
33% of alleles, with 23% of patients homozygous for viduals first presenting with hepatic symptoms. A lower
concordance rate of 66% was noted between index cases 200 unrelated habitants revealed a carrier frequency of
presenting primarily with neurologic symptoms and their p.Q289X and 398delT mutations of 1 in 11 (Dedoussis
symptomatic siblings (Chabik et al., 2014). et al., 2005).
In a survey of Wilson disease in Iceland over a 40-year The relative genetic homogeneity within the Sardin-
period, 8 patients, from two kindreds, were diagnosed ian population is thought to arise from its marked isola-
with Wilson disease. All patients were found to be homo- tion and history of inbreeding propagating a possible
zygous for the same 2010del7 mutation, presumably founder effect (Loudianos et al., 1999b). Figus et al.
inherited from a shared common progenitor. Despite (1995) postulated a higher prevalence of Wilson disease
their common genotype and primarily neurologic symp- within the Sardinian population in 1995 based on their
tomatology, differences in their presentation were noted, identification of 10–12 new cases per year. Sixteen
with 3 out of the 8 manifesting with psychiatric symp- different haplotypes associated with Wilson disease
toms (Thomas et al., 1995). Differing phenotypes were chromosomes were identified in 39 individuals of Sar-
also reported by Wang et al. (2011) in two siblings, both dinian descent, of which haplotype IX (5 10 3 3) was
compound heterozygous for the I1148T missense muta- the most common, observed at a frequency of 55% of
tion and the S105Stop mutation. Whilst neuropsychiatric Wilson disease chromosomes. Further analysis of the
symptoms were manifested by the older proband, her promoter and the 5’ UTR of the Wilson disease gene
younger brother’s presentation was of the hepatic type. sequence from patients with the most common haplotype
Członkowska et al. (2009) furthermore described phe- revealed a single mutation consisting of a 15-nt deletion
notypic discordance in two pairs of monozygotic twins. from position –441 to position –427 relative to the trans-
In the first pair of twins, both sisters were compound het- lation start site, which accounted for 60.5% of the studied
erozygous for the H1069Q and N404Kfs mutations and Wilson disease chromosomes (Loudianos et al., 1999b).
were found to have evidence of previous hepatitis These mutations are uncommon in patients of European
B infection, with active infection having been excluded. ancestry outside of Sardinia (Cullen et al., 2003). How-
The proposita had presented relatively late at the age of ever, screening of 5290 newborns in Sardinia revealed
38, with a 4-year history of fatigue followed by progres- the presence of 122 individuals heterozygous for the –
sive hepatic decompensation and then the onset on neu- 441/–427 deletion, equating to an allelic frequency of
ropsychiatric symptoms. In contrast, her twin was 1.15%. With the inclusion of an allelic frequency of
asymptomatic, with normal brain and liver imaging, 0.77%, accounting for non- –441/–427 deletions, an
the only biochemical abnormality detected being overall Wilson disease mutation frequency of 1.92%
decreased serum levels of copper and ceruloplasmin. was inferred. Assuming Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium,
The second pair of twins described was homozygous the prevalence of Wilson disease was calculated at 370
for the common H1069Q mutation. The results of their per million births, one of the highest in the world and
diagnostic evaluation at the age of 28 were similar. Imag- considerably higher than that first quoted by
ing revealed T2-weighted changes on brain magnetic res- Bachmann et al. (1979b) (Zappu et al., 2008). Yet it is
onance imaging (MRI) and hepatosplenomegaly on comparable with the estimated prevalence of 366 per mil-
ultrasound scanning. Laboratory investigations identi- lion calculated from a homozygosity index of 0.476 and
fied evidence of abnormal copper metabolism, liver inbreeding coefficient of 7.8  10–4 and applied to a set
function test derangement, leukopenia, and thrombocy- of 178 Sardinian individuals with clinically and molecu-
topenia. Whilst one twin had presented with neurologic larly diagnosed Wilson disease (Gialluisi et al., 2013). As
symptoms, the other described problems with menstrual six mutations account for around 85% of Wilson disease
irregularity and recurrent nose bleeding but barring the chromosomes within the Sardinian population, further
finding of Kayser–Fleischer rings on examination was efforts have included the targeted screening for these
otherwise devoid of neurologic signs (Członkowska mutations using automated TaqMan screening (Zappu
et al., 2009). et al., 2010). The identification of heterozygotes through
this initial screening process is followed by screening for
the remaining 16 mutations detected in the Sardinian
population, yielding a sensitivity of 94.6% with a spec-
Various population isolates exist in which Wilson disease ificity of 100% and potentially resulting in the diagnosis
occurs at a greater incidence and prevalence than would of an additional 5 cases per year (Lovicu et al., 2003;
otherwise be expected based on worldwide figures. In a Zappu et al., 2008, 2010).
small mountain village next to Heraklion city in the A similarly high prevalence of Wilson disease of 385
island of Crete, the reported incidence of clinically per million was reported for the island of Gran Canaria,
and/or biochemically diagnosed Wilson disease was 6 where the rare Leu708Pro mutation was observed in
out of 90 births over a 25-year period. Screening of 18 out of 24 individuals with Wilson disease; 12 in the
homozygous state, 4 as compound heterozygotes in There is a significant discrepancy between the number
conjunction with another established Wilson disease of individuals predicted on the basis of genetic studies to
mutation, and 2 further individuals who only had one be affected with Wilson disease and those clinically diag-
identifiable ATP7B mutation. A further 3 individuals nosed. Reduced penetrance of ATP7B mutations may
who were compound heterozygous for previously offer an alternative explanation for the lower than
established Wilson disease mutations were detected expected number of individuals diagnosed clinically
and no mutations were identified in 3 affected with Wilson disease. Indeed, Członkowska et al.
individuals from the same pedigree. Despite their com- (2008) described the indolent course of Wilson disease
mon genotype, affected individuals with homozygous first diagnosed in a woman at the age of 54 when she
Leu708Pro mutations had marked phenotypic variability was assessed during familial screening. At the time of
(Garcia-Villarreal et al., 2000). her initial assessment she was asymptomatic, the only
The same group who initiated newborn screening of sign being Kayser–Fleischer rings, and she elected to
the Sardinian population also screened 396 newborns refuse treatment. Genetic confirmation was later
on the similarly isolated Greek island of Kalymnos. achieved when she was found to be homozygous for
The screening of 60% of newborns between 1999 and the H1069Q mutation. It was not until the age of 74 that
2003 identified 18 newborns heterozygous for the she started to demonstrate evidence of liver dysfunction
H1069Q mutation, 9 heterozygous for the R969Q muta- with a slight elevation in her liver enzymes and reduction
tion, and 1 compound heterozygote. The allelic frequen- in serum albumin. Thirty years after her original diagno-
cies of the H1069Q and R969Q mutations were 2.4% and sis, at the age of 84, she remained symptom free
1.3% respectively, yielding a carrier rate for the two (Członkowska et al., 2008).
mutations of 7% and, assuming Hardy–Weinberg equi- Identification of such individuals may still be war-
librium, an even higher prevalence than in Sardinia of ranted with respect to the risk of transmission to potential
135 per million births (Zappu et al., 2008). children that they may have. Of greatest concern is the
The highest prevalence of genetically confirmed potential for there to be a large number of patients
Wilson disease ever reported is 885 per million from affected by Wilson disease who remain undiagnosed
within the mountainous region of Rucar in Romania. and without effective treatment, having either never pre-
Its isolation and tradition of intraclan marriage are sented to their medical practitioner or having presented
thought to have contributed to substantial levels of con- with seemingly atypical features (Coffey et al., 2013;
sanguinity. Screening for ATP7B mutations in 50 individ- Bandmann et al., 2015). The absence of a “typical” fam-
uals from two large families, spanning six generations, ily history suggestive of autosomal-recessive inheritance
identified compound heterozygous H1069Q/M769H– may also dissuade a clinician from considering the diag-
mutations in 5 symptomatic adults and 2 clinically nosis of Wilson disease. It is important to be aware of less
asymptomatic children. Symptomatic individuals dem- common mechanisms of inheritance, including the inher-
onstrated strong phenotypic concordance with an age itance of three different ATP7B mutations, the potential
of symptom onset of 18  1 years. Initial symptoms for Wilson disease in successive generations, and the role
included dysarthria and dysphagia and, in all symptom- of segmental uniparental isodisomy, as will now be
atic individuals, the presence of Kayser–Fleischer rings outlined.
was observed (Cocos et al., 2014). The majority of patients with Wilson disease are com-
pound heterozygotes with one mutation on each ATP7B
allele (Schilsky, 2014a). There are nevertheless a number
of patients who carry three different mutations.
Dedoussis et al. (2005) described a 15-year-old boy with
Sequencing of all 21 ATP7B exons in over 1000 DNA Wilson disease from a consanguineous pedigree who
samples and exons 8, 14, and 18 in over 5000 samples was compound heterozygous for the Q289X, I1148T,
by Coffey et al. led to a revised figure of 0.040 or 1:25 and G1176R mutations; the latter two mutations cosegre-
as the frequency of heterozygote mutation carriers in gating in cis (i.e., in the same copy of the gene). Although
the UK. Even with the exclusion of four class 2 his clinically asymptomatic younger brother carried a
single-nucleotide variants in the absence of in silico wild-type allele alongside the I1148T/G1176R muta-
(computer-simulated) evidence of pathogenicity, the fre- tions, biochemical indices demonstrated significantly
quency of individuals predicted to carry two pathogenic lower copper and ceruloplasmin levels.
ATP7B mutations was 142 per million, over four times In an ethnic Han Chinese population, with one out of
the often-quoted prevalence figure of 30 per million 65 families reporting consanguinity, Mak et al. (2008)
for Wilson disease (Scheinberg and Sternlieb, 1984; identified 4 patients who carried the Q1142H nonsense
Coffey et al., 2013). and I1148T missense mutations in cis, with another
mutation on the trans allele (i.e., in the other copy of the the strong suspicion of consanguinity, later confirmed
gene). All mutations had previously been identified inde- when the mother and father were found to be first
pendently as disease-causing mutations (Loudianos et al., cousins.
1998, 1999a). Due to the frequency of their cosegregation Based on the much-quoted heterozygote carrier fre-
in cis, the authors recommended further parental genotyp- quency of 1 in 90 (Scheinberg and Sternlieb, 1984),
ing or exon sequencing upon the simultaneous discovery Bennett et al. (2013) calculated the probability of an indi-
of Q1142H and I1148T mutations, in order to distinguish vidual with Wilson disease having an affected grandchild
individuals bearing two mutations from those bearing to be 0.003%. Yet such a family did they describe, with
three (Mak et al., 2008). the proband’s mother, maternal aunt, and son having Wil-
Wang et al. (2011) subsequently described 2 patients son disease; this was due to all their reproductive partners
who presented with neuropsychiatric symptoms and having been heterozygote carriers. Dziezyc et al. (2014)
were found to carry three mutations. Fascinatingly, hav- identified nine nonconsanguineous families comprising
ing previously been reported to cosegregate with another 12 affected offspring from 9 probands from their screen
mutation in cis, the I1148T and Q1142H mutations were of 294 individuals. A risk of 4.08% of Wilson disease in
identified on the same allele, a finding also reported in the offspring of probands was calculated, higher than the
another patient by Coffey et al. (2013). The I381S/ figure of 0.5% that had previously been estimated (Ala
I1184T mutation and the N41S/I1021V mutations have et al., 2007; Dziezyc et al., 2014).
also been reported to cosegregate in cis (Coffey In the study by Coffey et al. (2013), three families
et al., 2013). with “pseudodominant” Wilson disease were identified.
As an autosomal-recessively inherited condition, In one family, the proband and his wife remained con-
Wilson disease would normally not be expected in sub- cerned about the genetic risk to their asymptomatic chil-
sequent generations within a family. The phenomenon of dren in spite of a very low risk having been quoted to
“pseudodominance” is one that has been observed in them. Rather surprisingly, a novel variant, predicted by
other conditions, including Friedreich’s ataxia (Lamont in silico analysis to be pathogenic, was identified in
et al., 1997) and ataxia with ocular apraxia type 2 the proband’s wife, leading to the subsequent diagnosis
(Schols et al., 2008). Cases of Wilson disease in two suc- of one of their two children as a compound heterozygote
cessive generations have also been reported. Loudianos for the V1234F and R778W mutations (Coffey et al.,
et al. (2013) described two families from Sardinia. In the 2013). Taken together, the comparatively frequent obser-
first family, Wilson disease was diagnosed after the pro- vation of families with Wilson disease in subsequent gen-
band presented following a suicide attempt. She was erations in different populations lends support to the
found to be compound heterozygous for the R919W assumption that heterozygote carrier status for ATP7B
and H1069Q mutations. Screening of her triplet siblings mutations may be more common than previously
led to the diagnosis of her dizygotic sibling with Wilson thought.
disease, carrying both the R919W and T993W muta- Segmental uniparental isodisomy has also been pro-
tions. Their mother carried the R919W mutation in addi- posed as a mechanism by which the direct transmission
tion to a wild-type allele. A posthumous diagnosis was of a normally monogenically inherited disorder may
made in their father, who was postulated to have trans- occur between a single parent and his or her offspring
mitted the H1069Q and T993W mutations, having died (Loudianos et al., 1999a). Uniparental isodisomy for
at the age of 39 with liver failure. The affected mother of any chromosome is estimated to affect up to 1 in 3500
another family was homozygous for the –441/–427 dele- births and occurs when both copies of a chromosome
tion, the most common regional mutation. Both of her or part thereof are inherited from a single parent with
monozygotic twins had inherited an allele with no contribution from the other. From their cohort of
the –441/–427 deletion as well as the G869R mutation, 181 index cases with Wilson disease, Coffey et al.
which they inherited from their father. Despite being (2013) reported the finding of 2 patients homozygous
compound heterozygotes, the twins were clinically for different mutations, in the absence of biparental
asymptomatic when they were diagnosed at the age of homologue contribution. Multiple microsatellite markers
33 (Loudianos et al., 2013). subsequently confirmed segmental isodisomy giving rise
A similar pattern of inheritance, whereby an affected to autozygosity for mutations inherited from one parent,
parent unknowingly had children with a heterozygous with potential significance with respect to genetic
carrier resulting in a child with Wilson disease, was counseling of individuals (Coffey et al., 2013).
reported in three out of four French families described Heterozygote carriers are often clinically asymptom-
by Dufernez et al. (2013). In the fourth family, the iden- atic. However, detailed examination may reveal subtle
tification of both the mother and her affected child as abnormalities. Ultrastructural examination of liver tissue
being homozygous for the same T569del mutation raised using electron microscopy has revealed alterations in the
mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum of heterozy- H1069Q mutation was also identified. The authors spec-
gous individuals, in keeping with copper toxicity ulated on the unusual occurrence of two rare conditions
(Lough and Wiglesworth, 1976). Biochemical studies within a single family and postulated a potential interplay
have reported various abnormalities of copper metabo- between the mutations that might account for an unusu-
lism, including decreased levels of serum ceruloplasmin ally late presentation of Alagille syndrome in the absence
and copper and an increase in the biologic halftime for of bile duct paucity typically observed on liver biopsy
the clearance of the isotope 65Cu from the plasma pool (Amson et al., 2012).
(Marecek and Nevsimalova, 1984; Lyon et al., 1995;
Merli et al., 1998; Tarnacka et al., 2009).
Relative exchangeable copper determination may be
better at distinguishing patients with Wilson disease from Three main patterns of presentation have been recog-
heterozygotes and controls (Trocello et al., 2014). In a nized: hepatic, neurologic, and psychiatric, the symp-
study involving 12 heterozygous carriers, without path- toms of the latter two groups sometimes being
ologic changes on plain MRI, significantly higher ratios combined. The presentations observed by clinicians
of Glx/Cr and Lip/Cr in 1H magnetic resonance spectros- may be skewed by the specialties to which patients pre-
copy in the pallidum and thalami were reported com- sent. Unsurprisingly, neurologists report a greater pro-
pared to controls, suggesting possible asymptomatic portion of patients presenting with neurologic
copper deposition (Tarnacka et al., 2009). Electroen- symptoms (69.1%) compared to hepatic symptoms
cephalographic abnormalities have also been described (14.9%), whereas the opposite is true with patients pre-
in heterozygous children. However, such studies, per- senting to gastroenterologists, where hepatic features
formed prior to the discovery of the ATP7B gene, relied predominate (68.1%) (Taly et al., 2007; Weiss et al.,
upon the inferred heterozygous carrier state in immediate 2011). In a registry of 627 patients with Wilson disease
relatives of affected individuals. Out of 16 presumed seen at a neurology department in Poland, 510 of whom
heterozygotes, neurologic abnormalities were detected were symptomatic at the point of diagnosis, a male pre-
in 5 children. Abnormalities on electroencephalography ponderance was observed (55%). Neurologic and hepatic
were detected in 12 children (75%), 5 of which demon- symptoms and signs were seen more frequently in men
strated epileptic features which did not correlate with (60%) and women (57%) respectively. Overall, symp-
clinical symptomatology (Marecek and Nevsimalova, toms and signs were found to precede a diagnosis of
1984). The findings were replicated in a subsequent Wilson disease by around 2 years. The mean age of
study but interestingly appeared to resolve by adulthood, symptom onset in the hepatic group was about 4 years
at which time no significant pathologic electroencepha- earlier than in the group with neuropsychiatric symptoms
lographic abnormalities were detected above that of the (23.7  8 years versus 28.0  8 years) (Litwin et al.,
control group (Nevsimalova et al., 1986). 2012). Similar findings were reported in an independent
The potential for heterozygous mutations in the German cohort of 163 patients with Wilson disease, 137
Wilson disease gene to influence other, apparently unre- of whom were symptomatic. Though the mean age of
lated disease processes has been suggested. Cocco et al. symptom onset was younger than that described in the
(2009) described a 37-year-old man with liver cirrhosis Polish cohort, hepatic symptoms were again found to
secondary to chronic hepatitis C presenting with enceph- precede neurologic symptoms (15.5 compared to
alopathy, in whom treatment with penicillamine and tri- 20.2 years of age). The interval between symptom onset
hexyphenidyl resulted in a marked improvement of his and diagnosis was reported to be almost three times lon-
neuropsychiatric symptoms. The patient was later found ger in patients presenting with neurologic symptoms
to be a heterozygous carrier of the G1111A missense compared to hepatic symptoms (44.4 months vs.
mutation, his response to treatment suggesting a subtle 14.4 months) (Merle et al., 2007).
defect in brain copper metabolism (Cocco et al., 2009). Individuals may present with a spectrum of hepatic
In another case, screening of an otherwise asymptom- symptoms, with 25.4% of patients described by
atic 18-year-old man, the sibling of a patient recently Gheorghe et al. (2004) having clinically asymptomatic
diagnosed with Wilson disease, revealed deranged liver disease, 21.8% fulminant hepatic failure, and 52.8%
function tests. Indices of copper metabolism were normal chronic liver disease at presentation . Untreated, hepatic
and further investigation led to a diagnosis of Alagille symptoms may remain self-limiting, yet may also pro-
syndrome, a rare autosomal dominantly inherited disor- gress and precede the development of neurologic
der of embryogenesis, affecting multiple organ systems, sequelae. Reassuringly, in treated cases, the prognosis
in which abnormalities in bile duct formation led to liver of hepatic Wilson disease is good (Schilsky, 2014b).
dysfunction. The associated JAG1 gene mutation was Of patients presenting with neurologic symptoms,
found to have arisen de novo but, interestingly, one improvement in 53.5–58.2%, stability in 22.4–27.3%,
and worsening in 3.6–24.1% may be expected after Although classically considered to be associated with
pharmacologic treatment (Merle et al., 2007; Bruha an onset in the second or third decade of life, an increas-
et al., 2011). Psychiatric symptoms have been reported ing number of cases of late-onset Wilson disease are
in up to 51% of patients upon their initial presentation being reported (Członkowska and Rodo, 1981; Ala
and 72% of patients established on treatment, although et al., 2005; Ferenci et al., 2007; Sohtaoglu et al.,
a pure psychiatric presentation is rare (Dening and 2007; Członkowska et al., 2008). Two siblings, diag-
Berrios, 1989; Svetel et al., 2009). The most commonly nosed in their eighth decade of life, were described by
identified symptoms on the neuropsychiatric inventory Ala et al. (2005). The elder sibling had presented at the
include anxiety, depression, irritability, and apathy age of 72 with a 5-year history of progressive neurologic
(Svetel et al., 2009). Cognitive changes, when present, disability. Her younger brother had had a mild hand
may be subtle and prone to influence by changes in tremor at the age of 45 that had been treated with a
affect (Lang et al., 1990). Normalization may occur beta-blocker. He was diagnosed at the age of 70 during
in response to treatment (Rosselli et al., 1987). Whilst screening for Wilson disease; his only symptom was mild
symptomatic individuals typically present with hepatic, gait abnormalities. Both siblings were found to be com-
neurologic, or psychiatric manifestations of Wilson dis- pound heterozygous for the E1064A and H1069Q muta-
ease, less common presentations have been recognized, tions with stabilization of their clinical course following
including presentation with an osseomuscular pheno- treatment (Ala et al., 2005).
type as well as renal, cardiovascular, endocrine, hema- Another similar case, described by Sohtaoglu et al.
tologic, and dermatologic involvement. The varied (2007), was of a woman who developed slurred speech,
presentations of Wilson disease and the role of genetic tremor, and postural instability at the age of 75, though
and environmental modifiers will be detailed in subse- her first symptoms of mild tremor and forgetfulness
quent chapters. had begun 8 years earlier. The salient message from
With the ability to screen for mutations in the ATP7B her case was of a marked deterioration following the ini-
gene, a diagnosis of Wilson disease is possible even in tiation of penicillamine, prompting the authors to caution
the absence of symptoms or definitive biochemical with respect to its use in older patients with neurologic
abnormalities. Diagnosis is therefore possible in the pre- Wilson disease.
symptomatic stage, even in the newborn. Shimizu et al.
(1997) described an asymptomatic 8-month-old boy who
was found on opportunistic screening to have low ceru-
loplasmin levels in the context of otherwise normal bio- Considerable advances have been made since the first esti-
chemical parameters. No signs were demonstrated on mate of the prevalence of Wilson disease in 1968
clinical examination. A diagnosis of Wilson disease (Scheinberg and Sternlieb, 1984). As diagnostic tech-
was made on the basis of DNA sequencing analysis, niques have become increasingly sophisticated, so too
which revealed him to be homozygous for the frameshift has our ability to identify the causative mutations in indi-
mutation 2302insC (Shimizu et al., 1997). A child of the viduals with Wilsondisease. Nonetheless, work from our
same age was also reported to be the youngest individual own recent genetic prevalence study and others has raised
to present with evidence of liver dysfunction, detected concerns that Wilson disease may be considerably more
during a hospital admission with diarrhea. Clinical exam- common than previously thought (Ohura et al., 1999;
ination was normal, yet low ceruloplasmin levels raised Coffey et al., 2013; Gialluisi et al., 2013). Considerable
the suspicion of Wilson disease. Other causes of elevated phenotypic variation, the potential for reduced penetrance,
alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase and the diversity in the number of mutations and mecha-
were excluded. Genetic testing identified him to be com- nisms of inheritance may all complicate the diagnosis.
pound heterozygous for the missense mutations A874V Thus, it is necessary to maintain an index of suspicion in
and N1270S (Abuduxikuer et al., 2015). A similar pre- individuals presenting with symptoms consistent with a
sentation in a 9-month-old boy was reported by Kim diagnosis of Wilson disease, even though they may not
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Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Vol. 142 (3rd series)
Wilson Disease
A. Członkowska and M.L. Schilsky, Editors
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Chapter 3

The genetics of Wilson disease

Division of Medical Genetics, Department of Medicine, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA, USA
Division of Genetic Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle Children’s Hospital,
Seattle, WA, USA

Wilson disease (WD) is an autosomal-recessive disorder of hepatocellular copper deposition caused by
pathogenic variants in the copper-transporting gene, ATP7B. Early detection and treatment are critical
to prevent lifelong neuropsychiatric, hepatic, and systemic disabilities. Due to the marked heterogeneity
in age of onset and clinical presentation, the diagnosis of Wilson disease remains challenging to physicians
today. Direct sequencing of the ATP7B gene is the most sensitive and widely used confirmatory testing
method, and concurrent biochemical testing improves diagnostic accuracy. More than 600 pathogenic var-
iants in ATP7B have been identified, with single-nucleotide missense and nonsense mutations being the
most common, followed by insertions/deletions, and, rarely, splice site mutations. The prevalence of Wil-
son disease varies by geographic region, with higher frequency of certain mutations occurring in specific
ethnic groups. Wilson disease has poor genotype–phenotype correlation, although a few possible modi-
fiers have been proposed. Improving molecular genetic studies continue to advance our understanding of
the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and screening for Wilson disease.

INTRODUCTION excluded simply due to a misleading family history con-

sistent with an autosomal-dominant inheritance pattern.
In this chapter, we will discuss the inheritance, gene fre-
Furthermore, recent studies have also identified Wilson
quency, variants, genotype–phenotype correlation, and
disease due to atypical forms of inheritance, such as
modifiers of the ATP7B gene, and the clinical molecular
the presence of three concurrent mutations in a single
diagnosis and population screening for Wilson disease.
patient or segmental uniparental disomy (Coffey et al.,
2013). Uniparental disomy occurs when both homologs
INHERITANCE of a chromosome originate from a single parent. These
findings have implications for clinical practice and
Wilson disease is a monogenic autosomal-recessive con-
genetic counseling, as clinicians may need to consider
dition and carriers do not manifest any symptoms.
genotyping asymptomatic parents or obtaining full
Autosomal-recessive conditions are not usually present
sequencing of ATP7B to confirm that pathogenic variants
in consecutive generations, but may occur in populations
occur in trans.
with particularly high carrier frequency of Wilson dis-
ease (Wu et al., 2015). Our group and others have
reported the presence of Wilson disease in two or more
successive generations within the same family, reflecting Wilson disease is caused by homozygous or compound
a “pseudo-dominant” inheritance (Dziezyc et al., 2011, heterozygous mutations in the ATP7B gene (OMIM#
2014; Bennett et al., 2013; H. Park et al., 2015). There- 606882), which encodes a transmembrane copper-
fore, the diagnosis of Wilson disease should not be transporting P-type ATPase of the same name. Currently,

*Correspondence to: Si Houn Hahn, MD, PhD, Department of Pediatrics, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle
Children’s Hospital, Seattle WA 98105, USA. Tel: +1-206-987-7610, Fax: +1-206-987-5329, E-mail:

Fig. 3.1. Schematic representation of copper-induced relocalization of ATP7A and ATP7B. The left side of the diagram represents
an enterocyte and the right side represents a hepatocyte. On both sides, copper enters the cell through copper transporter 1 (CTR1)
and is escorted by copper chaperone antioxidant protein 1 (ATOX1) to ATP7A or ATP7B in the trans-Golgi network (TGN). When
copper levels rise above a certain threshold, ATP7A and ATP7B excrete copper into the plasma on the basolateral side of the
enterocyte and into the bile on the apical side of the hepatocyte. Defects in localization of ATP7B may lead to copper accumulation
at the (1) TGN due to unresponsiveness, (2) cell periphery, and (3) endoplasmic reticulum (ER) due to misfolding. (Reproduced
from de Bie et al., 2007.)

ATP7B is the only identified gene known to cause Wil copper into vesicles and excretes it via exocytosis across
son disease (Bull et al., 1993; Petrukhin et al., 1993; the apical canalicular membrane into bile (Bull et al.,
Tanzi et al., 1993). Mutations in the ATP7B gene have 1993; Tanzi et al., 1993; Yamaguchi et al., 1999; Cater
been reported in almost all exons. Previous studies have et al., 2007). Due to the binary role of the ATP7B trans-
reported individuals with both biochemical and clinical porter in both the synthesis and excretion of copper,
diagnosis of Wilson disease in the absence of two defects in its function lead to copper accumulation and
ATP7B mutations, raising the possibility of a second the progressive features of Wilson disease (Fig. 3.1).
causative gene (Lovicu et al., 2006; Kenney and Cox,
2007; S. Park et al., 2007; Mak and Lam, 2008; MOLECULAR STRUCTURE OF ATP7B
Nicastro et al., 2010; Coffey et al., 2013). Nonetheless,
ATP7B is located on 13q14.3 and contains 20 introns and
ATP7B remains the only known gene responsible for
21 exons, for a total genomic length of 80 kb (Bull et al.,
Wilson disease.
1993; Petrukhin et al., 1993; Tanzi et al., 1993). The gene
Human dietary intake of copper is about
is synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum, then relo-
1.5–2.5 mg/day, which is absorbed in the stomach and
cated to the TGN within hepatocytes. ATP7B is most
duodenum, bound to circulating albumin, and trans-
highly expressed in the liver, but is also found in the kid-
ported to the liver for regulation and excretion (Culotta
ney, placenta, mammary glands, brain, and lung.
and Scott, 2016). The uptake of copper occurs on the
basolateral side of hepatocytes via copper transporter 1
(CTR1), as illustrated in Figure 3.1. A specific copper
chaperone, antioxidant protein 1 (ATOX1), delivers cop-
per to the Wilson disease protein, ATP7B, by copper- ATP7B belongs to class 1B (PIB) of the highly conserved
dependent protein–protein interactions (Walker et al., P-type ATPase superfamily, which is responsible for
2004). Within hepatocytes, ATP7B performs two impor- the transport of copper and other heavy metals across
tant functions in either the trans-Golgi network (TGN) or cellular membranes (Gourdon et al., 2011). The protein
in cytoplasmic vesicles. In the TGN, ATP7B activates contains 1465 amino acids, a phosphatase domain
ceruloplasmin by packaging six copper molecules into (A-domain), phosphorylation domain (P-domain, amino
apoceruloplasmin, which is then secreted into the acid residues 971–1035), nucleotide-binding domain
plasma. In the cytoplasm, ATP7B sequesters excess (N-domain, amino acid residues 1240–1291), and

5’UTR 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

M Tm Tm Tm Tm Tm Tm Tm Tm



Cu T
Cu G
NH2 Hinge region
Cu Phosphorylation

Cu N
ATP binding site

Fig. 3.2. Schematic representation of ATP7B gene and corresponding human ATP7B protein. Top diagram shows 5’UTR pro-
moter region and exons separated by introns. Bottom diagram shows the domain organization of human copper ATPase. Conserved
amino acid motifs are present at the core structure of each functional domain, i.e., TGDN and GDGVND at the A-domain, DKTG at
the P-domain, and SEHPL in the N-domain. M, phospholipidic bilayer of the membrane; Cu, the metal-binding domains of the
trasmembrane cation channel; Tm, transmembrane domains; PD, phosphatase domain. (Reproduced from Fanni et al., 2005.)

M-domain, which comprises eight transmembrane ion Although the mechanism by which the histadine-
channels (Fig. 3.2) (Cater et al., 2004, 2007; containing SEHPL motif affects copper transport
Lenartowicz and Krzeptowski, 2010). remains to be elucidated, it is clear that histidine-to-
Unique amino acid motifs are present at the core struc- glutamate substitution at amino acid 1069 (p.H1069Q)
ture of each domain, such as TGEA at the A-domain, in this motif is the most common cause of Wilson disease
DKTGT at the P-domain, and SEHPL in the in northern Europeans. In the hepatocytes of patients
N-domain. Specifically, the N-terminal metal-binding homozygous for p.H1069Q, ATP7B was found in the
domain (MBD) is composed of six copper-binding sites, endoplasmic reticulum instead of its usual TGN location,
each with the conserved sequence motif GMXCXXC suggesting abnormal protein trafficking (Huster et al.,
(Fatemi and Sarkar, 2002; Sazinsky et al., 2006). These 2003). Insect models with the p.H1069Q mutation in
MBDs play a central role in accepting copper from cop- SF9 cells showed decreased ATP-mediated catalytic
per chaperone ATOX1 through protein–protein interac- phosphorylation but no major protein misfolding, sug-
tions. Previous studies have demonstrated unequal gesting a role for p.H1069Q in the orientation of the
impact of MBDs on ATP7B activity, with MBD 5 and ATP7B catalytic site for ATP binding prior to hydrolysis
6 having stronger effects on the catalytic activation of (Tsivkovskii et al., 2003).
ATP7B than MBDs 1–4 (Lutsenko et al.,1997).
The active transport of copper across membranes is a
complex process that begins with ATP7B binding copper
at the N-terminal domain and transporting it across cel- More than 600 pathogenic variants in ATP7B have been
lular membranes, using ATP as an energy source identified, with single-nucleotide missense and nonsense
(Fig. 3.2). Next, free copper binds intracellularly to mutations being the most common, followed by inser-
GG motifs in the MBDs, followed by transport on to tions/deletions and splice site mutations (Human Gene
the Cys-Pro-Cys (CPC) sequence motifs in MBD 6. Mutation Database, accessed 29 April 2016; Stenson
Finally, dephosphorylation of acyl-phosphate at the et al., 2014). Other rare genetic mechanisms that have
A-domain discharges copper across the cellular mem- been reported in the literature include whole-exon dele-
brane. Mutations causing copper accumulation may tions, promoter region mutations, three concurrent path-
occur at any of these steps (Huster et al., 2006; ogenic variants, and monogenic disomy (Coffey et al.,
Schushan et al., 2012). 2013; Bandmann et al., 2015). Mutation “hotspots” in
Cu binding Transmembrane (1-6) ATP binding (7-8)

2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

p.C271* p.M645R p.R778L p.L795F p.G943D c.3400delC p.N1270S c.4193delC

p.E122fs p.Q457* p.G710S p.A874V p.L1083F p.L1273S p.Q1399R
p.c.1708-1G>C p.N1270S
c.2299insC p.P992H p.A1135Q p.Q1399R
p.G691R p.I1002T p.G1266R p.S774R
p.S774R p.A1003V
p.W779X p.H1069Q c.3903+6C>T
p.L708P p.V845fs p.E1064K
p.K832R p.G1351*
p.M769fs p.G1061E p.V1146M
p.W779* p.A11140V
p.A1003T p.A1003T
Fig. 3.3. Schematic of the ATP7B gene with common mutation sites, including p.H1069Q (rs76151636), p.R778L (rs28942074),
p.E1064K (rs376910645), c.3400delC, and p.Ala1135fs (rs137853281). Please refer to Table 3.1 for more details.

ATP7B have also been reported to vary by geographic et al., 2007; van den Berghe et al., 2009). Other preva-
region (see regional gene frequency section, below). lent mutations, such as protein-truncating nonsense
The majority of pathogenic mutations are located in mutations (13% of known point mutations) (Merle
the M- and N-domains in presymptomatic patients or et al., 2010) and frameshift mutations (Vrabelova
in those with hepatic symptoms (S. Park et al., 2007). et al., 2005), are predicted to cause decay of mRNA
The common mutations in ATP7B seen in various popu- (Mendell et al., 2004; Chang et al., 2007) or a severely
lations are listed in Figure 3.3. truncated protein, resulting in absent or diminished levels
The p.H1069Q mutation is one of the most common of protein. It is therefore expected that most patients with
mutations, with a population allelic frequency of Wilson disease have absent or significantly reduced
10–40% (30–70% among Caucasians). Most patients levels of ATP7B.
are compound heterozygotes, carrying different muta-
tions on each copy of the chromosome (Usta et al., REGIONAL GENE FREQUENCY
2014). The p.H1069Q mutation occurs when histidine
The prevalence of Wilson disease varies by geographic
of the conserved SEHPL motif in the N-domain of
region, with higher prevalence of specific mutations
ATP7B is replaced by glutamic acid, resulting in
reported in certain populations (Ferenci, 2006) (see
N-domain protein misfolding, abnormal phosphoryla-
Chapter 2 for more details). A list of the common
tion in the P-domain, and decreased ATP binding affinity
regional variants of ATP7B mutations and geographic
(Rodriguez-Granillo et al., 2008). This mutation also
clustering of mutations are shown in Table 3.1 and
leads to decreased heat stability and abnormal localiza-
Figure 3.4, respectively.
tion of the protein to the TGN (Ralle et al., 2010).
Other common mutations in ATP7B include p.
E1064A, p.R778L, p.G943S, and p.M769V. Mutations
in p.E1064A, also found in the SEHPL motif, completely Direct genotype–phenotype relationships in Wilson dis-
disable ATP binding affinity but do not result in protein ease have been difficult to establish, despite several stud-
misfolding, transport abnormalities, or thermal instabil- ies examining correlation (Panagiotakaki et al., 2004;
ity. The p.R778L mutation affects transmembrane trans- Vrabelova et al., 2005; Nicastro et al., 2010; Cocoş
port of copper (Dmitriev et al., 2011). The p.G943S and et al., 2014; Usta et al., 2014). The numerous
p.M769V mutations result in defective copper metabo- low-frequency and compound heterozygous nature of
lism but preserved ceruloplasmin levels (Okada Wilson disease obfuscate the process of characterizing
et al., 2010). its numerous genetic variants and their clinical conse-
A substantial proportion of Wilson disease-associated quences. Descriptions of phenotypes are limited to age
missense mutations, including p.H1069Q and p.R778L, of onset and presenting symptoms, both of which may
result in markedly decreased level of the protein caused be affected by inaccurate diagnostic criteria, delayed
by enhanced degradation (Payne et al., 1998; de Bie diagnosis, and practitioner selection bias. Therefore,
Table 3.1
Regional distribution of common Wilson disease mutations by geographic location

Prevalent mutations

Region AF (%) Protein Nucleotide RS Exon Type Domain

Austria (Ferenci, 2006) 34.1 p.His1069Gln c.3207C > A rs76151636 14 Missense ATP loop
6.4 p.Gly710Ser c.2128G > A 8 Missense TM2
3.6 p.Met769fs c.2298_2299insC rs137853287 8 Premature stop TM4
Benelux (Ferenci, 2006) 53 p.His1069Gln c.3207C > A rs76151636 14 Missense ATP loop
Bulgaria (Todorov et al., 2005) 58.8 p.His1069Gln c.3207C > A rs76151636 14 Missense ATP loop
Canary Islands 64 p.Leu708Pro c.2123 T > C 8 Missense TM2
(García Villarreal et al., 2000)
Czech Republic 57 p.His1069Gln c.3207C > A rs76151636 14 Missense ATP loop
(Vrabelova et al., 2005)
Denmark 18 p.His1069Gln c.3207C > A rs76151636 14 Missense ATP loop
(Møller et al., 2011)
16 p.Trp779* c.2336G > A rs137853283 8 Nonsense TM4
France 15 p.His1069Gln c.3207C > A rs76151636 14 Missense ATP loop
(Bost et al., 2012)
Germany 47.9 p.His1069Gln c.3207C > A rs76151636 14 Missense ATP loop
(Ferenci, 2006)
Germany (East, former) 63 p.His1069Gln c.3207C > A rs76151636 14 Missense ATP loop
(Caca et al., 2000)
Greece 35 p.His1069Gln c.3207C > A rs76151636 14 Missense ATP loop
(Panagiotakaki et al., 2004;
Dedoussis et al., 2005; Gomes
and Dedoussis, 2016)
12 p.Arg969Gln c.2906G > A rs774028495 13 Missense TM6
Hungary 42.9 p.His1069Gln c.3207C > A rs76151636 14 Missense ATP loop
(Firneisz et al., 2002; Folhoffer et al., 2007)
Iceland 100 p.Tyr670* c.2007_2013del 7 Nonsense TM1
(Thomas et al., 1995a; Hofer et al., 2012)
Italy 17.5 p.His1069Gln c.3207C > A rs76151636 14 Missense ATP loop
(Loudianos et al., 1999)
9 p.Val845fs c.2530delA rs755709270 10 Premature stop Td
6 p.Met769fs c.2298_2299insC rs137853287 8 Premature stop TM4
Netherlands 33 p.His1069Gln c.3207C > A rs76151636 14 Missense ATP loop
(Stapelbroek et al., 2004)

Table 3.1

Prevalent mutations

Region AF (%) Protein Nucleotide RS Exon Type Domain

Poland 72 p.His1069Gln c.3207C > A rs76151636 14 Missense ATP loop

(Gromadzka et al., 2005)
7.3 p.Ala1135fs c.3400delC rs137853281 15 Premature stop ATP loop
3.7 p.Gln1351* c.4051C > T 20 Nonsense
Romania (Iacob et al., 2012) 38.1 p.His1069Gln c.3207C > A rs76151636 14 Missense ATP loop
Russia 49 p.His1069Gln c.3207C > A rs76151636 14 Missense ATP loop
(Ivanova-Smolenskaya et al., 1997)
Sardinia 60.5 c.-441_-427del 5prime Unknown Promoter
(Figus et al., 1995)
8.5 p.Met822fs c.2463delC 10 Deletion TM4/Td
7.9 p.Val1146Met c.3436G > A 16 Missense ATP loop
Serbia 38.4 p.His1069Gln c.3207C > A rs76151636 14 Missense ATP loop
(Tomic et al., 2013)
11.6 p.Met769fs c.2304dupC 8 Missense TM4
9.3 p.Ala1003Thr c.3007G > A rs1801247 13 Missense TM6/Ph
Spain 27 p.Met645Arg c.1934 T > G rs121907998 6 Missense Cu6/TM1
(Margarit et al., 2005)
Sweden 38 p.His1069Gln c.3207C > A rs76151636 14 Missense ATP loop
(Shah et al., 1997)
Turkey 17.4 p.His1069Gln c.3207C > A rs76151636 14 Missense ATP loop
(Ferenci, 2006; Simsek Papur et al., 2013)
5.3 p.Gly710Ser c.2128G > A rs772595172 8 Missense TM2
4.53 p.Gln457* c.1369C > T 3 Nonsense Cu4/Cu5
UK 19 p.His1069Gln c.3207C > A rs76151636 14 Missense ATP loop
(Coffey et al., 2013)
8 p.Met769Val c.2305A > G 8 Missense TM4
Yugoslavia (former) 48.9 p.His1069Gln c.3207C > A rs76151636 14 Missense ATP loop
(Loudianos et al., 1999)
11.4 p.Met769fs c.2298_2299insC rs137853287 8 Premature stop TM4
China 31 p.Arg778Leu c.2332C > T rs28942074 8 Missense TM4
(Gu et al., 2003; Z.-Y. Wu et al., 2003;
Wang et al., 2011; Wei et al., 2014)
10 p.Pro992Leu c.2975C > T rs201038679 13 Missense TM6/Ph
9.6 p.Ile1148Thr c.3443 T > C rs60431989 16 Missense ATP loop
3.3 p.Thr935Met c.2804C > T 12 Missense TM5
19 p.Arg778Leu c.2332C > T rs28942074 8 Missense TM4
North India
(S. Kumar et al., 2006; Gupta et al., 2007)
12 p.Ile1102Thr c.3305 T > C rs560952220 15 Missense ATP loop
9 p.Pro992His c.2975C > A 13 Missense TM6/Ph
South India 11 p.Ala1003Val c.3008C > T 13 Missense TM6/Ph
(Santhosh et al., 2006;
S. S. Kumar et al., 2012)
11 p.Cys271* c.813C > A rs572147914 2 Nonsense Cu3
9 p.Pro768Leu c.2303C > T 8 Missense TM4
9 p.Arg969Gln c.2906G > A rs121907996 13 Missense TM6
East India 16 p.Cys271* c.813C > A rs572147914 2 Nonsense Cu3
(Gupta et al., 2005)
11 p.Gly1061Glu c.3182G > A 14 Missense ATP loop
8.5 c.1708-1G > C rs137853280 5 Splice Cu6
West India 20 p.Cys271* c.813C > A rs572147914 2 Nonsense Cu3
(Aggarwal and Bhatt, 2013;
Aggarwal et al., 2013)
11 p.Glu122fs c.365_366delins 2 Ins/Del Cu1
6 p.Thr977Met c.2930C > T rs72552255 13 Missense TM6
6 p.Leu795Phe c.2383C > T 9 Missense TM4/Td
Japan 17.95 p.Asn958fs c.2871delC 13 Premature stop TM5/TM6
(Okada et al., 2000; Tatsumi et al., 2010)
16.7 p.Arg778Leu c.2332C > T rs28942074 8 Missense TM4
10.5 c.1708-5 T > G 5 Splice Cu6
Korea 37.9 p.Arg778Leu c.2332C > T rs28942074 8 Missense TM4
(E. K. Kim et al., 1998; Yoo, 2002;
G.-H. Kim et al., 2008; Song et al., 2012)
12.1 p.Asn1270Ser c.3809A > G rs121907990 18 Missense ATP hinge
9.4 p.Ala874Val c.2621C > T rs376355660 11 Missense TM5
8 p.Leu1083Phe c.3247C > T 15 Missense ATP loop
Lebanon 44.7 p. Ala1003Thr c.2299insC rs137853287 8 Missense TM4
(Usta et al., 2014)
Saudi Arabia 32 p.Gln1399Arg c.4196A > G 21 Missense After TM8
(Al Jumah et al., 2004; Majumdar et al., 2004)
16 p.Ser774Arg c.2230 T > C rs535217574 21 Missense TM3
Taiwan 29.6 p.Arg778Leu c.2332C > T rs28942074 8 Missense TM4
(Lee et al., 2000; Wan et al., 2006)
8.9 p.Pro992Leu c.2975C > T rs201038679 13 Missense TM6
4.8 p.Gly943Asp c.2828G > A 12 Missense TM5

Table 3.1

Prevalent mutations

Region AF (%) Protein Nucleotide RS Exon Type Domain

Thailand 10.52 p.Arg778Leu c.2332C > T rs28942074 8 Missense TM4

(Panichareon et al., 2011)
7.89 p.Leu1371Pro c.4112 T > C 20 Missense TM8
Iran 19 p.His1069Gln c.3207C > A rs76151636 14 Missense ATP loop
(Zali et al., 2011)
Egypt 42.2 IVS18 + 6 T > C c.3903 + 6C > T rs2282057 18 Splice
(Abdelghaffar et al., 2008;
Abdel Ghaffar et al., 2011)
40.6 p.Ala11140Val c.3419C > T 16 Missense ATP loop
26.5 p.Lys832Arg c.2495A > G rs1061472 10 Missense TM4/Td
USA 40.3 p.His1069Gln c.3207C > A rs76151636 14 Missense ATP loop
(Kuppala et al., 2009)
1.9 p.Asn1270Ser c.3809A > G rs121907990 18 Missense ATP hinge
1.9 p.Gly1266Arg c.3796G > A rs121907992 18 Missense ATP hinge
Brazil 37.1 p.His1069Gln c.3207C > A rs76151636 14 Missense ATP loop
(Deguti et al., 2004; Machado et al., 2008;
Bem et al., 2013)
31.25 p.Ala1135fs c.3400delC rs137853281 15 Premature stop ATP loop
11.4 p.Ala1135GlnfsX13 c.3402delC rs137853281 15 Premature stop ATP loop
p.Leu708Pro c.2123 T > C 8 Missense TM2
Costa Rica 61 p.Asn1270Ser c.3809A > G rs121907990 18 Missense ATP hinge
(Shah et al., 1997)
Venezuela 26.9 p.Ala1135GlnfsX13 c.3402delC rs137853281 15 Premature stop ATP loop
(Paradisi et al., 2015)
9.6 p.Gly691Arg c.2071G > A 7 Missense TM2

AF, allelic frequency; RS, Reference single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) cluster identification number.

Fig. 3.4. Prevalence of ATP7B mutation by geographic region; the darker the gradient, the higher the allelic frequency. (Repro-
duced from Gomes and Dedoussis, 2016, with permission from Taylor and Francis.)

the marked variability in phenotype of Wilson disease is partial preservation of copper-transporting function, per-
likely attributable to an amalgamation of genetic, meta- haps explaining the milder phenotypes associated with
bolic, and environmental factors (Leggio et al., 2006). certain mutations (Rodriguez-Granillo et al., 2008;
The most consistent genotype–phenotype correlation Dmitriev et al., 2011; Huster et al., 2012). Individuals
in Wilson disease is that the most severe, early-onset dis- with the R778L mutation have been shown to have an
ease with predominantly hepatic presentation is associ- earlier onset of disease and predominantly hepatic pre-
ated with mutations causing absent ATPase activity. sentation (Z. Y. Wu et al., 2003). In contrast, individuals
Convincing studies have demonstrated fulminant hepatic with the H1069Q mutation have a mean onset of symp-
disease in mouse models such as the toxic milk (tx) toms between 20–22 years old and predominantly neuro-
mouse and the Jackson tx mouse (txj), which harbor point logic phenotype (Stapelbroek et al., 2004; Kalita et al.,
mutations causing loss of ATP7B function, but not affect- 2010). There is also some evidence that Kayser–
ing ATP7B synthesis (Theophilos et al., 1996; Coronado Fleischer rings are more common in H1069Q homozy-
et al., 2001; La Fontaine et al., 2001; Huster et al., 2006). gous patients in Hungary at time of diagnosis than in
Genetic polymorphisms in ATP7B, other genes, and compound heterozygous individuals (Folhoffer
epigenetic factors have been shown to impact disease et al., 2007).
phenotype by affecting ATP7B protein structure and Moreover, pathogenic variants may affect ATP7B tar-
function. Of the over 600 mutations associated with Wil- geting from the TGN to cytosolic vesicles. For instance,
son disease, the majority are missense mutations that the p.Met875Val mutation results in a less stable protein
completely inactivate the copper-transporting function and causes reversible ATP7B localization defects. Under
of ATP7B (Lutsenko, 2014). In general, individuals with a low-copper environment, the p.Gly875Arg variant is
protein-truncating mutations have earlier onset of disease sequestered in the endoplasmic reticulum. However,
due to decreased protein stability and quantity (Merle addition of exogenous copper to the cellular growth
et al., 2010). However, other studies have demonstrated medium stabilizes the protein, allowing it to complete
its intended journey to the TGN and overcoming its raise the suspicion for epigenetic modifiers in Wilson
disease-causing phenotype. Theoretically, patients with disease. See Chapter 4 for more details about the genetic
this specific variant may be more sensitive to dietary cop- and environmental modifiers of Wilson disease.
per deficiency (Gupta et al., 2011).
The timing and location of copper buildup can also
preferentially alter the hepatic transcriptome, based
on homozygous ATP7B–/– mouse models. Proteomic The current gold standard of diagnosis for Wilson disease
analyses of mRNA profiles at each of these disease is direct Sanger sequencing of the ATP7B gene or molec-
stages reflect unique patterns (Huster et al., 2006; ular testing for previously identified familial mutations.
Ralle et al., 2010). In the initial stage, mRNA for pro- Historically, most pathogenic variants in ATP7B were
teins responsible for cell cycle regulation, splicing, identified using a combination of polymerase chain reac-
and cholesterol synthesis is present (Burkhead et al., tion (PCR)/restriction fragment length polymorphism
2011). This leads to early accumulation of copper (RFLP), single-strand conformation polymorphism
bound to metallothioneins in the cytosol and free copper (SSCP), denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis
in the nuclei. In the progressive stage, mRNA changes (DGGE), temporal temperature gradient electrophoresis
throughout the cell are present, including the endoplas- (TTGE), denaturing high-performance liquid chroma-
mic reticulum, mitochondria, and endocytic pathways, tography (DHPLC), and Sanger sequencing
causing copper to pathologically accumulate within (Loudianos et al., 1999; Shimizu et al., 1999; Margarit
hepatocytes. In the later stages, mRNA for lysosomal et al., 2005; Vrabelova et al., 2005; G. H. Kim et al.,
and endosomal proteins is upregulated. In these final 2008). The critical demerits of this complex tiered
stages, copper concentrations decrease in the cytosol approach are that the detection rate is not high enough
and nuclei, and accumulate in the membranous cellular to find most mutations and the turnaround time is often
compartment, causing bile duct proliferation and extended. Although regional clusters of specific muta-
hepatic neoplastic changes. Therefore, the location of tions have been well described, a customized screening
copper accumulation may convey more specific prog- approach taking into account these regional variants
nostic information about disease progression rather may be complicated by ethnically diverse populations
than total copper levels. and inaccurate clinical information provided with
Other studies have compared homozygotes to com- samples. Biochemical results are often imprecise, as ele-
pound heterozygotes of the same mutation to establish vations in urinary copper excretion tend to occur late in
genotype–phenotype correlations. A study of 76 mem- the disease process and fewer than 40% of presympto-
bers of a large, consanguineous Lebanese family showed matic patients excrete copper less than 100 mg/day
an association between c.2299insC and hepatic disease (Sternlieb and Scheinberg, 1968; Nakayama et al.,
and between the p.Ala1003Thr mutation and neurologic 2008). For these reasons, direct sequencing of the ATP7B
disease (Usta et al., 2014). gene has become the preferred standard and provides the
Other candidate polymorphisms that are thought to greatest yield in clinical molecular diagnosis. Please refer
modify the clinical phenotype of Wilson disease include to Chapter 14 for details about the diagnosis of Wilson
MTHFR (Gromadzka et al., 2005), COMMD1 (Weiss, disease.
2006), ATOX1 (Simon, 2008), XIAP (Weiss et al., Starting the diagnostic process with molecular testing
2010), PNPLA3 and hepatic steatosis (St€attermayer may significantly reduce the need for invasive liver
et al., 2012), and DMT1 (Przybyłkowski et al., 2014), biopsy. Liver copper content alone was found to be insuf-
although none of these genes has been demonstrated to ficient to exclude Wilson disease, as levels may not be
have significant diagnostic or predictive value. elevated in some affected patients. Based on several
Significant phenotypic variation of Wilson disease previous studies, biallelic pathogenic variants were
exists between individuals with the same mutation, indi- identified in about 80% of patients with biochemical
viduals within the same family, and even between mono- and clinical tests suggestive of Wilson disease. Currently
zygotic twins (Członkowska et al., 2009; Kegley et al., available screening tests may not definitively rule out the
2010). While some studies have documented high intra- disease, and no single test could permit de novo diagno-
familial concordance of clinical symptoms and biochem- sis. Of note, many patients may not possess the charac-
ical results (Hofer et al., 2012; Chabik et al., 2014; teristic findings and may present when their clinical
Ferenci et al., 2015), others have reported a wide range disease is relatively mild. Inappropriate treatment for
in age of onset and presenting symptoms amongst sib- false-positive cases has the potential of inducing copper
lings (Ala et al., 2007; Taly et al., 2007) and families car- deficiency, which can result in hematologic and neuro-
rying the same mutation (Takeshita et al., 2002). Indeed, logic sequelae (N. Kumar et al., 2003). These findings
disparate clinical presentations in monozygotic twins reinforce the need for reliable clinical diagnostic criteria
and underscore the benefits of DNA testing prior to inva- 3-year-old child (Wilson et al., 2000). Mutation analysis
sive procedures (Ferenci, 2005). has also confirmed late-onset disease, including the case
Multiplex PCR is used to amplify all 21 exons and of two siblings in their 70s – the oldest reported patients
splice sites of ATP7B, including promoter regions. so far at time of diagnosis (Nanji et al., 1997; Gupta et al.,
Although the large deletions or duplications cannot be 2005; Perri et al., 2005; Weitzman et al., 2014).
detected with this conventional Sanger sequencing ATP7B mutation analysis makes an important con-
method, the chance of these being present in Wilson tribution to clinical practice. Unfortunately, systematic
disease appears low (Stenson et al., 2012). If clinical genetic testing for Wilson disease is still difficult and
suspicion is still high with only one pathogenic variant fairly expensive due to the plethora of different muta-
identified, then multiplex ligation-dependent probe tions, the occurrence of regulatory mutations in non-
amplification (MLPA) test should be considered. Micro- coding sequence, the large size of the gene, and the
array-based comparative genomic hybridization is limitations of currently available methods. However,
another option to evaluate partial or full gene deletions technical advances allowing high-throughput screen-
or duplications with higher sensitivity. Cases with only ing could be applied to the disease (Bost et al.,
one pathogenic variant present should be carefully 2012; Lepori et al., 2012). This new apparatus can
reviewed in the context of other biochemical and clinical sequence six million basepairs of DNA per hour with
findings. Molecular genetic testing using direct mutation accuracy greater than 99%. Such advances might per-
analysis is very effective in identifying affected patients mit specialized laboratories to detect all variants by
and presymptomatic siblings of probands (Manolaki sequencing the entire genomic Wilson disease gene
et al., 2009). from patients, including not only the translated exons,
Wilson disease is an autosomal-recessive disorder, but also the important noncoding sequences that are
which means that there is a 25% chance that a full sibling not normally investigated.
of the index case is also affected. Once homozygous or Interpretation of variants of uncertain significance has
compound heterozygous mutations in ATP7B have been become a major challenge for accurate interpretation,
established in the index patient, mutation detection genetic counseling, and prevention. Screening family
becomes valuable in family screening. The same geno- members may help with the interpretation of variants
type in asymptomatic family members confirms diagno- of uncertain significance, but not all variants can be
sis of the disease, thus allowing for early treatment before resolved with this approach. Functional analysis is often
the onset of complications. In family members in whom necessary; however, no clinical functional analysis is
clinical and biochemical features are uncertain, the dem- currently available. A computational approach to predict
onstration of either heterozygous (carrier) or wild-type significance of mutations is often helpful, but a further
gene sequence prevents unnecessary treatment (Chang concrete model is required to demonstrate the efficacy
et al., 2007). in guiding clinical decisions.
If the proband has secured a diagnosis of Wilson dis-
ease on the basis of clinical and biochemical evidence,
but testing for ATP7B mutations is not available, family
screening can be done by haplotype analysis of polymor- The purpose of newborn screening is to identify treatable
phic markers flanking the disease gene (Thomas et al., congenital conditions that can affect a child’s long-term
1995b; Gupta et al., 2005; Przybyłkowski et al., 2014). health and development. Recent tandem mass spectrom-
In this instance, the rare possibility of recombination etry (MS/MS) applications have markedly expanded the
events (typically 0.5–5% of cases) needs to be consid- ability to screen for >50 metabolic diseases from a single
ered. The rate of recombination is dependent on which dried blood spot. In addition to the original Wilson–
flanking markers are studied. Microsatellite or single- Jungner classic screening criteria (Wilson and Jungner,
nucleotide polymorphisms in the ATP7B lateral wing 1968), the American College of Medical Genetics con-
are used for haplotyping, which is useful for screening vened the Newborn Screening Expert Group to develop
relatives of patients with previously identified familial a uniform screening panel in 2006 (American College of
mutations. False-positive results may occur if hap- Medical Genetics Newborn Screening Expert Group,
lotyping is used on patients with low-probability gene 2006). Of the primary tenants, Wilson disease is an ideal
recombinations. target for screening, given its relatively high prevalence
Genetic testing for ATP7B mutations can be valuable and availability of effective treatment (Hahn et al., 2002;
to confirm a diagnosis of Wilson disease, especially Roberts et al., 2008). Unfortunately, despite extensive
when presentation is unusual (Caprai et al., 2006). Atten- discussion on the need for population screening, no
tion has been drawn to this situation by the molecular cost-effective biomarkers or methods for early detection
confirmation of early-onset hepatic disease in a have been developed for Wilson disease yet. Several
small pilot studies have been conducted using cerulo- REFERENCES
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Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Vol. 142 (3rd series)
Wilson Disease
A. Członkowska and M.L. Schilsky, Editors
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Chapter 4

Genetic and environmental modifiers of Wilson disease

Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Internal Medicine, University of California Davis,
Sacramento, CA, USA
Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University Hospital of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany

Wilson disease (WD) is characterized by remarkable variety in its phenotypic presentation. Patients with
WD can present with hepatic, neurologic, and psychiatric symptoms combined in different and unpredict-
able ways. Importantly, no convincing phenotype–genotype correlation has ever been identified, opening
the possibility that other genes, aside from ATPase copper-transporting beta (ATP7B), are involved in the
pathogenesis of this condition. In addition, modifier genes, or genes that can affect the expression of other
genes, may be involved. Clinical and basic science data indicate that environmental and dietary factors can
potentially modify gene expression in WD and, consequently, its clinical presentation and course. In par-
ticular, previously studied genes include copper metabolism domain-containing 1 (COMMD1), antioxi-
dant 1 copper chaperone (ATOX1), X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis (XIAP), apolipoprotein E (APOE),
hemochromatosis (HFE), and 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR). Dietary factors
include iron and methyl group donors which could affect methionine metabolism and epigenetic mecha-
nisms of gene expression regulation. Most of the work conducted in this field is in its initial stages but it has
the potential to change the diagnosis and treatment of WD.


The major knowledge gap in Wilson disease (WD) is the An interesting candidate for a modifier gene is copper
lack of mechanistic understanding of the phenotype diver- metabolism domain-containing 1 (COMMD1). Defi-
sity and the responses to treatment despite the genetic ciency of COMMD1 causes canine copper toxicosis of
inheritance of ATPase copper-transporting beta (ATP7B) Bedlington terriers (Twedt et al., 1979; van de Sluis
mutations. Proteins other than ATP7B contribute to the et al., 2002; Klomp et al., 2003) that resembles WD,
molecular mechanism of copper excretion and mutations although ceruloplasmin levels are not decreased
or polymorphisms of these proteins might contribute to (Su et al., 1982) and there are no evident neurologic
WD, perhaps explaining the highly variable clinical pre- symptoms. The human orthologous gene was identified
sentation (Steindl et al., 1997; Riordan and Williams, on chromosome 2p13-16 and is distinct from the ATP7B
2001; Ala and Schilsky, 2011) and course of this disease. gene locus (van de Sluis et al., 1999).
This chapter will review the published data on concomi- As several studies confirmed a physical interaction of
tant genes and modifier genes as well as environmental COMMD1 with ATP7B (Tao et al., 2003; de Bie et al.,
factors that can have a role in WD phenotypic expression. 2006; Donadio et al., 2007), cohorts of WD patients were

Abbreviations used in the chapter are listed at the end of the chapter before References section.

*Correspondence to: Valentina Medici, MD, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,
University of California Davis, 4150 V St., Suite 3500, Sacramento CA 95817, USA. Tel: +1-916-734-3751, E-mail:
screened for alterations in COMMD1. So far no exonic Correspondingly, reduced copper levels are found in
mutations of COMMD1 have been found in patients cells and tissues of XIAP-deficient knockout mice
with WD (Stuehler et al., 2004) or other rare human cop- (Burstein et al., 2004). Four nonsynonymous coding
per overload diseases like Indian childhood cirrhosis, single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have previously
endemic Tyrolean infantile cirrhosis, or idiopathic cop- been described in the coding region of the XIAP gene
per toxicosis (Muller et al., 2003). Studies on known (Salzer et al., 2008; Serre et al., 2008); their physiologic
polymorphisms of COMMD1 in patients with WD role however remains unclear. In 98 WD patients
revealed conflicting results. In WD patients homozygous (Weiss et al., 2010), overall allele frequency did not differ
for the most common ATP7B mutation H1069Q, an significantly from previously reported panels. For all
association between a COMMD1 polymorphism and SNPs, statistical analysis did not reveal any correlation
onset of neurologic and hepatic symptoms was reported. to age of onset, clinical presentation (neurologic vs.
Onset of disease was significantly earlier for heterozy- hepatic vs. mixed vs. asymptomatic), or presentation as
gous patients at codon Asn 164 (GAT/GAC) than for fulminant WD (Weiss et al., 2010).
wild-type (GAT/GAT) (Stuehler et al., 2004). This could
only partially be confirmed by others (Weiss et al., 2006; APOE GENE
Bost et al., 2012).
Similarly to WD, several studies suggest that copper dys-
function and ATP7B variants influence the phenotypes of
neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease
The human homologue antioxidant 1 copper chaperone (Squitti et al., 2013). The presence of apolipoprotein E
(ATOX1) is an 8-kDa cytosolic protein that contains a (APOE) allele ε4 is associated with an increased vulner-
single copy of the highly conserved MxCxxC motif in ability of the brain to disease effects, whereas the pres-
the amino-terminus which is repeated sixfold in ATP7B. ence of APOE genotype ε3/3 appears to provide
This metallochaperone interacts directly with ATP7B moderate neuroprotection. In line with this concept,
(Hamza et al., 1999) and can regulate its copper occu- Schiefermeier et al. (2000) reported that the homozygous
pancy (Walker et al., 2002). By modulating the amount APOE ε3 genotype is associated with delayed onset of
of copper bound to the protein, ATOX1 has an impact WD signs and symptoms. In an independent cohort,
on intracellular localization (DiDonato et al., 2000), as Litwin et al. (2012b) reported that women with APOE
well as posttranslational modification and enzymatic ε4-positive genotypes presented earlier onset of WD
activity of ATP7B as a copper-dependent transcription symptoms, particularly among ATP7B p.H1069Q homo-
factor involved in cell proliferation (Vanderwerf et al., zygous patients. However, data on an association
2001; Itoh et al., 2008). However, in human cohort stud- between APOE genotype and WD clinical expression
ies, no significant nonsynonymous coding variations in conflict with other authors who do not confirm these
the ATOX1 gene were evident (Simon et al., 2008; findings (Gu et al., 2005; Kocabay et al., 2009).
Bost et al., 2012). A common polymorphism within
ATOX1 (5’UTR -99 T > C) was detected at expected fre- HFE GENE AND METAL TRANSPORTER
quencies of 49–57%. Based on these data, no major role GENES DMT1 AND ATP7A
can be attributed to ATOX1 in the pathophysiology or
Data in patients and in animal models of WD indicate
clinical variation of WD.
iron accumulation may contribute to the phenotype of
this condition. HFE (hemochromatosis) gene mutations
are associated with hereditary hemochromatosis and are
XIAP (X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein), a related to increased intestinal iron uptake. Two initial
well-characterized antiapoptotic protein, has been pro- case reports described concomitant presence of HFE
posed as a regulator of copper-induced cell injury. XIAP and ATP7B gene polymorphisms with corresponding
binds copper directly, followed by enhanced degradation hepatic iron and copper accumulation (Hafkemeyer
and blunted inhibition of caspases. Therefore, in addition et al., 1994; Walshe and Cox, 1998). A study of
to copper overload, copper binding to XIAP sensitizes 32 WD patients from Sardinia described iron and copper
hepatocytes for apoptosis (Mufti et al., 2006), which sug- metabolism indices, HFE mutations, and liver biopsies
gests an unexpected new pathogenic mechanism for (Sorbello et al., 2010). Six of the studied patients were
copper-induced cell damage (Mufti et al., 2007). heterozygous for the H63D mutation; none presented
It has also been hypothesized that XIAP plays a role C282Y and S65C mutations. Patients with HFE poly-
in maintaining cellular copper homeostasis by interacting morphisms presented with approximately double the
with COMMD1 and promoting its degradation (Burstein hepatic iron concentration compared to patients without
et al., 2004; Prohaska, 2008; Maine et al., 2009). HFE polymorphisms. Long-term anticopper treatment,
both zinc salts and chelation, was associated with hyperhomocysteinemia has not been described in WD,
improved alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels and the possibility that homocysteine or aberrant methionine
decreased hepatic iron concentration in HFE wild-type metabolism can affect the phenotype is interesting, as
patients, whereas ALT levels and hepatic iron remained homocysteine can pass the blood–brain barrier and can
stable in patients with HFE polymorphism. HFE muta- also have neurotoxic effects by interacting with copper
tions were also studied in 40 patients with WD compared (White et al., 2001; Linnebank et al., 2006). In addition,
to 295 healthy controls and there was no difference in methionine metabolism is closely related to mechanisms
allele frequencies for the C282Y and H63D mutations of DNA and histone methylation with potential conse-
between the two populations (Erhardt et al., 2002). Sim- quences for gene expression regulation.
ilarly, a larger study on 143 WD patients explored HFE
allele frequencies and did not find any significant differ- HUMAN PRION GENE
ence between WD patients and the general population
(Pfeiffenberger et al., 2012). Prion protein (PRNP) binds copper ion with low affinity
The prevalence of divalent metal transporter 1 (Brown et al., 1997) and may affect copper metabolism,
(DMT1) and ATPase copper-transporting alpha (ATP7A) especially in the central nervous system, where this pro-
mutations was also studied in patients with WD tein is highly expressed (Ford et al., 2002). The interac-
(Przybyłkowski et al., 2014), as DMT1 is involved in tion between copper and PRNP may have a protective
iron transport and ATP7A is involved in copper transport effect on neurons (Gasperini et al., 2015). Given this
in the intestinal epithelium. The study, which included background, Merle et al. (2006) studied the prevalence
more than 100 patients with WD, found an increased fre- of the PRNP polymorphism at codon 129 (M129V) asso-
quency of the DMT1 IVS4 C(+) allele in patients with ciated with age at disease onset and subsequent disease
WD compared to healthy controls, but no differences course in 134 patients with WD. The prevalence of the
according to hepatic or neurologic phenotype. ATP7A M129V genotype was similar in WD patients compared
alleles did not present different prevalence between the to a healthy control population. With respect to their clin-
two studied populations. The rationale for studying these ical presentation, patients with PRNP codon 129 result-
genes resides in two previous findings: increased tran- ing in homozygous methionine (129 M/M) were about
script levels of DMT1 in the brains of patients with 5 years older at disease onset and had neurologic presen-
Parkinson’s disease and in animal models of this condi- tation an average of 7 years later compared to carriers of
tion (Salazar et al., 2008), and increased mRNA tran- PRNP 129 V(+).
script and protein levels of duodenal ATP7A as a
possible compensatory mechanism after copper accumu- GENDER
lation (Przybyłkowski et al., 2013). As pointed out by a study from Litwin et al. (2012a), neu-
ropsychiatric presentation in WD is more common in
MTHFR GENE men than women and women develop these symptoms
at a later age than men. In a complex study on more than
A key enzyme in folate and methionine me- 1000 WD patients, Ferenci (2014) reported that gender
tabolism is 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase and age modify disease presentation specifically. Young
(MTHFR), which catalyzes the conversion of 5,10- females present more often with fulminant liver disease
methylenetetrahydrofolate to 5-methyltetrahydrofolate, (Ferenci et al., 2011) and males present more frequently
a co-substrate for homocysteine remethylation to with neurologic disease, whereas neurologic disease is
methionine. Mutations of MTHFR are associated with rare among children with WD (Ferenci, 2014). These
increased homocysteine levels, which may contribute findings may be related to hormonal changes but also
to greater severity of WD or to its phenotypic variability. to differences in iron accumulation and metabolism
Two-hundred and forty-five patients with WD were gen- (by menstrual iron loss), which are discussed below.
otyped for the two MTHFR polymorphisms, C677T and
A1298C, and genotype–phenotype correlations were
studied. The C667T genotype was more frequent than
expected according to Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. Studies in animal models and in humans show evidence
The C677T allele was associated more frequently with that copper accumulation and low ceruloplasmin levels
hepatic onset. The A1298C allele was associated with as well as long-term treatment of WD are associated with
younger age at presentation. MTHFR polymorphisms iron accumulation. There is a close relation between iron
were not associated with any difference in copper metab- and copper accumulation primarily derived from the fact
olism (Gromadzka et al., 2011). Even though these initial that ceruloplasmin is a potent ferroxidase, catalyzing the
observations were not explored in other populations and conversion of Fe2+ to Fe3+, and this activity is required
for iron cellular uptake (Attieh et al., 1999). Low cerulo- SAH is an inhibitor of almost all methylation reactions.
plasmin levels as presented in WD may thus result in iron SAHH is a bidirectional enzyme that regulates the pro-
accumulation. The other mechanism possibly underlying duction of homocysteine in the forward direction, while
iron accumulation in WD is related to long-term anticop- excess homocysteine promotes SAH in the reverse direc-
per treatment or overtreatment, probably associated with tion. Thus, SAHH may play a critical role in the regula-
reduced copper bioavailability, worsening hypocerulo- tion of methylation pathways; its inhibition could result
plasminemia, and, ultimately, iron overload (Schilsky, in an increase of its substrate SAH, with resultant inhibi-
2001). In a genetic animal model of WD, the Long– tion of gene methylation reactions, thereby potentially
Evans Cinnamon (LEC) rats, iron deprivation or phlebot- regulating the expression of genes involved in liver
omies prevented the development of acute liver failure injury. Dietary methyl groups are provided by either
and hepatocellular carcinoma, despite absence of hepatic betaine or choline which are abundant in spinach, beet,
copper treatment (Kato et al., 1996). In WD patients trea- cereals or eggs, liver, almonds, and broccoli.
ted with penicillamine for 3–8.5 years, there was evi- Copper is a major regulator of methionine metabolism
dence of hepatic iron accumulation and reduced through its effect on SAHH (Bethin et al., 1995). Copper
hepatic copper content over time. Phlebotomies in 2 inhibits SAHH in a noncompetitive manner since its
patients achieved lower serum ferritin and ALT levels binding to this enzyme results in the release of NAD+
(Shiono et al., 2001). Iron parameters were studied for cofactors (Li et al., 2007). Sahh hepatic transcript levels
a group of 40 patients with WD compared to healthy con- are downregulated in a murine model of WD character-
trol subjects. WD patients presented higher serum ferritin ized by spontaneous hepatic copper accumulation
levels than controls and a subgroup of WD patients with (Medici et al., 2013; Le et al., 2014). In addition, mater-
low ceruloplasmin presented higher ferritin levels than nal provision of methyl groups in the form of choline
those with normal ceruloplasmin (Erhardt et al., 2002). was able to increase Sahh transcripts to control levels,
A larger study of hepatic iron concentrations on indicating maternal diet can have an effect on gene
follow-up liver biopsies in patients with WD confirmed expression and epigenetic mechanisms of phenotype reg-
penicillamine treatment was associated with 3–10 times ulation in WD (Medici et al. 2014).
increased hepatic iron content compared to baseline,
whereas zinc treatment was not associated with signifi- OTHER DIETARY FACTORS
cant increase in hepatic iron concentration (Medici
Another study on the LEC rat examined the effects of die-
et al., 2007). However, iron studies were conducted on
tary fatty acids on peroxidative stress and histologic dam-
a subsequent larger study of 143 patients with WD
age. Polyunsaturated fatty acids, both n-6 and n-3 type,
(Pfeiffenberger et al., 2012). Interestingly, serum ferritin
were associated with fewer histologic features of hepati-
was lower in males with WD who also presented lower
tis and lower liver enzymes. Cyclooxygenase-2 hepatic
ceruloplasmin levels. Only 3 out of 27 patients who
transcript levels, a marker of inflammation, were down-
underwent liver biopsy presented hepatic iron concentra-
regulated in the group of rats receiving polyunsaturated
tion higher than the upper limit, all of them on chelating
fatty acids (Du et al., 2004).
agents at the time of the biopsy. Collectively, the direct
Another study explored the effects of mild zinc defi-
and indirect evidence points to the fact that iron may con-
ciency on the same animal model and the major finding
tribute to the phenotype of WD and monitoring of iron
was that LEC rats exposed to a zinc-deficient diet for
metabolism parameters should be considered in the
4 weeks developed acute liver failure at a younger age
long-term management of these patients.
compared to control rats (94 vs. 136 days of age)
(Saito et al., 2007). A diet rich in histidine was associated
METHYL GROUPS with reduced hepatic copper levels by 47% and increased
urinary copper excretion in LEC rats, with correspond-
Hepatic methionine metabolism regulates DNA and
ing reduced activity of the antioxidant enzyme Cu,
histone methylation reactions with potential conse-
Zn-superoxide dismutase (Xu et al., 2003). LEC rats
quences on gene expression regulation and disease
fed a soy protein-rich diet starting at 6 weeks of age pre-
presentation and course. The central players in methio-
sented 80% higher hepatic copper concentration and
nine metabolism are S-adenosylmethionine (SAM),
reduced survival compared to control mice (Yonezawa
S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH), and the bidirectional
et al., 2003).
SAH hydrolase (SAHH). SAM is irreversibly converted
to SAH by donating its methyl moiety to DNA methyl-
transferases. The SAM-to-SAH ratio is considered a
useful index of methylation capacity, as SAM is the uni- It is becoming evident from clinical and basic science
versal methyl donor for methyltransferase reactions and research that the phenotype of WD is affected by
genetic, epigenetic, and environmental factors. This can Du C, Fujii Y, Ito M et al. (2004). Dietary polyunsaturated
have implications for the neonatal screening, early diag- fatty acids suppress acute hepatitis, alter gene expression
nosis, and treatment of this condition. The fact that and prolong survival of female Long–Evans Cinnamon
maternal diet can affect the onset and progression of rats, a model of Wilson disease. J Nutr Biochem 15:
disease supports the indication of neonatal screening
Erhardt A, Hoffmann A, Hefter H et al. (2002). HFE gene
of WD. In addition, current anticopper treatments could
mutations and iron metabolism in Wilson’s disease.
be optimized by modifying dietary factors and could be Liver 22: 474–478.
tailored according to the presence of certain mutations Ferenci P (2014). Phenotype–genotype correlations in
and gene modifiers, ultimately improving disease patients with Wilson’s disease. Ann N Y Acad Sci
course and prognosis. 1315: 1–5.
Ferenci P, Weiss KH, Członkowska A et al. (2011). Gender
influences the clinical presentation of Wilson disease
ABBREVIATIONS (WD). Gastroenterology 140: S939.
APOE, apolipoprotein E; ATOX1, antioxidant 1 Ford MJ, Burton LJ, Morris RJ et al. (2002). Selective expres-
sion of prion protein in peripheral tissues of the adult
copper chaperone; ATP7A, ATPase copper-transporting
mouse. Neuroscience 113: 177–192.
alpha; ATP7B, ATPase copper-transporting beta;
Gasperini L, Meneghetti E, Pastore B et al. (2015). Prion pro-
COMMD1, copper metabolism domain-containing 1; tein and copper cooperatively protect neurons by modulat-
DMT1, divalent metal transporter 1; HFE, hemochromato- ing NMDA receptor through S-nitrosylation. Antioxid
sis; LEC, Long–Evans Cinnamon; MTHFR, 5,10- Redox Signal 22: 772–784.
methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase; PRNP, prion protein; Gromadzka G, Rudnicka M, Chabik G et al. (2011). Genetic
SAH, S-adenosylhomocysteine; SAHH, S-adenosyl- variability in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene
homocysteine hydrolase; SAM, S-adenosylmethionine; (MTHFR) affects clinical expression of Wilson’s disease.
WD, Wilson disease. J Hepatol 55: 913–919.
Gu YH, Kodama H, Du SL (2005). Apolipoprotein E genotype
REFERENCES analysis in Chinese Han ethnic children with Wilson’s dis-
ease, with a concentration on those homozygous for
Ala A, Schilsky M (2011). Genetic modifiers of liver injury in R778L. Brain Dev 27: 551–553.
hereditary liver disease. Semin Liver Dis 31: 208–214. Hafkemeyer P, Schupp M, Storch M et al. (1994). Excessive
Attieh ZK, Mukhopadhyay CK, Seshadri V et al. (1999). iron storage in a patient with Wilson’s disease. Clin
Ceruloplasmin ferroxidase activity stimulates cellular iron Investig 72: 134–136.
uptake by a trivalent cation-specific transport mechanism. Hamza I, Schaefer M, Klomp LW et al. (1999). Interaction of
J Biol Chem 274: 1116–1123. the copper chaperone HAH1 with the Wilson disease pro-
Bethin KE, Cimato TR, Ettinger MJ (1995). Copper binding to tein is essential for copper homeostasis. Proc Natl Acad Sci
mouse liver S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase and the U S A 96: 13363–13368.
effects of copper on its levels. J Biol Chem 270: Itoh S, Kim HW, Nakagawa O et al. (2008). Novel role of
20703–20711. antioxidant-1 (Atox1) as a copper-dependent transcription
Bost M, Piguet-Lacroix G, Parant F et al. (2012). Molecular factor involved in cell proliferation. J Biol Chem 283:
analysis of Wilson patients: direct sequencing and MLPA 9157–9167.
analysis in the ATP7B gene and Atox1 and COMMD1 gene Kato J, Kobune M, Kohgo Y et al. (1996). Hepatic iron depri-
analysis. J Trace Elem Med Biol 26: 97–101. vation prevents spontaneous development of fulminant
Brown DR, Qin K, Herms JW et al. (1997). The cellular hepatitis and liver cancer in Long–Evans Cinnamon rats.
prion protein binds copper in vivo. Nature 18–25; 390: J Clin Invest 98: 923–929.
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Burstein E, Ganesh L, Dick RD et al. (2004). A novel role for uitously expressed MURR1 protein is absent in canine cop-
XIAP in copper homeostasis through regulation of per toxicosis. J Hepatol 39: 703–709.
MURR1. Embo J 23: 244–254. Kocabay G, Tutuncu Y, Yilmaz H et al. (2009). Impact of apo-
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etiology. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 18: A52. Le A, Shibata NM, French SW et al. (2014). Characterization
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Copper-induced conformational changes in the N-terminal onine metabolism, gene expression, and global DNA meth-
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COMMD1 proteins. Febs J 274: 106. tion of NAD + cofactor. Biochemistry 46: 11451–11458.
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Add. ti: 1975 Dart. Appl. au: Ross Roy, Inc. © Chrysler Corporation;
20Sep74; MP26077.

Legacy of a dream. Richard Kaplan Productions. 29 min., sd., part
color, 16 mm. Appl. au: Martin Luther King, Jr. Foundation, Inc.
Prev. pub. 25Feb70, MP20745. NM: abridgement & editorial
revision. © Martin Luther King, Jr. Foundation, Inc. (in notice: The
Martin Luther King Foundation); 3Sep74; MP26078.

He was born, he suffered, he died. Stan Brakhage. 8 min., si.,
color, 16 mm. © Stan Brakhage; 22Oct74; MP26079.

Clancy. Stan Brakhage. 5 min., si., color, 16 mm. © Stan Brakhage;
22Oct74; MP26080.

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Gynecologists, Committee on Audiovisual Education. 19 min., sd.,
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X-rays. © The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists;
1Aug74; MP26081.

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color, 16 mm. © Amoco Production Company; 27Sep74; MP26082.

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color, 16 mm. Add. ti: Max Blunder, meet your chopper. © Amoco
Production Company; 10Oct74; MP26083.

The Direction of time. Produced with assistance from the National
Science Foundation by the Science Film Advisory Board & the Film
Production Unit, Iowa State University, 5 min., si., color, 16 mm.
Appl. au: Iowa State University of Science and Technology. © Iowa
State University a.a.d.o. Iowa State University of Science and
Technology; 1Oct74; MP26084.

Breast self-examination: a plan for survival, a lifetime habit. MIC,
Maternity, Infant Care—Family Planning Projects, The City of New
York, Department of Health. Made by William Claiborne, Inc. 9 min.,
sd., color, Super 8 mm. in cartridge. © Maternity, Infant Care—
Family Planning Project of New York City (in notice: Maternity,
Infant Care—Family Planning Projects, The City of New York,
Department of Health); 11Sep74; MP26085.

Hair model, revised. Alberto Culver Company, 1 min., sd., color, 16
mm. © Alberto Cuvler (sic) Company; 24Jun74; MU9017.

Model, revised. Alberto Culver Company. 1 min., sd., color, 16 mm.
© Alberto Culver Company; 24Jun74; MU9018.

Prime time. Lois Campbell Robb. 23 min., color. (Prime time) ©
Lois Campbell Robb; 26Jun74; MU9019.

W. C. Sidenius and the Lumia Theatre. Raymond M. Farrell, Jr.
238 ft. © Raymond M. Farrell, Jr.; 24Jun74; MU9020.

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Nemours and Company, Inc. 22 min., sd., color, 16 mm. © E. I.
DuPont De Nemours and Company, Inc.; 27Jun74; MU9021.

The Surgical treatment of hypernasality. J. Kenneth Chong. 600 ft.
© J. Kenneth Chong; 18Jun74; MU9022.

Prediction initiative: cerebral cortex and its areas. Teaching Films,
Inc., division of A-V Corporation. 18 min., color, 16 mm. (The
Anatomical basis of brain function) © Teaching Films, Inc., division
of A-V Corporation; 3Jul74; MU9023.

Ahmed, Middleton G. C. Train. 340 ft., color, 8 mm. © Middleton
G. C. Train; 19Jun74; MU9024.

Thicker. Alberto Culver Company. 1 min., sd., color, 16 mm. ©
Alberto Culver Company; 24May74; MU9025.

Hired help. Alberto Culver Company. 1 min., sd., color, 16 mm. ©
Alberto Culver Company; 24May74; MU9026.

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color, 16 mm. © Bermuda Department of Tourism; 2Aug74;

Vacant land. Lev Repin. 10 min. © Lev Repin; 5Aug74; MU9028.

At the Chukotski Sea. Lev Repin. 7 min. Add. ti.: At the Chuckchee
Sea. © Lev Repin; 5Aug74; MU9029.
Tundra is a wide road. Lev Repin. 10 min. Add. ti.: The Tundra—a
wide road. © Lev Repin; 5Aug74; MU9030.

Fencing for the blind. Julius Palffy-Alpar. 25 min., color, 16 mm.
© Julius Palffy-Alpar; 5Aug74; MU9031.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Monday, April 1, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 13Aug74; MU9032.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Friday, April 5, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 13Aug74; MU9033.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Thursday, April 25, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 13Aug74; MU9034.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Friday, May 3, 1974. CBS,
Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 13Aug74; MU9035.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Friday, May 17, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 13Aug74; MU9036.

It’s a duffer’s world. John Topol. 5 min. © John Topol; 27Aug74;

Birth control: your choice. New York State Coalition for Family
Planning. Made by Primary Medical Communications, Inc. 43 min.,
color. © New York State Coalition for Family Planning; 14Aug74;

Revisited. Joyce Borenstein. 8 min., sd., color, 16 mm. © Joyce
Borenstein; 11Jul74; MU9039.

Nautilus. Joyce Borenstein. 4 min., sd., color, 16 mm. © Joyce
Borenstein & Cindy Knapp; 11Jul74; MU9040.

Lure of the North. Bighorn Productions, Inc. 106 min., sd., 16 mm.
© Bighorn Productions, Inc.; 20Sep74; MU9041.

It happens in the streets. Robert E. Wall. 19 min., sd., color, 16
mm. © Robert E. Wall; 30Sep74; MU9042.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Tuesday, March 5, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 21Aug74; MU9043.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Wednesday, March 6,
1974. CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 21Aug74; MU9044.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Thursday, March 7, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 21Aug74; MU9045.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Friday, March 8, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 21Aug74; MU9046.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Wednesday, March 13,
1974. CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 21Aug74; MU9047.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Thursday, March 14,
1974. CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 21Aug74; MU9048.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Friday, March 15, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 21Aug74; MU9049.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Wednesday, March 20,
1974. CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 21Aug74; MU9050.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Thursday, May 23, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 21Aug74; MU9051.
CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Monday, March 25, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 21Aug74; MU9052.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Friday, March 29, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 21Aug74; MU9053.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Thursday, April 4, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 21Aug74; MU9054.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Monday, April 15, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 21Aug74; MU9055.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Tuesday, April 16, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 21Aug74; MU9056.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Wednesday, April 17,
1974. CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 21Aug74; MU9057.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Friday, April 19, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 21Aug74; MU9058.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Tuesday, April 23, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 21Aug74; MU9059.
CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Monday, April 29, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 21Aug74; MU9060.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Wednesday, May 1, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 21Aug74; MU9061.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Thursday, May 9, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 21Aug74; MU9062.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Wednesday, May 15,
1974. CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 21Aug74; MU9063.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Wednesday, May 22,
1974. CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 21Aug74; MU9064.

One seeing. Christian Science board of Directors. 15 min., sd.,
color and b&w, 16 mm. © Christian Science Board of Directors;
20Sep74; MU9065.

Stand like a man. Katsu Production Company, Ltd. 60 min., sd.
Add. ti.: Stand up like a man. © Katsu Production Company, Ltd.;
9Sep74; MU9066.

Octopus, eggs and young. New York Zoological Society. 27 min.,
si., color, 16 mm. © New York Zoological Society; 19Aug74;

Pre-gate, 1973. Gerald Wayne Powell. 435 ft. © Gerald Wayne
Powell; 26Sep74; MU9068.

Analysis and synthesis of sensations: parietal and occipital lobes.
Teaching Films, Inc., division of A-V Corporation. 23 min., color, 16
mm. (The Anatomical basis of brain function) © Teaching Films,
Inc., division of A-V Corporation; 16Sep74; MU9069.

Massage. Gordon Inkeles. 48 min., sd., color, 16 mm. © Gordon
Inkeles; 23Sep74; MU9070.

Primal windsong. Saint Vincent School. 38 min., sd., color, 16 mm.
© Saint Vincent School; 3Sep74; MU9071.

Space odyssey. Alberto Culver Company. 30 sec., sd., color, 16 mm.
© Alberto Culver Company; 7Oct74; MU9072.

After the rain. Alberto Culver Company. 30 sec., sd., color, 16 mm.
Add. ti.: Out of the rain. © Alberto Culver Company; 7Oct74;

Girl with a million. Alberto Culver Company. 30 sec., sd., color, 16
mm. © Alberto Culver Company; 7Oct74; MU9074.

Land of ahhhs. Alberto Culver Company. Rev. 30 sec., sd., color, 16
mm. © Alberto Culver Company; 7Oct74; MU9075.

Big can Veron. Alberto Culver Company. Rev. 30 sec., sd., color, 16
mm. © Alberto Culver Company: 7Oct74; MU9076.

Ted Zeigler and his folding dome meet Bucky Puller. Christopher
G. Casler. 4 min., sd., color, 16 mm. © Christopher G. Casler;
4Oct74: MU9077.

The Kiliwa: hunters and gatherers of Baja California. Ralph C.
Michelsen. 16 min., sd., color, 16 mm. © Ralph C. Michelsen;
27Sep74; MU9078.

Man’s humanity. Michael B. Hoggan. 8 min., sd., color, 35 mm. ©
Michael B. Hoggan; 29Oct74; MU9079.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Thursday, May 30, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 10Oct74; MU9080.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Thursday, May 2, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 24Oct74; MU9081.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Tuesday, May 7, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 24Oct74; MU9082.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Monday, May 13, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc., 24Oct74; MU9O83.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Tuesday, May 14, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 24Oct74; MU9084.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Thursday, May 16, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 24Oct74; MU9085.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Monday, May 20, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 24Oct74; MU9086.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Friday, May 24, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 24Oct74; MU9087.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Monday, May 27, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 24Oct74; MU9088.
CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Tuesday, May 28, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 24Oct74; MU9089.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Monday, July 8, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 23Oct74; MU9090.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Tuesday, July 9, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 23Oct74; MU9091.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Wednesday, July 10,
1974. CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 23Oct74; MU9092.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Thursday, July 11, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 23Oct74; MU9093.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Friday, April 26, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 29Oct74; MU9094.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Wednesday, April 24,
1974. CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 29Oct74; MU9095.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Thursday, April 18, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 29Oct74; MU9096.
CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Friday, April 12, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 29Oct74; MU9097.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Wednesday, April 10,
1974. CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 29Oct74; MU9098.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Monday, April 8, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 29Oct74; MU9099.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Thursday, March 28,
1974. CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 29Oct74; MU9100.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Wednesday, March 27,
1974. CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 29Oct74; MU9101.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Tuesday, March 26, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 29Oct74; MU9102.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Tuesday, March 12, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 29Oct74; MU9103.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Monday, March 11, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 29Oct74; MU9104.
CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Monday, March 4, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min. sd. © CBS, Inc.; 29Oct74; MU9105.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Friday, June 28, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 29Oct74; MU9106.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Tuesday, June 18, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 29Oct74; MU9107.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Monday, June 17, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 29Oct74; MU9108.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Tuesday, June 4, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 29Oct74; MU9109.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Monday, June 3, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 29Oct74; MU9110.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Thursday, February 21,
1974. CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 29Oct74; MU9111.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Friday, August 16, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 21Oct74; MU9112.
CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Thursday, August 15,
1974. CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 21Oct74; MU9113.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Monday, August 12, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 21Oct74; MU9114.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Thursday, August 8,
1974. CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 21Oct74; MU9115.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Monday, July 22, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 21Oct74; MU9116.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Wednesday, July 17,
1974. CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 21Oct74; MU9117.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Thursday, July 4, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 21Oct74; MU9118.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Wednesday, July 3, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 21Oct74; MU9119.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Tuesday, June 25, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 21Oct74; MU9120.
CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Wednesday, June 19,
1974. CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 21Oct74; MU9121.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Friday, June 14, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 21Oct74; MU9122.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Thursday, June 13, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 21Oct74; MU9123.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Wednesday, June 12,
1974. CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 21Oct74; MU9124.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Tuesday, June 11, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 21Oct74; MU9125.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Monday, June 10, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 21Oct74; MU9126.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Thursday, June 6, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 21Oct74; MU9127.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Wednesday, May 29,
1974. CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 21Oct74; MU9128.
CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Wednesday, August 14,
1974. CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 10Oct74; MU9129.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Tuesday, August 6, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 10Oct74; MU9130.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Thursday, August 1, 1974.
CBS, Inc., 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 10Oct74; MU9131.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Wednesday, July 31,
1974. CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 10Oct74; MU9132.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Tuesday, July 30, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 10Oct74; MU9133.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Monday, July 29, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 10Oct74; MU9134.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Thursday, July 25, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 10Oct74; MU9135.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Friday, July 5, 1974. CBS,
Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 10Oct74; MU9136.
CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Thursday, June 27, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 10Oct74; MU9137.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Monday, June 24, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 10Oct74; MU9138.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Friday, June 21, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 10Oct74; MU9139.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Wednesday, June 5, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 10Oct74; MU9140.

CBS evening news with Walter Cronkite, Friday, May 31, 1974.
CBS, Inc. 30 min., sd. © CBS, Inc.; 10Oct74; MU9141.

Fort Ross fire. Marjorie D. Martin. 12 min., si., color, Super 8 mm.
© Marjorie D. Martin; 25Oct74; MU9142.

We’re not afraid anymore. Parnassus Productions. 27 min., sd.,
color, 16 mm. © Stuart Arden d.b.a. Parnassus Productions;
26Sep74; MU9143.

College days. Gillette Company. 45 sec., sd. © The Gillette
Company; 1Nov74; MU9144.

Drugstore. Gillette Company. 45 sec., sd. © The Gillette Company;
1Nov74; MU9145.

Enthusiasm. Gillette Company. 45 sec., sd. © The Gillette
Company; 1Nov74; MU9146.

Recommend. Gillette Company. 45 sec., sd. © The Gillette
Company; 1Nov74; MU9147.

How it works. Gillette Company. 30 sec., sd. © The Gillette
Company; 1Nov74; MU9148.

Who done it. Gillette Company. 30 sec., sd. © The Gillette
Company; 1Nov74; MU9149.
Father of the bride. Gillette Company. 45 sec., sd. © The Gillette
Company; 1Nov74; MU915O.

Phantom blade. Gillette Company. 30 sec., sd. © The Gillette
Company; 1Nov74; MU9151.


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