Palestine Issue and Pakistan

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Palestine issue and Pakistan

The Palestine issue is a long-standing and deeply complex conflict

centered around the struggle between Israelis and Palestinians over
land, national identity, and political sovereignty in the region historically
known as Palestine. Pakistan has been a strong supporter of the
Palestinian cause since its independence. Here is a detailed exploration
of the Palestine issue and Pakistan’s role and stance regarding it:

Historical Background of the Palestine Issue

- **Ottoman Empire:** Before World War I, the region known as
Palestine was part of the Ottoman Empire.
- **British Mandate:** Following the war, the League of Nations
granted Britain the mandate to govern Palestine. During this period,
tensions grew between Jewish and Arab populations.

Creation of Israel
- **UN Partition Plan (1947):** The United Nations proposed
partitioning Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states, with
Jerusalem as an international city. This plan was accepted by Jewish
leaders but rejected by Arab leaders.
- **1948 Arab-Israeli War:** Following the declaration of the State of
Israel in 1948, neighboring Arab states, including Egypt, Jordan, and
Syria, invaded. The war resulted in significant territorial changes and the
displacement of a large number of Palestinians.

Key Conflicts and Issues

- **1967 Six-Day War:** Israel captured the West Bank, Gaza Strip, East
Jerusalem, and other territories. The occupation of these areas remains
a core issue in the conflict.
- **Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO):** Formed in 1964, the
PLO sought to create an independent Palestinian state. It gained
international recognition as the representative of the Palestinian
- **Oslo Accords (1993):** These accords led to mutual recognition
between Israel and the PLO and the establishment of the Palestinian
Authority. However, key issues like borders, refugees, and the status of
Jerusalem were left unresolved.

Pakistan’s Stance on the Palestine Issue

Historical Support
- **Early Support:** Since its inception, Pakistan has been a staunch
supporter of the Palestinian cause, advocating for the rights of
Palestinians to self-determination and statehood.
- **No Diplomatic Recognition of Israel:** Pakistan does not recognize
the State of Israel and has consistently supported Palestinian

Diplomatic and Political Actions

- **International Forums:** Pakistan has actively raised the Palestine
issue in international forums such as the United Nations, the
Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), and the Non-Aligned
Movement (NAM).
- **UN Resolutions:** Pakistan has supported various UN resolutions
calling for an end to Israeli occupation and the establishment of a
Palestinian state based on pre-1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its

Military and Humanitarian Support

- **Military Support:** Historically, Pakistan has provided military
training and support to Palestinian fighters. Pakistani military officers
have reportedly trained Palestinian guerrillas.
- **Humanitarian Aid:** Pakistan has provided humanitarian aid to
Palestinians, especially in times of conflict, such as during the Gaza
conflicts. Aid includes medical supplies, food, and other essential goods.

Current Dynamics and Pakistan’s Role

Bilateral Relations and Regional Alliances
- **Turkey and Saudi Arabia:** Pakistan has aligned itself with key
regional players like Turkey and Saudi Arabia, which also support the
Palestinian cause.
- **Recent Developments:** The normalization of relations between
Israel and several Arab states (e.g., UAE, Bahrain) under the Abraham
Accords has added complexity to Pakistan’s stance. Pakistan maintains
its position, emphasizing a resolution that ensures Palestinian rights.

Public Opinion and Political Consensus

- **Strong Domestic Support:** There is strong public and political
support in Pakistan for the Palestinian cause. Public demonstrations and
political statements often reflect solidarity with Palestinians.
- **Political Consensus:** Across the political spectrum in Pakistan,
there is a consensus on supporting Palestinian statehood and opposing
Israeli policies perceived as oppressive.

Potential Solutions and Pakistan’s Advocacy

Two-State Solution
- **UN and International Advocacy:** Pakistan advocates for a two-
state solution as per UN resolutions, which envisions an
independent State of Palestine alongside the State of Israel, based
on pre-1967 borders with East Jerusalem as the Palestinian
Human Rights and International Law
- **Support for Human Rights:** Pakistan calls for the protection
of Palestinian human rights and adherence to international
humanitarian law. This includes condemning Israeli settlements in
the occupied territories and any acts of violence against civilians.

Diplomatic Initiatives
- **Mediation Efforts:** Pakistan encourages diplomatic efforts to
mediate peace between Israel and Palestine. While it does not
have direct diplomatic ties with Israel, it supports international
mediation efforts, including those led by the UN, the EU, and
other global powers.

Pakistan’s unwavering support for the Palestinian cause is rooted in its
historical, political, and ethical commitments. By leveraging its
diplomatic channels and international alliances, Pakistan continues to
advocate for a just and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue,
emphasizing the importance of international law, human rights, and the
right to self-determination. Despite the evolving geopolitical landscape,
Pakistan remains steadfast in its support for Palestinian sovereignty and

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