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Cat & Mongkey

One day in the silent forest there is a cat named Komo. Komo live
alone in the forest, he was filthy, smelly, and dirty so the animals
in the forest away from him. He often mocked by his friends.

Once past the residence Komo buffalo. "What's that smell ?." said
the buffalo with annoyed face, then Gone hare will approach the
buffalo, "Hi rabbit ... if you do not smell the bad odor." Asked
buffalo to the rabbit, "Yeah you're right buffalo, I was smell the
bad odor around here. What's that smell is. "Replied the rabbit,"
Let's find out what the smell is sebernarnya. "Said the buffalo to
the rabbit.

Then they figure out the smell. It turns out the smell came from
the body of cats, after buffalo and rabbit knew they insult cat,
that the cat is an animal that is filthy, dirty and smelly. Hear the
word cat feel sad and embarrassed by other animals besides
buffalo and rabbit. Cats have been trying to improve himself, but
still could not because no one wants to help making it difficult to
clean the stains in his body. Because that's what makes cats
never show himself in public.

Once the cat food supply is running out so that the cat went to
find food in the forest, cats actually embarrassed with the current
situation will go into the woods, but what can we do, his food
supplies have been exhausted. Finally, the cat immediately went
into the forest to forage.
In the middle of his journey cat stuck in a trap placed by hunters
who intentionally used to catch wild animals in the forest. Cats
calling for help, "Please ... please ... !!!," said the cat, but still
nothing was heard screaming cats. Cats also grieve and cry for
help again, perhaps there is heard screaming, "Toolooong ...
tooolooong." Cry of the cat crying.

Some time later, Monkey Gone are also foraging in the forest.
"Monkey ... help me ..., I'm up here," said the cat to learn the
arrival of monkeys. Monkey was looking from where the voice
was that, finally the monkey was discovered the source of the
sound that was. Turns out it was a cat who was yelling for help
because he was hanging on a tree and his legs tied with a rope,
"Monkey help me ..." said the cat again, "Okay cat I'll help you"
replied the monkey.

Monkey was rushed untied the rope that is in a cat's paw, and
finally the cat was saved. "Thank you monkey because you
already want to help me," said the cat, then monkey replied, "No
thank cats, we're among friends should help each other." "You did
the best friend the monkey, not like the others." Said the cat he
lowered his head, "what about the cat with you?" said the
monkey. Then the cat tells things that happened to him, and
monkeys also intend to help the cat to clean himself. Cats also
was pleased to hear it. Then they went to the river to cleanse the
body of a cat. Monkey was cleaning the body of a cat with a very
clean, as clean they immediately return to the house.

Finally, the cat did not feel embarrassed because his body is
clean from dirt and odor. Feline friends would come near a cat,
her friends also feel guilty for the cat, and they apologized to the
cat. And now Komo already happy because he had many friends.

The End

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