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27/01/10 POLICIES & PROCEDURES REC-05-01-017

01/05/2013 RECEPTION

Subject: Room Keys Control 2 pages


Room Keys control is a vital component of guest security. It relates to the security of the hotel and our

With electronic key cards, the interface menu in most PMS Systems allows users to manage the status of
available features of the third-party systems that interface and interact with the PMS. The list of interfaces
may include PABX and other telephone systems, key cards and card lock systems, guest messaging
systems, video entertainment and movie systems, minibar systems, etc.

It is important to ensure that guestroom keys are issued with the hotel’s security in mind, and that any
problems are resolved in a timely fashion.


• When a guest comes to the desk requesting for a new room key, it is the responsibility of the
Receptionist to ensure the key is issued to the right person by following the below procedure:
− Ask for the room number and the guests name
− Ask for Photo ID – if not available verify location of photo ID, gain access to room and confirm
photo ID OR ask the guest identifying question which can be verified from their profile (e.g. Date
of Birth, address, phone number etc.)
− Ask for the reason of another key request. If two guests in a room you need to determine if you
are required to cut a new key or a duplicate key
− A duplicate key would be cut if the guest left the old key in the room. A new key is required if the
guest has had the key lost or stolen
− Check the PMS to identify correct room (cross check first name, departure date, number of
people in the room)
− Once all the checks are done, a new key card can be issued

• Under no circumstances is a key to be given without any checks being done, or given to a person
other than the registered guest. Should the hotel provide a key card system, it is mandatory to issue a
brand new key unless the guest is sharing a room in which case a duplicate key should be cut.


• If the hotel uses a manual key system, ensure that a key audit is done each evening and that a third
key is available for every room.
• Where no key is available, arrange for a new key to be cut with Engineering.

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RD-01-03 RD Ops Policy and Procedure - Security

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